"Rabbit's space station is brand new. It has Chinese characters on it. Doesn't your space station also have to learn your Eagle language? Double-standard dog..."

"And it hasn't stopped yet, right? I remember that a few years ago it was said that it would be useless next year."

"Yeah, it's useless..."

"Although a certain beast has always claimed to be the No. 1 in aviation, there doesn't seem to be any famous aerospace news recently, except for throwing a lot of space junk."

"Obviously I'm not good at it, yet I still want to force Lai Lai."

Facing a war of words on the Internet.The Rabbit family really doesn’t lose to anyone.Although many people want to speak out for these, in the final analysis, there are only two useful space stations in the sky now.

One is new and classy, ​​while the other is decades old.Everyone understands that.

And what kind of conspiracy could the little rabbit have? He just wants to plant vegetables on the little moon.

You must know that the soil on the moon was not suitable for growing vegetables, and the rabbit family all despised the moon as useless.

['In this case, no one should doubt the reason why I enter the Jade Rabbit cabin for no reason every day. 'But at this time, Ishigami Yu was thinking like this. 】

[But even though I have such thoughts, these things are indeed true.It's best to use real things as reasons. 】

"In other words, apart from us, are there any flower growers who know about the existence of the Jade Rabbit Cabin?" Kaguya Shinomiya, who was standing next to him, asked curiously. 】

["That's true, but this matter is also very confidential, and not many people know about it."]

[Ishigami Yu’s explanation still convinced everyone. 】

[Shirogane Miyuki also explained the recent situation to Ishigami Yu. 】

["Really? The mysterious star disciple switch, and the Kamen Rider. President, you are really powerful." Ishigami Yu looked surprised. 】

["It's not that great, hahaha!" Being praised by someone you like is a completely different mentality than being praised by your buddies. When I was praised by Ishigami Yu, Shirogane Miyako seemed to praise me a lot. look. 】

[After all, in the student union now, only Ishigami Yu and Shirogane Mikayuki are both male, and the others are all women. Many times, Shirogane Mikayuki does not perform well. 】

["No, it is indeed worthy of praise." Ishigami Yu smiled and patted Shirogane Miyuki on the shoulder: "The president is very powerful."]

["Okay, Ishigami is praising me and there is no reward. By the way, there is one thing that is just right for you to come back."]

["It's about Xiuzhiyuan and exchange students from various schools."]

Chapter 39 Perseus Disciples

["It's about Shunoin and exchange students from various schools." Shirogane Miyuki's words made Ishigami Yu show a puzzled expression on his face: "Exchange students? Are they like me before?"]

["No, it's not that far away." After hearing what Yu Ishigami said, Shirogane took action: "It's just exchange students with some universities in our country. This time, there are more than 30 exchange students, which is enough It’s a class.”]

["Oh, if that's the case, it's really time to allocate the financial issues. It feels so troublesome. I have to work so much as soon as I come back." Yu Ishigami still looked as unmotivated as before. 】

["He who can do it should work harder! I'm sorry!"

[The time soon arrived in the afternoon. 】

["Okay, the mission is over. President, can I go to the Moon Rabbit Cabin?" Ishigami Yu placed the USB flash drive in front of Shirogane Yuxing. Just after saying this, an explosion suddenly occurred outside the school. 】


["No, it's not an explosion... it's a flame!" There were actually not many people in the student union room, because although everyone had joined the student union, everyone had their own club, except for Shirogane Miyuki and Ishigami Yu. 】

[They all come over after the club activities are over, or they come over when they have something to do. Hayasaka Ai is from the hip-hop club, Eri is from the painting club, Iino Yako is a part-time member of the ethics committee, Shinomiya Kaguya is from the Kyudo club, Fujiwara Qianhua is from the board game department. 】

[That is to say, Ishigami Yu has no club, and Shirogane Goyuki has no club either. 】

[Although there was indeed a suggestion before that everyone should withdraw from their club, but in this case, they were afraid that the little secret would be discovered, so everyone did not quit. Anyway, there is no need to stay in the club, and if any accidents occur in the school In any case, we can arrive in time. 】

[And the matter of monitoring the school has also been handed over to Ishigami Yu. Shinomiya Kaguya now only needs to concentrate on debugging the switches. 】

[Shirogane Miyuki ran over quickly, but Ishigami Yu did not leave with Shirogane Miyuki.Instead, he opened the notebook he carried with him. 】

["What's going on with Ishigami now?" After Shirogane Goyuki went out, Shinomiya Kaguya ran over in Kyudo club uniforms. While opening the door to the Jade Rabbit cabin, she put on an earphone and put on Ishigami Yu's ears. It also had an earphone on it and immediately explained: "The hamburger set meal has just arrived."]

