["Tell me about the attacks you encountered before." Baiyin Yuxing was still reading, so he raised his head and glanced at the two of them, holding his crotch with both hands. 】

[After a brief explanation, Baiyin Yuxing thought for a moment: "It shouldn't be a star disciple, it looks like... a strange demon god or something."]

[Yoshii Akihisa and Shirogane Mikayuki discussed this matter before. The characteristics of each person’s enemies, such as adulterants and strange demons, etc. 】

【"Odd Demon God..."】

[After calling Yoshii Akihisa, Momotaros suddenly appeared in front of Shiyu: "Sure enough, you smell like a strange devil."]

["Kasumigaoka classmate, what is your wish?" When Yoshii Akihisa saw this, he looked at Shiyu and then explained to everyone: "The person who hears the wish of the strange devil becomes the contractor of the strange devil, and the wish is realized through actual practice. , the contractor’s memory can be traced back to the past world.”]

["I want to see Mo Chen again."]

["Where is the man named Mo Chen? He will be very dangerous." At this time, Yoshii Akihisa asked curiously, but as soon as this question came out, everyone in the student union fell silent. 】

[It took a long time for Baiyin Yuxing to speak: "He died last Christmas."]

["Last Christmas... Oh, it was Kamen Rider Eternity." Momotaros on the side seemed to know Mo Chen, and said with some surprise, and then hugged him looking bored. Holding his own head: "Then it'll be fine!"]

["Is everything okay?" Everyone looked at Taotaros curiously. 】

["Yes, although in most cases the wish is forced to come true with twisted explanations, the true thoughts of the contractor are rarely realized. But for dead people, even trying to find them is more troublesome." 】


["Then let's leave it alone?" Baiyin Yuxing asked worriedly. 】

["It still has to be taken care of. Although if the wish cannot be fulfilled, he will always appear in this world and may destroy the world by then." Yoshii Akihisa explained and then looked at Momotaros: " Taotaros, I’ll leave it to you.”]

["Uncle...just go. Anyway, there is no opponent to fight now, which makes me very bored. I'll go look for it." Taotaros did not refuse. 】

["What will happen to Shiyu?" Yinglili asked worriedly. 】

["It stands to reason that Kasumigaoka-san should be the safest." At this time, Yoshii Akihisa shook his head and said: "He is a strange demon god born from Kasumigaoka-san's wish. Before he can fulfill Kasumigaoka-san's wish , and we must protect Kasumigaoka-san.”]

["Is that so?" Hearing this, Yinglili nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. 】

[Everyone said this, and everyone was relieved. They were not so worried about what they had to do next. However, Yinglili was still a little worried about Shiyu's situation, so she kept following Shiyu. 】


[She hasn’t come out of the bathroom yet. Shiyu has just poured cold water on her cheeks to make herself look like she wants to calm down. But when she raised her head, Shiyu was also startled because behind her A figure appeared. 】

【"Star Disciple?"】

[The person who appears behind Shiyu is Virgo wearing a cloak. 】

["Kasumigaoka classmate, this is for you." Virgo seemed to know Shiyu, she just took out a star disciple switch: "Maybe you can become the Twelve Palace, and if you become the Twelve Palace, you can be resurrected The person you miss."]

["Resurrection..." Shiyu, who originally wanted to call someone, stopped his movements after hearing Virgo's words, looked at Virgo in front of him blankly, and at the same time placed his eyes on her hands. on the Star Disciple switch. 】

Chapter 75 Aquarius Star Disciple Kasumigaoka Shiyu!

["Resurrection..." A glimmer of light appeared in Shiyu's originally somewhat dull eyes. This was the kind of drowning person who seemed to have grasped the last straw. 】

[Shiyu slowly raised his hand to catch the star disciple switch. 】

["Click..." A slender finger pressed the star disciple switch, and in an instant...black mist gathered. 】

['It's true...' Virgo took a few steps back and looked at the situation in front of him, seeming to sigh in his heart. 】

[Because in the black mist, the stars formed a set of stars. Before the stars attached to Shiyu's body, golden light appeared in an instant, and Shiyu's body fell from the black mist. 】

[It looks like it has entered the 'last time' state directly. 】

[However, the black mist was still gathering. Seeing this, Virgo grabbed Shiyu's body on the ground, and then threw it into the black mist, and became a blue star disciple in the black mist. 】

[There is a blue hair-like hair accessory on the head, and there is something like a water bottle on the shoulders.The overall look is also staggered armor that favors blue and black. 】

["Congratulations, Aquarius!"]

