What is the final strength of the current Kamen Riders?

Therefore, Shinomiya Kaguya can only be said to be unfounded.However, Shinomiya Kaguya has no intention of explaining these matters to Shirogane Mikado.

"That's good..."

"I'm here." At this time, the door opened, and Chika Fujiwara jumped in with someone in her hand: "I brought a new one...that's not right, it seems like an old friend too."

"Hello everyone." The person pulled over by Chika Fujiwara was Eri.

Of course, Eiriri didn't join Shunoin. After all, the progress of the video is different. She is now the student union secretary of the private Toyosaki. This time she came here just because of some relationship between the two schools, and then she was taken over by Fujiwara. Qianhua came over.

In fact, we are all old friends. We worked together for a while during the joint festival of the three schools.

While everyone was communicating, the video began to slowly emerge.

There is no title or introduction.

The screen directly connected to the previous content, which was the content in the Jade Rabbit cabin.

["Teacher Haibara?" Looking at Haibara Ai who appeared in the Jade Rabbit Cabin, Shinomiya Kaguya who followed in from behind showed a surprised expression on his face: "Why are you here?"]

["Teacher?" Shirogane Miyuki and Fujiwara Chika both showed surprised expressions. Did they not expect that the elementary school student in front of them was actually Shinomiya Kaguya's teacher? 】

["Yes." Haiyuan Ai's eyes swept across the few people in front of him, finally resting on Yinglili for a moment, and then moved away: "Kaguya."]

["Yes!" Facing Haibara Ai, Shinomiya Kaguya looked very respectful and stood in front of Haibara Ai. The few people behind wanted to ask but didn't say anything, because at this time it was still It sounds more appropriate to the other party. 】

["Is Baiyin Yuxing the knight you chose?" Haihara Ai looked at Baiyin Yuxing.When Baiyin Yuxing saw this, he stepped forward and introduced himself. 】

["..." Haiyuan Ai focused on Baiyin Yuxing for a while, took out a bank card and placed it in front of Baiyin Yuxing: "You can only be regarded as an alternate knight now. The amount of your monthly salary is Not much. I'll have Kaguya supervise you, and if you're not suitable, then we'll recycle the Fourze drive."]

["I understand." Shirogane Mikado also knows the danger of Kamen Rider. He just wants to protect Kaguya and the people in the school.If there really is a more suitable person, Baiyin Yuxing will also give this power to him. 】

["Yes. Kaguya, this is switch number 10 to 19." After confirming the situation of Shirogane Yuxing, he asked Curacao next to him to take out a silver box.When the box is opened, there are nine switches inside. 】

["I understand, I will debug it immediately." Shinomiya Kaguya nodded gratefully after taking the file and whispered: "By the way, the assistance machine Haibara-sensei mentioned before..."]

["..." Haiyuan's face seemed unchanged and he put his hands in his pockets: "The French fries have been adjusted, but you have to adjust the switch according to your own choice. It is No. 11."]

["Okay." After Kaguya said he understood, Haihara Ai looked at the people in front of him: "You guys should work hard next."]


["..." Haiyuan Ai turned around and was about to leave, but when he was about to leave, his eyes stayed on Ying Lili for a while, and then said: "Your speech yesterday was very good. He has grown... You should also be happy.”]

[After the words fell, Haiyuan and Curacao left the Jade Rabbit cabin, also taking the door of the student union. 】

["???" Yinglili's head was filled with questions and a puzzled expression on her face. She didn't know Haihara Ai. 】

["Who is the Miss Haihara who was just there in Shinomiya?" Shirogane Miyuki looked at Kaguya Shinomiya curiously, while Chika Fujiwara from behind also nodded curiously: "It turns out that the one just now is Kaguya. Ye-chan, that’s the teacher you’re talking about. I thought she was a very mature big sister. I didn’t expect...”]

[Perhaps it’s because it’s not good for children or something like that, so Chika Fujiwara has been thinking about how to call her. 】

["The teacher was originally a very beautiful big sister, but she turned into a child because of some things." Shinomiya Kaguya first explained and then looked at Eiri: "The reason the teacher told you is because she is Fushahui’s current manager.”]

