["Hey, are you going to kill them?" Fourze fell to the ground and asked this question. 】

[Compass glanced at it, and then said very calmly: "Don't worry, my ability can make them immortal, but serious injuries...or one or two deaths are also necessary plots in beautiful girl games."]

["You guy!" Fourze was completely angry. 】

[He directly summoned Rocket Head and prepared to go over to rescue people, but was blocked by the Compass Seat. 】

[Seeing that the bus was about to fall, the powered robot vehicle mode rushed over quickly and overtook the bus. When the bus was about to reach the gap, it turned into a robot and held the front of the bus with its hands.Slowed down the speed of the car. 】

[But even so, the bus is still moving forward, but at a very slow speed. 】

["Haasaka-san?" Fourze breathed a sigh of relief. 】

["President, I can hold on for a while, you hurry up and deal with the opponent." Hayasaka Ai struggled to control the power robot while shouting to Fourze through the communication. 】

["I know." After the crowd was calm for the time being, Fourze looked at the Compass. Now he must find a time to face the Compass directly. 】

["Thump thump..." At this time, the BGM of the meteor rang, and at the same time, the blue ball turned into a meteor flew over and landed directly not far from Fourze: "Your speed is too slow. The battle will be decided quickly.”]

["I understand." Fourze and Meteor stood together and looked at the Compass in front of them. 】

Chapter 7 Spy · Hayasaka Ai

[This is not the first time that the two knights have cooperated. But this time, what surprised Baiyin Yuxing was that Meteor seemed to know what he wanted to do, so Meteor rushed forward, using himself as a bait to quickly to guide the battle of Compass. 】

[Compass is obviously very wary of meteors at this time, because only meteors have hit him in the previous attacks. 】

[After the compass seat was left to attract attention, Fourze immediately took out a new switch. 】

[The number on the switch is 21! 】

["Ste alth On!" This switch No. 21 is a switch with invisibility ability, and Fourze's figure disappeared in the next second. 】

["You can't attack me." Compass on this side is laughing at Meteor. The meteor left a deep impression on him before, so he was still wary at first, but he found that he can no longer hit himself. So Compass suddenly became arrogant. 】

[Just when Compass is arrogant...]


["Ah!" Compass covered his right hand. 】

[One of the detection horns on his wrist was destroyed. The compass's ability is to use the sickle-shaped sensors on both arms called "detection horns" to detect and investigate the target location.The antennae on the head have detection function.In addition, the physical movement direction of the object can be reversed through the "detection horn".The force is independent of the weight of the target object. 】

[And now the detection horn on the right hand has been destroyed. 】

["How is that possible! How did you attack me." Compass took a few steps back looking a little painful. 】

["It seems that you are not immune to invisible attacks." Fourze's figure slowly appeared under the refraction. 】

["Invisible attack?" Compass looked a little dumbfounded.At this time, Fourze twisted his neck and replaced switch No. 10, which meant that the electric switch changed into electric form. 】

[Although Compass has lost a detection horn, it is said that it still has the ability to deflect attacks, but its speed is obviously much slower. Under such circumstances, Meteor's attack is enough! 】

["Huh... Wow!" When Meteor's fist was removed, he redirected his attack to the Compass in an instant. 】

[At this time, Fourze directly used the ability of invisibility, and then waved the long stick in his hand down, and the other 'detection horn' of the compass seat was also directly cut off. 】

["Huh..." Hayasaka Ai in the power mecha breathed a sigh of relief, but just when he breathed a sigh of relief, the power mecha had actually been pushed to the front of the crack. Although it stopped, the soles of the power mecha's feet The bridge deck underneath was originally in pieces, but now it's completely torn apart. 】

[Haasaka Ai's face changed suddenly inside the power mecha. She twisted her hand, and... a Star Disciple switch appeared in her hand.But she didn't press go. 】

[Because the power mecha had stopped at this time, Kato Megumi raised a hand from the broken front glass of the motorcycle and gathered a trace of blue light, guiding the power that was about to fall. Mecha. 】

[Taking advantage of this moment, Hayasaka Ai turned over the Star Disciple switch in her hand and put it away. She grabbed Kato Megumi's stretched out arm and pulled it out. 】

["This power of yours is not for use at this time." When Kato Megumi pulled up Hayasaka Ai, she whispered the words "Raku" in Hayasaka Ai's ears, and then stepped back a little to keep the car body stable. 】

"As expected... the traitor is me." However, Hayasaka Ai was very calm at this time.

Because she had roughly guessed before that the so-called spy was herself.

After all, she was just an undercover agent assigned to Shinomiya Kaguya.

However, Hayasaka Ai still breathed a sigh of relief, because she believed that in this situation, although she was an undercover agent, she would never do any harm to Kaguya.

He is a traitor.Since childhood, in order for her family to survive within the Shinomiya family, Hayasaka Ai has obeyed Kaguya's eldest brother Shinomiya Huangguang, lurking next to Kaguya, and secretly reporting her every move.

