["Sir... give me strength once more." An Yilun also struggled to escape from the control of the cocoon. 】

["No..." Virgo squatted down slightly and looked at An Yilun in front of him, and his tone sounded a little gentle: "A person only has one chance, and your body is already severely depleted."]

["Please." An Yilun also begged. 】

["No!" Virgo's only answer was this sentence. After realizing that his plea was useless, An Yilun also looked a little angry: "I also know your identity...if..."]

["He is really an unpleasant child." After hearing what An Yilunye said, Virgo shook his head and then pointed the scepter in his hand at An Yilunye in front of him, and the scepter lit up. A pink light. 】

[An Yilun also passed out in the light. 】

[Virgo saw such a scene, a pink light appeared around his body and disappeared, reappearing in that space. 】

[Libra half-knelt on the ground, holding a tin stick in his hand and raising it high to show the person in the shadow, while Scorpio covered his chest and returned to his human form.That's how Hagiwara Hiiragi looked, looking very painful. 】

["Virgo!" When Libra and Hagiwara Hiiragi saw Virgo walking in, their tone of voice was a little different.Libra looks a little angry or dissatisfied, while Hagiwara Hiiragi looks a little scared. 】

["Sir..." Virgo walked to the person in the shadow and bowed slightly. 】

["Thank you for your hard work, Virgo!" The man in the shadow nodded, then looked at the Virgo in front of him and said: "How is the follow-up process?"]

["Both Den-O and Ace are just exchange students, so it's not a big problem. They will leave directly after a while. As for Compass, I have erased his memory, and he will not remember anything."]

["Well, very good..." the man said and looked at Libra in front of him: "Go and see what's wrong with Di Ke."]

[Virgo walked up to the front, the scepter in his hand touched the ground, and then a pink light spread out, and the pink light poured into the tin stick. The yellow lines on the tin stick shook slightly, but there was no effect of disappearing. 】

["This power is very powerful. If you want to lift the seal, it will take a month. It will be lifted naturally after one month." Virgo put down the scepter and said. 】

["Really..." The man nodded and then looked at Libra in front of him: "You should have a good rest this month."]

["I can do it!" At this time, Libra was obviously not satisfied with Virgo's answer, but said back. 】

["With the loss of Dicke, and the fact that you don't have Supernova, are you their opponent now?" The man in the shadow suppressed Libra with just one sentence, and Libra knelt on the ground and did not dare to answer. 】

["As for you..." The man said and looked at Hagiwara Hiiragi. 】

["Sir, please give me a chance." At this time, Hagiwara Hiiragi's fearful forehead was dripping with sweat, and his voice was trembling. 】

["..." The man looked like he was thinking about it. 】

["I have found a new target, and her desires and feelings are very intense. Please give me another chance. I will not miss this time." Hagiwara Hiiragi's voice was full of pleading, Ignoring the pain in my body, I knelt on the ground and kowtowed. 】

["Last chance. If you are disappointing me, then I'm sorry, please go to the Dark Nebula." The person inside said slowly for a long time. 】

["Yes, I will definitely fulfill your wishes." After hearing that his life was no longer in question, Hagiwara Hiiragi breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his head and said loudly. 】

["Virgo, go and investigate...investigate that one is called a shooting star."]

Chapter 70 Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya Kaguya!

[Back in the student union room, Shirogane Miyuki opened the door and welcomed Yoshii Akihisa and Kudo Shinichi into the student union room. 】

["Wow, is this the student union room? It's really gorgeous. It deserves to be Shunoin." Looking at the student union room of Shunoin, Yoshii Akihisa said with some surprise: "But it's still a little bit worse than Class A. .”]

["Class A... By the way, Fumizuki Academy is divided into classes based on grades. Yoshii-san, are you from Class A?" Shirogane Miyuki looked at the situation in front of him and walked over, ready to make tea. 】

[After all, there is no one else here, and Shinomiya Kaguya is not here either. 】

["No? I'm from Class F." Yoshii Akihisa scratched his head and said: "Let me tell you, it's really bad. There are only tatami mats. Originally there was a small low table, but that small low table It would collapse with just the slightest touch. After we lost, it turned into a fruit box, and after we lost, it turned into a drawing board, a drawing board!"]

[Yoshii Akihisa seemed very unhappy, but Shirogane Miyuki and Kudo Shinichi looked at each other, a little embarrassed. Isn't this your own problem? 】

[But I’ve heard for a long time that Wenyue is divided into classes according to grades. I didn’t expect it to be so strict. 】

["Is it okay to only have black tea here?"]


["Is there any coffee?" Shinichi rubbed his brow. He had been busy and didn't sleep well last night. 】

[Shirogane Yuxing served different drinks to the two of them, and the three of them exchanged their knights and simple experiences. 】

["In my words, I actually saw a train ticket, and then I was pestered by Momotaros and the others." Yoshii Akihisa looked a little helpless, but both Shirogane Miyuki and Shinichi could hear that Yoshii Akihisa My feelings for them are still very good, and I always smile when I say this. 】

["President...we are back!" At this time, the door opened, and Fujiwara Chika pushed the door open and came in, followed by Ishigami Yu and Iino Yako. 】

["You guys are back? What's next?"]

