[This time Yinglili briefly explained her past events. 】

["...I escaped because I didn't want to lose the friend I considered a friend. I unilaterally thought that this might be able to save me, but now I understand...lost is lost. Even if the cracks are healed, there are still traces of them. It’s still there. I won’t deny these things, I will keep walking forward with my head held high.”]

[Looking at Eiriri above, she bowed slightly after finishing her words, but the audience was completely silent. Shinomiya Kaguya was the first to applaud.In fact, Yinglili's words came from the heart.Indeed, it also made many people understand Yinglili's current determination.After someone took the lead in applauding, everyone started to applaud as well. 】

[Tumei Sakuma, who was in the background, looked at the applause below, frowned slightly, and took out the switch from his pocket. 】

【"Last One"】

["Wait a minute!" Shirogane Miyuki just ran over and saw the switch in Sakuma Tumee's hand. Just as he was about to say something, Sakuma Tumee had already pressed the star apprentice switch in her hand. 】

["Ah!" Sakuma Tumee turned into a dragonfly. Sakuma Tumee's body was wrapped in a cocoon, and after the transformation and contact with the dragonfly, she glanced at Shirogane Goyuki, and then suddenly Jumping up, Yinglili was bowing below, and the cockroach stuck out its tongue and tied Yinglili up in one fell swoop. 】

["Damn!" Baiyin Yuxing punched the side, then quickly took out the hamburger set, inserted the switch, turned the burger set into a robot, and immediately let it chase after him. 】

"Yinglili has indeed opened her eyes. This is not bad."

"Yes, even though I have experienced a lot, if you look at it this way, I can still admire you."

"How can it be so simple to look away? As she said herself, even if the cracks are healed, the traces will still be there. Although time will erase everything, there are many things that will not be erased."

"If you look at it this way, Yinglili will be much stronger in the future."

"That's a good thing, isn't it?"

"I just didn't expect Sakuma Tumee to be the mastermind behind it."

"Isn't she and Yinglili very good friends?"

"Sisters who are clinkers are spending time together. Isn't this kind of thing very common?"

["What is your purpose?" Yuzuo appeared in a classroom with Yinglili. After being frightened, Yinglili calmed down a bit and asked Yuzuo. 】

["You let me know what I did, but you didn't hurt me. Do you just want me to be ostracized by everyone?" Yinglili was also curious. When the dragonfly attacked her before, there was clearly a chance to kill herself directly, or It was a serious injury, but it was because he was knocked out while performing his talent yesterday.Although it seems serious, just rest for a few days and it will be fine. 】

["That's right, Yinglili, the two of us are partners... so come with me." Before, the voice of Jizuo was very rough and it was difficult to tell the difference between male and female, but at this time, Yinglili could hear what was happening in front of her. The identity of this monster: "Juhui?"]

["That's right, it's me..." Sakuma Tamae, who is also a member of the family, did not deny it: "Let's become the best partners together."]

["Why?" Yinglili felt like she had been betrayed by a very good friend. 】

["That's because Sakuma Tumee was just like you before, she was also ostracized..."]

Chapter 17 The incident is over!

["That's because Sakuma Tumei was just like you before, she was also ostracized..." The sudden voice made both Yuzu and Eiri look over in surprise.The locked door opened, and then the panting Baiyin Yuxing opened the door and walked in, leaning against the blackboard. 】

["Stop it, Sakuma Tumee-san." Shirogane Miyuki looked at Yuzuo: "You didn't attack Eiriri directly, but instead made her endure a similar situation to you. Since you are friends, you shouldn't be mutually exclusive. Do you understand?"]

["Because only after we understand each other can the two of us become true friends." Sakuma Tumi's words made Eiri feel like she had goosebumps.Isn't this just a pure yandere? 】

["Same situation as me?" However, Yinglili still looked at Baiyin Yuxing curiously. 】

["Well, Sakuma-san, who was originally from the dance club, was misunderstood before you entered the school. Although it was finally confirmed that it was just a mistake, she had no friends at all at that time, and you became Her friend. And her only friend." Baiyin Yuxing explained. 】

