"Well, we met once." Conan nodded, then looked at everyone in front of him and shook his head: "But they refused to say anything."

"What we can know now is that they have indeed experienced the content in the video, which means they have come from the future. And they are friends, not enemies."

Chapter 72 Mutation!

Conan briefly explained the content of his meeting with Taotaros and the others in the afternoon.

In fact, there is not a lot of content, just a simple understanding.

It was similar to the information about the strange demon god left behind by Mo Chen.

And there are four in total.

Not to mention Poutaros, who appeared in the previous video, and there was also Poutaros who was all blue and had turtle-shell patterned armor.It was the strange demon god who possessed Yoshii Akihisa before.He is a somewhat playboy strange devil.He behaves very gently

Then there is a yellow and muscular strange devil called Jintalus. He is a muscular man and a very powerful strange devil.

Finally, there is the purple, childish-looking strange demon named Dragon Talos.

These four strange demon gods are the strange demon gods who have now awakened.

The name feels a bit like the legend of Momotaro.

But according to what Taotaros said before, there are still three strange demon gods.

One was unfamiliar to them, named Windtalos.

The other one is the strange demon god named Sieg who they call the Stinky Bird.

And a strange demon named Deneb who fights with another partner.

They believe that there are only seven strange demon gods among them.

"He's awake..." Souta, who was leaning against the wall, narrowed his eyes. "If he wakes up, does that mean the other party's existence is the same as Anku's?"

"No, according to the information Xiaochen brought, the existence of the strange demon god is the power of time. Maybe..."

"Is it the future?"

Everyone gathered around and chatted for a while. Although Yoshii Akihisa was also included in the group, Yoshii Akihisa actually didn't know much about anything, so the final result was that everyone thought they were watching videos.

Some things will be announced in the video, but just in case, several people have also prepared some countermeasures.That's just in case.

Early the next morning.

People in the school are actually very curious about one thing, that is, what will happen to Miss Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai after yesterday's video was played?


"Good morning, Vice President Shinomiya." Previously, after Hayasaka Ai's identity as Miss Kaguya's maid was exposed, Hayasaka Ai sent Miss Kaguya to school every morning.

But today is different. This morning, the person who sent it over was not Hayasaka Ai.

Many people felt that the two had definitely broken up.


"Kaguya, morning."

"Good morning, Ai...your student council application form hasn't arrived yet." Hayasaka Ai cut her hair short and was playing with the ends of her hair with her fingers, waiting for Kaguya not far from the entrance.

No one had noticed it before, because Hayasaka Ai had cut her hair short and was no longer the hot girl she was before, so no one recognized her at once.Now everyone has never thought that the relationship between Hayasaka Ai and Miss Kaguya has become much better?

It's really a bit surprising.

At noon, Hayasaka Ai's application to join the student union was approved.

"Welcome to join Hayasaka-san." Shirogane Miyuki was a little surprised when he saw the short-haired Hayasaka Ai at first, but he still signed his name.

Hayasaka Ai officially joined Shunoin Student Council President.

Then today’s video also started.

[This looks like it should be a women's room, but it is a bit messy now. The clothes that were changed are thrown on the ground. There are some cosmetics, computers, mobile phones and other things scattered on the ground. 】

[And a girl just buried her head in the white quilt, and the alarm clock next to her rang. 】

["Is it morning?" He whispered, the girl didn't seem to be asleep at all, she sat up, and this girl was naturally Kasumigaoka Shiu. 】

[Her eyes are a little red and swollen, and there are some dark circles. It is obvious that she did not get much rest at all yesterday.Her eyes swept across the messy room, but she didn't clean it up.She was still wearing her school uniform, and she just picked up her phone. 】

[The phone lights up slightly, the power supply is still sufficient, and the cover of the display above shows a group photo of four people. 】

[Mo Chen, Eiriri, Kato Megumi and Kasumigaoka Shiu. 】

[This photo was taken when the four of them joined the student union. At that time, they had not encountered all that, so the four people in the photo were all smiling. 】

[My fingers slightly traced Mo Chen's figure in the photo, and the tears that had been stopped still continued to overflow. 】

["Mo Chen..." Whispering the name of the person who had lost his life, Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't want to move. At this moment, there was a hurried knock on the door, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't move, but stared blankly. Photo in hand. 】

[Seeing that no one opened the door, the person outside opened the door with a key. The person who came over was Eiri. Eiri opened the door and saw such a chaotic place. There was also the haggard Shiyu Kasumigaoka, holding a Having a breakfast. 】

["You've already asked for leave for two days." Eiri didn't try to persuade her, she just said to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, then put breakfast on the table and started to help clean up. 】

[After doing this, Eirili sat directly in front of Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "You should also look away. The people who have passed away cannot be restored. Now you... are really embarrassed. People feel uncomfortable.”]

