All three were silent.

"I'm going to hold a masquerade party." At this time, Yukinoshita Yukino said: "The remaining humans need some encouragement... so I plan to hold a masquerade party to inspire everyone."

"Can it be successful?" Yui said worriedly.

"There are very few real good people and bad people in this world. Most of them are ordinary people. They usually go with the flow, but at critical moments they will show their fangs out of self-protection... It is precisely because of this that it is scary, but it is also this way that human beings can Unity." But Hachiman said this at this time, and then lowered his head and said: "Now we have no choice."

"Yeah...we have no choice."

"Why did such a thing happen?" Yui's eyes were already filled with tears at this time. Seeing this, Yukino hugged Yui.

When Hachiman saw this scene, he walked out of the room and looked at the dust in the sky.

"Would you like a cigarette?" A man walked up to Hachiman, holding a pack of cigarettes in his hand, took out a cigarette, and placed it in front of Hachiman.

"Mr. Qianqiao." Hachiman looked at the long-haired young man who appeared with some surprise: "Are you back?"

"Yes." The young man named Ganqiao nodded and said, "But the world is in a mess now, and the only remaining human beings in this country are now here with you. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know either." But Hachiman shook his head: "In the end, I'm just a high school student."

"He's a high school student." Gan Qiao smiled, and then lit a cigarette for himself: "But you are very different. You can use that thing, which is beyond my expectation."

Seeing this, Hachiman leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

They were originally just a group of high school students. When they went on a school trip, they just passed a torii gate and appeared in this...collapsed world.

If Hachiman and Hayama hadn't obtained that thing, maybe a group of them would have died here.

Finally, a young man named Gan Qiao led them to this place, where humans gathered.

Three days ago, there was not enough food here. One of the classmates, Hayama, Miura, and Tobe, set out for the human city. This was decided by drawing lots.

But it has been three days, and there has been no response at all. There was still contact on the first day, but there was no contact at all on the second day.

This made everyone nervous, even Hachiman.But there was no other way, so they took over Mr. Qianqiao's job and prepared lunch for everyone.There is no time at all.

And because of their presence, Mr. Qian Qiao often goes out without knowing what to do.

Chapter 2 Kaixa

"Why can I use that thing?" Hachiman asked after a moment of silence.

"Who knows." Gan Qiao stopped, but took a puff of cigarette and said, "You said before that you planned to go to the city?"

"Well, there isn't enough food. If this continues, everyone will starve to death without waiting for food." Hachiman nodded.

But Gan Qiao smoked a cigarette and said, "Okay, but bring a belt."

Hachiman nodded, then looked at Qianqiao and asked again: "Did you get any information this time?"

"Do you want to know?" Qianqiao suddenly asked at this time, looking at Hachiman with his black eyes: "What will you do if you know?"

"Do something?" Hachiman was silent for a while, closed his eyes and then opened his eyes: "Do nothing."

After hearing Hachiman's answer, Qianqiao smiled and patted Hachiman on the shoulder: "I'll leave it to you."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Gan Qiao, how are Hayama and the others doing now?" When Gan Qiao was about to leave, Hachiman called to Gan Qiao.

Hayama has been away for three days, and now that he has lost contact, Hachiman is actually very worried.

After hearing Hachiman's question, Qianqiao thought of something. He took out a silver box from somewhere and threw it to Hachiman: "They can't come back yet, but there is no problem with their lives. He doesn't need this thing." On."

Hachiman took the box, opened it and looked at it. Inside was a silver belt with golden patterns.

"Kaixa (Caesar) drive? Could it be that he..." Seeing this drive, Hachiman's expression changed slightly. He raised his head to ask Qianqiao, but when he raised his head, Qianqiao had disappeared, which made Hachiman's face confused. A slight change.

Entering the room, Hachiman handed the silver box in his hand to Yukino. The moment Yukino opened it, his expression suddenly changed: "Why is it in your hand?"

"Mr. Qianqiao just came back and handed him over to me." Hachiman simply said, and then picked up the silver box on the other side: "I'm going to the city now."

"But..." Yui wanted to stop Hachiman, but Yukino on the side patted Yui on the shoulder and said, "Let him go."

Yui listened to Yukino's words.

Hachiman left here alone on a silver motorcycle decorated with red lines. Looking at Hachiman leaving, the two girls had nothing to say and began to enter the house.

After walking out of this area, he drove through a ruined land, entered a forest, and passed through the forest.

