[After the 10-minute video, the scene moved to the Xiuzhiyuan Assembly Hall, where everyone was standing. Above, Shirogane Mikado was speaking as the student council president, and other student council members stood on both sides.In the middle of the students below, there were more than 30 students wearing different styles of school uniforms. 】

["Starting today, Shunoin Academy will cooperate with Teitan High School, Sobu High School, Toyosaki School, Namimori High School, Fumizuki Academy, and Ohashi High School. These six high schools will have a total of 30 exchange students. Exchange students will be evenly distributed among each class, and everyone is welcome."]

[After Baiyin Yuxing briefly explained the origins of these thirty students with different school uniform styles, warm applause broke out in the auditorium. 】

[Later, after Baiyin Yuxing briefly explained some things, he directly contacted the entire morning meeting. 】

["Thirty students have been added now, and we will be very busy next time." Others in the student union stayed to clean up the subsequent hygiene and seat problems. While cleaning up, Hayasaka Ai said with a smile. 】

["Yes, yes! Fortunately, Ai-chan, Yako and Eiri-chan, you have joined the student union, otherwise, we would be busy to death." Fujiwara Chika hugged Yako next to her, very funny Jing cried. 】

["Fujiwara-senpai, don't be like this." Being hugged, Yako was a little shy and wanted to push Fujiwara Chika away, but failed. 】

["Speaking of which, where's Eiri-chan?" However, Chika Fujiwara clung to Yako, while looking curiously at the people who stayed to help in front of her, but she didn't find Eiri's presence inside. 】

["Oh, Sawamura-san asked me for permission and said he wanted to meet a friend, so I let him go." Shirogane Miyuki explained as he moved a chair. 】

["After all, Sawamura-san studied at Toyosaki School before, so it's probably a former friend who met him." Yu Ishigami explained after seeing this.This made Fujiwara Chika look curiously: "Then let's go and have a look?"]

["It's not appropriate for us to go to meet old classmates." Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head after hearing what Fujiwara Chika said, but Fujiwara Chika smiled and said: "We are now partners with Eiri-chan, we are just little friends. Just a little concern, and we won’t eavesdrop, I also want to see what kind of people Eiri-chan’s previous friends were. It would be best if we could become friends. In this way, we can have a good relationship with other school classmates. It’s easier to understand what they need.”]

Chapter 50 Exchange Students

[Fujiwara Chika's words also made everyone think about it, and it was indeed more appropriate. So after quickly tidying up, everyone went out. In fact, it didn't take too long to search. A few people were not far from the entrance of the auditorium, watching them. The clothes are all from Toyosaki School.And there were only three people. 】

["...Classmate An Yi, I have told you that I don't want to join your so-called game production department. I am now a member of the student union and don't have so much time." When a few people just approached, they heard Yinglili's somewhat angry voice made everyone look at each other. 】

["And Kasumigaoka, are you also here to persuade me?" As Eirili said, she looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu opposite, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu shook her head: "I'm just here to catch up with you." 】

["Really?" After hearing Kasumigaoka Shiyu's words, Eiri's somewhat disgusted face softened a little: "Wait a minute, let's talk."]

["But Yinglili, weren't you able to join our activities when you were in the student union before?" An Yilun also said such words reluctantly, which seemed to prick Yinglili's nerves, and her expression He became very angry and excited: "Get out of here!"]

["But Yinglili..."]


["Sawamura-san, are you okay?" Seeing such serious mood swings, Shirogane Mikado looked at Shinomiya Kaguya, and Shinomiya Kaguya also took two steps forward directly and asked. 】

["Vice President Shinomiya." After seeing Shinomiya Kaguya, Eirili calmed down a little: "It's nothing, I just met someone I didn't want to see."]

["Really?" Kaguya Shinomiya's scarlet eyes looked at Totoro Aki aside: "This...classmate, I don't know who you are? But Sawamura-san is a member of our student union , she doesn’t want to see you, so can you please leave?”]