'I am both despicable and cowardly... No matter how hard the work is, I can endure it. There is only one thing I am afraid of...'

While Hayasaka is with her day by day, Hayasaka Ai has truly fallen in love with Kaguya, and for this she suffers from conscience torture every day.

'As a whistleblower, I have an unreasonable idea. I want to say goodbye to Miss Kaguya properly without her knowing what I have done.I am willing to bear any consequences; I am willing to bear any guilt; I am willing to be tortured by guilt for the rest of my life...'

'So, I...that's your purpose. '

Looking at herself in the video, Hayasaka Ai feels that she may not be able to return to Kaguya, but this is not bad.

["That's it." Fourze inserted the power switch into the Bili long stick. 】

["Your fate ends here!" Meteor also pulled the driver on his waist.Then a red light appeared on the fist: "Huh... Wow!"]

[The long stick with golden thunder and lightning and the fist of Meteor hit the body of Compass. 】


[Amid the explosion, the Compass Seat disappeared, but An Yilun did not appear in the Compass Seat. Obviously this was the last time. 】

[The screen shifts to the other side. 】

[Kamen Rider Joker and Libra broke through the wall and entered the forest. They looked at each other warily. 】

["Ding Bell!" At this moment, Libra's scepter touched the ground, and Libra turned into Xiaolan's look in Joker's eyes. 】

["Shinichi, please don't hit me." Xiaolan became very pitiful and looked at the joker in front of her. 】

["..." joker is hard!The fist is hard! 】

["Xiaolan is not such a weak person." After all, joker has experienced many battles. He rushed forward and waved his fist. Of course, he did not hit the fake Xiaolan in the face. 】

[After all, even though he knew that the other party was an enemy, he still couldn't let Shinichi hit Xiaolan in the face. 】

[Of course, it is not a direct punch, but a direct change of the punch path when approaching, and the punch is changed to a seizure.He pressed Libra to the ground. When he was pressed to the ground, Libra also turned into his original form, and at the same time, he waved the tin staff in his hand. 】

Chapter 8 Virgo Star Disciple!

[The tin staff was swung out, but the joker was already ready, and his fist hit the tin staff directly. 】

["It seems like this tin staff should be your weapon." Joker looked at the undamaged tin staff and clenched his fists tightly. 】

["Yes, but...Joker, I am not your enemy. After all, we don't have any conflicts, right?" Libra said, his voice had a mechanical sound, which was obviously not Libra's original voice. 】

["No conflict? When you issue dangerous star disciple switches to those students, we are destined to be enemies." Joker shook his fist. 】

["Really? You do have the power to defeat me, but you know, if you defeat me here, what big consequences will it cause?" Libra chuckled. 】

["..." joker did not answer. 】

[If it is Extreme W, Shinichi is 100% sure that he can destroy the Libra in front of him, but now there is only one person who can destroy the opponent.That is Kamen Rider Fourze. 】

['But even if the opponent cannot be eliminated here, his weapon must be destroyed. 'Joker set his sights on Libra's scepter. Since Libra uses this tin scepter as his attack method, if the tin scepter is destroyed, the opponent's weird transformation ability will disappear, and Baiyin Yuxing will be unable to deal with it. It will be much easier. 】

["Are you thinking of destroying my 'Dike'?" Libra naturally saw Joker's gaze. He looked at the tin staff in his hand and chuckled. 】

["Don't have such thoughts, my 'Dike' is my origin, it's the same as destroying me."]

["That's not necessarily the case." Joker smiled and took out a memory.Looking at the L-shaped memory formed by the yellow crescent in his hand, Joker felt a little nostalgic, and then inserted it into the ultimate driver on his waist.Then one shot. 】

["Luna·Maximum Drive! (Moon·Maximum Drive!)" A yellow light emerged from the joker's right hand. Seeing such a scene, Libra felt an uneasy atmosphere, and the figure quickly retreated. 】

[But there was no way Joker would let him go. With a push of his legs and feet, he was already close to Libra and waved his fist: "Knight Sealing Fist!"]

[The fist with the power of the Moon God waved on Libra's tin staff. 】

[Luna (Moon God) actually does not represent something that can be rubberized like before. The ability he represents is fantasy.In fact, the joker, Shinichi, cannot use this kind of fantasy power too much, because this memory is not originally used by him. 】

["What did you do?" The tin staff was covered with yellow light, and Libra's tone became a little frightened. 】

"It's nothing, I just sealed your cane's ability." Joker shook his hand and chuckled. 】

["You guy!" After being controlled, Libra seemed to have some violent consciousness and was about to rush forward to fight the joker. 】

[At this moment, several white feathers with a hint of pink fell from the sky. Looking at the flying and falling feathers, joker felt a sense of fear in his heart and quickly retreated a large distance. 】

[And these feathers fell to the ground and exploded directly, forming pieces of explosive airflow, but it didn't seem to be very powerful, but after the smoke of the explosion dissipated, Libra had disappeared. 】

[Then the screen shifted again, to the other side. 】

["You kid, your kicking skills are pretty good!" Taotaros stabilized his body with a backflip and looked at Scorpio with his legs raised in front of him.He twisted his neck, then smiled and said: "But I am stronger."]