["Wait a minute, that's...Fujiwara-senpai." The hamburger set arrived faster than Shirogane Goyuki, but after arriving, Ishigami Yu showed a surprised expression. 】

["Secretary Fujiwara?" He ran into the Jade Rabbit cabin and saw the transmitted picture of the hamburger set meal, with a look of astonishment on his face. 】

[In the picture, Fujiwara Chika's hands are burning with flames. In front of Fujiwara Chika, there is a large fire. In the space formed by the flames, there is a person holding a big sword in his right hand and a snake-like figure in his left hand. The same look, with a woman's look on top. 】

"The flame just now was released from Chika Fujiwara's hand, right?"

"Could it be said that Chika Fujiwara has also become a superhero?"

"No. I should say whether Fujiwara Chika can use the Star Disciple Switch?"

"Hiss... Probably not. After all, Fujiwara Chika also knows the importance of the star apprentice switch, and Fujiwara Chika has not turned into a monster? But the other party's star apprentice..."

"It's the constellation Perseus. It is said to symbolize the hero Perseus of Greek mythology. The sword in his hand should be his weapon oracle. The left arm should be a collection of the power of Medusa who was defeated by Perseus. , may have the ability to turn anything it touches into stone.”

"Wow, people on the Internet are so powerful. Can you guess their power and so on? Isn't this amazing?" Looking at the comments on the Internet, Shinomiya Kaguya was a little surprised. She does rarely go online. , this time it was also because of my own videos that I started to surf the Internet seriously.

But Shinomiya Kaguya didn't expect that there would be so many gods directly predicting so much content on the Internet?

"But how can anyone use a star apprentice switch? This is clearly a false accusation against me." On the contrary, Fujiwara Chika looked a little depressed and hugged Shinomiya Kaguya next to her, looking like she was crying.

"A lot of content on the Internet is like this, Fujiwara-senpai, you don't need to pay too much attention." Yu Ishigami simply explained, which made Chika Fujiwara feel even more disappointed.

["Secretary Fujiwara?" On this side, Shirogane Miyuki finally ran to his destination. When Shirogane Mikyuki saw the scene in front of him, he was also very shocked. 】

["President? I don't know what happened?" Fujiwara Chika didn't seem to know what happened, and the flames from her hands slowly dissipated. 】

["You step back and leave it to me." Baiyin Yuxing didn't have time to worry about these things and immediately took out the drive. 】


["The universe is coming!" After Fourze appeared, he pointed his finger at the monster in front of him. He quickly recognized the other person's identity: "Is it the Perseus Disciple?"]

["Chairman Shirogane, is he actually Kamen Rider Fourze?" The Hercules star disciple also looked at Fourze in front of him in astonishment and murmured. 】

["No matter what, let's deal with you first." At this time, Fourze was still thinking about the flames coming out of Fujiwara Chika's hands, so he planned to go up. 】

[Although Fourze is very familiar with the constellations, he is obviously not very clear about Greek mythology. 】

[Fourze's fist hit the opponent's broadsword, and he punched out several times in succession. The Hercules was defeated steadily. However, after retreating, he suddenly hit him directly with the strange hand with a face on his right hand. , and Fourze reached out to block it, but the result...]

["What?" Fourze stretched out his right hand to block it and began to turn to stone. 】

【'not good. Watching this situation from behind, Ishigami Yu frowned, glanced at Kaguya Shinomiya who was quickly operating the computer on the other side of the screen, and rolled his eyes: "Senomiya-senpai, I'll go to the scene to take a look. Condition."】

【"it is good."】

[After running out of the student union gate, Ishigami Yu looked around, opened the window and jumped down. 】

Chapter 40 Kamen Rider Meteor (Meteor)

[The student union room is on the second floor.If you open the window and jump down, you will be on the first floor, with a small forest next to it. 】

[Ishigami Yu fell to the ground, rolled around on the ground, half-knelt on the ground, looked around, and after confirming that no one was there, he ran into the small forest. 】

[I took out a driver with a planet or galaxy in the center, a blue switch on the left, a blue round fixed ball handle derived from it on the right, and a push-pull handle on the right. switch. 】

【Meteor drive.The name of the drive appears in the lower right corner. 】

[Meteor means shooting star. 】

[The Meteor driver extended out and fixed the driver on Ishigami Yu's waist. 】

["Meteor, Ready?" Ishigami used his left hand to push the switch on the upper right side. After the switch was pushed out, Ishigami selected his hands, placing his right hand on the upper left front and his left hand on the lower right. 】

["henshin!" As the right hand waved down, the palm also slid on the blue ball handle on the left side of the right side. 】

[As Yu Ishigami waved down, the circle like a planet on the driver began to rotate, releasing golden and blue light. 】


[As the disco-like BGM sounded, a picture appeared in the universe. A device next to a handsome, high-tech space station with a five-star red flag opened, and a blue light poured down.What is worth noting is that there is another cannon-like muzzle next to it, but something like an energy port is pointed downwards. 】

[This blue light directly penetrated Ishigami Yu's body, and Ishigami Yu half-knelt down.There seemed to be a handsome armor on his body, but he didn't see clearly what kind of armor it was. The blue light formed a circle of blue energy light balls around him, and then flew up. 】

[The screen shifts to the battle side. 】

["President, are you okay?" Fujiwara Chika from behind looked at Fourze, whose right hand was petrified, and shouted worriedly. 】

["Don't worry about me, Secretary Fujiwara, you go first." What Fourze feels now is that his right hand has completely disappeared.But at this time, I am still facing the Perseus disciple in front of me]

["Your right hand has lost its function. President, please give up..." Perseus seemed to know Baiyin Yuxing, and said to Fourze: "Don't worry, I don't want to kill people, nor do I want to destroy anything. , I just want to find someone."]

