I can only pray that I won’t go into so much detail.

However, Ishigami Yu also thinks that it is unlikely. Everyone has a story as a first-in-command, and obviously among Fourze, he is that first-in-command.And the only thing that has the greatest relationship with me is this one thing.

"This is actually the best." Shinomiya Kaguya flipped her hair.

If it weren't for Yu Ishigami, Shinomiya Kaguya would have told the girl these things long ago.You might even think...'What kind of expression will she show if she knows the truth?' This kind of mentality.

【"Your fate is decided by me."】

["Kamen Rider... Meteor (Meteor)" The Kamen Rider Fourze behind was a little surprised when he heard this Kamen Rider's self-introduction. 】

["Meteor...a Kamen Rider I have never heard of." Although Fourze said that he has not met those seniors, he also knows the names of those senior Kamen Riders, and there is definitely no one named Kamen Rider among them. The predecessor of Meteor. 】

[Just when Fourze was surprised, he saw the new Kamen Rider spread his hands and made a fighting gesture. He spread his hands slightly: "Hu... Ada..."]

[As Kamen Rider Ryusei made such a sound, his fist quickly hit Perseus' body. 】


["So strong!" Fourze behind him looked at his gradually petrified arm, then glanced at Kamen Rider Meteor who was fighting in front of him, then turned to look at Chika Fujiwara: "Secretary Fujiwara, go back first and look for it. Sigong, let’s see if there are any props we can use...”]

["Okay...wait a minute." Fujiwara Chika was also stunned, but after hearing Fourze's words, she nodded and turned around to leave, but just when she turned around to leave.Suddenly his hands were raised as if out of control. 】

[A huge flame swept across, and then headed towards Perseus and Kamen Rider Meteor. 】

["What on earth is going on?" Fourze quickly backed away for a distance, completely unaware of what was going on.At this moment, the radar sounded. Seeing this, Fourze immediately turned on the radar: "Shinomiya, what is the situation now?"]

["President, the hamburger set is over there, right? You use the number switch of the hamburger set. The camera captures it." Although Shinomiya Kaguya didn't know what was going on now, she gave a suggestion to Shirogane Miyuki. . 】

["Okay, I understand." Fourze raised his hand, grabbed the hamburger set in his hand, and then replaced it with the hamburger set. Fortunately, Fourze's right arm was petrified, while the camera was on his left arm. 】

["Ada..." On this side, Kamen Rider Meteor and Perseus fought together, and Perseus wanted to use the petrified arm on his left hand to hit Meteor, but it turned out that Meteor seemed to know the other party. The attack method is the same, giving no chance at all. 】

[And facing Perseus, his way of evading the broadsword meteor on his right hand is also very strong. He looks like a very powerful martial arts master, unlike other knights. 】

[No, it’s not about appearance, but the way of fighting is using martial arts and other methods. 】

[Under such circumstances, a blaze of flames lit up and then surrounded the two of them. 】

[Seeing this, Kamen Rider Meteor will not dodge such an attack. After all, the identity of Kamen Rider Meteor is Ishigami Yu, and Ishigami Yu still trusts partners like Fujiwara Chika. 】

[But the next second when he felt that the blazing flames were about to reach the back of his head, Meteor rolled forward, narrowly escaping the attack of the flames. 】

['Are you even going to attack me? 'Kamen Rider Meteor rolled on the ground for a while, and then took advantage of the path forward to kick from above the ground, directly hitting the abdomen of Perseus in front of him. 】

[Perseus originally wanted to roll forward like Meteor to avoid the attack, but was kicked out by Meteor and hit directly in the abdomen, and was attacked by flames again.Perseus flew out and rolled several times on the ground. 】

[And the flames of the attack swept up into the sky, and then headed towards the meteors on the ground. 】

[When Meteor saw this, he immediately took out the Meteor Galaxy equipment that Haihara Ai had given him before and placed it on his right hand, and then pushed the outward button. 】

【"Mars Lever (Mars·Preparation)"】

[After confirming, Meteor immediately pressed the fingerprint authentication place on the front. 】

["OK! Mars" Along with the rhythm and sound effects of Meteor Galaxy, Meteor's right hand appeared... like a Mars formed by energy. 】