["A tough-talking brat." Scorpio also looked very angry. 】

["I'm not just a tough talker." Momotaros, the King of Den, twisted his neck, then raised the long sword in his hand: "Up, up, up!"]

[Dian-O has strong combat experience, and Scorpio seemed to have been attacked before, so he was avoiding the weapon while trying to attack Den-O with kicking skills. 】

[The easy way to defeat Den-O's opponent's kicking skills is to use the electric cutter sword mode in his hand to swing out. 】

["Where did you come from?" Scorpio shouted angrily as he looked at the Electric King in front of him, covering his somewhat injured abdomen. 】

["Where did I appear?" The King of Den played with the sword in his hand and looked at Scorpio in front of him: "I am the most powerful demon god in the sky and the world. I can appear anywhere."]

["Damn it..." Scorpio wanted to retreat after seeing such a scene. 】

["I didn't allow you to leave." How could Denou let him escape? He rushed forward, waving the long sword of light in his hand and leaving some marks on Scorpio's body. After that, he took out the knight's pass and crossed it. A waist drive. 】

【"Full Charge (full of energy!)"】

["Okay, I'm going to the third stage of my sure-kill!" A red electric arc flashed, connected to the belt, and connected to the electric cutter sword mode in his hand. 】

[Dian Wang jumped up from the ground, and then the sword blade in his hand broke away from the sword body, flying towards Scorpio. 】

["What?" Scorpio obviously didn't expect this big move. He took several big moves abruptly, and finally looked up at the sword blade falling from the sky. 】

[But at this moment, the feather slowly fell down. 】

["What?" Den King tilted his head in surprise, and then a feathered scepter with a Virgo pattern blocked the falling sword attack. 】

["So another birdman appeared?" Den-O was a little surprised when he saw the existence. 】

[I saw the star disciple who appeared, wearing a zodiac cloak, a rotating red helmet, and a visor that looked like a woman. He was holding a large scepter in his right hand, which was the scepter that had just blocked the Den-O's attack. 】

["It's going to be troublesome for you to defeat him here." As for the Zodiac who appeared, you don't need to look at the stars on her body. You can tell the other person's constellation directly by looking at the scepter in her hand.Virgo! 】

[And this Virgo star disciple made a female voice and looked at the Den King in front of him: "I'm sorry, we have to retreat."]

【"Don't even think about escaping!"】

Chapter 9 The next target?

["Don't even think about escaping!" The King of Lightning was ready to rush forward if he would allow the other party to escape. 】

[However, the Virgo Star disciple waved his hand, and a pink hurricane swept out, blocking the Electric King for a while, and then whipped up the strong wind and disappeared with Scorpio. 】

["Damn it, I let him escape!" Taotaros stepped on the ground angrily. 】

['Mootaros, now is not the time to talk about this. Hideyoshi, Mizuki and Minami were all controlled and taken away by the other party. Now we must hurry up and chase them. ’ At this time, a somewhat anxious voice came from Den Wang’s body. 】

["I know! It's really..." Taotaros said helplessly, but still summoned a motorcycle, then jumped up and accelerated over. 】

[Just as Taotaros' motorcycle rushed past, Joker also rode the Tough Guy motorcycle, and the two knights walked side by side towards the distance. 】

[We soon arrived at the place where the bus was, and by this time Shirogane Yuxing and Meteor had already dealt with the Compass Constellation. 】

["It seems that the matter is over." Both of them breathed a sigh of relief. 】

[At this time, Baiyin Yuxing also came over on a motorcycle, and Den Wang and joker looked at each other. 】

[Joker pulled out the memory from his waist, and the purple-black armor turned into a gust of wind and dissipated. Shinichi picked up a hat hanging on the side and put it on his head. 】

[The figure of Momotaros became translucent and separated from Den-O's body, and then the armor directly shattered, and then turned into the appearance of Yoshii Akihisa inside. 】

[As for Baiyin Yuxing, he has already released his transformation, and now he rushes over to see what the situation looks like. 】

["Hey, my motorcycle skills are not good." But who knew that after everyone released the transformation, Yoshii Akihisa was riding a motorcycle a little awkwardly at this time, which scared Shinichi and Shirogane Mikayuki next to him a little worried, but Yoshii Mingjiu quickly controlled his condition. 】

["Is everyone okay?" The three people stopped on the road and immediately stepped forward to show concern. 】

[Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with everyone. No one was injured in such an accident. On the contrary, many were frightened and their faces were still a little pale. 】

[On the other side, in a room, An Yilun, who was wrapped in a cocoon, also opened his eyes. Now he is in a very bad condition. The area around his eyes is black. It seems that he has consumed too much energy. 】

[At this time, Virgo's figure appeared in front of him like a phantom. 】

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