[Soon it was Eiriri and Sakuma Tumei's turn to take the stage. 】

[It’s a very simple content, Sakuma Tumei sings, Eiriri also sings the accompaniment, and Eiriri also dances. 】

[Although Ying Lili is a homebody, as the daughter of an ambassador, she still has many talents. She is not very good at dancing, but she can dance well. 】

["You mean, Sawamura-san was attacked yesterday?" Shirogane Miyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya were communicating in a low voice below. 】

["Yeah. And..." Shirogane Miyuki nodded. Just when he was about to explain yesterday's situation, something suddenly changed on the stage. Sakuma Tumei, who was singing, suddenly covered her throat, looking like It was as if something had grabbed his throat, and then he fell to the side.Then he was thrown towards the side of the stage.left the stage. 】

[Eiriri was also frightened by such a scene, and then prepared to see Sakuma Tumi's condition, but as soon as she stepped forward, she was knocked away by something and landed on the ground.There were also some small wounds on the cheek. 】

["Is it the Disciple of the Star Constellation?" Baiyin Yuxing ran up immediately upon seeing this. 】

Chapter 14 Duplicity!

[Baiyin Yuxing also has his own way to deal with the invisible worm.When running onto the stage, Baiyin Yuxing took out a clinker bag from his pocket. There was something like white dust inside the clinker bag.Spilled out directly. 】

[It is filled with chalk dust and is worthless.But it's enough. 】

[When the chalk dust was scattered, the invisible figure of the zodiac dragon also appeared. 】

[However, after being discovered, the Sagittarius jumped directly and fled outside. 】

["Shinomiya, please take care of Sawamura-san." Shirogane Miyuki said to Kaguya, who was also running up on the side, and then ran out after Yuzuo. 】

[Just when Kaguya Shinomiya stepped forward, the monitor on the stage suddenly started playing something. 】

["What is this?" There were many people watching below, which can be said to be nearly half of the people in the entire Xiuzhiyuan. Then they saw the place on the monitor that was obviously a candid photo. The first content was when they returned to school, Eri-ri. The picture of throwing away the love letter. 】

[This is actually okay. After all, in school, it is normal for someone to not accept anything after confessing their love. Although throwing it in the trash can is a bit bad, the latter one caused a lot of discussion. 】

[First, I went to the animation store to sell things, bought something, and then the next scene was that the things in the bag were R18 books and games. 】

[This has somewhat changed everyone's attention, because here at Foot Pot Chicken, otakus are the kind of candidates for criminal service. 】

[Then another screen appeared...]

[Directly revealed what happened to Yinglili before. The general content is about someone's dog licking and what students would do before. 】

"Wow! Explosive killing..."

"In this case, Sawamura probably won't be able to survive in Shunoin, right?"

"But who is behind this time?"

"Why is she targeting Sawamura? Could it be that... she is the kind of person whose boyfriend was stolen by Sawamura?"

"Maybe he's someone who likes Mo Chen?"

"Think about it, there are quite a few people who would target Yinglili."

No matter what country you are in, being a dog licker does not have a good reputation, and because you are a dog licker, you are pushed out of your job. In a place like Foot Pot Chicken, you are the most vulnerable person to be ostracized.

So after the video appeared, Yinglili's situation was actually not very good. Although Mo Chen did speak out before, the effect was only average. There was no problem in the video, but the current situation in the video Yinglili still has to reveal this secret.

"I can hold on." Although Yinglili blushed a little, in the previous revelations, although her identity as a otaku was also exposed, but she was just looking at things and selling things, and nothing she did was exposed. Now this has been exposed again.

But even so, Yinglili still felt that she could survive it.

Because after going through those things, I must be able to handle it.

