This identity is Kaitou Kidd.

"Ah..." He helplessly covered his face with his hands. Kuroba Kaito felt a little numb now.

After all, Kaitou Kidd's identity is that of a thief.

He is a criminal. Although Kuroba Kaito also knows that if something happens, he will definitely be involved, but the identity of Kaitou Kidd is exposed... It is really not good.

[In the Kendo Club, the Perseus who appeared before, Kojima-san, was holding a wooden sword in his hand and taking a deep breath. In front of Kojima-san was Busujima Saeko. 】

["Your mentality is messed up." The wooden sword in Busushima Saeko's hand almost penetrated the opponent's throat, which made Kojima lie on the ground very tired.Seeing this, Busujima Saeko shook off the wooden sword in his hand and supported it on the ground with both hands: "Is it because of the recent incident of being attacked by fire?"]

["Yeah..." Kojima didn't hide anything and took out the astronomical switch from his pocket: "I found that the flame has too many abilities. The special affairs department has already investigated it, and other knights are also investigating, but The most likely ones are people who have connections with us, that is, people in the school."]

["You must have seen it, right? Kamen Rider Fourze..." Busujima Saeko asked. 】

["Are you talking about Shirogane Miyuki?" Kojima asked back: "If it is him, I think he is really suitable."]

["He is indeed a very good person." Busujima Saeko chuckled and put away the wooden sword: "But since you chose to use the switch, you are destined to be eliminated."]

["I know that I am a monster now, and sooner or later I will be defeated by a righteous hero, but no matter what, before I fall into the devil's path, I will go to hell with the human devil who destroyed so many families." Kojima's His expression can be said to be gloomy to terrifying. 】

["I will respect your choice." Busujima Saeko said and put the things away. 】

[Standing on the sink, the water from the sink kept washing his cheeks, calming down the desires that emerged in his heart. Kojima took a deep breath. 】

["Towel." From the side, Shirogane Miyuki handed over a towel. Kojima took the towel and wiped his face, then turned to look at Shirogane Miyuki: "If your purpose is just to persuade me to give up my power now, Then save it.”]

["No, I just want to know, Kojima-san, why you want to use such power. As you are, you should know the source of the power of the Star Disciple Switch."]

["I know, this is a demon-like power, using the power of the universe. After using this, my desire has been increasing. If this continues, I will probably become a demon soon."]

["So why is Kojima-san?"]

["Have you ever seen anyone who has lost a family member?" Xiao Dao asked back. He leaned against the pool, letting the water that was not closed continue to flow behind him. He looked at the bright sky: "You You should know that my father is the director of the Metropolitan Police Department. I have seen... a sea of ​​​​fire and nothing."]

[Following Kojima’s words, some houses burned by flames appeared on the screen. 】

[Although there are no bloody scenes, it also illustrates the tragedy of these things: "Someone told me that the culprit who caused these things is in our school, order to catch that person, I must use this weapon strength."】

["...Then let's help you." Baiyin Yuxing looked at the small island in front of him, turned around and stood in front of the small island. There was a hand and a switch in his hand. On it was the number 01, which is the rocket. switch. 】

["Heroes come to help monsters?" Kojima sneered. 】

["It's like a flame and a fire extinguisher. I'll be your fire extinguisher." Baiyin Yuxing stretched out his arm. Seeing Baiyin Yuxing's arm, Kojima slowly stretched out his hand... and patted Baiyin Yuxing. Row of arms. 】

["I am a monster, not a flame. But... when the time comes, I will go berserk, and I will leave it to you, the hero."]

[Originally, Shirogane Yuxing was a little helpless, but after hearing what Xiaodao said, he suddenly became happy. 】


[Kojima and Shirogane Mikayuki went to the student council room together. 】

["President, you are back. We have investigated something." Everyone else in the student union was there at this time, and they saw that there was no doubtful expression on Kojima's face. 】

["Come and see this." Shinomiya Kaguya pushed the computer towards everyone and explained: "This was taken with the camera switch."]

