[Kaguya Shinomiya raised her right foot and made a very cute gesture. She raised her hands and imitated Shirogane Mikaru and shouted the words "The universe is coming". 】

['New power? Meteor was a little surprised when he looked at Kaguya Shinomiya next to him, but then he turned his attention to the Stardust Soldiers and the Twelve Star Disciples in front of him. 】

[Including Danqi, there are three knights in total. Although they do not have an advantage in terms of numbers, I just don’t know the strength of Shinomiya Kaguya, but Danqi and Meteor have shown strong strength before. 】

["Come on..." Everyone looked at each other and rushed forward. 】

"I found that all knight stories seem to have some weirdos similar to minions, such as the costume dopant in W, the crumb eater in OOO, and the stardust soldier in Fourze."

Looking at the content in the video, Yoshii Akihisa, who was sitting cross-legged, touched his chin and said seriously. Several people next to him rolled their eyes helplessly: "Isn't this nonsense?"

"Mootaros, do we have any soldiers here?" Yoshii Akihisa turned to look at Mootaros and the others who were besieging the city behind and were grabbing an omelette rice.

"Soldiers? We don't have that kind of thing. We are all fighting the strange demon gods. Feed the turtle, this is mine." Taotaros turned around and replied, and then his omelette rice was taken away, which made him very sad. Unhappy, he wanted to continue robbing.

"Senior, whoever is faster belongs to you."

"You guy."

"You guys are so noisy, and this is my lunch." Yoshii Akihisa saw this and grabbed it.

"Only this idiot can be friends with these guys." Seeing this scene, Sakamoto Yuji, a boy with red spiked hair next to him, stroked his forehead helplessly with his hand.

Then he continued to look up at the video in front of him.

How should I put it, Yuji Sakamoto has a feeling that his will also appear in the video, and he is very likely to be one of the knights.

This feeling was confirmed last night.

A strange demon god found him last night.

And the name of this strange demon god is...

Tianjin four!

[The time train is driven in a strange space. 】

[Inside the train, four strange demon gods were playing around. Baiyin Yuxing was leaning against the window, looking at the strange scenery outside. At this time, a girl came over, holding a cup of tea in her hand and placed it on Baiyin Yuxing's head. before. 】

["This is your first time riding the space-time train. Don't worry, you will arrive at the designated time in about 5 minutes." This girl Bai Yin Yuxing seemed to have seen her before: "Thank you, by the way, who are you?"]

["My name is Yoshii Rei, I am Akihisa's sister, and I am currently a waiter on the space-time train." Yoshii Rei said with a very gentle smile. 】

["Yoshii Rei...did you say that she is from Stanford University..." This was Shirogane Miyuki, but he suddenly understood the other party's identity and said with some surprise. 】

["Eh? President Shirogane, do you know my sister? She did graduate from Stanford University." At this time, Yoshii Akihisa also came over and asked curiously. 】

"Well, I planned to study at Stanford University, so I did some research and saw Miss Yoshii's photo and name." Shirogane Miyuki nodded and explained. 】

["Is that so? Then you will be my junior by then, so work hard." Yoshii Rei chuckled. 】

【"I will work hard."】

["Teach my idiot brother a lesson when you have time."]

【"I'm not an idiot."】

[Looking at the interaction between the two, Baiyin Yuxing showed a smile.However, he still looked outside with some concern. 】

[And we go back to Christmas 2022. 】

["It's over." The powerful knight's kick landed directly on the body of the weather dopant, kicking the weather dopant into the river. 】

[On the road hundreds of meters away, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was heading towards home. Looking at the falling snow in the sky, Kasumigaoka Shiyu raised his arms and looked at the falling snowflakes in the sky, wanting to borrow them. , but the snowflakes just passed through the gaps between her fingers and fell to the ground. 】

['Are you looking at the snowflakes now too?Mo Chen...' Looking at the snowflakes falling in the sky, Kasumigaoka Shiyu pulled her clothes and continued to move forward. 】

[Suddenly, the Jellyfish Demon God appeared not far behind her, looking very excited: "Finally! It's finally over! Hahahaha!"]