["Stop, you stinky lizard." Baiyin Yuxing shouted as he chased the bastard outside and took out the drive at the same time. 】

["President..." Zuo Zi also stopped running and turned to look at Baiyin Yuxing behind him: "I don't want to fight you, I just want to expose that duplicitous woman. ”]

["That's not possible." Baiyin Yuxing put the driver on his belt and turned on the red switch: "Everyone has a side that he doesn't want others to see. Why do you want to expose it?"]


["Because that woman does one thing on the outside and does another behind the scenes, it's really disgusting." The dragonfly said with a bit of roar. 】




[After transforming into Fourze, he attacked towards the zodiac sign.The scorpion sticks out its tongue, which is like a whip and shoots out like a bullet. 】

[Fourze dodges and prepares to charge forward, but the attack speed of the Dragonfly is too fast, and the tongue is really like a bullet.Before he even got close, Fourze was knocked away. 】

[When Fourze got up, the peduncle had disappeared. Seeing this, Fourze punched the ground: "Damn it, did you let her run away?"]

[Fourze canceled the transformation and hurried back, but when he entered, he saw that the crowd was talking a lot. Anyway, they were all talking about Eiriri's problem, and Eiriri had already passed out and was being carried by Shinomiya Kaguya. When they arrived at the infirmary, Shirogane Mikado stepped forward to replace Shinomiya Kaguya. 】

[Arrived in the infirmary, Shirogane Mikado asked Shinomiya Kaguya what happened. 】

["Is that so?" After hearing this, Baiyin Yuxing frowned slightly: "No wonder the Sagittarius Seat said it was different from what it said before."]

["President, do you think so too?" Shinomiya Kaguya asked curiously. 】

["Of course not." Baiyin Yuxing shook his head: "I still think everyone has things that everyone wants to hide, but I really didn't expect that this was the case before. No wonder the three schools joint festival before At that time, President Mo Chen handled everything by himself."]

["Then what should we do next, president?" Shinomiya Kaguya asked, holding her face. 】

["Let's find out the identity of Jizuo first, and then deal with this matter." Baiyin Yuxing said and looked at Eirili and said: "There should be a place in our student union..."]

["President, do you want to drag it into the student union?" After hearing what Shirogane Mikayuki said, Shinomiya Kaguya asked in surprise. 】

["The current situation of Sawamura-san in Shunoin is not very good. I am thinking of bringing her into the student union. This may slowly change everyone's minds, and there are also many otakus who watch anime in the school." Shirogane Yu Xing made such a decision. 】

["Just like Ishigami?"]

["Yes, but as for what happened with that man before...this matter is not easy to deal with. But I believe that Sawamura-san will make a good choice and forget everything if there is time." Shirogane Yu That's all I can say. 】

[However, what Shirogane Yuyuki did not notice was that when he was discussing with Shinomiya Kaguya, Eiri had slowly opened her eyes, with confusion in her eyes. 】

[Shirogane Miyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya did not stay here for long, and they still had to deal with subsequent incidents. 】

Chapter 15 The hard-working Baiyin Yuxing

["So that's it. So Sakuma-san, it's best to check your body to see if there are any injuries or anything like that." Shirogane Miyuki and Sakuma Tumee are talking, but it seems that Sakuma Tumee doesn't have any wounds at all. , Baiyin Yuxing's eyes swept across the opposite neck. 】

["Thank you, President, for your concern, I will..." Sakuma Tumei smiled and nodded, then looked over and asked with some concern: "By the way, Eiriri..."]

["She's fine, let's go to the infirmary now." Shirogane Miyuki said goodbye to Sakuma Tumee and then reunited with Shinomiya Kaguya. 】

["I didn't expect that everyone would find it hard to accept this matter." Shirogane Mikado and Shinomiya Kaguya returned to the student union room. Shirogane Mikaru sighed helplessly, and then leaned on the sofa. 】

["After all, everyone is disgusted with this kind of thing, but now it seems that it will be difficult to deal with tomorrow." Shinomiya Kaguya also sighed: "But Sawamura-san probably won't appear tomorrow."]