["Eiri and I are childhood sweethearts, who are you?" Although An Yilun was a little afraid of Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes, he still had the courage to say. 】

["Oh...are you the childhood sweetheart who took advantage of Mr. Sawamura?" Shinomiya Kaguya remembers clearly: "Okay, this... Mr. Weed, can you please leave?" 】

["Eiriri, I'll be looking for you in the afternoon." An Yilun, Shinomiya Kaguya, and other members of the student union standing not far away were still a little timid and turned around to leave, but they still stayed. After saying this sentence,]

["Sawamura-san, sometimes, when it's time to break, it's time to break." Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Aki Tonoya who was leaving, and then looked at Eiriri next to him. 】

["Vice President Fourth Palace, I understand." Yinglili also nodded. She originally thought that they would not meet again, but who knew that the other party actually became an exchange student. 】

["Who are these two?" After Eirili answered, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the other two people. 】

[Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kato Megumi. 】

[Yinglili also introduced the two of them to other people in the student union. 】

["..." Ishigami Yu's eyes were focused on Kasumigaoka Shiu for a while, and this behavior attracted the attention of Yako behind him. 】

["Long time no see, Xiao Hui." However, Ishigami Yu looked at Kato Megumi for a while and said hello. 】

["Long time no see." Kato Megumi's presence is indeed not high, but after what happened just now, it is impossible to ignore her, and she does know Ishigami Yu, and nodded to Ishigami Yu. 】

["Hey, do you know each other?"]

["We are considered friends." Ishigami nodded, but did not explain too much. 】

[Another time, after An Yilun left here, he wandered around the school in anger, muttering words such as 'traitor' and 'that guy is obviously gone'. 】

[An Yilun, who was wandering like this, also didn't pay attention when he turned a corner. He bumped into someone and fell to the ground. He rubbed his nose and stood up. He was a little dissatisfied, but he still raised his head and apologized: "No... .Ah! Monster!”]

["It's not good to just call someone a monster when you see someone else." The existence that An Yilun also bumped into turned out to be Scorpio wearing a cloak.Scorpio looked at An Yilun who fell to the ground. 】

["Don't come over." An Yilun was also struggling on the ground and wanted to retreat, but Scorpio chuckled: "Don't be so afraid, I'm here to give you strength."]

["Power?" And An Yilun also had a confused expression of fear on his face. 】

["That's right." Scorpio squatted in front of An Yilunye: "You should have your own wishes, right?"]

["Of course I do." Although there was still fear in his tone, An Yilun also nodded: "I want to make the best beautiful girl game."]

["...This is really an interesting wish." Scorpio was just slightly stunned when he heard such a wish, and then chuckled and took out a star disciple switch: "Then just pray to the starry sky."]

["Pray to the stars..." Looking at the star disciple switch in Scorpio's hand, the fear in An Yilun's eyes slowly dissipated, and a different light appeared. 】

["Click..." His finger pressed the star disciple switch, and black mist filled An Yilunye's entire body. 】

["It's interesting." Scorpio looked at the arrangement of stars in the black mist, revealing a small figure, and then the figure slowly took a few steps back and disappeared. 】

[But in this scene, yet another person saw everything happening here.With his hands trembling a little, he silently stepped back some distance, and then left. 】

["So that's it, are you two?" In fact, everyone knew about Yinglili before, and Yinglili didn't hide it. After knowing that she and these people formed the so-called game club in the school from the beginning, the four of them Gong Huiye's eyes became unpredictable when he looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu. 】

["Okay, it's time to go to class. Today is your first day in Xiuzhiyuan. You may still be a little unaccustomed to it, but you still have to work hard." Shirogane Yuxing on the side broke the somewhat stiff atmosphere and said to Kasumi Zhiqiu Shiyu and Kato Megumi said. 】

[Baiyin Yuxing’s words still had an effect, and everyone left like this. 】

[But when Shinomiya Kaguya returned to class, she discovered that there was actually Kato Megumi, one of the exchange students, in her class. What was a little confusing was that Kato Megumi was sitting in the corner, and no one was communicating with him. Some other exchange students have someone to communicate with, as if others cannot see Megumi Kato. 】

Chapter 51 Shake the cup

["What's the matter?" Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes were on Kato Megumi, which also attracted Kato Megumi's attention. She slightly raised her head and glanced at Shinomiya Kaguya. Kato Megumi asked calmly. 】

["No...it's just Kato-san, you are special." Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes have been observing the situation around her, but even though she and Kato Megumi were talking, the people around them seemed to be subconsciously ignoring what was happening in front of them. Megumi Kato. 】

["Is it special?" Kato Megumi slightly blocked his face with an ancient-looking book in his hand. The corners of his eyes were slightly bent, and it looked like a smile. 】

["I just have a low sense of existence." Kato Megumi's explanation made Shinomiya Kaguya somewhat disagree. He always felt that the Kato Megumi in front of him was not that simple. 】

[However, we didn’t discuss such things too much because class was about to begin. 】

"Is that boy still pestering others like this?" Baiyin Yuxing looked at the content in the screen and shook his head helplessly.