Chapter 20 For your wish, pray to the stars.

["The reason the teacher told you is because she is Fusae's current manager."]

["Fusha Hui... is Mo Chen's company." Ying Lili naturally knew that Mo Chen was the manager of Fusha Hui, but what she knew was that Mo Chen went abroad to further his studies. 】

["Oh. It turns out that she was the one who inherited Mo Chen's position after his death. I didn't expect how... petite... President, Kaguya-chan, why are you blinking?" Although Fujiwara Chika doesn't know Haibara Ai, But I also know Fusha Painting Company.However, when Chika Fujiwara was speaking curiously, she saw Shirogane Mikayuki and Kaguya blinking at her crazily. 】

["Mo Chen...is dead." Ying Lili fell to the ground. 】

["Eh?" This is not to blame Fujiwara Chika. After all, Fujiwara Chika did not fully understand the matter about Eiri, and it was Kaguya and Shirogane Miyaki who investigated Eiri's past. After all, they need someone to handle the beauty contest. This matter was left to Fujiwara Chika. 】

["Trouble..." Shirogane Mikado scratched his head and nodded to Kaguya. Kaguya also understood and stepped forward to comfort Eiri. 】

[But Baiyin Yuxing himself walked to the side of the box and looked at the ten switches on it. Although the switches were ready, there was obviously no sense of energy inside. 】

["I don't know what switch No. 10 is." Baiyin Yuxing whispered, running his finger across the switch. 】

['I must become stronger, because only by becoming stronger can I protect Kaguya and protect everyone. 'Although Baiyin Yuxing said in front of Haihara Ai before that he knew that if he was unqualified, he could just hand it over to others.But Baiyin Yuxing definitely doesn't want to give this power to others, because he needs this power for protection.He does not think that he is a genius and must train and exercise hard on his own. 】

[The screen shifted from here to show a boy who was training with a fencing rapier. He looked very tired, but soon the sword in his hand fell out of his hand and fell to the ground. 】

["Damn it, why do I just have no talent?" His fist hit the ground. The boy looked a little angry, and he seemed angry with himself. 】

["Ding..." Suddenly there was a clear sound.It was like the sound of the ring on the Zen staff shaking. 】

[The boy turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, with a fearful expression on his face. 】

[I saw in the shadows a large cloak wearing a special pattern, wrapping the body in it, holding a long stick in the hand, and there were round iron rings on both ends of the long stick to form a chain-like decoration.Although the entire body was wrapped in a cloak, the entire head was very terrifying. 】

[The shape of the head has a silver chin, and above the chin, it looks like two plates and bowls facing each other, revealing the orange one-eye below, and there are two long long beetles on the top of the head. It hangs down to both sides, piece by piece. 】

[Seeing such a monster, the boy was naturally frightened. 】

["Use this." The boy wanted to retreat, but the monster walked in front of him and a star disciple switch appeared in his hand: "To fulfill your wish, pray to the stars."]

["Pray to the stars." The monster's voice seemed to be alluring. A trace of desire appeared in the boy's eyes, and then he pressed the switch in his hand. 】

[In the black mist, the light of the stars danced in the black mist, and then turned into the appearance of a galaxy.In the galaxy, there is a strange appearance of a unicorn with a white body and black armor. 】

[Looking at the stars, they should be Unicorn Star Disciples. 】

["This power... I'm so strong now!" The boy looked at himself turning into a monster without any fear, but clenched his fists. 】

["..." The weird man in the cloak looked satisfied, turned around and left slowly.This place was left looking like a training ground. 】

[The sky is getting dark, and it’s time for school to end. 】

[Shirogane Mikayuki and Shinomiya Kaguya walked out of the Jade Rabbit Cabin together: "I hope Secretary Fujiwara can clear Sawamura-san tonight."]

["It's not that simple." Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head: "I hope time can pass everything. By the way, President No. 10, I have already adjusted it."]

[Speaking, Shinomiya Kaguya took out a pale gold one with a 10-digit number on it from his pocket: "But even though it has been adjusted, there is still a very strange fluctuation in it. I speculate that it may be possible to change Fourze's form. But I don’t know how to use it.”]