["...It also makes people feel disgusting." Kasumigaoka Shiyu took over Yinglili's words, her voice was a little hoarse. 】

["One chance to thank him and one chance to meet him are gone."]

["What a genius author, who has the best academic performance, what a school belle..." As if he was laughing at himself: "If possible, I would give anything in exchange for meeting him once."]

["What can you say in a meeting?" And Yinglili supported her body with both hands, leaned back slightly and looked at the ceiling and said: "What can you say?"]

[Both of them fell silent, but in this quiet moment, a voice full of magic suddenly sounded and reached their ears. 】

["Is this your wish?"]

[The two of them looked up together and saw a strange phenomenon appearing in the corner of the room. The figure of a monster looked like a jellyfish. The strange phenomenon was referring to this. The monster actually only had this upper body above the ground, while the lower body was floating above his head, and the entire body was sandy white. 】

Chapter 73 Kamen Rider Kiva (Moon Rider)

["What?" Yinglili quickly went to her backpack to take out the shaker cup and inserted the switch. The shaker cup turned into something like a penguin, and its eyes lit up. 】

[Although I don’t know if it will blind him now, it can at least be delayed for a while. While the light was on, Yinglili grabbed Shiyu’s arm and ran outside. 】

[The two ran out of the building where Shiyu lived and then relaxed a little. When they turned around and saw that there was no figure of the weird monster behind them, they were completely relieved. 】

["What was that just now?" Ying Lili immediately contacted Baiyin Yuxing with doubts. 】

["Sand-like weirdo? Is he a star disciple?" The exam is about to take place, so even in the student union room, there are many books in front of Shirogane Gohan and he is reading. After receiving the call, Shirogane Gohan will He put down his pen and frowned. 】

["It shouldn't be a star disciple, because the other party doesn't have the shape of a star." Yinglili thought about it and explained. 】

["Isn't it a star disciple?" After thinking for a moment, Baiyin Yuxing said: "You should come back to the student union room first. As for what kind of monster it is, you should have used the shaking cup before. There is monitoring equipment inside. Come back and investigate. Just give it a try.”]

["Okay, we'll go there right away." Yinglili nodded and agreed. Although Shiyu's eyes were a little dull at this time, he didn't have the idea of ​​​​wanting to die, so he left with Yinglili. 】

[What neither of them noticed was...]

[After they slammed the door and ran out, the weird monster had actually merged together and turned into a strange and ferocious looking jellyfish monster. 】

[The jellyfish monster went straight through the gate and was about to chase the two of them. 】

[Just suddenly a voice sounded from behind him: "Is this the monster Kivat said?"]

[The voice sounds a little cold. 】

["Yes, but...it seems different from what I saw before?" The other voice was the one that revealed a pair of red inverted triangular eyes in the darkness before. 】

[The jellyfish monster turned his head and looked behind him, and a man in school uniform walked out of the shadows behind him. 】

[The person has brown hair and a pair of orange-brown eyes that seem to be glowing. The eyes are very indifferent, and next to him is a robot that looks like a mechanical bat floating. The red inverted triangle eyes from before are probably It's this mechanical bat-like eyes. 】

["Who are you?" The jellyfish monster looked at the man coming out with some confusion. 】

"Listen carefully, what is in front of you is the tenth generation of Vongola, the new first generation of Vongola, and the third generation of Kiva at the same time!" the mechanical bat said loudly.However, the sound of the mechanical bat is a bit cute. Although it has some momentum, it is still cute. 】

["Forget it, let's solve it quickly." The people named Judaiime and Sandaime shook their heads, and then raised their hands. 】

[The mechanical bat called Kivat flew to his raised right hand and was caught in his hand: "I bite!"]