["Aquarius?" Shiyu looked at his hands and turned into an Aquarius, feeling the power in his body: "Is this my ability?"]

[Virgo moved his hand lightly, and a flower pot next to him was thrown to the ground, and it cracked open. Seeing this, the water bottle on Aquarius's shoulder overflowed with a ball of blue, translucent blue water that looked very beautiful. The group entered the flower pot that was broken on the ground, and then the flower pot healed completely.And some of the wilted flowers have become very beautiful. 】

["Sure enough, Aquarius... and the advantage of being a big Aquarius is...'healing' will restore even fatal injuries. It can even be...resurrected."]

["Resurrection..." Shiyu murmured. 】

["Shiyu, are you okay?" At this moment, Yinglili, who heard the sound of things breaking on the ground outside, ran over in a hurry. 】

[However, after Yinglili ran in, she found that nothing happened at all. On the contrary, Shiyu looked better than before.Although she was a little confused, Yinglili was relieved when she saw that there was no problem. 】

"It's still like this." Sighing, Kasumigaoka Shiyu shook his head. It was really surprising that he made such a choice in the video.

But it's not unexpected. If there is a chance of resurrection, then he will really resurrect the other party, right?

"If it were me, maybe I would make such a choice." Yinglili on the side comforted her.

But it's not a consolation. If it were her, it would really be like this.

After all, this force is really strong.

Although it doesn't seem to have much combat effectiveness, its auxiliary ability is too strong.

"But it seems that the result is not very good." Megumi Kato, who was sitting in the middle of the student council room, shook his head: "Although this power is very strong, what will happen to Kasumigaoka-san after he uses it? Woolen cloth?"

"Yes, since it is to stimulate desire, that means maybe in the video, will I do something I shouldn't do in order to resurrect Mo Chen?" Shiyu also understood this meaning, and then laughed a little self-deprecatingly. .

"But this is not bad. The evil little monster is defeated by the righteous hero. This kind of story is very interesting, isn't it?"

Both of them were silent for a while, but finally sighed and stopped discussing.

Once again, he focused his attention on the video in front of him.

[It seems like nothing happened. The jellyfish monster that appeared in the morning, the magical Kamen Rider Tsukiki, and Shiyu who turned into Aquarius, it’s as if nothing happened.Within a day, everything seemed to be returning to its normal state. 】

[When school was over in the afternoon, Shiyu did not leave the school, but went to the library. 】

[As a result, Shiyu actually saw a few familiar people in the library. 】

[One is Baiyin Yuxing. There are many books in front of Baiyin Yuxing. It looks like he has been reading for a long time. There are some dark circles around his eyes. He just raised his head and glanced at Shiyu, then lowered his head and continued reading.If there are no problems, he will continue to study. Tomorrow is the time for the exam. 】

[While walking further inside, Iino Yako was also reading. At the same time, Shiyu also saw two other people, namely Shinomiya Kaguya and Ishigami Yu. It seemed that Shinomiya Kaguya was tutoring Ishigami Yu. 】

[Shiyu, on the other hand, walked to the back and took out a book...]

["Huh? Star Disciple!" Baiyin Yuxing, who was reading, suddenly felt a strange force. When he looked up, he found a blue Star Disciple appearing deep in the bookshelf, which was Aquarius. 】

[Shirogane Yuxing, who was studying, almost jumped up from his chair, but the speed was still slow. I saw a group of blue water coming out of the water bottle on Aquarius's shoulder, and then Baiyin Yuxing suddenly jumped up. It was buried. 】

["Not good!" And Baiyin Yuxing could only block his face with his hands. It was just a subconscious behavior. At the same time, he felt bad. He didn't expect that the star disciple's target this time was actually him? 】

[However, after the water flow absorbed Baiyin Yuxing, he spat it out the next second. Baiyin Yuxing looked at his own state and was a little surprised...]

