Hayasaka Ai returned here, took care of Shinomiya Kaguya, and then went to the bathhouse to take a bath, covering herself in the hot water. Hayasaka Ai's eyes were a little dazed.

'I joined the student union... is there something wrong with it? '

Hayasaka Ai actually treats Shinomiya Kaguya more like a sister taking care of her younger sister, and she also has her own feelings for Shinomiya Kaguya.


Hayasaka Ai's identity is actually a spy.The spy who stayed with Shinomiya Kaguya.

In the Shinomiya family, Kaguya's three brothers each have their own plans. For Kaguya, who is a daughter, because she does not have any inheritance rights, she can only rely on the final winner of the struggle between the three biological brothers, so Hayasaka He can only hide it from Kaguya and become a double agent for the family.In fact, Hayasaka Ai firmly supports Kaguya.Even when he was ordered to report Kaguya's current situation to the family, he kept concealing Kaguya's emotional relationship with President Shirogane.

It can be said that since Hayasaka Ai has been by Kaguya's side since childhood, many people believe that she not only has a lot of information about Kaguya, but also many secrets about the candidates for the Shinomiya family's succession that are not known to the outside world.Therefore, if word that Hayasaka is resigning reaches the ears of several powerful people in the family, Hayasaka's personal safety will immediately be threatened.

So Hayasaka can only continue to stay with Kaguya now. There is another big reason. The reason why Hayasaka did not explain it to Kaguya in detail is that Kaguya hates betrayers very much.

Therefore, Hayasaka does not want to become someone like Kaguya.

But if the video continues to play like this, his identity will be exposed sooner or later. Even now, Hayasaka actually has a bad feeling.

Maybe I am also a constellation apostle, if that's the case...

"Hey..." After sighing, Hayasaka Ai now feels like she quit her job and doesn't want to do anything. But the future of video is also the future. Now she can only pray that she is not the one, or that she has her own reasons. Something like that.

"Haasaka!" Just as Hayasaka was taking a shower, the door was pushed open by Shinomiya Kaguya, looking a little surprised: "I need your help."

"...Miss Kaguya, I'm taking a shower." Hayasaka Ai was a little helpless, but she still showed a slight smile in her helplessness.

Let's leave it like this for now. We have to find a solution for the future. If it doesn't work, it's not a bad idea to leave on your own.

Even then, I don’t know who will be able to take over my position...

the next morning.

"Mo Chen, are you back? Are you... okay?" When Hui Yuan Ai got up in the morning, he found that Mo Chen had come back, but he didn't look very well. His right hand was hanging with a bandage, and his face was It's a little dusty.

"It's okay, but I'm just coming back to deliver some things. I'll be leaving soon." Mo Chen also gave up with a wry smile.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Haiyuan looked at Mo Chen worriedly: "I'll go with you."

"No, I'm just going to the knights in other worlds. There are still three knights who haven't gone. I need to go for a while. I'll probably be back in three or four days." Mo Chen said and waved his hand, and in a silver light, one A silver box appeared in front of Haiyuan Ai.

"Here are the medical books you asked for, as well as the documents for making everyone's motorcycles. Before I come back, you will give them to Dr. A Li, and then ask Dr. A Li to prepare them. I will start making them when I come back. .”

After saying goodbye to Xiao Ai, Mo Chen's figure appeared next to the sea, standing on a rock, looking at the sea in front of him. Within a few minutes, Xiao Ai, who had transformed into Gaia, also appeared next to Mo Chen.

"Do you remember it?" Gaia asked softly, keeping her eyes on Mo Chen's face, unable to see the details of Mo Chen's expression.

"Sure enough..." Mo Chen smiled slightly after hearing Gaia's words.

"Are you lying to me?" After hearing Mo Chen's words, Gaia was also shocked.

But Mo Chen stood up and shook his head: "No, I just roughly guessed it. Let the video continue to play. You don't need me anymore. Just play it as it is."