【"Is that right?"】

["Shut up!" After hearing what Baiyin Yuxing said, the dragonfly ignored Yinglili's surprised expression, and then launched an attack on Baiyin Yuxing.Baiyin Yuxing had been running over at this time, and he still looked a little tired. When he saw the Jiaozuo attacking, Baiyin Yuxing dodged left and right, pushed open the window, and jumped out. 】

[This place is not high, it is only the second floor, and there are trees below. Baiyin Yuxing grabbed the branch, then turned over and fell to the ground. Before he could stand still, another anti-roll dodged the grasshopper seat. attack.At the same time, he put on the driver on his waist.Four buttons were pressed. 】

[The picture of "3" is on top of the grasshopper seat that just retracted its tongue. 】

["2" The screen shifts to the face of Erili running to the window on the second floor. 】

["1" finally moved to Shirogane Yuxing's left hand clenching his fist and placing it diagonally in front of him, with his right hand holding the handle of the Fourze driver at his waist.Push hard: "henshin!"]

[Raise your right hand high and open it towards the sky. Then the light of the driver on your waist lights up. The metal circular energy formed by the energy is derived from the driver, one goes up and one goes down, covering the silver royal line inside. At the same time steam bursts out. 】

[After the steam dissipated, the energy ring also disappeared and transformed into Fourze. 】

["The universe is coming!" After the transformation, Fourze clenched his fists with his hands in front of him, made a horse stance with his feet, then stood up straight with his head open.shouted. 】

["Sakuma-san... no, let me wake you up, Jubilee." Fourze pointed his finger at the Jubilee in front of him, and then rushed forward. 】

[And upon seeing this, the figure of the zodiac dragon quickly turned transparent and disappeared. 】

["Invisible?" Fourze was naturally prepared accordingly. 】

["Radar" pressed the radar switch, and traces of the radar appeared on Fourze's left hand. The invisibility of the Lycoris is not true invisibility, but invisibility using the refraction of light, so using radar directly can Be able to pay attention to the other person's existence. 】

[With the help of radar, it is normal for Fourze to dodge the attack from the Galleon.Seeing that his ability had no effect, the dragonfly stopped being invisible. 】


["Are you fighting with speed again?" Fourze dodged several attacks, but was still stopped for a moment. After retreating a certain distance, he turned off the radar switch, and then took out switch No. 9 and replaced it. The switch was pressed at the same time: "Hopping"]

["Is it in this form again? You can't master it at all." He saw Fourze using the jumper yesterday, but Fourze couldn't master it at that time. 】

["I've tried my best too." Fourze said, then jumped up and bounced quickly.Every time the attack landed, it directly hit the opponent. The opponent wanted to dodge, but no matter how he avoided it, Fourze's jumper quickly hit the opponent. 】

["How is it possible?" He said obviously in disbelief. 】

["As I said, I have worked very hard. So..." Fourze once again used the jumper to hit the pedestal, knocking the pedestal away, then flew into the air and took out the drill bit The switch turned on the rocket head and drill bit switches in mid-air.At the same time, he pushed the handle of the Fourze driver at his waist. 】

【"Rider Rocket Drill Kick!"】

[Fourze penetrated the body of the Grasshopper Seat. This time, he did not stop like last time. Instead, he quickly fell to the ground. His left hand was resting on his left knee. The explosion of the Grasshopper Seat was behind him. The huge explosion had no effect at all. 】

["Huh..." Turning around, Fourze picked up the cosmic switch that fell in the explosion and pressed the button. 】

["The matter is over here." Fourze reached out and touched his helmet, then looked up to the second floor, where Yinglili was looking over, and Fourze gave a thumbs up. 】

[Seeing this, Yinglili also gave Fourze a thumbs up. 】

[On the other side, after the switch was destroyed, Sakuma Tumei also woke up.She looked a little dazed. 】

["Jue, you are really an idiot." Eiriri came in from the outside at this time, looked at Sakuma Jue and said arrogantly: "We are friends, as long as you don't break up with me. , we have always been friends, haven’t we?”]

["But Eiriri..." Sakuma Tumi was obviously not as persistent as before at this time, but blushed slightly and wanted to say something. 】

["I boldly admitted it." Yinglili said directly: "I have done those things, but you have not done it, so you must tell everyone loudly that you have not, you are not .”]

