["A Tianfang classmate?"]

[A very cute girl wearing a sharp wizard hat like a wizard, Shirogane Miyako and Koizumi both know each other. 】

["One of the members of the Atenbo Yume Shuchiin Community Federation (Shuchiin VIP); the granddaughter of the first-level pure class of the religious legal person "Shrine Mainin"." The voice of the narrator sounded. 】

Chapter 47 The second zodiac!

"Are you also a VIP of Xiuzhiyuan?"

"In other words, this cute girl should be an acquaintance of Xiaoquan, right?"

"It doesn't look like it's the other person, right?"

"Who knows?"

"The granddaughter of the first level of the religious corporation "Jinja Mainin"... she is also a super high-ranking person."

"Religion, hiss... the Koizumi Hongzi who appeared before has nothing to do with her, right?"

"Are you stupid upstairs? One is a witch and the other is a religion. Thank God they are not mortal enemies."

"It seems so?"

["Okay, okay, stop staring at each other? Xiaoquan, you also want to experience transformation. Can you explain it clearly first?" Fourze scratched his head and said to Perseus. 】

["Hmph..." Xiaoquan did know A Tianfang before, so he calmed down and canceled the transformation. 】

["Okay, let's communicate first." Fourze also canceled the transformation after seeing this. 】

[However, after the transformation was canceled in this way, the two fell silent again. Seeing this, Baiyin Yuxing scratched his head and said: "A Tianfang classmate, when did you get the star disciple switch?"]

【"The day before yesterday."】

["The day before yesterday?" Xiaoquan's expression changed slightly, "Didn't you kill those people?"]

["What?" A Tianfang also had a puzzled expression: "I only got the Star Disciple Switch the day before yesterday. I didn't plan to use it originally, but after I found out that you are a Kamen Rider, President, I did some divination. , I found out that you might die in the future, so I used it."]

["Huh?" Baiyin Yuxing was even more confused. 】

["No need, no, President, please explain to Koizumi-san that those cases have been confirmed to be accepted by the Special Cases Division and were not caused by the Constellation Apostles." On this side, Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at Haibara. The incoming text message spoke into the microphone. 】

[Baiyin Yuxing explained this matter to them, which made both of them a little silent. 】

["The power of the Constellation Apostle is not that simple. Give me all the Star Disciple switches."]

[This incident was originally caused by an error. Atenfang thought for a moment and handed the astronomical switch to Shirogane Mikaru, who pressed the switch and destroyed it, and finally looked at Koizumi . 】

["Koizumi-kun, I have never seen the scene you mentioned." Seeing that Koizumi still had no intention of handing the switch to him, Shirogane Miyuki looked at Koizumi in front of him seriously and said: "But, I will Keep fighting. My purpose from the beginning was to protect the Fourth Palace and protect everyone. The purpose is to prevent this kind of thing from happening."]

["Can you do it?" Koizumi asked, looking at Shirogane Miyuki in front of him. 】

["I can't guarantee it, but I will risk my life as...Kamen Rider!" Shirogane Mikado's firm eyes made Koizumi a little silent, and Koizumi took out his own switch. 】

[The "Last One (Last One)" Star Disciple switch lit up with a light, showing that Koizumi's mood was not calm.However, Baiyin Yuxing did not snatch it. After a while, an explosion sounded in the distance, and Xiaoquan finally sighed completely. 】

【"I hope you won't disappoint me."】

["Definitely!" Baiyin Yuxing took the star apprentice switch and pressed the button.Completely eliminate the two switches. 】

[After the switch was pressed, the two people's bodies softened. Baiyin Yuxing helped them sit down. The bags under their eyes became very dark and they looked very tired. 】

[No matter what it was like before, since the power of the Star Disciple is used, after this power is released, the two bodies will naturally enter a period of fatigue. 】

["You guys take a rest here first, and I will ask Secretary Fujiwara to come and take care of you." Shirogane Miyuki also knew that now was not the time to talk about this, and immediately headed towards where the meteor was. 】

[Meteor on this side is fighting Scorpio. 】

[The two fought equally. 】

["Huh... Wow..." Meteor's Jeet Kune Do is still stronger than that of Scorpio, but Meteor also has to pay attention to some of Scorpio's weird venom, so the two are in a stalemate. 】

["Sorry, Meteor, I'm late." Just when Meteor was about to continue attacking, Scorpio once again spewed out a large amount of venom, but the venom had not yet sprayed towards Meteor. Fourze rushed over with a rocket head. , suddenly hit Scorpio's head, interrupting its attack, and then landed next to Meteor. 】

["..." Meteor did not answer Fourze's words, but twisted his neck, and looked at the Scorpio in front of him with Fourze. 】

['This is not a good time. 'Although Scorpio was punched by Fourze, he was not injured at all, which shows how powerful Scorpio is.But even if there is a powerful meteor like this, Scorpio also understands that he cannot fully compete with the two knights. 】

["Let's go." Fourze said and immediately put on the electrical switch, changed into the electrical form, and then rushed forward first. 】