["Is that so? Then when the opportunity comes, we will..." Baiyin Yuxing nodded and took the switch, then nodded, but before Baiyin Yuxing finished speaking, he heard a distant sound. A scream came. 】

[Shirogane Yuyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya looked at each other, and then ran towards that side together. 】

[There are not many people staying in the school during this time. Except for the student union, many teachers have even left the school. Even the club activities have ended, but there are still some people who stay to rest. 】

[After the two of them turned the corner of a building, they saw the unicorn star disciple holding a slender sword facing off against a man holding a tachi in front of them. 】

["This is the Unicorn Star Disciple." Bai Yin Yuxing saw the stars on the other party's body and immediately recognized the other party's body. 】

["Don't come over." Just when Bai Yin Yuxing was about to pass, someone stopped their movement. It was not the Unicorn Star Disciple, but the man holding a wooden knife. 】

["?" Shirogane Yuxing and Shinomiya Kaguya looked at each other with confusion. 】

["Now we are competing in a competition, don't interrupt us." The Unicorn Star Disciple also shouted to Bai Yin Yuxing, and then the two began to fight each other. 】

["I remember he is...the ace of the Kendo Club, right?" Shirogane Yuxing said as he recognized the man holding the wooden sword. 】

["Well, except for Busujima Chief, he is the strongest person in the kendo club. I didn't expect that he would be inseparable from the star apprentice. He is very powerful." Shinomiya Kaguya was also a little surprised. 】

["No, the strength and stamina of the two are too different." Baiyin Yuxing discovered this bad situation. Although the people in the kendo club seemed to have similar skills, there was a gap in strength and endurance between the two. The Unicorn Star Disciple's attack didn't feel like it was declining at all. 】


Chapter 21 Elek (Electricity)

["henshin!" Baiyin Yuxing did not hesitate and quickly moved towards that direction. At this time, the wooden sword in the hand of the student holding the wooden sword had fallen to the ground. He blocked it with both hands, but the Unicorn Star Disciple used The rapier-type attack method used in fencing is mainly stabbing.But what he held in his hand was not a rapier, but a weapon like a unicorn horn.Sharp and thick weapons. 】

[Even though he blocked it with his hands, his wrists were stabbed in several places, and the last blow was directed directly at the opponent's head. 】

[Just as the unicorn-like thin sword (although it was also very thick) was heading towards the opponent's head, Fourze grabbed the unicorn with one hand, and was just a few millimeters away from inserting the sharp sword head into the man's forehead. within. 】

["Go!" Fourze said to the man behind him, then grabbed the unicorn sword and hit the unicorn star disciple with his fist continuously, knocking it back for a distance. 】

["Don't stop our fight!" The Unicorn Star Disciple shouted, looking a little dissatisfied, after being pushed back for a distance. 】

["Look at the opponent's current situation." At this time, Fourze saw that the man who had been attacked and had a lot of blood retreated and looked at the unicorn star disciple in front of him. 】

["Then you will be my opponent." The Unicorn Star Disciple set his sights on Fourze. 】

[Fourze looked at the unicorn star disciple in front of him warily. 】

[The Unicorn Star Disciple raised the long sword in his hand and pointed it at Fourze in front of him in a fencing competition gesture. 】

[Fourze didn’t have any games. He dodged the attacks left and right when he saw this, and suddenly thought of something: "By the way, let me try this ability."]