["Although it's very vague...but..."]

[As the picture slowed down, then stopped somewhere, and then quickly zoomed in somewhere, there was a figure that looked bent and had a body like a flame. It was easy to tell that this was a monster. 】

["What kind of seat is this?" Baiyin Yuxing went over and looked at it, but the content was blurry because it was magnified at least 30 times before he could see that the opponent was a monster. 】

["I don't know, but there is indeed another star disciple." Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head, and then looked at Fujiwara Chika: "Fujiwara-san, do you know anyone who has used the switch?"]

["I have no idea at all." Fujiwara Chika said helplessly, completely lying on the table at this time: "I have no idea what happened."]

["According to what the two of us learned, some traces of flames were actually discovered yesterday." Here, Hayasaka Ai and Iino Yako said: "Did everyone think that the flame attack was an illusion at first? The key thing is...there are flames, but there are no people being attacked."]

Chapter 45

[However, although we have obtained a lot of information now, the result is a bit strange, that is, we can only know that the other party has followed Shirogane Mikado and Shinomiya Kaguya. 】

[But we can only know these things. Even if Hayasaka Ai went to investigate the surveillance, there was nothing we could do. 】

[Because Shirogane Miyako and Shinomiya Kaguya are very popular in the school, there are still many people watching when they walk together outside. In other words, what we can know now is that the identity of this person is that the two of them are following behind. people. 】

[But the two have so many followers, it would take too much time to find them. 】

["There is a way." At this time, Yu Ishigami, who seemed to be listening and silent, spoke up and attracted everyone's attention. Everyone turned to look at Yu Ishigami. 】

["Since the other party wants to protect the president, then just let the president be attacked." Yu Ishigami's words hit the mark, and everyone looked at Kojima. 】

["Is it okay?" Xiaodao looked at Shirogane Yuxing.And Baiyin Yuxing smiled and gave a thumbs up: "Of course!"]

"Is this the first time two enemies have cooperated?"

"How can it be counted? Didn't Nazca also fight together during W?"

"That's right, don't mention W, didn't even those greedy people before become partners later? Isn't there any surprise?"

"Besides, none of these constellation apostles did anything extraordinary? Although they turned into monsters and did some bad things, they were all within the tolerance range, and they were all a group of children. They were originally It's a good thing that he's not that mature and that he was bewitched by power and didn't make a big mistake."

"We are actually looking forward to it now. Do you think there will be content in the future where Twelve Palaces and Shirogong Yuxing will work together to fight together?"

"Upstairs, be careful I'll stab you!"

"But Ishigami Yu is really smart. It feels like he hit the nail on the head. I was thinking about how to find out before. This is actually the most appropriate way. If I let Kojima-san attack Shirogane Miyuki, this way If someone is really protecting the two of them secretly, then the other party will definitely take action directly, right?"

"But what should we do about such a safety issue? What if Perseus takes action and really wants to kill Baiyin Yuxing?"

"Have you forgotten that Yu Ishigami is Kamen Rider Meteor? His previous movement speed and other things can almost guarantee that he can directly block this thing, right?"

"That's true, but it seems that Baiyin Yuxing has suffered a lot."

["I still don't agree." After briefly discussing the plan, Shinomiya Kaguya was still a little worried, but Shirogane Miyuki responded: "It's okay, I believe Kojima-san."]

["..." Yu Ishigami trembled at this time, turning his back to Shinomiya Kaguya with some fear, because if he didn't turn his head, he could still feel the terrifying look in Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes just now.But Ishigami Yu also has his own confidence. If something goes wrong, he can save Shirogane Miyuki in an instant. 】

["Gulu..." When Ishigami Yu swallowed, suddenly Eiri took Shinomiya Kaguya's arm and said something in Shinomiya Kaguya's ear. Shinomiya Kaguya looked at it in surprise. He glanced at Yinglili and showed a smile: "I know."]

["Everyone, although it is confirmed, the time will stay in the afternoon. We will make plans after school in the afternoon."]