["Well, An Yilun also appeared in the school's infirmary, but he was very tired and seemed to have lost some memory." Iino Yako stepped forward and explained: "As for the other students, fortunately, none of them Any injuries. But there are some injuries, and I have arranged for people from the infirmary to help take care of them."]

["But there is one thing I am curious about." At this time, Ishigami Yu pinched his chin and said: "The people in the car said that An Yilun was still using the Star Disciple switch in the car, but why was it eliminated? Will he appear in school later?"]

["It must be that bastard who lost his feathers!" Yu Ishigami's answer was Mootaros who suddenly appeared behind Yu Ishigami. Yu Ishigami's fists were already clenched, his muscles were tense, and he almost turned around to him. A punch, but Ishigami still held back. 】

["Feather-dropping bastard?" Neither Shirogane Miyuki nor Shinichi knew. 】

[When Yoshii Akihisa saw the situation, he explained, while Momotaros directly grabbed Yoshii Akihisa's tea: "If it weren't for the guy who lost the feather, I would have killed that scorpion bastard."]

["Fortunately, you didn't kill the opponent." At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya walked out from the jade rabbit cabin next to her, followed by Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was blindfolded. Her condition at this time was obviously still very bad. 】

["What do you mean?" Shinomiya Kaguya's words made Momotaros and Yoshii Akihisa a little curious.Shinomiya Kaguya explained briefly. 】

["Can it actually cause an explosion in a city? It's really amazing..." However, Yoshii Akihisa and Momotaros seemed to be used to such things, so they acted relatively calmly, but this matter They take it to heart. 】

["I'll take Shiyu to the infirmary first." Here Eiri noticed that Shiyu's condition was still not good, so she whispered to Shinomiya Kaguya, and Shinomiya Kaguya naturally agreed. 】

[While walking over, no one noticed that traces of sand began to fall from Shiyu’s body. 】

[The sand looks a little weird. Ordinary people don't notice it at all. Instead, it scatters on the ground, and then...forms into a monster. 】

The picture ends here, and today’s video content ends here.

"Shinomiya..." After the video ended, Shirogane Yuyuki glanced at Shinomiya with some worry. The rest of today's video content may not be important to Shinomiya Kaguya.

But among them, Hayasaka Ai, who is the personal maid who has been taking care of her, is actually a spy in the team?This made Shinomiya Kaguya very angry, or helpless.

One of the people Shinomiya Kaguya hates the most is a traitor.

This is the thing that Kaguya Shinomiya finds most unforgivable.

But the traitor now exposed is Ai Hayasaka.

Although Hayasaka Ai is his maid, Shinomiya Kaguya has long regarded her as his best friend, or a sister.

After being exposed by the video that her sister had a problem, Shinomiya Kaguya originally thought that she was very angry, and then she would directly part ways with Hayasaka Ai.

But the result is...

"I...it's okay." Covering her chest, Shinomiya Kaguya suppressed her strange state, and then took a few steps back: "I'm sorry, President, can I leave early?"

"Shinomiya..." Seeing the appearance of Shinomiya Kaguya, Shirogane Yuyuki didn't know how to comfort her, but just looked at her with some worry.

"I'm leaving first." Shinomiya Kaguya opened the door of the student union room and left.

At this time, Fujiwara Chika wanted to say something to the past, but was directly stopped by Shirogane Miyako.

"President..." Chika Fujiwara glanced at Shirogane Mikayuki, but Shirogane Mikayuki shook his head: "None of us can give her any help in this matter, she must make her own decision."

"..." At the door, Hayasaka Ai was already waiting for Shinomiya Kaguya. Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at Hayasaka Ai with a complicated look, and then walked forward without saying anything to Hayasaka Ai, and Hayasaka Ai also followed Kaguya Shinomiya.

The two did not speak.

Just like that, we walked to the school gate and got in the car.

All the way to Shinomiya's house.

And at the door of Shinomiya's house, a group of men in black were already waiting for the two of them, or in other words, they were waiting for Hayasaka Ai.

"Miss, we will take Miss Hayasaka back as requested by the third young master." A person said to Shinomiya Kaguya with some respect.

I can't help but be disrespectful, because Shinomiya Kaguya is now the most favored person by the head of the family, and he is also one of the heroes who appears in the video.

Chapter 71 Four strange demon gods!

For Shinomiya Kaguya, what kind of existence is Hayasaka Ai?

Hayasaka Ai is Kaguya's valet. Although the relationship between the two is that of master and servant, they have already become sisters.

Hayasaka often participates in Kaguya's plans, making suggestions or simply going into battle himself.However, because Kaguya is inexperienced in many aspects of the world and habitually relies on Hayasaka, she becomes increasingly overworked and even takes a bath to feel uncomfortable.

Back in the room, looking down through the window, Hayasaka Ai was pushed into a black car by several men in black. When entering the car, Hayasaka Ai also looked at Kaguya above the window.

But he didn't say anything, but showed a gentle smile.