A noisy city appeared in front of Hachiman.Under the helmet, Hachiman was a little shocked.Because this feels completely different from the previous apocalypse.It looks like a very modern city.

It was completely different from the previous doomsday feeling.It's like a different world.

When the motorcycle entered the city, no one questioned him. Hachiman easily found a supermarket and bought a lot of things from the supermarket.Hachiman took a big box and tied it to the back of the car, bought another newspaper and left the city.

It was already dark when the motorcycle returned to that doomsday-like place. There were no dark clouds in the sky, but no stars could be seen.

Here, Hachiman found several people standing at the door of the house where he currently lived.

"Hikigaya, you're back."

"Hayama, you're back." The two of them said almost the same words, but Hachiman seemed very calm, while Hayama looked a little excited.

"Well, I'm back." Hachiman took off his helmet and took down the box from the back of the motorcycle.

At this time, Hayama stood in front of Hachiman: "Hikigaya, please help me persuade Yukino quickly."

"Persuade?" Hachiman's tone was a little confused, but he still moved the things into the room, and then walked out and looked at Hayama: "What to persuade."

"I found the leader of Offei Enoch who controls this world, Mr. Murakami. He promised that we can accept everyone, and you don't have to stay here." What Hayama said at this time made Hachiman a little confused.

However, Yukino's face was cold: "I don't believe there is a free lunch in the world. Before, they wiped out all human beings and this is the only place left."

"But Mr. Murakami promised me, and when someone wanted to snatch my belt, it was Mr. Murakami's men who saved me." Hayama explained.

Why would Hayama say this?

Time moves back a few days.

"Hayato, although we said we came out to find food, are we going to do this?" Tobe looked at Hayama in front and asked quietly, and Hayama also shook his head: "I'm not sure now, but I'd better find this first. Somewhere else in the world. Yuiko, what do you think?"

"I don't know." Miura Yuko also shook her head.

After all, they are just high school students. If not for the insensitive nature of everyone in the camp, they would be afraid that the other party would starve to death, so they were selected by drawing lots.

"And he must have cheated compared to Penguin." At this time, Tobe muttered.On the other hand, Ye Shan showed a helpless smile.

In fact, Hachiman's purpose at the beginning was actually very simple, that is, to let himself go, and other people would not have to go, but Hayama discovered this situation, and then brought up the matter of the lottery, and everything was controlled by Hayama, but I didn't expect that it would turn out like this.

"Hikigaya-kun is not that kind of person, okay Tobe, let's go." While speaking, the three of them walked out of the forest, and then the three of them were surprised by the city in front of them.

However, the three of them had heard about Ofei Enoch from Ganqiao before, so the three of them did not dare to enter the city directly. Instead, they prepared to enter the city from an abandoned factory.

But not long after entering the city, three pale, insect-like people appeared not far away: "Give us the belt in your hand."

"Is this Aoife Enoch?" Hayama's face was slightly pale, but he still opened the silver box he had been carrying, and inside was the belt called the Kaixa (Caesar) drive.

Hayama carried it on his waist, took out the flip phone from the silver box, opened the cover by rotating it, and entered the number 931 at the same time. The phone immediately rang: "standing·by"

Then he closed the phone, pinched it with the fingers of his right hand and held it in front of his left chest: "henshin!"

Finally, he inserted the phone into the drive on his waist.


Yellow light shines

Chapter 3 Leo

Under the yellow light, yellow energy lines appeared around Ye Shan's body, and then formed a set of armor.

It is somewhat similar to the armor of 555, but the difference is that the photon blood on the body is yellow.And the visor is X-shaped.

Kamen Rider Kaixa (Caesar) Appears

"You guys step back a little first." Ye Shan reached out and grabbed the neck of his breastplate, twisted his neck and said to the two people behind him. The two nodded and moved back a little.

"Huh..." After exhaling, Ye Shan rushed forward, and his fist collided with the monster named Ao Fei Enoch in front of him.

However, it can be seen that Hayama's fighting ability is actually a bit poor, and his fighting ability is only on par with the two Ofei Enoch in front of him.

"Bang bang bang..." Several energy bombs hit Ye Shan's back, knocking Ye Shan away.

After Ye Shan rolled on the ground several times, he looked up and saw that several more people were walking over from the other side, including humans and Aoife Enoch.