"What?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu turned around in shock. After discovering the jellyfish demon god, Kasumigaoka Shiyu stepped back a long distance in shock. 】

["It's you, my host, but now you... are no longer useful." The Jellyfish Demon God looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu in front of him and showed a smile, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu's first thought at this time The first thing is to run away. 】

[There was no hesitation, and the Jellyfish Demon God was not in a hurry, but slowly chased Kasumigaoka Shiyu, continuously releasing powerful electric shocks from his hands to attack all around. 】

[And Kasumigaoka Shiyu quickly escaped from here, and the target of escape was obviously the place where Mo Chen's battle ended. 】

["Why..." On this side, just like the previous experience, Mo Chen and Xiao Ai were saying their final goodbyes. 】

["Because there are some things that I need to do, things that must be done."]

【"Why is that you?"】

["Xiao Ai...be serious...live." The body was turning into data and slowly dissipating, but at this moment, around the corner, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was escaping. 】

["Shiyu?" Mo Chen's dissipated body data was still in his head, and he turned his head to look at Kasumigaoka in astonishment. Shiyu was a little shocked. 】

["Mo...Mo Chen?" Xia Zhigao Shiyu looked at Mo Chen who was obviously not in the right state with a look of astonishment and ran towards Mo Chen, wanting to grab Mo Chen's arm, but was unable to do so. Like the snowflakes before, the data just passed through her palm. 】

["Why, why is this happening?"]

["The Strange Demon God?" But Mo Chen looked through Kasumigaoka Shiyu's back and saw the Strange Demon God slowly walking towards him. He seemed to know everything: "It seems like something is going to happen in the future?"]

["Why are you..." And Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't think about what was going on behind the scenes at this time. Instead, she looked at Mo Chen in front of her, tears already falling uncontrollably]

[Only a little bit of Mo Chen has dissipated in front of him. 】

Chapter 87 Cry for my strength.

["This is my mission." Mo Chen saw the space-time channel opened behind him and breathed a sigh of relief. Then he glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiyu in front of him: "It seems that your future is not very good." 】

["Xia Zhiqiu..." Mo Chen only had a little bit of his body left, but at this time he still shook his head and looked at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu in front of him and whispered: "Shiyu, it seems that I brought you It’s not a very good future. Maybe I shouldn’t appear in your lives.”]

["Do you... think so?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu was already kneeling on the ground at this time.He looked up at Mo Chen with tears in his eyes. 】

"I admit, when I first got to know you, I actually had a good impression of you. I am also a very tacky man." Mo Chen's voice was very gentle, but it made Kasumigaoka Shiyu's heart tremble. 】

["I only care about your appearance. I once wanted to pursue you. I also thought about telling you in detail about my help, but...for various reasons, this matter was postponed... .But seeing your appearance, it seems that this period of time has not been a good one. But..."]

[Mo Chen's figure has completely disappeared, but some words are still left behind. 】

["I still hope you can live well..."]

[There are not many other lyrical words, but it ends like this...]

["No..." Shiyu cried. 】

["That's it." At this time, the Jellyfish Demonic God finally jumped up and attacked, with the simple target being Kasumigaoka Shiyu. 】

[In modern time, the body of Kasumigaoka Shiu who was half-kneeling on the ground began to inexplicably speak in the sand. Others in the battle did not notice it, but Miyano Shiho discovered it. Miyano Shiho saw that He frowned slightly, then took out his white coat and covered it with Kasumigaoka Shiyu, while gently squeezing his forehead. 】

['Is this what has been changed in the past?The memory is so painful...' When Miyano Shiho was rubbing his forehead, the device like a game console in his pocket was flashing, and Mo Chen in the middle was touching his chin and thinking.At the same time, an astronomical switch that had been used before in Miyano Shiho's pocket kept shining, and then it turned into the light of stars and disappeared. 】

[Back in the past world, just when the Jellyfish Demon God's attack was about to fall, the train had directly knocked the Jellyfish Demon God away. Then the train stopped for a moment and drove away again, and this time the Silver Royal Xing and Yoshii Akihisa appeared on the spot. 】

["Is this the world of the past?"]

[Shirogane Yuxing looked at the light around him, then looked up at the jellyfish devil in front of him, and took out Fourze.Yoshii Akihisa also took out his belt and quickly hung the driver on his waist. 】

["Then let's go, Yoshii-senpai." Shirogane Miyuki learned from Yoshii Akihisa that he has been a knight for several months longer than him, so naturally he is his senior, so Shirogane Miyuki is like this Call him Yoshii Akihisa. 】

["No need to call me senior, President Shirogane, let's go..." Yoshii Akihisa scratched his head, then took out the knight pass, and then pressed the red button on the waist drive. 】

[At the same time, Baiyin Yuxing also pressed the switch of the waist driver. 】




【"Thump thump thump..."】


[The transformations of multiple knights are always so shocking. After the transformation of the two knights, Baiyin Yuxing opened his hands: "In the past time...the universe is coming!"]

