["Stronghold?" Shirogane Yuxing looked at Shinomiya Kaguya curiously. 】

["Well, this is what the teacher said. There are some emergency things here. If anything happens, you can come here." Shinomiya Kaguya explained: "By the way, President, are you really okay?"]

["It's okay, just a little sore. I recovered quickly. This treatment needle is still very useful." Baiyin Yuxing twisted his arm and said with a smile.]

["This is the first-generation product developed by the teacher. There are three in the Jade Rabbit Cabin...The price of each one is very high." Shinomiya Kaguya explained, and then said: "Then President , what are your plans next?”]

["Let's go find Iino Yako first. She was attacked twice, which means that the other party wanted to attack Iino Yako." Shirogane Miyako explained, and then touched her: "But you still have to avoid Scorpio." 】

["President, I have an idea about power robots." Seeing that Shirogane Mikou was still thinking about protecting Iino Yako, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Shirogane Miko and whispered: "I have a follower, I I want her to come..."]

["Are you talking about Smithy A. Hasaka?"]


["If possible." Shirogane Miyuki and Hayasaka Ai are not familiar with each other, so they don't have many senses about her. Only Shinomiya Kaguya can make decisions about this kind of thing. 】

["I will make arrangements." As they said that, the two walked towards Iino Yako, and then saw several people surrounding Iino Yako and the Big Buddha and Xiaobo.Seeing this, Shirogane Mikado looked at Shinomiya Kaguya. Shinomiya Kaguya nodded slightly and left from the side first, while Shirogane Mikado walked over. 】

["What are you doing?" Shinomiya Kaguya is still very prestigious in Shunoin. The group of guys surrounding the two of them seemed to be silent for a while. Seeing this, Shirogane Gouchi walked up to everyone: "It's time for afternoon classes, let's go back to school."]

["But..." Iino Yako from behind wanted to say something, but Shirogane Miyuki directly reached out and slapped Iino Yako from behind.Behind Iino Yako, the big Buddha Xiaobo also held the opponent. 】

[The two of them did not speak at this time, and when these people saw Baiyin Yuxing standing in front of the two of them, they stopped talking. Most of them left, except for one person who stayed at the back. 】

["Who are you?" Baiyin Yuxing looked at the man in front of him with some doubts, but then he pushed the people behind him and started to retreat: "You are a star disciple!"]

["Once, twice, behaved! It really makes me... very angry!" The man raised his head and looked at Iino Yako with red eyes. He was holding a Star Disciple switch in his hand. The light switch lit up: "Last One"]

[After pressing the switch, the man's body was wrapped in a cocoon and fell to the ground, and he transformed into the Canis disciple who escaped before. 】

["Are you the Canine Star Disciple?" Bai Yin Yuxing's expression changed slightly, and then he took out the drive and said to the two people behind him: "You guys leave first!"]





["The universe is coming!" Fourze opened his hands, and then rushed towards the Canine Constellation. 】

[Hound didn't retreat after seeing this, he rushed towards Fourze directly, and their fists collided. 】

["?" Hound Dog looked visibly surprised, even with a dog-like expression, because in this short period of time, it was actually different from before. Fourze pressed Hound Dog beat. 】

[Although I was close to winning before, I used other forms and switches at that time, but now I am fighting alone without using anything else at all. 】

["That's it!" Fourze didn't seem to think of continuing the fight, but took out the power switch. 】

【"Elek On! (Electricity)"】

[Under the golden light, Fourze turned into an electric form, quickly inserted the plug into the Bili long stick, and threw out several rounds of electric grids to restrict the opponent's movement, causing the Hound to jump up. Trapped, and fell to the ground. 】

["I'll deal with you quickly." Fourze took out the power switch and inserted it into the Bili long stick. 】

【"Rider Hyakuoku Volt Break!"】

["What a beautiful thought!" Just as Fourze's long stick was heading towards the Hound, the figure of Scorpio appeared in front of Fourze like a phantom. 】