"I didn't expect that the discarded belt would actually be in your hands. Okay, the children's game of house is over, please return the belt to us." Aoife Enoch, who took the lead, said, and at the same time, the five or six humans around him unexpectedly The body also took the form of Orpheus Enoch.

"Hayama, there are too many people. Let's retreat first." Tobe said with some fear when seeing so many Ofei Enoch appearing.

"You leave first, I'll take the lead." When Hayama saw so many Ofei Enoch, he knew it was very dangerous and shouted to Tobe and Miura.

But there was no way to escape, because several people appeared on the other side, and their eyes were on Tobe and the others.

"Damn it! Why is this happening?" Ye Shan rushed forward as if he was desperate, but in the end he was faced with four or five Enochs. Caesar was no match at all. He was quickly thrown away and fell to the ground. The transformation was released in front of Tobe and Miura.The belt also fell next to several people.

Ofei and Enoch gathered around, and Hayama wanted to protect Tobe and Miura behind them.But it's obviously unlikely.

"Get out of my way!" At this moment, a cold voice came from the sky, and a white knight with a jetpack came from the sky and landed directly in front of Ye Shan and others.

The main body of this knight is white, with blue photon blood lines on his body, and he looks very capable and powerful.

"Who are you?" Ye Shan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and curiously asked the knight in front of him.

The knight tilted his head slightly, glanced at Ye Shan with his purple compound eyes, then turned to look at the group of people in front of him, and then without hesitation, he pulled out two blue weapons from the flying weapons behind his back. The lightsaber swiped directly.

Extremely fast and ruthless.

This knight's attack method is almost a one-hit kill.

Almost all the guys in this circle were killed within ten seconds, leaving only dust with blue flames on the ground.

"Are you?" Hayama was stunned, but when the Kamen Rider stopped and turned to look at him, Hayama also reacted.

"Leo..." The white knight released his transformation and revealed his lower body.

"Aren't you the student council president?" Seeing the appearance of the white knight, Tobe immediately recognized the other party's identity. There was a joint festival of the three schools before, and all the presidents showed up.

And the true identity of this knight is actually Mo Chen!

"Student Council President? My name is Leo. I will protect you according to President Murakami's request. At the same time, I will lead you to see him." Mo Chen... No, it should be said that this person named Leo said English.

"What?" Tobe actually didn't understand much, but Hayama and Miura did.Miura briefly explained it to Tobe.

"Do you want to go?" The three of them discussed, but Leo did not urge him, but waited, and focused on the belt not far away. He walked over and was about to pick up the belt.

At this moment, a wolf-shaped Ofei Enoch suddenly jumped over, kicked Leo in the abdomen, and kicked Leo away.Then he grabbed the belt on the ground in his hand.

"...Who are you!" Leo looked at the wolf-shaped Aoife Enoch in front of him, and took out his belt and mobile phone.

"I can't leave this to you." Wolf-shaped Enoch glanced at the Caesar drive in his hand and said softly.

"Then it seems that cleaning you up is also within the scope of my work."

"standing·by" Leo opened his phone and entered 315, then threw it and reached out to borrow it: "henshin!"


"Kamen Rider Psyga (Celestial Emperor)?" Wolf-shaped Aoife Enoch saw this and started fighting with Kamen Rider Celestial Emperor, but in the end, Kamen Rider Celestial Emperor felt like he had lost.

The wolf-shaped Aoife Enoch retreated a long distance, and then jumped away directly.

The Emperor wanted to chase after him, but in the end he didn't and looked at the stunned Ye Shan and the other three people.

The wolf-shaped Aoife Enoch jumped to a place, canceled the transformation, and transformed back into... Qianqiao.

"This world... is really similar." After whispering something like this, Qian Qiao put away the belt in his hand: "Next, there will be some trouble... I don't know if there is any... Sora. Otherwise, go find Zhuang Wu. I hope it’s too late.”

On the other side, Hayama and others were brought to the so-called President Murakami.

"It's you." Looking at the guy with only one head left in the culture tank, Hayama recognized him.

Many days ago.They had seen this guy when they first arrived in this world.

It is even said that this guy became like this because of the role of Hayama and Hachiman.

"Don't be so nervous. We are actually not enemies. I don't know what you call us?" President Murakami chuckled.

"Hayama Hayato!"

"Yumiko Miura!"

"Tobe Sho!"

The three of them introduced themselves, but they still looked a little tense.But it's much better than preparing to fight from the beginning.

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