["Secretary Fujiwara has gone to help with the investigation. Let's go to the moon rabbit cabin now." Shirogane Miyuki still wanted to train. 】

["Where are the files?"]

["It's almost done in the afternoon."]

[The two came to the Jade Rabbit Cabin together, and Shinomiya Kaguya went to sort out the data and prepare to debug the next switch. 】

[About half an hour later, when Shinomiya Kaguya turned around and wanted to discuss it with Shirogane Mikaru, he did not find Shirogane Mikaru.At this time, Chika Fujiwara also opened the door and walked in: "I'm back..."]

["Will Fujiwara-san grow up outside?"]

["No?" Chika Fujiwara asked curiously: "Isn't the president here?"]

[Kaguya Shinomiya thought for a moment, then opened the closed window so that he could see the outside. He soon discovered that Shirogane Yuyuki had turned into Fourze at this time and was training using the jumper of switch No. 9.A circle was formed on the ground, and then it kept jumping and falling back into the circle. 】

[After training for more than half an hour, Baiyin Yuxing returned to the Jade Rabbit Cabin. 】

["President, please use..." Shinomiya Kaguya handed over the towel, and then the three of them sat on the chairs and began to talk about this matter. 】

["Something is not easy to handle, President..." Fujiwara Chika looked a little troubled: "Eiri's behavior in school has always been that of an elegant young lady, and there are many people who admire her. But the current situation makes everyone feel that Yinglili is a... bad girl."]

["It can only be changed by time." Baiyin Yuxing didn't have a good way. The way to deal with this kind of thing can only depend on Yinglili's choice. 】

["So about the constellation of the Saphiridus?"]

["Although Eiri-chan has the temperament and behavior of a young lady, it is very common in our school. Under such circumstances, I don't know who will take action against Eiri-chan." Chika Fujiwara He scratched his head and said: "Eiri-chan just came to school not long ago. That is to say, she entered the art club and became the ace, but she didn't do anything else."]

["So do you have any friends around you?" Shirogane Miyako suddenly asked Sakuma Tumei's neck for some reason. 】

["Yinglili just came here, and she doesn't have any good friends."]

["What about...Sakuma Tumei?"]

["Sakuma-chan? I remember that she and Eiri-chan were at the same table. They were in the dance club at first, and then...it seems that she quit the dance club for some reason."]

"Is Shirogane Goyuki guessing that it might be Sakuma Tome?"

"It's unlikely that Sakuma Tumee was attacked before, right?"

"It's still possible. Although Sakuma Tumee was attacked before, she was grabbed by the throat and fell to the side."

"But Shirogane Miyuki also noticed that Sakuma Tumee's neck was not strangled."

"Kudou, what do you think?" Looking at the comments on the Internet, Hattori Heiji looked at Conan, and Conan touched his chin and said: "Isn't it obvious? It's naturally Sakuma Tumei."

"It seems you think so too." Hattori Heiji nodded, and then smiled: "At this level, you can easily understand it. After all, there are too many loopholes."

"The student council president has also discovered it, and it will probably be dealt with soon."

[It was getting dark, everyone was out of school, and the people in the student union were the last to leave, but even so, Shirogane Miyaki and Fujiwara Chika were the first to leave the room, and then...]

"Miss, I'm here to take you home." A girl with blond hair and blue eyes wearing Xiuzhiyuan clothes was waiting at the door. 】

["Thank you for your hard work, Hayasaka. By the way, how is the situation of Sakuma Tumee who asked you to help investigate before?" Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and asked. 】

"Yes, I have collected all the materials you requested." The girl named Hayasaka nodded, took out the document from her schoolbag and handed it to Shinomiya Kaguya, who looked at it for a while and then said: "Send it to the president later."]