["Woo...wow..." He held an energy spark in his right hand, and then Meteor waved his hand. The sparks in his hand did not fly out. Instead, they guided the flames. When the flames were about to hit Meteor, they were all destroyed by the sparks. He was guided to his side.Like a fire dragon flying around the shooting star. 】

Chapter 42 Fourze

["Woo...wha..." The Mars energy ball in his hand guided the flame, and with the humming sound from Meteor's mouth, he waved it towards Perseus not far away. 】

[The Mars energy ball drove the flames and flew towards Perseus like a fire dragon. 】

["Boom..." During the flame explosion, Perseus flew backwards. 】

[After rolling on the ground several times, Perseus turned into a figure. 】

["Kojima-kun?" Looking at the handsome-looking man transformed by Perseus, Fourze showed an expression of astonishment. 】

["President Shirogane, this matter has little to do with you." This handsome man, whose name is Xiaodao, stood up, shook his clothes with his hands, and looked up at the situation in front of him. 】

["Why are you doing these things?" Fourze glanced at the meteor. At the same time, his petrified right arm quickly recovered. Seeing this, Fourze pushed the drive button on his waist to return to human form. 】

["This has nothing to do with you." The person named Xiaodao said these words directly and left. 】

["Wait..." Baiyin Yuxing wanted to stop Xiaodao, but Xiaodao once again took out the switch and pressed the button, then turned into Perseus and quickly left in the distance. 】

["There's still Liu..." Seeing such a scene, Shirogane Mikado's head was dilated. He turned to look at Kamen Rider Meteor, but he looked at nothing. In the meantime, Kamen Rider Meteor's The figure actually disappeared. 】

["President, are you okay here?" Just when Shirogane Yuxing had doubts on his face, Ishigami Yu ran over from a short distance away and said breathlessly: "I just came here to find out what's going on. .”]

["I don't know what happened." Shirogane Miyuki scratched his head with both hands, and then looked at Fujiwara Chika next to him, while Fujiwara Chika looked confused. 】

"What's the one called the island?"

"Yes, I have some personal information about him here. He is the top VIPS member of Show House and the son of the Police Director of the Metropolitan Police Department. He is a very righteous man."

"Don't I remember that the police chief of the Metropolitan Police Department is called White Horse?"

"That's from Tokyo. I remember...I forgot about this. I'll go look it up."

"Hey, forget it, I don't care much about this kind of thing. I'm just curious, what happened to Chika Fujiwara?"

"She shouldn't be able to use the astronomical switch, right?"

"Who knows, you know people but don't know their hearts. And don't forget, Yu Ishigami has another mission, to catch spies. Who knows whether Chika Fujiwara is a spy?"

"That shouldn't be the case, after all, it was her and Shinomiya Kaguya who knew about the Jade Rabbit Cabin in the first place?"

"If you want to put it this way, isn't Shinomiya Kaguya more likely? After all, Shinomiya Kaguya's identity is also a member of the Shinomiya family."

"Maybe it's these people who just joined? But these things will probably be investigated soon."

["Is it strange? There is nothing strange about Secretary Fujiwara? Why can he control flames?" Chika Fujiwara was brought back to the student union room, and everyone was there. 】

[Shinomiya Kaguya immediately took out a black instrument and scanned Fujiwara Chika's body with a puzzled expression on her face. 】

["I don't know either." Fujiwara Chika also looked a little confused and briefly explained the previous situation. 】

[When going back, Chika Fujiwara didn’t think too much about anything, she just felt a little strange, as if...]

["It seems like there is a flame in my palm." Fujiwara Chika said and raised her right hand, but there was no flame in the raised arm. 】

["It's like magic?"]

["Magic?" Everyone else looked at each other, looking a little confused. On the other hand, Ishigami Yu seemed to have discovered something. His expression became slightly serious, and he pinched it: "Fujiwara-senpai, let me ask you a question. Things, when you use flames, are you thinking about it yourself?"]