"Are you sure? Your identity inside is not very good." Gaia raised her eyebrows, but also breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as I can survive." Mo Chen just said this, and then rubbed his right hand: "But speaking of it, I didn't expect Ghost's power to be so effective on me. My arm still hurts so much now."

"The power of the soul...you still have three left to go."

"Yes, I'm leaving now." Mo Chen nodded, then waved his hand and the dimensional wall appeared in front of Mo Chen.Mo Chen slowly walked over there: "Gaia...tell me, my position..."

"You have always considered humanity..."

"That's good."

After stepping into the dimensional wall, Mo Chen's figure disappeared, and Gaia was completely relieved: "...It's just a bit unscrupulous."

[The usual video appears, a plane falls into the airport. 】

[He has black and blue hair, covering the left side of his face, revealing his right eye, which is also black and blue.Wearing a black suit and carrying a schoolbag on his right side.Walking out of the airport: "I haven't been back for a long time."]

["Why did you come back early this time? Ishigami-san?" And a black car was already waiting for him at the airport.Curacao, who had strange eyes, opened the door for him, got in the car and started driving. 】

["I heard from Haibara classmate that the Zodiac has appeared. And my studies are almost done." The person who came back was naturally Ishigami Yu.He looked out the window and wondered what he was thinking: "By the way, take me to the place where Mr. Mo Chen died first. I want to pay homage to him."]

["Okay." Curacao took Yu Ishigami to buy a bouquet of flowers, and then walked to the bridge where Mo Chen lost.After offering his words, Ishigami Yu remained silent for a long time, and not long after, Haibara also came over. 】

["It's just good that you're back." Haibara Ai looked at the scene in front of him and then looked at Ishigami Yu: "Your mission will be a little more troublesome next."]

["Trouble... Ever since I made up my mind, there will be no less trouble. Tell me, Haibara-san!"]

Take a break!

The major events in life are almost settled, and in a dozen days we will have to agree on the date of engagement.

Although I really want to update, I’ll just give it a try today.

For the sake of future life, I will resume updates as soon as possible, or even increase updates.

I hope you can support me.

Regarding the setting of the plot, you should probably understand it by now. I have corrected the typos in the previous chapter and just refresh it.

Chapter 37 Spy?

["Trouble... Ever since I made up my mind, there will be no less trouble. Tell me, Haibara-san!"]

["According to the data currently investigated, more than four constellations have been born in the Zodiac." Haibara Ai put the document in Ishigami Yu's hand. Ishigami Yu looked at it for a while and asked: "Can you confirm what constellation it is? ?"】

["According to astrological data, four constellations have been born: Libra, Scorpio, Virgo, and Sagittarius."]

["Was it born in a short period of time?" Yu Ishigami looked at the document and frowned: "Before, Mo Chen said that the amount of star energy in Xiuzhiyuan should not be enough to give birth to three people in a short period of time. Right?"]

["Starry Sky Energy's detection method disappeared after Mo Chen died. If Philip was still there, there might be a way, but both of them have passed away and cannot be detected, and... what we suspect now is The other party has an undercover agent."]

["Undercover?" Haibara's words made Yu Ishigami very surprised: "You mean other people who joined the student union?"]

["This is just a guess, but the possibility is very high." Curacao on the side took over the words: "When I went to the Jade Rabbit Cabin for maintenance yesterday, I found six special eavesdropping devices. Now I can enter the Jade Rabbit Cabin. The only other people in the student union room."]

["Understood, I will hide my identity first to find out who the other party is." Ishigami nodded and said he understood, but Haibara Ai shook his head directly and said: "No, you don't understand yet."]

["The switch you use is completely different from the switch Fourze uses. If the other party knows your identity and seizes your switch, there will be a lot of trouble in the future. So before we give you an order, you can only You can be an ordinary student. You can take action, but you must not let the other party discover your identity."]

["..." Looking at the serious-looking Haibara Ai in front of him, Ishigami nodded: "I understand."]