[Time passed very quickly, and soon it was noon of the next day, which was the time for the third speech of the beauty pageant. 】

[Shirogane Yuxing was watching from below, and soon it was Yinglili’s turn, but Yinglili did not appear. 】

[Seeing this, Sakuma Tumei, who was backstage, smiled and stepped forward, "The next step is my performance." '】

["Eiri-chan was injured yesterday, so..."]

["I'm here." Just when Sakuma Tumee came on stage to speak, Eiriri's voice suddenly sounded from behind everyone, and everyone looked behind them. 】

[Eiri is leaning on a cane and has a bandage on her face, standing behind everyone: "I'm here. Eiri Sawamura announced that she will participate in the third speech."]

[Everyone made way for Yinglili, but everyone was talking quietly, and looked at Yinglili with strange or contemptuous eyes. 】

[Feeling these gazes, Yinglili's body trembled a little, but she still walked in front of everyone step by step, tried to crawl, and almost fell to the ground, but finally climbed onto the stage. 】

["..." Upon seeing this, Sakuma Tumei withdrew from the stage, holding something in her pocket. 】

["My name is Sawamura Eiri!" Eiri turned her head and looked down, directly greeted those eyes and spoke slowly...]

Chapter 1 Sick... yandere?

["My name is Sawamura Eiri!" Eiri's voice silenced everyone.Fortunately, this is an aristocratic school, so there was no booing or anything like that. 】

["I am indeed a otaku... I have always hidden my identity in the past, because I know that in everyone's eyes, I am a preparatory criminal. But that is my hobby, novels, comics, animation The stories written in it moved me. Just like everyone’s hobbies like dancing, singing, etc.”]

["No matter what hobby it is, as long as it does not affect other people, then any hobby is a personal matter." Yinglili said this matter loudly as if she had exhausted all her strength. 】

[Everyone looks a little surprised, but actually... In addition to these young masters and young ladies, even ordinary students will watch anime and stuff. However, it is a trend in this country to target otakus.The main reason is that the public opinion outside the home is really bad.Cheating on old age, not working or anything like that. 】

[Just like flower growers, many people call themselves homebodies, but everyone only refers to the kind who stay at home after working or studying and never go out.The otakus here at Foot Pot Chicken are completely the kind of people who chew the old people, don’t go out, don’t work, and are messy. 】

["There is also the matter of letters. I have only transferred here a while ago. I will not accept letters of confession, and I have no intention of falling in love. Whether it is sending a letter or talking face to face, I have already expressed it. I don’t think there is any other way to deal with it other than discarding it.”]

[The matter of throwing letters is really just an appetizer. Although it is a bit bad, it is impossible to take it back. Generally speaking, young ladies give it to the attendants and let the attendants throw them away.It is estimated that the person who played the video at the beginning was just an appetizer. 】

[It can only be said that three things are superimposed.It will indeed lead to the existence of school bullying. 】

["Finally..." Yinglili closed her eyes and said, "I did do something wrong. I only cared about myself and forgot everything around me. I couldn't see the things in front of me clearly. This thing is true!" 】

[In the past, the third incident was only narrated by someone. If the possibility of this kind of thing was clarified as false by Yingli herself, after everyone calmed down, they might think it was false, but Yingli did not expect it. Li actually admitted it directly. 】

["Kaguya-chan, this doesn't seem to be easy to handle." Chika Fujiwara, who was behind Shinomiya Kaguya, whispered: "If Eiri-chan doesn't admit it, it will be easy to handle, but Eiri-chan admitted it."]

["Leave it to her." Shirogane Miyuki crossed his arms and said to Shinomiya Kaguya next to him.At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya's cell phone lit up slightly. Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at it and then nodded, whispering something into Shirogane Miyuki's ear. 】

["I understand, I'll leave the rest to you." Shirogane Yuxing said to Shinomiya Kaguya, and then withdrew from the crowd. 】

[Yinglili admitted this matter. 】

[This caused the people below to talk a lot, and at the same time they all wanted to hear what Ying Lili had to say. 】

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