[Everyone was going to rest, but Ishigami Yu and Shinomiya Kaguya entered the Jade Rabbit Cabin. Ishigami Yu didn’t mind if he went to school or not, and his family wouldn’t say anything, let alone the issue of grades...]

[Ishigami Yu is not an idiot, and this time I went to Rabbit's house. Although he didn't completely become a scroll king, he still grew a lot in learning and other things. 】

["Ishigami-san, I don't want you to ask the president to do anything dangerous next time." After entering the Jade Rabbit cabin, Shinomiya Kaguya immediately stared at Ishigami Yu with scarlet eyes. 】

[Ishigami Yu was not surprised at this time. He looked at the situation in front of him very calmly, and then turned to look at Shinomiya Kaguya. He looked full of momentum, but when he saw Shinomiya Kaguya, his breath suddenly became confused. He came down, looking a little scared.But even though he said that, he still said something. 】

["Vice President Fourth Palace, when you choose the president to become Fourze, he is bound to encounter a lot of trouble. Fighting is not that simple."]

["Sure enough, you also know about Kamen Rider Fourze?" Shinomiya Kaguya's somewhat cold eyes became more relaxed and said: "Then if I ask you to fight, will you go? Ishigami-san?" ”]

["I will go." Ishigami Yu nodded directly, then turned his head and looked elsewhere: "But I don't have the qualifications!"]

["Not qualified?" Shinomiya Kaguya had a puzzled expression. 】

["Xiaochen said that no matter what kind of power it is, if it is used on the right person, the power it can exert is its limit. And let alone exerting its power, even if it is transformed, there is nothing I can do." Ishigami Youyi said pointedly. 】

["Is there such a reason?"]

["Well..." Ishigami nodded, and then said: "Actually, Xiaochen has said before that if there is a suitable person, ask me to recommend it, because the thing happened in our Xiuzhiyuan, I am leaving I actually chose a lot of people before, but after secretly observing them, I found that none of them were suitable. The only one who was suitable was...the president."]

[Ishigami Yu didn’t go on, because these things are really troublesome. For example, Shirogane Mikado became a Kamen Rider. Ishigami Yu also knew that it was unstoppable, because he was the most suitable for this power, and he also wanted to protect the four. Gong Huiye, so Baiyin Yuxing will definitely take action. 】

["Ishigami, what do you think about shooting stars?" Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly asked, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.Ishigami Yu shook his head: "I don't know, because Xiaochen was still fine when I left, but after I left, Xiaochen became..."]

["Do you also think that Mo Chen might have developed it before his death as one of the preparatory measures?" Kaguya Shinomiya kept scanning Yu Ishigami in front of him, and Yu Ishigami nodded directly: "Well, this The possibility is very high."]


Chapter 4 The Disciples of the Temple of Heaven

[After school time passed, Baiyin Yuxing packed up his things and went to the motorcycle, preparing to get on the motorcycle and go back, but at this moment, a knife suddenly swung down. 】

["What?" A look of horror appeared on Baiyin Yuxing's face, and he dodged the attack with a backflip, and the one who attacked Baiyin Yuxing was naturally Perseus. 】

[The two of them didn’t say much.Baiyin Yuxing did not transform, but was forced to run away. The two of them ran towards the distance. Many people on the road saw such a scene, but they did not dare to take action. The two of them ran to the back. No one was there. When he reached the place, Baiyin Yuxing also stopped running and took out the drive. 】

[The "3" screen stays on Baiyin Yuxing. 】

[The picture after "2" appears on Perseus. 】

["1" This time, the picture is in a bush, and it is a girl wearing a magician's pointed hat, whose appearance is unclear. 】


[The two started fighting, but it was obvious that Perseus was much more powerful than Fourze, and Fourze was soon beaten to the ground. 】

["Go to hell." Perseus swung the sword in his hand, and was about to hit Fourze's sword directly. Suddenly, a strong flame swept over and knocked the sword away. 】

["It's here!" Fourze jumped up upon seeing this and looked at the location where the flames were coming from. 】

[Holding a red staff as tall as a person in his hand, with flame patterns, and the stars on the chest made Fourze recognize the other person's identity: "Temple of Heaven?"]