[Insert the No. 10 switch onto the driver on the waist and press the button. 】

["Elek..." A shining golden gauntlet appeared on Fourze's right hand, and then a weapon that looked like a long stick or a long sword appeared in Fourze's hand. 】

[The sword hilt has three sockets, and there is a plug next to it, and the plug is connected to the end of the sword. 】

[After just transforming and making contact, Fourze felt his body stiffen, but the unicorn in front of him had already attacked, so Fourze directly shifted the weapon in his hand. 】

[Baiyin Yuxing didn't learn any powerful fighting skills, so he could only barely block, but he still got hit many times.He retreated a distance and touched his chest that was attacked with some pain. 】

["This is a Bili long stick. President, please insert the plug into the socket and try it." After helping the man escape, Shinomiya Kaguya from behind immediately rushed over and looked at the situation and shouted to Fourze. 】

["This?" Fourze dodged for a moment, rolled around on the ground, and inserted the plug into one of the three sockets. 】

["Zizzi..." Yellow lightning flashed on the Bili long stick. 】

["Is this how it was originally used?" Fourze nodded to Shinomiya Kaguya, and then attacked the Unicorn Star Disciple in front of him, and the attack method used was actually the same as the Unicorn Star Disciple in front of him. The same starting position as the disciples. 】

["Are you actually learning from me?" The Unicorn Star Disciple also saw it. Fourze's starting move was exactly the same as his own, which meant that the opponent was learning from him. 】

["Drink..." The gestures of the two are almost exactly the same, but it is obvious that their attack methods are very different. Fourze is just learning the other's attack methods.And the imitation is rather clumsy. 】

[But just when the Bili long stick in Fourze's hand hit the opponent, the electric light on the Bili long stick electrocuted the Unicorn star disciple back a long distance. 】

[But the problem is that even Fourze himself was electrocuted and jumping around on the ground. 】

["What?" Fourze didn't expect such an effect. He thought it was an illusion, but after a few attacks, he was so shocked that he could hardly move. 】

["Hey! If you want to fight, you must at least master your own power." Seeing such a scene, the Unicorn Star Disciple was shocked and seemed to wake up a lot. Then he took out the Star Disciple Switch and dispelled the monster. Shape. 】

["It's really boring." The boy glanced at Fourze and then turned around to leave. 】

[When Fourze saw this, he wanted to chase after him, but he paused. The electric shock just now made Fourze very tired. 】

[Shirogane Yuxing pulled the driver to release the voice change, and then fell to the ground. There was smoke all over his body, and the golden hair on his head was about to turn into an afro. 】

"Hiss...electric shock ability. It also has an effect on myself. This is not easy to deal with."

"But Baiyin Yuxing's ability to use weapons does seem a bit poor, right?"

"After all, I'm just a student. There's no way to compare with others."

"This is really... we have to find a way to solve it." Baiyin Yuxing held his chin with both hands. It is true that he has no ability to attack. Although he has started to learn, he cannot continue like this.

"Facing such a situation requires special training." Baiyin Yuxing thought for a moment and took out his mobile phone.

He planned to ask in the group to see if he could learn some moves. Shirogane Miyuki remembered that Hattori Heiji in the group was a kendo master.

'But now I have to worry about myself in the video, right? '

Now I still have time to study hard, but what about myself in the video?The Unicorn Devourer is very powerful and has strong swordsmanship, so how should I deal with it?

The Bili Chang Stick will hurt you, so how should you face it?

"Will there be any new form?" Yinglili on the side reminded: "Didn't Vice President Shinomong say it before? There may be resonance, maybe it is a new form or something?"

"But how to open the new form?" Shirogane Mikado clearly remembered what Shinomiya Kaguya said, but how to open the new form?You can't just turn it on when you've been charged enough, right?

"By the way, you in the video...are you okay?" Chika Fujiwara asked in a low voice on the side.

"I can get through it." Yinglili shook her head and explained. Although she said this, her clenched fists showed that Yinglili's mood was not as stable as she thought.

Chapter 22 Hayasaka Ai

In fact, how to explain Yinglili's mood now?

That is the type of person who will wake up in the middle of the night ten years later and not be able to sleep early because of this kind of thing.

But actually Yinglili is pretty good.

After all, one of the reasons why Mo Chen took care of her was because he was a classmate in elementary school, and the other was because he promised his parents. To be honest, he didn't have that kind of love feeling for Mo Chen.

All I have now is a feeling of guilt.After all, he treated the person who helped him as a bad person.

Compared to myself, the other person is actually the most uncomfortable.

That was Shi Yu. You must know that Shi Yu was deceived, and Mo Chen clearly said that he had liked Shi Yu.

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