Chapter 34 The Identity of Scorpio

[Looking at the Scorpio disciples who appeared in front of him, Fourze was not surprised. Instead, he put his feet on the ground a little bit, and then changed the action of sprinting forward. He put his feet a little bit higher. Behind the armor, there was actually a very small Like a jetpack, it can assist jumping.At this time, strong steam was emitted from it, and it suddenly avoided Scorpio's kick.Backed some distance. 】

[Then it floated in mid-air, and the Bili Chang stick was raised high. Electrode energy emerged from the Bili long stick, and it turned into an energy blade extending out.Swing down. 】

["Hmph..." Scorpio seemed to be very disdainful of such an energy attack. He jumped up and while his body was jumping in the air, he evaded the attack with a weird twist and rushed towards Fourze. 】

["Drink!" At this moment, the power robot knocked Scorpio away in a strange posture, then twisted its body in mid-air, suppressed Scorpio, and pressed Scorpio to the ground. 】

["Have you caught up?" Fourze nodded upon seeing this, and then swung the electrical energy blade in his hand towards the Hound. 】

["Ah!" The Hound's body froze, but Fourze's attack was not over yet. He quickly approached the Hound's body, and then waved the long stick in his hand. 】

["Boom!" There was a huge explosion.The Star Disciple switch fell down. 】

[Fourze borrowed the Star Disciple switch, pressed it, and immediately replaced it with switch No. 14. 】

【"Smoke On (Smoke Generator)"】

[Smoke filled the air again, and by the time Scorpio jumped out of the smoke area, everyone had disappeared. 】

["Cut!" Scorpio looked very dissatisfied and hit the stone on the side with his fist. 】

"The purpose this time is very clear, which is to destroy the Dog Constellation."

“I have to say the planning was very good.”

"Or, did I really not expect Baiyin Yuxing to be so strong?"

"Yes, the two of them fought equally before, but this time it was so simple? Could it be that Baiyin Yuxing was hiding his clumsiness before?"

"No, I'm not hiding my clumsiness, but I'm learning! If you looked carefully just now, you can see that during the second battle, Baiyin Yuxing used various attack methods specifically for the Hound. In the simplest and fastest way Come and destroy each other.”

There is nothing wrong with this. Baiyin Yuxing in the video is indeed not strong, but he can quickly understand the previous fighting methods and then think of the fastest way to defeat him.

That's why Baiyin Yuxing was able to eliminate the opponent so easily and quickly when he faced Hound for the second time.

Although there was Scorpio's interference, it was obvious that Baiyin Yuxing also knew that the power robot would come, so he was so decisive.I can only say that working with Shinomiya Wataruya was so smooth.

No... Kaguya Shinomiya is not the one among the powered robots at all.

["How do you feel Hayasaka?" The power robot grabbed the Big Buddha's small bowl and Iino Yako and arrived at an open space. Here, Shinomiya Kaguya was holding a black box in his hand. It was not an ordinary space, but a computer. , as well as a keyboard and some switches plugged in. 】

[Kaguya Shinomiya looks at the power robot. 】

["It's okay." The power robot fell to the ground, and Hayasaka Ai jumped out of it, looking relaxed.Apparently it was Hayasaka Ai who just drove the power robot. 】

["But Miss Kaguya, are you sure you want me to come?" Hayasaka Ai looked at the power robot behind her and looked at Shinomiya Kaguya and said: "Don't you think it's not good for the president to know about my existence? ”]

["Now that the Twelve Palaces have all appeared, there is not so much time and energy." Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head. 】

['Haasaka Ai Kaguya's professional valet, the daughter of the Shinomiya Foundation cadre.One-quarter Irish.She has been living with Kaguya, giving her various suggestions, helping her solve various difficulties and make various plans. 'The narration explains the existence of Hayasaka Ai in more detail. 】

["Okay then." Hayasaka Ai looked a little hesitant but nodded. 】

["I'm here." At this time, Baiyin Yuxing, who rushed over on the Mechanical Charge, looked at everyone in front of him: "Are we going to be late now?"]