[Meteor also rushes forward. 】

[Although Fourze's strength is indeed inferior to that of the current Meteor, Fourze's learning ability is very strong. At this time, the two people's fast fighting style also caused Scorpio to retreat. 】

["Huh... Wow!" Seeing this, Meteor retreated a long distance, and then pressed the Meteor Galaxy in his hand. 】

["Saturn Lever (Saturn·Preparation)" lit up Saturn with rings on Meteor's right hand, then swung it towards Scorpio and threw it.Upon seeing this, Fourze immediately climbed down to avoid this attack. 】

["Hey, let me know when Meteor is about to attack next time." Fourze said helplessly to Meteor even though he dodged the attack. 】

["Boom!" The power released by the meteor caused a violent explosion.Then Fourze's face turned aside: "Not good."]

[Obviously Fourze still remembers what he said before, if the Zodiac is destroyed, it will cause a huge explosion. 】

["Huh..." Meteor on this side did not give up: "It's not over yet."]

[After Fourze heard this, he turned around and saw that a second figure wearing a cloak appeared in the flames. 】

["Ding Bell..." The long staff touched the ground, the ring on it made a clattering sound, and all the flames dissipated. 】

Chapter 48 The Power of Supernova

["You failed." The newly-appeared Zodiac Star pointed his stick at Scorpio behind him and said. 】

["Give me another chance, Libra." Scorpio also directly exposed the identity of the zodiac, but Libra did not answer, but glanced at the two knights: "Your power has become stronger. ”]

[Then the long staff touched the ground, a hurricane swept across, and then Scorpio and the Zodiac disappeared from the picture. 】

["Have you left?" It's okay to face a Zodiac now, but if there is another one, Fourze also knows that he is no match, even if there is a shooting star. 】

["By the way, Meteor..." Thinking of this, Fourze wanted to turn around and explain to Meteor about the twelve houses, but as soon as he turned around and took a look, he saw Meteor disappear again. 】

["Disappeared again?"]

[After confirming that the meteor disappeared again, Fourze also released his transformation. Looking at Fourze in his hand, Baiyin Yuxing thought: 'No, as expected, Fourze's current strength is still inferior to the Zodiac. He must improve himself. of power.Quit all your part-time jobs. '】

[The scene switched to the chaotic place where the Twelve Palaces appeared before. 】

[Libra placed the Scorpio in his hand on the ground, and then looked at the person sitting in the shadow in front: "Scorpio failed."]

["Kamen Rider Meteor...is he another knight? Does anyone know the true identity?" The man's scarlet eyes were on Scorpio on the ground, and then looked at Libra in front of him. 】

["I'm really sorry, I haven't investigated it yet." Libra lowered his head and said. 】

[The man was silent for a while, then raised his right hand, which was an old arm. A blue light group slowly gathered on it, and the blue light group was injected into Scorpio's body. 】

["Thank you, thank you, sir..." Under this ray of light, Scorpio fully recovered and immediately stood up, bowing to the man to thank him. 】

["This is the power of supernova. Scorpio is giving you one last chance to get familiar with this power and find out the true identity of the meteor. Then report to me."]

["Yes, sir, I will definitely complete my mission." Scorpio suddenly became energetic, nodded to the man, and then exited the room. 】

[After Scorpio left, Libra looked at the person in front of him and lowered his head and said, "Father, is it really appropriate?"]

["Don't worry about him." The man put his finger on his temple and said slowly: "He is no longer useful. If he can find the identity of Meteor, it will be worth it. If not, then it will be worth it." It’s time to let Virgo be executed directly.”]

["Virgo." When Libra heard the mention of the constellation Virgo, Libra's tone was not good, but he didn't say much but lowered his head and said: "The plan is progressing steadily."]

["Well, very good...how many people will be awakened this time? I'm looking forward to it."]

【"I won't let you down."】


[The words ended here, and this twisted dark red chaotic space also fell silent. 】

[Then the scene shifted to a hospital. Shirogane Yuyuki was holding a small basket of fruit: "Koizumi-san, how are you feeling now?"]

["The physical deficit is as big as three hundred, so I need to rest for more than a month." Although Xiaoquan still looks as serious as before, he still has a smile: "President Shirogane has caused trouble for you."]

["Don't say anything about causing trouble. If it were me, I might not be as good as you." Baiyin Yuxing shook his head and then said: "Although the arson case was not committed by people from our school, the people over at Shinomiya I will continue to follow this matter, and if I have any information, I will tell you."]

["Thank you." Koizumi smiled and leaned against the wall, then looked at the ceiling: "After the Star Disciple switch disappeared, I felt that I was completely overwhelmed by anger at that time. Many things could not be done at all. Look calm."]

["The Star Disciple Switch does have such an ability. It will amplify everyone's desires, and the consequences will be very serious. By the way, Koizumi-san, do you still remember who handed the switch to you?"]

[After hearing Shirogane Miyuki’s inquiry, Koizumi did not hide anything: “At the beginning, I just looked up information at school to see if there might be special super powers, and then I met a man wrapped in a windbreaker. Man, he told me that the person who caused the case is in the school. If you want to eliminate it, just make a wish to the starry sky."]