["No? I don't have such an idea." Chika Fujiwara shook her head: "Also, although I have never seen the new Kamen Rider, it is obvious that he is here to help. How could I attack him. ”]

["New Kamen Rider?" After hearing the words "New Kamen Rider", everyone looked at Shirogane Mikado.And Shirogane Miyuki took out his mobile phone: "Here, this is what was taken from the previous hamburger meal. The new Kamen Rider's name is Kamen Rider Meteor."]

["Meteor..." Everyone looked at each other and gathered around, looking at the content of the hamburger set. Everyone was discussing it. Even Yu Ishigami looked at the scene in front of him curiously. 】

["Shinomiya, you are Miss Haibara and a teacher and student. Which system did the knights who appeared before belong to?"]

["The other party seems to be using an astronomical switch?" Shinomiya Kaguya was observing the pictures in front of him. Finally, the picture turned and he saw the driver on the waist of the knight in front of him. 】

["Astronomical switch?" Chika Fujiwara squeezed over and said curiously: "Is it strange? I remember that we use a total of 40 switches here, right?"]

["Is there only 40?" After hearing what Chika Fujiwara said, Shirogane Mikado looked at Shinomiya Kaguya with some confusion. 】

["Well, no, there are only 40, so it is called Fourze, which represents 40!" Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and admitted the truth of this matter. 】

["Is there such a saying?"]

["Yes, and I have never seen a switch like this. I am the only one with the ability to debug the switch. At least it's not our numbered switch?" Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the scene in front of him and looked confused. force. 】

["When Mo Chen was still alive, he did have such an ability, but he could only imitate the four simplest switches. After his death, there were no more. Moreover, the way those imitated switches were used was somewhat special. It’s not that simple.”]

["That means this switch is special?"]

"Besides Mo Chen, is there anyone else?" Bai Yin Yuxing asked. 】

["It stands to reason that there are two different switches, the star disciple switch and the astronomical switch. The origins of the two powers are the same by different routes, but since 'that' was lost, it has no ability to create it?" Shinomiya Kaguya also had a look on his face. Confused. 】

Chapter 43 wizard?

["It stands to reason that there are two different switches, the star disciple switch and the astronomical switch. The origins of the two powers are the same by different routes, but since 'that' was lost, it has no ability to create it?" Shinomiya Kaguya also had a look on his face. Confused. 】

["That is to say, there are only forty astronomical switches in total, and there are no other switches? So is it possible to use the star disciple switches to study transformations?" Bai Yin Yuxing raised this possibility. 】

["Impossible! If the star disciple switch is inserted into the driver, the result will be invalid. This is unsolvable. You can understand it as two things with yin and yang."]

["Ishigami, do you know why?" After rejecting these things again, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Ishigami Yu. 】

["Let me think about it..." At this time, Ishigami Yu was actually observing the expressions of all the people present. Seeing everyone asking him, Ishigami Yu touched his chin as if he was thinking seriously: "I remember, It seems that Xiaochen did research a few switches, but I don’t know the details. After all, I left here very quickly and went to Rabbit’s house.”]

["Is that so? Does this mean that this shooting star is one of our own?" Hayasaka Ai looked like a hot girl outside and asked with a smile. 】

["Well, that should be it." Although Baiyin Yuxing could not be said to be fighting with Meteor, Baiyin Yuxing felt that he was a partner. 】

["It's still unclear whether they are partners." Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head. She was obviously still hesitant, while Shirogane Yuyuki said: "This is not the time to say this, but Kojima-san and Secretary Fujiwara’s situation.”]

["..." Seeing that Shirogane Yuxing didn't care about Meteor, Shinomiya Kaguya looked slightly dissatisfied and pouted slightly, but didn't say much. 】

"Leave it to me regarding Kojima-san." Hayasaka smiled and raised her hand, then jumped out and ran out. 】

["Let me also investigate the recent events." Iino Yako also raised her hand and said, and at the same time glanced at Fujiwara Chika with some worry. She was very worried about Fujiwara Chika, but now Fujiwara Chika obviously cannot enter the Jade Rabbit Cabin, but Must be investigated outside. 】

【Haasaka is very playful and can learn a lot of things.As for Iino Yako, she is the disciplinary committee member, so she can ask questions about things that are clear to the public, and she can also ask the teacher. 】