["Ah! You're going to be late!" It was time to go to school after all. Iino Yako's face turned pale, she thanked Shinomiya Kaguya and Shirogane Miyako, and then ran in the opposite direction of the school. 】

["Shinomiya...the accounting supervisor of the student union is still vacant, right?" Shirogane Miyuki looked at Iino Yako who was far away and asked Shinomiya Kaguya aside. 】

["President, you want to..."]

[The screen shifted away from the people and appeared in a black space. 】

[And there are lamps in this black space.However, this lamp is red, and the appearance of a person sitting in the shadow cannot be seen, but what can be clearly seen is that the whites of his eyes turned scarlet and soon returned to normal. 】

[At the same time, there is also the Twelve Palaces in this space that have the tentacles of a longhorned beetle. They seem to be discussing something here. 】

["...That's what happened." After the beetle tentacles' report on the zodiac was over, he looked down at the person in the shadow. 】

["..." The person in the shadow was silent.Within a few minutes, Scorpio walked in and bowed slightly to the person in the shadow: "You are looking for me!"]

["I don't let you join Xiuzhiyuan to destroy this place. The people of the Shinomiya family are not yours to covet." The voice of the person in the shadow was a little hoarse. It sounded very plain, but it was like a heavy hammer. , making Scorpio take a few steps back in fear. 】

["I don't dare anymore." Scorpio's body flashed with light and turned into a human form. This person turned out to be the teacher who had appeared before and wanted to be the student council advisor.That is Hagiwara Hiiragi. 】

["You can use the power of the twelve stars. I will not stop you. You can use this power at will. But don't forget my words." The man in the shadow said slowly: "The student union is not allowed. Intervene.”]

["But Fourze's..." Hagiwara Hiiragi's face turned pale. 】

["Fourze... This is not your responsibility. If you can eliminate the other party by the way, it doesn't matter." The person in the shadow said slowly, making Hagiwara Hiiragi's face paler. 】

Chapter 35 Newcomers who join the student union

[On the other side, inside the student union room, after school in the afternoon. 】

["Okay, these two of you are the new members joining our student union today." Baiyin Yuxing once again introduced the newcomers to the other people in the student union room. 】

["Hello everyone, my name is Iino Yako, and I will serve as the accounting supervisor." One of the members who joined the student union is Iino Yako, while Daibutsu Kobo rejected Shirogane Miyuki's invitation. She said that she was just trying to help. Mi Zi was by her side.I don't want to join the student council room. 】

["I am Hayasaka Ai. I was invited here by the president this time. I am just an ordinary member." Next to Iino Yako is Hayasaka Ai dressed as a hot girl. 】

["Haasaka was invited by me to help drive the power robot. Everyone present is not an outsider and already knows that the Zodiac has begun to appear among the Constellation Apostles. The enemies we will face in the future will be more powerful. We Need some original works.”]

[Baiyin Yuxing briefly explained why he brought the two people in. 】

["In this case, there will be seven people in our student union. When Ishigami comes back, there will really be seven people! Okay..." Apparently, Fujiwara Chika was still very happy about how many more people there were in the student union. 】

["Speaking of which, Shi Shang actually called me in the afternoon. It doesn't seem to be next month. He will be back after a while. By then our student union will be completely integrated!" Bai Yin Yuxing said with a smile. 】

["Dong dong dong..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and everyone turned to look at the door. 】

["President Shirogane, the principal is looking for you!" A student said to Shirogane Yuxing, which made Shirogane Yuxing glance at Shinomiya Kaguya in surprise, but Shinomiya Kaguya also had some surprise on his face. 】

【"I'll come right away."】

[In the next scene, Baiyin Yuxing came out of the principal's office with a slight frown on his face and a document in his hand.There are some simple words written on it. 】

['Xiuzhiyuan and exchange student quotas for each school']

The scene ends completely here.

"Huh... join the student union?" Iino Yako is actually very eager to join the school. After all, if you want to change the atmosphere of Shunoin, joining Shunoin is the most suitable one.

