["Your strength is good, but it's a pity that you can't compare with us." Shadow Demon glanced at Kyogoku Makoto on the ground, and said with some admiration in his tone: "But it would be a pity to kill a talent like you. Wait. After our army enters the country, we will turn you into our loyal subordinate."]

[With that said, Shadow Demon turned and walked towards the factory, but he soon saw people walking out of the factory. 】

[The brown hair turned into blonde, with red hair in front, and the right hand was Anku's body. 】

["Are you actually possessing Souta? But what's the use..." The shadow demon smiled disdainfully when he saw Souta or Anku like this.Although the driver had already been ejected when Souta was ejected from his body, after all, he didn't need such a thing to use the power of the knight.But what can Anku do now. 】

["Really? Souta." Anku reached out and touched the driver on his waist. His tone was very low: "Since we are ready to go, let's go together."]

[Three core coins flew out from Anku's body and fell into Anku's hands. Under a ray of red, yellow and green light, the crystal-like core coins changed. 】

[The three core coins that were originally red were as crystal-like, but now they are darker in color, and they have changed into red, yellow, and green from top to bottom.It looks more substantial. 】

[Putting them into the driver on his waist one by one, taking out the O-scan ring, Anku closed his eyes: "I'm about to do it, Souta..."]


["Taka! Kujaku! Condor!" The rotating coins turned into energy and appeared in front of Anku, and the colors of all the coins became darker. The colors were naturally three-color, and the sound effects also changed. It was the voices of Anku and Souta that sounded together. 】

["Taka! Kujaku! Condor! Ta~Ja~Dol~! Eternity! (Eagle, Tiger, Locust, Eternity!)" Powerful flame energy appeared from behind Anku, forming countless flame wings. These flame wings suddenly Wrapped around Anku's body. 】

[Then as the sound effects sounded, the flames exploded, and a pair of large and gorgeous flame energy wings appeared behind the knight who appeared.This effect is even more gorgeous and cool than the previous transformation when facing the ancient king. 】

[At this time, it should have become a bird-related group, but it looks different from the bird-related group. Although the helmet is similar to the bird-related group's helmet, it is more gorgeous, like the feathers of an eagle's wings. Of course the colors are also a little different.Three or four colors: red, yellow, green, and purple.The compound eyes are green, and there are eagle patterns on the forehead, but there is a yellow feather on the right side of the eagle. 】

[The chest armor has also undergone some changes. The shoulder armor has three more layers of red lines that gradually turn into gold. The lines on the chest are not the same as the bird pattern that turned from red to gold. The hand armor has not changed, but the pattern on the left hand is the same. The Hawk Sparrow Spinner has changed to one side. It is no longer translucent like before, but has become a very thick 'Haw Sparrow Eternal Spinner']

[There are a lot more details on the leg armor, and there are a lot more sharp green spikes on the knees, insteps, and heels. 】

[There are five long cloaks on the back that look like peacock tail feathers.Color is also composed of four colors: red, yellow, green, and purple. 】

[The Eternal Bird form can still be seen as having the basic Tatoba form, but it looks more powerful and domineering. 】

"Good... so handsome!"

"I declare this is my favorite form!"

The form of the Eternal Bird can indeed be regarded as the most handsome of all forms. It looks domineering and has a sense of youthful vitality. No wonder everyone is touting it.

Even the other knights thought this form was too handsome.

"What does eternity... have to do with Mo Chen?" Of course, some people are curious about what the eternity of the Eternal Bird has to do with Mo Chen's Kamen Rider Eternity?

"No, eternity represents the eternity of the bond between two people." The person who answered this question was Hikigaya Hachiman, but after the answer, Hikigaya Hachiman nodded with his fingers on the table; 'But... .Once one party disappears, this eternal miracle will completely disappear. '

["What?" The shadow demon did not expect that Anku in front of him could actually transform, and the transformed form was still a form he had never seen before. . 】

["Zouta...we're on board." Anku put his right hand on his breastplate and whispered, then opened his hands and rushed towards the shadow demon. 】

["Even so, you are no match for me." Although Shadow Demon was a little surprised by the Eternal Bird that he had never seen before, he did not feel that he would lose, so he also rushed towards Anku. 】

[However, Shadow Demon is a very despicable person. Although he rushed over, the purple tail spikes like braids hanging from his helmet directly stabbed the Eternal Bird like two sharp swords. 】

[The Eternal Bird was about to raise the Eagle Eternal Spinner on its left hand to block it, but the cloak-like feathers on its back flew directly towards the opponent's tail spines.Then the two collided. 】

Chapter 181 The Core Coin of Resurrection (End)

[The shadow demon's fighting ability is actually similar to that of the Eternal Bird. Because the shadow demon absorbs Souta's memory, it is also clear about Anku's fighting method. 】


["Bang!" Suddenly a punch hit the shadow demon's cheek, knocking the shadow demon back a few steps. This made the shadow demon very surprised: "What?"]