[He placed Kivat between the index finger and thumb of his left hand, and then bit Kivat in one bite. 】

[A whistle-like sound sounded, and at the same time, strange patterned glass patterns appeared on the boy's body. At the same time, several silver chains were wrapped around his waist, and then turned into a red belt. 】


[The young man placed the Kivat in his hand and hung it upside down on his belt. The Kivat released red light waves, and then silver lines appeared on the young man's body, then covered his body, and finally the silver lines exploded. The armor underneath was exposed. 】

[The armor of the main body is red, and there is this silver armor that looks like a small vest. The compound eyes are yellow. There is a thick silver leg guard on the right foot, but not on the left foot. It obviously looks like a Kamen Rider with bat characteristics. 】

【"Kamen Rider·Kiva(Moon Rider)"】

[This knight’s name also appears in the lower right corner. 】

[After the transformation was over, the boy or Kiva rushed forward without hesitation, swinging his fists repeatedly.The jellyfish monster obviously didn't expect that the enemy in front of him was also a Kamen Rider, so he took a few steps back in surprise. 】

[However, Kiva did not give the opponent a chance to be stunned. He grabbed the opponent's head and hit it quickly with his fist. Then he grabbed the opponent's head and jumped down from above. 】

[The place where the two fought changed from a narrow corridor to an underground courtyard. 】

"Have I become a Kamen Rider too?" The protagonist of this transformation, a boy named Sawada Tsunayoshi, swallowed and then glanced at everyone in the school.

Everyone looked at him strangely, which made even Sawada Tsunayoshi, who had experienced many battles before, feel a little ashamed.

He was originally a very ordinary boy, or rather a cowardly ordinary boy with poor grades.

However, three or four years ago, when he was in junior high school, he encountered something.

For example, a mafia tutor came from Italy.Then he activated the 'superpower' in his body, which is the ability called fire. Although it can't destroy the world, it does have some abilities that transcend mortals.

In addition, his ancestor is the Nat Mafia, which is the first generation of Vongola, so his descendants have naturally become candidates for the tenth generation. He himself does not like to participate in these things, but everyone around him He was regarded as a candidate for his subordinates, so he had to participate in the battle.

Although he did rely on the so-called fire ability to qualify or have the ability to become the tenth generation of Vongola, he still chose to disband the Vongola family, but he still gathered some people and became the new Pengola family. The Glee family.

But even though it was Chen Li, he himself continued to study.Of course, most of the people who were with him also came back here. They originally thought they would continue to live like this, but they didn't expect that something like this would happen.

When the video first appeared, he also contacted the tutor who was still abroad. The tutor who was originally cursed to become a child and now slowly grew up as a child said that he did not know.

Chapter 74 Resurrection?

Sawada Tsunayoshi only looked at the special situation at first, and in fact, at the beginning, he also used the power of fire to reach those fighting places.But he didn't show up.

Now I didn’t expect that it would be directly exposed by the video.

"Judaime, I think today's class ends here, we should leave now." At this time, as a classmate and one of the guardians of the new Vongola family, Nagito Jokudera walked to Sawada Tsuna whispered from beside him.

"Well, let's go directly to Kudo's house now." Even now, Sawada Tsunayoshi is still a very gentle boy, even a little stupid, but after experiencing so much, he has naturally not grown up at all. It is normal to make such a decision.

And Sawada Tsunayoshi also has a very buggy ability.

That's super intuitive.

This is also the special ability that saved Sawada Tsunayoshi several times.

"Yes, I'll contact the car right away." Yudera Nagito said to Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Sawada Tsunayoshi was also a little transparent at school, but in the current situation, it would be difficult to handle without a car, so he had to transfer a car.

["Huh..." Spreading his hands slightly and bending his body slightly, Kiva looked at the jellyfish monster in front of him. 】

[The jellyfish monster has the strange ability to release electric energy, and then the battle continues. 】

[The battle between the two continued, but after being beaten several times by Kiva, the jellyfish monster whispered: "No, I have to deal with the host's wish now. I don't have time to waste here with you." 】

["Drink..." Kiva ignored the jellyfish monster and tried to escape, but the jellyfish monster turned into a pile of water and submerged into the water. 】

["Huh?" Kiva obviously didn't expect that the other party would actually run away like this and was a little surprised. 】

[But Kiva felt it for a moment, then shook his head: "Did you really escape?"]

[The armor on the body shattered like glass, and then the transformation was released: "Kivat, please watch next."]

["Okay, but Tsunayoshi, you still have to be careful. If something happens, just call us." Kivat nodded, and then disappeared quickly. 】

[After Kivat, Sawada Tsunayoshi squatted down and put his hand on the ground. There was still a trace of water on the ground, and then a trace of...orange flame appeared on his forehead. 】

[Not long after, Sawada Tsunayoshi stood up: "It's strange? You can't feel it?"]

[The screen shifts to the other side, Yinglili and Shiyu arrive at the student union room. 】

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