From the beginning of Kamen Rider W to Kamen Rider OOO, there have been such contents, but I didn't expect that it would be Kamen Rider who is his home team. Surprisingly, this guy hasn't given up yet.

"It doesn't matter, if he dares to do something..." Shinomiya Kaguya touched her cheek.

In fact, Shinomiya Kaguya still admires people who do whatever it takes to achieve their own wishes.

But it all depends on the means.

If the method is good, Shinomiya Kaguya will appreciate it very much, but look at what An Yilun used in front of him to achieve his wish?


Simply put, it is your own dignity.Shinomiya Kaguya looked down upon such an existence without any dignity.

And after this kind of thing was discovered, he didn't want to use other ways to save or withdraw from the situation. Instead, it was so unclear that it could be said that Shinomiya Kaguya became the most annoying person.

It had nothing to do with me before, but now it has something to do with me.Shinomiya Kaguya would not let the other person off so easily.

"But if the other party doesn't do something, don't take action rashly." Although Baiyin Yuxing also looks down on An Yilun, that is a matter of the future after all. Although An Yilun in the video has also become Star Disciple.

Now in reality, the Shinomiya family has depreciated a lot, and with many people watching, it's best not to take action.

"I understand, President." Of course Shinomiya Kaguya nodded happily regarding the relationship between Shirogane Goyuki.

"Then let's continue watching the video."

[When school was over in the afternoon, Shirogane Miyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya met. 】

["This is Miss Kato Megumi, right?" Of course Shirogane Miyuki also noticed Kato Megumi following Shinomiya Kaguya, and was a little surprised. 】

["Well, after all, Kato-san is a transfer student, so I invited him to visit the student union and have tea." Shinomiya Kaguya chuckled. 】

["Well, please give me some advice." Kato Megumi looked at Shirogane Miyuki in front of him and nodded slightly. 】

[The three of them arrived in the student union room and just took their seats when suddenly Kato Megumi paused slightly. Instead of standing up, he floated up strangely. Kato Megumi frowned slightly when he saw this. 】

[A very faint light, even so faint that you couldn’t see the dark golden light, flashed slightly, and Kato Megumi fell directly on the sofa. 】

[But neither of them noticed such a scene. 】

["Shinomiya, you brought Kato-san here just for this, right?" On this side, both Shirogane Miyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya left first, and they went to prepare refreshments.At this time, Baiyin Yuxing asked in a low voice. 】

["There are strange fluctuations in Kato-san's body. I used a hamburger set to investigate it before. I can indeed find some weird places." Shinomiya Kaguya explained in a low voice. 】

["Is it a Star Disciple?" Hearing this, Baiyin Yuxing frowned. Today can be said to be the first day that the other party joined Xiuzhiyuan. On the first day, she became a Star Disciple?Isn't this too fast? 】

["No, it's not the energy of the Star Disciples, it's the power of another energy source. So I want to know about it. After all, the situation in Shunoin is quite special now." Shinomiya Kaguya explained in a low voice: "And Kato-san His sense of presence was so bad that he was even ignored by the teacher."]

["So..." Shirogane Miyuki thought for a moment about the feeling Kato Megumi gave him when he met Kato Megumi. 】

[Let’s put it this way, if Shinomiya Kaguya hadn’t been there and talked to Kato Megumi, Shirogane Miyuki would have simply ignored him.This is indeed very strange. 】

[At this time, neither of them noticed a problem, that is, although Kato Megumi, who has a very weak sense of presence, was ignored by many people, Shinomiya Kaguya had no intention of ignoring the other party. 】

["Let's ask clearly first." Shinomiya Kaguya came over with tea, and then placed it in front of Kato Megumi: "Kato-kun, please have tea."]

[Shinomiya Kaguya was about to come to talk to Kato Megumi from a different point in the school, but suddenly Kato Megumi looked outside with her hand: "Shinomiya-san, Shirogane-san, I think you two, except for this matter, There should be more important things to deal with."]