【"Want to make a wish under the stars?"】

["Atenbo-san, how is your health?" Shirogane Miyuki went to visit Koizumi, while Shinomiya Kaguya on the other side went to visit Atenbo Yume. 】

["It will take about half a month for me to fully recover." Atenbo Meng looked a little dazed. He smiled at Shinomiya Kaguya, then glanced at Shinomiya Kaguya in front of him and said with a smile: "Vice President Shinomiya, you probably didn't come to me to talk about this."]

["That's right, Atenbo-san, what is that...death you mentioned before?" The reason why Shinomiya Kaguya came to Atenbomen was to investigate who gave Atenbomen the switch. A Tianfangmeng had mentioned before that Baiyin Yuxing might die. 】

["This is just the result of divination." But A Tianfangmeng shook his head: "President Baiyin will indeed die in the next few months. This is the result of divination."]

["Death..." Shinomiya Kaguya's face turned a little pale. 】

["Can you have more information?"]

["Blue. This is what I asked the most talented person among us. After all, I cannot completely guarantee the authenticity of divination."]

["Blue..." Shinomiya Kaguya completely remembered this matter. 】

[The screen dims at this point, which means the first half is over. 】

"The story this time is somewhat interesting. Although it is mainly to introduce Kamen Rider Meteor, there is a lot of information inserted into it." Yusaku Kudo touched his beard and smiled: "And it also explains, Although the power of the Star Disciple Switch will be affected by human emotions, it can still be controlled."

Chapter 49 Exchange students from six schools?

The video content this time is actually very bland, although it is said to be to guide the identity of Kamen Rider Ryusei.

But the story is just a simple one that has no solution, which is why it has such a result.

However, a lot of information was also revealed.

"Now it's completely confirmed. The guy behind the scenes is the old man from the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Yanan..." After hearing his father's words, Conan pushed up his glasses.

"Well, if it were him, it would be more troublesome." Kudo Yusaku also pushed up his glasses: "Shinomiya Yanan has raised the entire Shinomiya family to the level of one of the four major chaebols with just one person. , and Shinomiya Yanan is a person who will do whatever it takes to suppress dissidents in order to expand the group. He can be said to be a monster of Showa."

"It doesn't matter at the moment. The main thing is what is the ultimate purpose of the other party? Just like the purpose of the black organization is to create almost the entire new world, the purpose of the greedy person is for his own desires, and the purpose of the last ancient king is to If you become the king yourself, then...what is the purpose of Sigong Yanan?"

Hattori Heiji was also thinking about this matter curiously.

"Isn't a person's life for rights? If it's not for money, then it's for status." Philip said casually as he read through the book.

"Although I say so, who knows, and one thing that can be understood is that the birth of a star disciple seems to be born only in Xiu Zhiyuan. There is something special about Xiu Zhiyuan. "Moori Kogoro held a can of beer in his hand and said pointedly.

"The key is, is there anything special about the other party?"

"I remember someone from the Yuanzi family also invested in Xiuzhiyuan, right?" Xiaolan raised her hand and said again, attracting everyone's attention.

Then everyone looked at Xiao Ai, and Xiao Ai and Phillip looked like they were reading a book in their hands: "Don't look at me, although Xiao Chen did come back yesterday, but he set off again immediately. It will probably take a while.”

"What about Dr. A Li?" Among the current scientists, there are only Mo Chen and Dr. A Li.

"I really don't know anything about these things." Seeing everyone looking at him, Dr. Ali raised his hands in embarrassment and said helplessly.

He is indeed a scientist, and he knows a lot of knowledge. However, Dr. Ali feels that these have gone beyond science and have entered the level of super science. Even if he wants to start research, it will take a long time. For a period of time, it is so simple to give results or something.

"No matter what, tonight Hattori and I, both of us can transform. Let's take our auxiliary machines and go together." Conan felt that he should take action.

We can't wait any longer like this.

But there is good news, that is, because of the broadcast of the video, the Shinomiya family's control over Shunoin has been weakened a lot.

This is also normal. Although the largest shareholder of Shunoin is the Shinomiya family, it is not just the Shinomiya family, but there are other families. Although these families may not be as good as the Shinomiya family, there are many of them.The video revealed that the other party wanted to create a monster in Xiu Zhiyuan, how could everyone not be vigilant.

In the current time period, the chairman of Hidenoin is the eldest son of the Shinomiya family, that is, Shinomiya Huangguang.

But yesterday he was pulled down and replaced by another person.

There is no problem at all for Conan and the others to go in and investigate.

"Okay." Hattori Heiji nodded and agreed.

"Okay, it's almost time. The second half is about to begin, and the other party's plan is probably going to be exposed."


[At 10 minutes, what appears on the screen is something that has never appeared in the video before. It is some daily life of Souta and Anku. It is very warm, but think about it in the OOO chapter. Souta and Anku’s farewells are all swords. ah! ! ! 】

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