["...Hmm!" After hearing Eiriri's words, Sakuma Jue finally showed a smile, but her face was still very pale. 】

["When you take good care of yourself, I will stay with you!"]

Chapter 18 Actions of the Parties

["Then this is the one who joined the student union today, Sawamura Spencer Eiri. She will serve as an executive member. Everyone is welcome."]

[At noon the next day, Shirogane Miyuki introduced Eiri to everyone in the student union.And Yinglili also said calmly and generously: "Senior sisters, just call me Yinglili. Please give me your advice in the future."]

["Okay, Eiri-chan is here too, that's great!" The happiest person was naturally Chika Fujiwara. 】

["Thank you, Chika-san, and congratulations to you, Chika-san, for becoming No. 1 in this beauty contest." Eiriri smiled and thanked Fujiwara Chika.The No. 1 in this beauty pageant is Fujiwara Chika. 】

["Hey, hey, if Kaguya-chan participates in the competition, then Kaguya will definitely be No. 1." Chika Fujiwara also said with a smile. 】

["Okay, now let's go to the Moon Rabbit cabin first." Baiyin Yuxing smiled and clapped his hands and said: "Since Yinglili also knows our situation, then let Yinglili join us. With Yinglili With help, I think it will be much easier for us in the future.”]

["Yes." Shinomiya Kaguya naturally had no objections. Baiyin Yuxing had discussed this kind of matter with her. 】

[The bookcase was pushed open, revealing a brightly lit door, which made Yinglili look surprised. Everyone closed the door to the student union, and then stepped inside together. 】

["This is Jade Rabbit...who is it?" Chika Fujiwara was jumping up and down in front to introduce Eiri. However, when the automatic door opened, Chika Fujiwara discovered that there was already a person sitting inside. on the chair. 】

[This person looks like a child, with brown hair and an indifferent expression. He is wearing a white coat, and is followed by a young woman with strange eyes. 】

[The visitors are naturally Haiyuan Ai and Curacao. 】

The scene ends here.There is no preview for tomorrow, this time it can only be regarded as the beginning, which means the birth of this knight, Kamen Rider Fourze, is introduced. Of course, Fourze still has many secrets.

But what we can know is that the birth of Kamen Rider Fourze is related to Mo Chen.

And the mastermind behind this is from the Shinomiya family.

Before the video ended, the shares of the Shinomiya family had already begun to decline. After all, such a big boss who wanted to destroy the world would naturally be targeted, and the head of the Shinomiya family had naturally made arrangements.

Although it is possible that he will go to one of the four major chaebols, he will definitely not go hungry.

There is another way, that is to announce Shinomiya Kaguya as the new head of the family. As long as Shinomiya Kaguya is controlled by then, then the Shinomiya family should not have a big problem, mainly because Shinomiya Kaguya is now the front in the video image.

But when the eldest and second eldest son of the Shinomiya family wanted to take Shinomiya Kaguya back first, that sense of oppression reappeared.At that time, the head of the Shinomiya family was Shinomiya Kaguya's father: Shinomiya Yanan was still lying on the hospital bed at this time, and then arranged for someone to call Kaguya.

"Shinomiya..." Seeing that the Shinomiya family sent many cars over, Baiyin Yuxing was a little worried.

"I'm fine, President...you have to pay attention to your safety." Shinomiya Kaguya is also a little worried about Shirogane Gokyo, because there are many cars behind Shirogane Goyuki, and these are police cars. As a mask, Naturally, the knight police officers also wanted to talk to Baiyin Yuxing first.

This has become a routine.

There are even two familiar figures next to the police car, Kamen Rider W: Conan and Kamen Rider Accel Hattori Heiji.

The two of them looked over when they saw Shirogane Mikado and Shinomiya Kaguya, nodded to them and said nothing more.

Said there was no problem.

After the two separated, someone immediately went to the student union room, but there was nothing inside the opened door, not to mention the Jade Rabbit Cabin, there was just an ordinary small black warehouse over there.

Originally, everyone wanted to take Yu Ishigami away, but Yu Ishigami did not agree and did not go together. After all, Yu Ishigami may be a Kamen Rider, but after all, he has not transformed, and Yu Ishigami appeared in the picture before. I had already looked for him once.

So he didn't have to go together.