[His body is actually really tired due to the recent exams, but it has not exceeded the limit, because he has to leave strength to fight against the Star Disciples, but now his condition is not perfect. 】

["Don't run!" Although he was a little surprised, Shirogane Yuxing didn't have time to think about it so much. He saw Aquarius running towards the inside, where Shinomiya Kaguya and the others were studying, so He chased after him without hesitation. 】

[Others were very curious about Baiyin Yuxing's movements, but after Baiyin Yuxing confirmed that everyone was fine, he continued to run inside, and soon reached the back, but after passing through the last floor of bookshelves, he only saw poems. Yu was alone, flipping through a book. 】

["Kasumigaoka classmate, have you seen the Star Disciple?" Shirogane Yuxing did not doubt Shiyu, but looked around curiously. After all, Shi Yu also understood the existence of the Star Disciple's power before. , he felt that Shiyu wouldn't be able to use the star apprentice switch. 】

["Star disciple? No..." Shiyu naturally shook his head. 】

Chapter 7 Shinomiya Kaguya’s Love Counseling

[Bai Yin Yuxing did not doubt Shi Yu's words, but nodded, then scratched his head and turned back with some doubts, while whispering in a low voice: "Strange? What is the other party's purpose?"]

["President?" But just when Shirogane Yuxing was about to go back, he heard the surprised voices of Shinomiya Kaguya and Ishigami Yu.This made Baiyin Yuxing a little confused. 】

【"What's wrong?"】

["President, has your curse been eliminated?" Ishigami Yu's surprised voice made Shirogane Yuxing a little confused: "What curse? What happened?"]

["Meet... President." Shinomiya Kaguya was a little surprised at this time and took out a mirror, and then Shirogane Miyuki himself was dumbfounded. 】

[When I saw myself in the mirror, the dark circles under my eyes and the feeling of tiredness all disappeared. 】

['Baiyin Yuxing's most obvious physical characteristic is his vicious eyes, but in fact his eyes are caused by long-term lack of sleep. I don't mean to be vicious.Especially recently, he has been studying hard, causing his eyes to become more and more fierce. '】

['Just now, Aquarius used his healing ability to eliminate all the fatigue of Baiyin Yuxing at once, returning Baiyin Yuxing's condition to its best state.Bai Yin Yuxing has almost turned into a handsome man without his ferocious eyes.It can even be said that it is as if the contact has lifted some kind of curse,']

['Yes, now Baiyin Yuxing has completely recovered the vigor that an ordinary high school student should have, and even his fierce eyes have become very gentle. '】

[The narrator's explanation also shifted the scene to Baiyin Yuxing. Baiyin Yuxing's appearance has indeed changed a lot. 】

["?" Shirogane Mikado was a little curious, and Ishigami Yu in front of him was so scared that he was trembling. As for Shinomiya Kaguya...]

["Oh, isn't the president going to study? Go quickly." Shinomiya Kaguya's performance can be described as very dull, even a little indifferent, which makes Shirogane Yuxing a little confused, but the exam is indeed coming soon, Shirogane Yuxing didn't think too much and went back to continue studying. However, just in case, Baiyin Yuxing released the French fries to investigate what was going on. 】

【'Huh!Why?Why?Why have those eyes that were so handsome before changed? 'At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya was wailing in her heart. 】

[The screen turns and appears in the courtyard.Sitting next to Shinomiya Kaguya was Shiyu. Shiyu held a book between her fingers and seemed to be reading. However, she closed the book as soon as Shinomiya Kaguya opened her mouth. 】

["Kasumigaoka-san, you are a romance novelist... right?" Shinomiya Kaguya's tone was trembling: "I have... My friend has a love problem that he wants to consult, Kasumigaoka-san." .”]

【'That's your problem. 'I have a friend', which made Shiyu immediately understand who he wanted to ask. With a smile, he closed the books in his hands and said, "That's right." , but I’m just talking on paper, after all, you also know my past, Miss Kaguya.”]

["Hmm..." Shinomiya Kaguya was indeed too panicked at this time. Although there were people around who could ask, Shiyu wrote romance novels after all, so she subconsciously asked Shiyu. 】

["It's like this. My friend originally liked a certain person and felt that she liked him the most. However, after the other person's appearance changed a little, he found that the feelings dissipated a lot, so he let her I feel that maybe this is not true love anymore..."]

["True love." After listening to Shinomiya Kaguya's words, Shiyu whispered, but her heart was constantly thinking about "true love." She didn't expect to hear such words in reality, but it seems Miss Kaguya really likes the president. '】

["There is no such thing as always liking." Shiyu leaned on the seat and looked at the sky: "Miss Kaguya, you have to think about why your... friends like each other. Just because of the change in gratitude, admiration or attraction to the other person."]