[Others may not be able to see it, but in the eyes of the eternal bird, Anku, they can see it. The one who attacked the shadow demon was naturally Souta.After Souta punched him, he turned around and glanced at Anku. Anku was slightly startled, seeing that Souta in front of him had disappeared. 】

[The Shadow Demon also reacted and wanted to continue attacking, but his fist was blocked by the Eternal Bird using the Eagle Eternal Spinner. Then the Eternal Bird punched out, and the Shadow Demon was about to withdraw and catch the Eternal Bird. fist, but this time he was caught again. 】

[Yes, of course it was Souta. Souta grabbed the shadow demon's arm with a grappling motion.Seeing this, the Eternal Bird was slightly startled, but then his fist hit the shadow demon's body. 】

["What's going on?" The shadow demon was also confused at this moment, and retreated a long distance, but he had Souta's memory, and he probably understood something: "Is it Souta?"]

["That's right." The Eternal Bird clenched his right hand and looked at the shadow demon in front of him: "Now I am fighting with Souta."]

["Damn it, I should have killed Zouta directly if I had known it." Shadow Demon was a little angry at this time, but there was no other way. He needed to read Zouta's memory. If Zouta really died, the memory would be It would be incomplete, and it ended up like this. 】

["Souta, let's go." Anku didn't talk too much to the shadow demon, but glanced at Souta. Souta nodded, and the two continued to attack. 】

[It’s the same as when I faced the ancient king, but this time it’s Souta who appears. 】

[The shadow demon is very powerful. 】

[Back then, the Ancient King absorbed all the core coins, as well as the core coins of the dinosaurs, and was also very powerful, but they were no match for the bird-type team. The shadow demon in front of him was indeed very powerful, even stronger than the Ancient King. Much more powerful. 】

[However, facing the bonding power of Anku and Zouta, the Evermarked Bird was also beaten and retreated. 】

["Damn it!" After being knocked away again, the shadow demon's body emitted a powerful purple light, and at the same time, the sky also darkened. 】

["Are you trying your best?" Anku guessed as he looked at the scene in front of him, but soon Anku realized something was wrong: "Are you trying to escape?"]

["Anku, stop him here. If he escapes with other core coins, there will be problems." At this time, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who had recovered some physical strength, ran out and shouted to the Eternal Bird. 】

["I know!" The Eternal Bird nodded, and then glanced at the Eagle Eternal Revolving Disk on his left hand. His body shook, and four core coins emerged from his body, and then three from the driver on his waist. The core coin of evolution also flew and entered the eternal gyration circle of the bird. 】

[I directly gathered my strength to launch Phoenix-shaped rainbow-colored flame bombs and attacked the shadow demon. After the shadow demon was directly interrupted, it flew out upside down, but a small black one also appeared in the sky. Wormhole. 】

["I won't let you escape." Upon seeing this, Anku opened the Eagle Eternal Revolving Disk, the coins returned to Anku's body, and the three eternal core coins returned to his belt. 】

["Souta..." Feeling the constant power in his body, Anku himself whispered: "Let's go."]

[Took out the O-scan ring and scanned the driver on his waist: "Scanning·Charge"]

[The colorful rainbow tail feathers appeared on the back of the eternal bird, and then the flame wings also appeared on the back of the eternal bird. The eternal bird was high, and next to the eternal bird, Souta's figure also appeared, next to the eternal bird. 】

[Anku and Souta looked at each other, then moved their feet together and landed together. 】

["Saiya!" The "OOO" glyph that passes through a large number of flames is transformed into claw-like feet surrounded by flames. The feet turn into the claws of an eagle, and six pairs of flame wings are covered on the back.The Eternal Bird grabbed the shadow demon fiercely. 】

【Boom! 】

[There was no such thing as a stalemate. The shadow demon exploded directly under the knight's kick. In the flames of the explosion, a strange purple-black mist exploded directly and was absorbed by him. The core coins also fell directly to the ground. 】

["Souta..." After the battle was over, the Eternal Bird fell to the ground, its colorful feathers fell, and stood up straight.I returned to that weird red space, but now there are many purple cracks in this red space, and it looks like this space is about to be broken. 】

[When Anku turned around and was about to say something to Souta, Souta pushed Anku out without hesitation. 】

[Anku returned to Yamada's body, immediately stood up, and ran towards Souta, but Souta fell to the ground at this time, and the blood could not be stopped at all, and Ipami's hand holding Souta was already I burst into tears. 】

["Mahiru...I'm sorry." Souta was saying goodbye to Ipami at this time.And Anku ran directly to Souta, reached out and grabbed Souta's arm: "Souta..."]

["Anku, it's great...to meet you." The trembling Souta looked at Anku and showed a reassuring smile: "Now, I completely believe that my wish has come true. ”]

["My resurrection..." Anku was also crying at this time. "I have made a profit by choosing you, there is no doubt about it."]

["Well...I've always wanted to see you. Finally...my hand...finally holds it." Hearing this, Souta forced a smile, reached out and grabbed Anku's arm and returned it. There is Yibo's arm: "We...finally meet..."]