["I'll make the design drawings." Ying Lili couldn't do anything, but it wasn't appropriate to stay here, so he said to a few people and went to the Jade Rabbit Cabin. 】

["I will also go to the Jade Rabbit Cabin. The president will leave it to you." Ishigami Yu looked at it and said to Shirogane Yuxing with a smile, and then left. 】

[There are only three people left in the entire student union room: Shirogane Miyuki, Shinomiya Kaguya, and Fujiwara Chika. 】

[The scene shifted to Ishigami Yu. When Ishigami Yu entered the Jade Rabbit Cabin, he saw Eri-ri just sitting down and taking out a pen and paper from her schoolbag. 】

[Ishigami Yu glanced at the other party and didn't say much. Instead, he went to the cubicle and seemed to want to change into a spacesuit. 】

["Ishigami-san..." Just when Ishigami Yu had just put on the pants of the aerospace suit, Eiri did not start writing, but spoke in a low voice. 】

["If you want to ask about Xiaochen, then I don't have anything to say." Yu Ishigami said while changing his clothes. 】

["Xiaochen chose this path himself. He cared about you very much, so he stayed by your side. His passing... Even for me, it is difficult for us to save. Because this has become a foregone conclusion. .”]

[Ishigami Yu, who put on his spacesuit, glanced at Eri, then opened the door and walked out. 】

[It is very quiet on the moon. Ishigami Yu can hear nothing except the sound of his own breathing. The gravity here is very light, and you can jump very high distances with a single jump. 】

["Xiao Ai, I've arrived here. Now I found 7 monitors in the Jade Rabbit Cabin." Ishigami Yu's headphones rang, and at the same time, the positions of the seven monitors appeared on the screen. It was said before Six, and now there are seven. The latest one is actually the opening point of Ishigami Yu. 】

[The sizzling sound died out for a while, and then Haiyuan’s voice sounded: "Really? How many people appeared in the Jade Rabbit Cabin?"]

["Since yesterday's incident ended, almost everyone has had the opportunity to enter."]

["Then you should pay attention first, and be careful. By the way, there are some plans in Xiuzhiyuan recently, and they want to attract some people."]

["I know about this." Ishigami Yu jumped to the planting area, entered some passwords, and then entered it. : "Is there anything special?"]

["These people are all people that Xiaochen paid close attention to before, including Kamen Rider."]

["Kamen Rider?" After hearing Haibara Ai's words, Ishigami Yu was also a little surprised. 】

["Well, it's not just Kamen Riders, there are also some special people. The old guy from the Shinomiya family is really impatient." Haibara Ai sneered: "I will tell the identities of other Kamen Riders I’ll share it with you, but it’s best to keep your identity hidden.”]

["I understand, by the way, I encountered something today. It's about Secretary Fujiwara." Ishigami Yu also explained what he encountered: "Xiao Ai, is it possible to use the ability of fire?"]

["It is indeed possible. Many can release flames. For example, the Demon Slayers, Hibiki, have a special breathing method that allows them to use flame attacks. There are also Kamen Rider Wizards who can also use flames. Anyway, there are many knights with the ability of fire."]


["This matter is just being investigated by Knowledge recently. It is also a big trouble that remains. Don't think too much. Just deal with the matter in front of you first. All the fluctuations in my current situation show that it is not another Kamen Rider." In the past and so on. Although there are other powers. But... today there are two star disciples in a short period of time."]

["Two Star Disciples...I understand." After hearing Xiao Ai's words, Ishigami Yuya suddenly understood. In other words, the ability Fujiwara Chika used was given to her by another Star Disciple. 】

Chapter 44 The Star Disciple of Fire?

"Kamen Rider Wizard?"

"I remember this name. Magician...is the red diamond-like Kamen Rider who appeared in the OOO chapter before."

"Wizard, the magician can use the power of fire, does that mean he is a new knight? I am so excited..."

Everyone is excited, but there is only one person who is trembling now, and that is Kuroba Kaito.

He had recognized it before, the Kamen Rider Wizard should be him.

If it were just Kamen Rider Wizard, Kuroba Kaito would still be very happy if it was exposed, but there is another problem, that is, his hidden identity will also be exposed, right?

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