['What attracts me most about the president...' Shinomiya Kaguya looked up and thought about it after hearing Shiyu's words. 】

[The story begins one day in the first year of high school. Shirogane Mikoto was invited by the then student council president to participate in a student council event. When everyone was cleaning the swamp, a girl accidentally fell into the water. When everyone was helpless, Kaguya stepped forward. Saved her.This scene was deeply witnessed by Bai Yin. 】

[Even though Shinomiya Kaguya said that she was going to save the other party because of her identity, at that time, Shinomiya Kaguya was the No. 1 person who acted directly without hesitation. 】

[Since then, Shirogane Miyuki has been trying to talk to Kaguya, but she has always ignored her. It was not until the final exam of the first semester that Shirogane Mikyuki formally challenged Kaguya and successfully won the first place in the grade. Only then did Kaguya remember Lived him. 】

[Later, Shirogane successfully became the student council president, and pulled Kaguya into the student council as the vice president.At the beginning, the relationship between the two was still very cold, and Hyou Kaguya even slapped Shirogane in front of Secretary Fujiwara. 】

[However, under the influence of President Shirogane and Secretary Fujiwara, Kaguya began to long for being an ordinary girl, having an ordinary love, and trying to become cute. With the help of Hayasaka Ai, Kaguya began to tie her hair with a hair tie. hair. 】

[Then one day, in the same swamp where the two first met, when the president jumped into the water to pick up Kaguya's hairband, Kaguya's affection for Shirogane really heated up. 】

【'It's the one who likes the president!Because as the president, he will never be abandoned no matter who is in trouble. He has the character to help regardless of family members or others, regardless of gain or loss. '】

["It seems you already understand." Looking at Shinomiya Kaguya's gentle expression, Shiyu opened the book again. 】

[“Maybe for some reason, you may suddenly dislike the other person at a certain moment, but as long as you don’t forget the feelings deep in your heart at that moment, and don’t be deceived by the false feelings... just like me at that time. ”]

["..." After hearing Shiyu's words next to him, Shinomiya Kaguya was silent for a while, and then asked: "Senior Kasumigaoka, what do you have in mind now?"]

["The idea... I want to meet him once, even if I get scolded by him, beaten by him, or treated as a weirdo by her, it doesn't matter."]

Chapter 77 Weird drive and silver slime?

[After night falls, the sky is silent. On the top floor of Fusha Painting Company, Xiao Ai is processing some documents, slightly rubbing her temples with her fingers. 】

["Xiao Ai, it's so late, you still need to take a rest, you know?" At this moment, a blond lady came in, looked at Xiao Ai and said with a kind smile. 】

["Well, Mrs. Fushae, I know..." And this curly-haired lady is Dr. Ali's wife, Mrs. Fushae. 】

["Then go and rest quickly. Just leave these matters to A Li." And Mrs. Fu Shae stepped forward and held Xiao Ai in her arms: "You should enjoy this period of time. Isn’t it a student’s life?”]

["There are less than five years left." Xiao Ai said softly: "I must maintain Xiao Chen's last wish."]

["Xiao Chen, he is a very mature child." Hearing Xiao Ai mention Mo Chen, Fushahui's expression was also a little sad: "But Xiao Ai, is it really appropriate to study those things?"]

["Appropriate..." Xiao Ai nodded and said: "Although that thing is also his relic, it is a power that must be used... and it only has some of his power."]

["Xiao Ai, come down here for a moment, hurry up." Just when Xiao Ai was about to say something to Fushae, the phone on the other side rang, and Dr. A Li's somewhat excited voice rang. 】

[Xiao Ai and Fusha Hui rushed down. 】

[In a super large laboratory, Dr. Ali is wearing a white laboratory robe, and in front of him there is a driver very similar to Fourze, and a ball of mercury that exists like it. 】

["I have completed the analysis of switch No. 40. Although the elements inside are so powerful and scary that it will take some time to stabilize, the elements left by Xiaochen before have begun to become active, and these are the things in front of me."]

["Fourze drive?" Looking at the two things, Xiao Ai focused on the drive that was very similar to the Fourze drive, with a confused expression. 】

[However, it is said to be a Fourze drive, but it only looks similar in appearance. The casing is like this, the color is dark blue, and there are only two large switches, without the handle on the right side, and there are two switches inserted on it.But there is no number. 】

["Some are like Fourze drives, and their functions are similar, but some are weird in that they cannot be tested... They do contain powerful star power, which means that this drive can indeed transform, but I don't know how. Use it." Dr. Ali said, touching his beard, and then looked at the silver liquid that looked like slime. 】

【"The most important thing is this."】

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