["?" Shirogane Miyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya looked at each other. Suddenly, the door was suddenly knocked open. It was not someone, but something that looked like a milkshake cup, which is the first half of the video. Inside, the new auxiliary machine with glowing eyes. 】

["Shake cup?" Shinomiya Kaguya and Shirogane Miyako looked at each other. This shaker cup is from Eiriri's classmate. After all, this was designed by Eiriri, and just in case, there is no way. Everyone walking together has some auxiliary robots on hand, just in case. 】

["Is there something wrong with Mr. Sawamura?" Shirogane Miyako and Shinomiya Kaguya looked at each other. Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at Kato Megumi, and Kato Megumi smiled at Shinomiya Kaguya, and then looked He looked at the black box next to him. This box was Shinomiya Kaguya's computer. Shinomiya Kaguya opened it without hesitation when he saw this, but Shirogane Mikado had already ran out. 】

["It seems that Kato-san knows a lot of things." Shinomiya Kaguya pointed out while showing off the hamburger set.At the same time, he turned on his computer and started to ask the hamburger set to look for Yinglili. 】

Chapter 52 Extreme Emotions

["Aren't you going back? Aren't you supposed to have the most workload during this period?" Time moved forward a short distance, and moved to a time not long after school ended. Yinglili and Shiyu met. Although Yinglili is a sophomore in high school and Shiyu is a senior in high school, their classrooms are in similar places. 】

[After class, Yinglili was going to the art room, but she met Shiyu, who was obviously waiting for Yinglili. 】

["I handed over the new volume to the editor yesterday, so I will have more free time next time." Shiyu explained this, and then leaned against the window to make sure no one was watching and asked in a low voice: " Ying Lili, do you have any information on Mo Chen recently?"]

["..." After hearing Shi Yu's words, Ying Lili's face paled slightly, but Shi Yu didn't pay attention. She was still thinking and said: "I asked my parents, they just heard about Mo Chen Went to study abroad.”]

["Why are you asking this?" Yinglili knew that she was not in control of her emotions as soon as she opened her mouth. Her voice was slightly trembling, but she quickly adjusted it and said: "With our identities, it is useless to ask. Forget it. It will only increase your own troubles."]

[Ying Lili's words were a little trembling, but Shi Yu didn't catch it, because she was obviously very uneasy now.But after hearing what Ying Lili said, Shi Yu still said: "Although this is the case, I am still worried. I could still check it before, but now I can't. It just makes me a little worried."]

["I don't know either." Yinglili shook her head and said: "I advise you to forget him like me."]

["..." Yinglili's words were like sharp thorns piercing into Shiyu's heart, but she had no way to refute. 】

[It is so simple to forget the other party, but after knowing the truth, she did not have the courage to find the other party, but she still often did things like secretly understanding the other party's information. 】

[Perhaps she is still fantasizing deep down in her heart. 】

[Humans are such creatures. They don’t cherish what they have and regret it when they lose it. Even in the memories of being with Mo Chen, almost all of them are memories of Mo Chen that make me painful because of others. , but there is also the memory of the other party protecting him. 】

[But the more I can feel the other person’s protective heart, the more I can feel my own nausea at that time. 】

[Under such torture, Shiyu grew up a lot, but she also closed herself off a lot. She had not seen any information related to Mo Chen for several months.Last time it was the person named Dao Keji, but that person was not Mo Chen, he just looked exactly like Mo Chen. 】

[But my family only has business dealings with Mo Chen's family, but the Yingli family is different. Since Mo Chen said he went abroad, Yingli might know something about it. After all, the Yingli family is an embassy. 】

[But Yinglili’s words made Shiyu silent. 】

[Shiyu has no way to refute, because this is a fact. The best result is to forget, because only after forgetting can you continue to move forward. But saying this, how can it be so simple...]

"Forgetting someone is very simple. You just need to divert your attention away from missing someone, such as family, friendship, work, study or a new love."

"This is indeed a very quick way to forget the other person, but this method is too flawed."

"Yes, although it is said to be forgotten, it depends on the reason. Let's just say that the moment the Kasumigaoka in front of me sees an object or existence that has anything to do with the other person, the previously suppressed feelings will suddenly burst out. .”

"Not only that, there is also a very troublesome problem." Looking at the discussion on the Internet, Baiyin Yuxing tapped his cheek with his finger, exerting a slight force, as if he wanted to calm down.

"Apostle of the Constellation?" Shinomiya Kaguya on the side also understood this question.

"That's right, if such extreme emotions break out and the power of a star disciple is added, what kind of star disciple will she evolve into?" Bai Yin Yuxing said what he was worried about.

"Twelve Palaces..." Ishigami Yu also nodded. He could feel Shiyu's mood of forcing himself to cheer up after losing something. If under such circumstances, he told Shiyu that Mo Chen was dead. .

Then all the guilt, love, and longing for Mo Chen will probably turn into powerful star power.

According to the idea in the video, it will directly evolve into the Zodiac.

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