"That's good, I'll leave Meteor Galaxy to you." Haibara Ai nodded and took out the silver box from the car. Ishigami Yu nodded seriously after taking it: "I understand. .”]

["The code for the Mechanical Meteor is all in the Meteor Galaxy. You should also pay attention when calling it."]

["Okay." Ishigami nodded, packed up his things, and looked at the lake in front of him: "..."]

["Are those really the causes of Xiaochen's death?" It took a long time for Ishigami Yu to ask. 】

["At least, this is what I have investigated now." Haiyuan explained. 】

"At least? Is there something else?"

"If there really are others."

"But Yu Ishigami, even though this is the second time he appears in the video, he looks...a bit handsome."

"Not only does he look handsome, Ishigami Yu looks very mature."

"And the name is Xiaochen. It seems that Ishigami Yu and Mo Chen have a really good relationship."

"Did you just know that? Ishigami Yu and Mo Chen were friends before. The two companies know each other, so they naturally know each other."

"So your relationship with Mo Chen is really that good?" After seeing the comments on the Internet, everyone looked at Ishigami Yu.

Ishigami Yu usually squats in the corner and plays games when he is in the student union room, but today's video includes him at the beginning, and Iino Yako has just joined the student union, so Ishigami Yu doesn't squat in the corner. In the corner, he sat on the sofa on the side, still holding the game console in his hand.

"They are...good friends." Ishigami Yu thought for a moment and said.

He and Mo Chen were indeed very good friends. After all, although Mo Chen was busy, he still had a lot of time to play games, so the two often played games together.But later, after Mo Chen became the president of the student union, he had much less time.

But even so, Mo Chen would still play together occasionally.

When he encountered that incident before, Mo Chen comforted him for a long time. Ishigami even felt that if it wasn't for Mo Chen, he might have committed suicide at that time...


Originally, Mo Chen was preparing to help him at that time, but at that time the president appeared in front of him, which made Mo Chen's preparation useless.

And at that time, Mo Chen had already planned to transfer Ishigami Yu to his side.At least I have friends around me.

["He actually came back?"]

["I thought this kind of person would have been fired a long time ago?"]

["Didn't you expect that he would have the nerve to come back?"]

["Really, why do such people still appear here?"]

[Listening to the discussion about him by the people in his ear, Ishigami Yu seemed very calm. He walked towards the student union with his backpack on his back. Ishigami Yu was used to such comments. 】

["Bang!"] Pushing open the door of the student union, a firework was opened.Colorful ribbons fell. 】

【"Welcome back Ishigami-san."】

"Thank you Secretary Fujiwara, but it will get dirty." Ishigami Yu looked helpless as he reached out and took off the ribbon hanging from his ear and said helplessly. 】

["Eh? Ishigami, you sound so much like Shinomiya-san when you talk like that." After hearing Ishigami's words, Fujiwara Chika said helplessly, but then asked: "Where is the gift?"]

["Okay, okay, I've prepared gifts." Yu Ishigami said, taking out the gift box from his backpack and handing it to Fujiwara Chika in front of him, followed by Shinomiya Kaguya and Shirogane Miyuki. 】

["Who are these?" After giving away the gifts, Ishigami Yu looked at the three extra people in the student union room. 】

["By the way, Ishigami, you went as an exchange student before, so I don't know. They are Sawamura Eiri-san on the executive committee, Iino Yako-san on the accounting supervisor, and Hayasaka Ai-san who joined last. Three, this It’s the fourth member of our original student council, the accountant Yu Ishigami.”]

["Hello." Ishigami Yu greeted everyone, and words like this came to mind, 'If there is a spy, which one of these three is the most likely? '】

["By the way, Ishigami, I have something to tell you." After confirming that Ishigami Yu was back, Shirogane Miyuki nodded to Fujiwara Chika. Fujiwara Chika cautiously looked outside, then closed the door and locked it. good. 】

["It must be about the Moon Rabbit cabin."]

Chapter 38 If you can’t grow vegetables on the moon, just go wandering~ (Funny)

["It must be about the Moon Rabbit cabin."]