[Before he finished speaking, Souta's hand dropped weakly. 】

["Souta!" Ipo wanted to wake up Souta, but Souta was completely dead. 】

[Anku's hands trembled slightly, crossing Souta's eyes, causing Souta to slowly close his eyes without closing his eyes.Then he tremblingly put Souta's glasses on him, "You...idiot."]

[The end of the picture is Anku crying. 】

[The final scene stayed on the ruins, and the lyrical singing of 'Anything Goes!' rang out]

【Kamen Rider OOO Story·End! 】

talk later

Okay, this volume ends here.

Although this post-day talk was only posted after I finished writing the interlude.

However, this volume actually has some similarities to the original Kamen Rider OOO.But most are different.

And there are also a lot of foreshadowings buried here.

There have also been many cases of other knights.

I am not very satisfied with this volume. First of all, there is too little interaction between Souta and Anku.

There is a reason for this, that is, the results are too poor!

Everyone jumps too much.

I really want to cry.

Also, I am in love, so I spend more time in love and less time coding.

But don’t worry, I’ve adjusted it, but I may have two updates for a few days in early April, and will resume three updates later.

Then, there is the point about the final outcome.

This is one reason why one of Anku and Souta must die.This incident is also a foreshadowing.

The next volume is Fourze with Kaguya-sama as the main character.

As for the plot, of course it will be very different.

To be honest, Fourze may be a little affected by the protagonist's hair style, but it is really a good work.

If you're in Fourze's volume, there will be other knights intruding in, but this time it's a one-off, it's a school after all...

Okay, I won’t talk much and write more in the future.

The interlude of the original knights VS the modified knights will be placed later. It will be fun to write when there are more knights.

Chapter 1 Doomsday

'Youth is a lie and a sin. Those who praise youth often deceive themselves and the people around them, and look at everything in their environment positively. Even if they commit some heinous mistakes, they regard it as a symbol of youth, depicting For a page in memory...'

'Originally I thought this was my youth, but the scene in front of me made me break away from my high school life. '

'The ground is full of ruins caused by the explosion, and the weather has been groggy. It's like the end of the world. No...it should be said that it's the end of the world. '

'After all, this world no longer belongs to humans. '

The sky is like dusk, the slums have only been seen on TV, the human beings are gray and have a numb expression on their faces, and there is a fearful expression on the children's faces.Ji

'This is how the world is. Hikigaya Hachiman sighed inwardly as he looked at the row of people waiting for food in front of him.

"Xiaoqi... there is only some porridge left. If this continues, our food will be completely insufficient." At this time, Yuigahama Yui walked behind Hikigaya Hachiman and said softly.

"Yeah." Hikigaya Hachiman just nodded, still showing his dead fish eyes, and handed out porridge to the people in front.It is said to be porridge, but it is actually more like rice soup. There is not much rice in it.

There was not a big crowd, and when the big pot in front of me reached the bottom, it was all finished.

However, there was another child who did not come to line up. She had already finished lining up.But that small bowl of rice soup is not enough nutrition for a child.

Hikigaya Hachiman was silent for a moment when he saw this. He glanced at the bowl of rice porridge beside him, picked it up and took a sip, then put it on the table with dissatisfaction: "It really tastes bad!"

The sound was loud, which made many people look over, but everyone's eyes were numb.There was no emotion like resistance.

"Xiaoqi..." Yui from behind was a little worried and wanted to say something, but Yukinoshita Yukino, who just walked out, saw this and stretched out her hand to stop Yui.

"There are still people who drink such a terrible thing." Hikigaya Hachiman said as if he was mocking and glanced at the group of people in front of him, and finally focused on the little girl: "Come here, kid!"

The little girl walked up to Hikigaya Hachiman with some fear and trembling. Hikigaya Hachiman threw the bowl to the little girl as if it was a reward: "You actually eat this kind of food that only pigs can eat." . Rewarded to you."

The little girl left with the bowl in her arms.

Seeing such a scene, Hachiman glanced at the group of people in front of him, made sure that the little girl had finished eating, then turned around, picked up the big pot and left.

After returning to a temporary cabin at the back, Hachiman breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaoqi, why did you say that just now?" Yui asked after entering the room.But Hachiman was washing the pot: "It's nothing, I just feel that way."

"But Xiaoqi..." Yui wanted to say something, but when she saw Hachiman washing the pot, she couldn't say it. Yukino, who was sitting on the other side and recording something on the note, turned to look at Yui and Hachiman.

Liu Mei frowned slightly.

She had just heard those conversations, but she understood why Hachiman did what he did.

If Hachiman directly gave the girl such food, the girl might be isolated by this group of people, and by doing so, Hachiman would transfer the hatred of the other party to Hachiman himself.

"There's not enough food. I plan to leave for the city in the evening." After washing the dishes, Hachiman sat in front of the two girls.

"No, it's too dangerous. Hayama and the others went there for three days and didn't come back." Yui said excitedly after hearing this. Yukino also frowned, obviously not supporting it.

"I will bring this." Hikigaya Hachiman looked at a silver box on the side of the room.

"But..." Yui remained silent.

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