"..." The big Buddha Xiaobo, who was not far away from Iino Yako, pushed up his glasses: "Can Yako join the student union?" '

Iino Yako actually applied to become the student council president when she was in junior high school, but Iino Yako's stubborn and shy character was always treated as a joke.

If so, joining the student union is still a good choice.

"Iino, President Shirogane is looking for you and asks you to go to the student council room." Not long after the video ended, Iino Yako actually felt it, and many people around her looked at her strangely.This frightened her a little.

But then the door was pushed open, and a student shouted to Iino Yako.

Iino Yako had countless speculations in her mind, such as that she would be expelled, that she would be taught a lesson, and so on.Because from what I felt when watching the video, I was really doing things on my own, and I met several star disciples, especially one time when I was beaten into a state of disgrace by the Zodiac because of me.

"Um...excuse me." Under the pressure of such fear, Iino Yako arrived at the student union room.

"Huh..." As soon as Iino Yako came in, she noticed that everyone inside was looking at her.Iino Yako was so frightened that her fingers were trembling slightly.

Seeing such a scene, Ishigami Yu thought for a moment, and sighed helplessly: "President, do you really want Iino to join the student union? It will be very troublesome."

"Trouble?" Although she was a little scared, after hearing Ishigami Yu's words, Iino Yako seemed to have no fear before. Instead, she looked at Ishigami Yu with some dissatisfaction: "Ishigami, you can join the student union, why can't I!"

"Really? Then join the student union! Iino." Shirogane Miyuki decided to let Iino Yako join the student union after discussing with Shinomiya Kaguya, mainly because there are really not enough people now.

Shirogane Miyako needs to train next, and if you look at it this way, Ishigami Yu may also start training. By then, more people will be able to handle the student union affairs. Since Iino Yako appears in the video, it seems suitable. Then let Iino Yako join the student council.

This is what everyone thinks.

With Ishigami Yu's interruption, Iino Yako felt much less nervous and was bickering with Ishigami Yu, which made her start to feel more relaxed.

Naturally, Iino Yako had no reason to refuse this invitation and joined the student union.

"President, don't you want to ask about Hayasaka?" After everyone was ready to go back, when Shirogane Mikado was packing things, Shinomiya Kaguya stayed and asked softly while helping to pack up.

It happened that when Shinomiya Kaguya asked, Hayasaka Ai appeared at the door with an indifferent expression, putting her hands in front of her, like a maid, waiting for Shinomiya Kaguya to get off work.

"There's nothing to ask." Regarding this matter, Baiyin Yuxing thought it was normal.

"After all, Shinomiya, your status is quite special. It is very simple to have a personal maid. But you don't want Hayasaka-san to be exposed. Do you want to take care of her?" Shirogane Miyuki said and glanced at the indifferent expression at the door. Hayasaka Ai.

"I also hope that Hayasaka can have his own life." Shinomiya Kaguya does have this idea. One is so that Hayasaka can secretly help him collect information and take care of himself, and the other is that he hopes Hayasaka can also have his own life.

If he knew that she was his personal maid, Hayasaka's life at school would probably be difficult.

"But it doesn't matter much. Okay, you go back quickly. I have to go to Fusha Painting Company first." Baiyin Yuxing took out his mobile phone and said to the two of them with a smile.

"My motorcycle seems to need testing."

"What about the power robot?" Shinomiya Kaguya asked curiously. After all, the power robot is also very powerful in combat, and it is not a transformer or the like. It is probably easier to make. This is Shinomiya Kaguya's feeling.

"The power robot is not clear yet. After all, President Mo Chen is not in this world, but in another world. We can only make it when he comes back. The mechanical Soaring Robot is relatively simple, but it still needs to be tested."

Chapter 3 Yu Ishigami returns to his country

"Huh..." Returning to the fourth palace's mansion, there were many people here.Because of the exposure in the video, the head of the Shinomiya family has now sent many people over, so compared to the slightly relaxed feeling before, it now feels a bit congested.

But these have nothing to do with Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai.

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