["Sure enough, it appeared." Upon seeing this, Perseus looked towards the Temple of Heaven.Then he lowered his head: "You guy."]

["Wait a minute, Kojima-san." Seeing that Perseus wanted to go over and take action directly, Fourze wanted to investigate what was going on first, so he wanted to stop Perseus. 】

["Don't stop me." Perseus pushed Fourze away, and then rushed directly towards the Temple of Heaven. 】

[The Temple of Heaven also understood what was going on, turned around and wanted to escape. 】

[But Perseus has already rushed over. 】

["It's really troublesome..." Fourze looked at the Temple of Heaven trying to escape, but was surrounded by the Temple of Heaven. He scratched his head, and then rushed forward, trying to stop the fight between the two. 】


[Just as Fourze rushed over, a figure appeared in front of Fourze even faster. It was Scorpio. 】

[Scorpio's continuous kicks stopped Fourze's movement. 】

["Sure enough, it's you who is behind the scenes." Fourze stepped back a long distance, and when he saw Scorpio's appearance, he understood that it was definitely the other party who was behind the scenes.If it weren't for them, things wouldn't be that messy. 】

[The other people in the student union who were secretly observing also began to contact each other. Seeing this, Ishigami Yu, who was not far away, hid and glanced at the surveillance camera not far away. The red light on the surveillance camera turned blue. , Yu Ishigami understood and took out the drive. 】

【"Meteor, Ready?"】


[Kamen Rider Meteor (Meteor) turned into a ball of blue light and disappeared in place, and then suddenly knocked away the fighting Scorpio. 】

["Meteor!" Fourze breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the Kamen Rider Meteor landing on the ground. 】

["Huh... Wow..." Meteor's fist hit Scorpio, and after knocking Scorpio back for a while, he looked at Fourze: "Okay... Fourze, you go handle their affairs. ”]

["Okay, I'll leave this to you." Fourze nodded. He also knew what things were of higher importance. 】

[Fourze rushes towards the battle between the two. 】

["Are you Meteor?" Scorpio seemed to know Kamen Rider Meteor. Looking at Meteor in front of him, his legs bounced slightly, as if he was about to use kicking skills.When Meteor saw this, he also stepped forward twice. 】

["Oh, do you want to compete with me in kicking skills?" Scorpio smiled disdainfully and then rushed forward. 】

["Huh... Wow." He hummed while using Meteor's kicking skills. Scorpio was a little surprised that he was hit all at once, because he was suppressed, and almost hit him when he was about to hit. Was intercepted.Scorpio has not benefited at all. 】

["What?" Scorpio was also very surprised when he saw this.However, he continued to fight with Meteor. 】

[The other side of the screen shifts to Fourze's side. Fourze is now being attacked by two people, but Fourze is not trying to defeat them, but to stop their fight. 】

["President, close your eyes!" At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya's voice came from the earphones. Shirogane Yuyuki closed his eyes directly, and then saw a robot with the same structure as a drink cup appearing. At the battlefield between the three, the robot's eyes emitted a fierce light, and in the light, both Perseus and Tiantan covered their eyes. 】

["Is the new auxiliary robot ready?" Fourze immediately changed a switch upon seeing this. Switch No. 1. 】

["Winch On! (Winch)" The hook of the winch appeared on Fourze's left hand. When both people covered their eyes, Fourze directly tied them separately with the winch chain. 】

["Okay, you two, please calm down." Fourze held on to each other tightly, so that the two of them could not break through. 】

["Why did you kill those people?" Perseus' mood fluctuated greatly. On the contrary, Tiantan looked a little confused: "? What are those people?" ]




[The three of them all showed confused expressions, because the Tiantan constellation had a female voice. She tried to struggle for a while, but after finding that there was no other way, she sighed, and then the light flickered and turned into a person. 】

【"A Tianfang?"】

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