"Speaking of which, President Mo Chen hasn't come back yet? Shouldn't we talk to him first about this kind of thing?" Shirogane Yuxing got into the police car, and the person driving the police car was Officer Takagi, and the passenger seat was Officer Sato.

Behind them, Shirogane Yuxing and Conan were sitting together chatting.

Baiyin Yuxing still wanted to talk more with Mo Chen. He had not had much chance during the joint festival of the three schools before, and he would also use the Fourze driver made by Mo Chen in the future, so he naturally wanted to talk more with Mo Chen. .

However, Baiyin Yuxing also saw comments on the Internet before. It seems that Mo Chen went to other worlds or something?

"Not yet. It's been more than a month since Xiaochen went there this time. He'll probably be back soon. Don't worry too much, Baiyin. I'm just asking about some simple things. By the way, come and join the group." Conan said Then he took out his cell phone.


"Well, the people in the group are all knights, and everyone can transform." Conan explained, and then added Baiyin Yuxing to the group. No one in the group was chatting.

It's also normal. Everyone goes to exercise after school during this time.

Now that we know about the future crisis, everyone is working very hard.

And because everyone’s future is Kamen Rider, they all agree no matter what they learn.And the price is very cheap or even free.Anyway, I am working hard to train myself.

It was about ten o'clock in the evening when Shirogane Goyuki was sent home. After arriving at home, Shirogane Goyuki was very worried about Shinomiya Kaguya, so he did not think about Shinomiya Kaguya as before. Instead of taking the initiative to contact him, he called Shinomiya Kaguya himself.

Shinomiya Kaguya also answered the phone. It sounded like Shinomiya Kaguya was in a good mood, which made Shirogane Mikado relieved. After chatting for a while, Shirogane Mikako's father also came back.

Baiyin Yuxing had no intention of hiding it from his father. In other words... even if he wanted to hide it, the video was already released, so how could he hide it?

"So, did you get the belt?" This was the first thing Baiyin Yuxing's father asked.

"No, President Mo Chen has not returned yet, so I have no idea about Fourze's power." Baiyin Yuxing also answered honestly.

"Yeah" There is not much conversation anymore, but Baiyin Yuxing is considering adjusting his part-time work time and starting to exercise.

Chapter 19 Baiyin Yuxing’s efforts

"President, even though you want to exercise, you can't be so reckless, right?" At noon the next day, before the video was played, Shirogane Miyuki was lying on the sofa in the student union and receiving the plaster from Shinomiya Kaguya.

After finishing his part-time job last night, Baiyin Yuxing went to apply for a card for a gym. He started exercising in the gym, and there were a few strong men...the kind that provided free guidance.

Baiyin Yuxing is also the type of genius who works very hard. He exercised for a long time last night, and his part-time job early this morning was cancelled. However, although Baiyin Yuxing is already very strong and powerful because of his part-time job, Big, but such a high-scale exercise still made his body extremely sore.

And Kaguya Shinomiya, who had been paying attention, naturally knew about this, so before Chika Fujiwara came over at noon, she pulled Shirogane Goyuki here, and then put a secret plaster on Shirogane Goyuki.

"I just wanted to try my best." Shirogane Miyuki smiled and then disappeared: "By the way, Kaguya last night you..."

Shirogane Mikado wanted to know what happened after Shinomiya Kaguya yesterday. When he came here this morning and saw Shinomiya Kaguya also arriving at school, he was completely relieved. He was very afraid that he was with Shinomiya Kaguya yesterday. The last time we met.

It seems like there shouldn't be too much to worry about now.

"It's okay." Shinomiya Kaguya smiled softly and shook her head.

His father does love him, but...

And the third brother is actually really good to me, that is, the eldest brother and the second brother.I heard that I was suffering from that weird fluctuation for a whole day yesterday, and almost ended up in the hospital like my father.

Last night, my father gave me a lot of authority. Now I can be considered a big influence in the Shinomiya family, unlike the little girl who had no authority before.

These are nothing to Shinomiya Kaguya. The most important thing is that his father does not object to his relationship with Shirogane Mikayuki. This is the best news for Shinomiya Kaguya.

Of course, Shinomiya Kaguya was suddenly called home, so she panicked all of a sudden. You must know that Shirogane Mikado had turned into a Kamen Rider.

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