["Someone?" Even if the other person is like this, Fourze will not avoid it. 】

["Yes, a monster who used the power of fire to destroy a family." Perseus said, focusing on Fujiwara Chika, because Fujiwara Chika just used the power of fire. 】

["???" Fujiwara Chika showed a puzzled expression on her face. 】

["I believe Secretary Fujiwara is not that kind of person. Who are you?" Fourze certainly had no intention of getting out of the way. 】

["Then please President, please petrify you for a while." Perseus said and rushed forward again, but this time Fourze could only use his right hand to block the swinging sword, because there was no other way, and the petrification of his right hand Make Fourze unable to dodge. 】

[Fourze could only close his eyes. 】

[At this moment, a blue ball of light flew from a distance at an extremely fast speed and hit Perseus, knocking him away. Then the ball of light landed in front of Fourze and Chika Fujiwara. . 】

[The half-kneeling Kamen Rider slowly stood up. 】

[The whole body is black, with many white dots of the starry sky. There is a blue armor like a meteor tail on the right shoulder. The three strips are merged into one, and the center point is the driver on the waist. 】

[The entire helmet is blue, and the compound eyes are pink through the translucent blue upper half of the helmet, and the top of the helmet is also tilted toward the left like a meteor tail-like armor. 】

["Kamen Rider?" Looking at the Kamen Rider appearing in front of him, Fourze was also very surprised. 】

["It looks like a shooting star." Chika Fujiwara from behind also saw a surprised expression on this Kamen Rider's face. 】

["Kamen Rider Meteor" At this time, Ishigami Yu... or Kamen Rider Meteor (Meteor)'s right hand finger was like the international superstar Bruce Lee, crossing the position of the nose on the visor, introducing himself, and looked at The other person: "Your fate will be decided by me."]


"As expected, Ishigami Yu is also a Kamen Rider."

"Kamen Rider Meteor...Meteor, you can indeed see a lot of patterns like meteors and comets on his body."

"Yeah, he's a bit handsome."

"He is indeed handsome, and his movements are also very handsome."

"Am I the only one who noticed? The light actually comes from Rabbit's space station!"

"So handsome."

"Wait a minute, I just saw... there seems to be something different next to the space station? I don't think the current space station has that thing?"

"You can still see it for only a few seconds. But I am really curious. Could it be that it belongs to other Kamen Riders?"

"I'm a little curious, and I want to know what's going on."

The comments on the Internet made everyone look at Ishigami Yu with some surprise. After all, Ishigami Yu's previous comments on the Internet were actually not very good, because things like hitting the person he liked in high school were also exposed. go out.

But now that he has become a Kamen Rider, his rating has gone up a bit.

It's just that as the protagonist being commented this time, Yunori Ishigami is not very happy.

'If this continues, things from the past may be exposed. ’ Sighing, Ishigami Yu didn’t know what to say.In order to protect her, I kept myself closed for so long without saying anything.

If this matter is exposed, won't everything you do become useless?

"It won't be useless." Seeing Yu Ishigami's expression, Shirogane Mikayuki and Shinomiya Kaguya also understood his worries.Seeing this, they looked at each other and Shinomiya Kaguya patted Ishigami Yu's shoulder and said, "What is your purpose?"

Chapter 41 Meteor Galaxy (Meteor Galaxy)

"Purpose..." Ishigami Yu was silent for a long time: "I just want to protect her."

"I said it before. Ishigami, there are other more suitable methods." Shirogane Yuyuki also took over the words and looked at Ishigami Yu and said: "You are just treating her like a child who doesn't understand anything. .”

"She is indeed a child who seems to understand nothing, but she cannot remain a child forever."

"I know, it's just..." Yu Ishigami naturally understands that she will grow up in the future, but at least the memories of junior high school, Ishigami Yu doesn't want to be dim.

"But there is no way to hide those things. What happened will definitely be recorded. Although playing it back like this does expose what you did back then, it may also be a good thing."

"Is it a good thing?" Ishigami Yu's eyes were a little blurry.

"Don't forget what will happen five years from now. For five years from now, you must be focused. If this matter is not handled well, then it will be like what Kamen Rider OOO did before, where you were responsible for the protection of a place. If someone still treats you like this, then when the time comes..."

"I understand. I understand..." After murmuring a few words, Ishigami Yu also understood that this kind of thing can only be done like this, but he still felt a little helpless mentally.

But what if the video plays animals?

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