["Huh!" After hearing Ishigami Yu's rhetorical question, everyone looked at Ishigami Yu in surprise. 】

["What's wrong?" Ishigami Yu looked at everyone and looked over with a trace of doubt on his face: "Have you forgotten? Xiaochen and I are friends. Although Xiaochen is said to have passed away, after all, it happened in school Of course, Xiao Ai will inform me about the things inside."]

["Is that so?" Obviously everyone was surprised by such a thing, but Ishigami Yu clapped his hands and said: "It's normal, okay, let's go... I've never seen it before. I just heard about it.”]

["Oh, okay... let's go in then." Shirogane Mikado and Shinomiya Kaguya led the way, followed by Ishigami Yu, and everyone else was at the back. Ishigami Yu glanced at the people behind him. ...']

【'Ishigami Yu.Former 1st-year Class B of Shuchiin Academy High School, Accountant of Shuchiin Academy Student Council. 'At this time, the narrator suddenly appeared, speaking in a high tone: 'In order to find out the spies in the student union, he knew that he needed to expose some information. This was the most effective.only...'】

['Mo Chen...' The only one among the three whose expressions changed a lot was Ying Lili. Of course, Ishigami noticed it, but Ishigami didn't speak. 】

["Is this the Jade Rabbit Cabin?" Entering the Jade Rabbit Cabin, Ishigami Yu looked a little nostalgic. 】

["Ishigami, are you familiar with this place?" Seeing Ishigami Yu's nostalgic look, Shinomiya Kaguya on the side asked curiously. 】

["Well, I actually had a hand in the design here, but I just designed a few rooms." Ishigami nodded, not hiding it. He stretched out his hand to touch the wall, and then under everyone's surprised eyes , opened a hidden compartment of the shadow, and then pressed the switch. 】

[The entire roof of the Jade Rabbit Cabin began to move, and a narrow second floor appeared directly: "This is the room I reserved. It was originally reserved for me."]

"Hey! Ishigami, do you want to live here?" After hearing Ishigami Yu's words, Fujiwara Chika asked in surprise. 】

["It's not every day. Look over there..." Yu Ishigami pointed outside. Everyone turned their heads and looked over. Ishigami Yu's mouth slightly raised when he saw this, as if he had thought of something good. 】

["Is there nothing over there?" Everyone asked in confusion. 】

["Look now." Yu Ishigami pressed a button, and a small platform slowly opened: "That's the experimental field over there. It was decided by Xiaochen. He said he wanted to experiment with farming on the moon."]

["I remember didn't the Rabbit family get moon soil and moon stones a few years ago? It seems that after research, it is indeed impossible to grow vegetables, right?" Baiyin Yuxing knows very well about the starry sky. 】

["Because it was impossible to grow vegetables, Xiaochen conducted cooperative research with the flower grower's sky station..." At this point, Ishigami Yu looked at the others: "The construction of the Jade Rabbit Cabin actually had the help of the flower grower. ”]

["Does that mean the Jade Rabbit Cabin was not built by President Mo Chen alone?" Shirogane Yuxing asked in surprise. He knew from Shinomiya Kaguya that Mo Chen was also a Kamen Rider.I thought Mo Chen handled it alone. 】

["Of course not. Having said that, although the results of the previous research between Xiaochen and the flower growers have not been released yet, the planting experiment tables have come out. By then I will often live here and continue what Xiaochen has not completed. .”]

"Are you actually cooperating with the state?"

"Why the Rabbit Family? Our Yingjiang space station hasn't stopped yet."

"Yes, yes, we have been here for decades, and it is different from the Rabbit family. The Rabbit family still needs to learn Chinese. The equipment above is all in Chinese. Who can understand it?"

"Come on, it's an old thing for decades, and do you want to embarrass your face? And Yingjiang, who is originally from the Mao Xiong family, don't bully the Mao Xiong into disintegrating into a big hair and two hairs. Don't you have any moral character? "

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