"..." After closing the curtains, Kaguya returned to her bed.

The phone on the side lit up, and Kaguya looked down.

"Is that all right?"

"President..." The sender of the letter was Baiyin Yuxing, and there was only one short sentence.But just seeing such a sentence made Kaguya immediately think about it. She dialed Shirogane Yuxing's phone number: "President... help me!"

"..." On the other side of the phone, Bai Kanyin Yuxing showed a smile: "Then come down."

Open the curtains.

Baiyin Yuxing, who was riding the mechanical Soaring Boat, was sitting downstairs.Shinomiya Kaguya ran down without even wearing shoes.

The speed of the Mechanical Soaring was very fast. Shirogane Yuyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya directly caught up with the black car, and stopped in front of the black car at a cross bend.

Shinomiya Kaguya got out of the car and stood in front of the black car, blocking the car!

Shirogane Miyako stopped the others and threw the key to Hayasaka Ai who came out of the car.

Seeing this, Hayasaka Ai took over the motorcycle, and then left here with Shinomiya Kaguya.

Looking at the leaving motorcycle, Baiyin Yuxing scratched his head: "Okay, how should I go back next?"

"Can you think through it before you do something? You are obviously the student council president." At this time, Conan rode a motorcycle and parked next to Shirogane Yuxing: "No wonder you are so anxious to ask if the motorcycle has been built?"

"I'm sorry, Senior Conan." Shirogane Yuxing scratched his head and said, "Where are we going now?"

"Go meet Kamen Rider Den-O!" Conan threw a helmet to Shirogane Mikado.

"Speaking of it this way, Den-O is actually my senior." Shirogane Yuxing asked curiously as he boarded the Tough Guy.

"Xiaochen has detailed records. The time when the knights appeared in our world is a bit chaotic, but in other worlds, the knights are in chronological order. Den-O is a senior senior than me." Conan said and started the game. Tough Guy: "Xiao Chen said that based on the calculation from other worlds, there are a total of... 20 knights!"

"Twenty? More than half of them have appeared now, right?" Baiyin Yuxing asked curiously.

"No, it's not 20! It's 20 series." Conan's explanation made Baiyin Yuxing very shocked: "Series? Just like W and Accle?"

"That's right!"

Riding the motorcycle, Juechen headed towards Wenyue Academy.

We met a lot of police cars on the road, and naturally they were looking for Yoshii Akihisa.

"I don't know anything." Yoshii Akihisa was surrounded by people from Class F and other classes. Seeing this scene, Yoshii Akihisa could only raise his hands in a gesture of surrender and said.

But even though Yoshii Akihisa said this, everyone was still very curious, especially when there was something on Yoshii Akihisa's small round table that looked like a tram ticket that he used in his previous transformation.

The key is that no one else can pick it up, only Yoshii Akihisa, which makes Yoshii Akihisa unable to explain.

"..." At this moment, a blue light ball entered Yoshii Akihisa's body like a phantom. Then, under everyone's gaze, Yoshii Akihisa's voice became very magnetic, and a trace of blue appeared in his hair. Colored hair.

"Everyone, please stop surrounding us." Apparently Yoshii Akihisa was possessed by Momotaros before, but it seemed that it was not Momotaros, but another strange demon. His fingers traced the bottom of his lips. chuckled.

"Huh..." The boys felt goosebumps rising, but the girls seemed to be attracted.

"You perverted turtle, don't just run away from me." At this moment, a hand patted Yoshii Akihisa's head directly, and it was Momotaros who appeared out of nowhere.

I don’t know if it’s because Fumizuki Academy has a summoned beast system, and the content of the video at noon, so everyone is not afraid of Momotaros, but is a little curious, and some people just take it out. cell phone.

"No, senior...it's just at this time that he's going to show up, isn't he? After all, Akihisa doesn't know anything." The name of the strange demon possessing Yoshii Akihisa is Putaros.

"Now is not the time to restore Akihisa's memory. You idiot, be careful of getting into trouble." Momotaros squeezed Putaros's head with one hand, which is Yoshii Akihisa's head, trying to remove Putaros from his body. Pulling it out, he said loudly.

"I didn't expect that Taotaros, who was always the most impulsive, would actually say such a thing." At this time, another golden-colored, tough-guy-looking strange devil appeared behind everyone and said with his arms crossed and a smile on his face.

"After all, seniors almost..." Next to him was a purple strange devil. But when the strange devil was about to say something, Taotaros stepped forward and covered his mouth. : "Shut up!"

The appearance of the four strange demon gods made everyone feel nothing but surprise.

Moreover, the four strange demon gods looked familiar to everyone, and at least they were chatting well.

When Shinichi and Shirogane Mikayuki came over, everyone became familiar with each other, just like ordinary friends, sitting on the floor of Class F, eating snacks and chatting.

"..." The sudden appearance of three strange demon gods surprised both Shinichi and Shirogane Yuxing.

into the night...

"Have you seen those strange demon gods?" Shinichi, who returned home, had just taken off the drive from his waist and transformed back into Conan. A group of people were waiting here at Conan's house.

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