["I'm here again!" And Momotaros also possessed Yoshii Akihisa. 】

["It's you, the strange devil who was surrendered by humans. Aren't you supposed to be like me?" Although the jellyfish devil was hit by the tram, he actually turned into a pool of water when he was hit. , it can be considered as escaping the attack.But after seeing the King of Den, he asked in surprise. 】

["This is what I want to do." Taotaros did not continue to say anything to the Jellyfish Demon God, but assembled the things hanging on his waist into a long sword. 】

["It's really unforgivable to try to change history. Let's challenge him." Bai Yin Yuxing's fist was aimed at the jellyfish devil in front of him. 】

["Is this considered a duel?" Jellyfish Demon God shouted to Fourze in front of him. 】

["The two of us challenge you alone." After saying that, the two knights rushed forward. In this short period of time, the Jellyfish Demon God destroyed a lot of places, and now he must be dealt with quickly. 】

[The Jellyfish Demon God is still very powerful, and he can face the attacks of the two knights with ease, especially the weird ability to turn into water, which makes Shirogane Yuxing and Taotaros feel a little troublesome. 】

["You guy, give me a serious beating!" After Taotaros's sword struck the air again, Taotaros was so angry that he stomped on the ground. 】

["Sure enough, I still have to leave this place to me." Just when Momotaros was furious, a yellow figure flew over, and then knocked Momotaros out of Yoshii Akihisa's body. Zidian Wang has become the state of the body, which is the moon state. 】

[Then I pressed the yellow button below, and a different sound came from my belt, and at the same time, the train pass passed across the driver's belt on my waist. 】

【"Ax Form! (Holy Ax Form!)"】

["Hey, turtle, what are you doing?" Taotaros was also a little helpless after being ejected, but he did not try to snatch it back.The name of the strange demon that now occupies Yoshii Akihisa's body is Kintalos.He is a very tough guy style strange devil. 】

[The armor turned into golden armor, and at the same time, he twisted his neck with his fingers, making a clicking sound. 】

["That's awesome, then I'll do it too..." Upon seeing this, Fourze also took out the No. 10 switch. 】

["Elek On! (Electricity activated!)" Fourze also turned into a shining golden electric form. 】

["Oh, it's shiny, very nice!" Quintalos on the side saw Fourze also changing into a golden form, and nodded happily, then disassembled the long sword in his hand, and then assembled it into a Axe squatted on the ground in a crouching stance, with one hand on the ground: "Cry for my strength."]

Chapter 88 FireStates (flame form!)

[The Lightning King in the form of the holy ax has much stronger body strength and attack power. To explain, it is the power form. 】

[The combat ability of the electric form of the bastard is actually not much different from that of the ordinary form. With the addition of the long stick, it also has the ability to discharge electricity. 】

[However, these two forms obviously do not have a strong effect on the Jellyfish Demon God, because the Jellyfish Demon God has a certain immunity to the power of chopping, because when being chopped by an axe, the Jellyfish Demon God will It turns into water and cannot be cut. 】

[As for the bastard, he also has the ability to shock. Although the power is indeed much worse than that of the bastard, the problem is that the jellyfish demon can guide the electric current to the ground. 】

["I'm so angry." Quintalos was so angry when he saw such a scene that he struck the air several times with his axe.When the bastard on the side saw this, he shook his head helplessly. 】

["Senior, leave the rest to me." At this time, a purple light directly penetrated the body and replaced Jintaros' body. 】


【"Thump thump thump..."】

【"Gun Form! (Holy Spear Form)"】

[It is not the peach or axe-like device before, this time the dragon head-like armor appears, and then attached to the platform mode to form a set of armor. 】

["Dragon Talos?" Baiyin Yuxing remembered this voice. It was a purple strange demon god with the appearance of a dragon. His personality was a little naughty and a little like a child. 】

["That's right..." Longtalos danced on the ground for a while, and at the same time, the ax in his hand turned into the armor of a pistol, and then he pointed it at the jellyfish devil in front of him: "I can defeat you. ..Your answer is not important!”]

[As he spoke, bullets were already spraying out, and the purple energy bullets attacked the Jellyfish Demon God, but the Jellyfish Demon God also turned into running water at this time and then gathered together again. 】

[However, when they gathered together, the Jellyfish Demon God covered his shoulder because there was actually a wound on his shoulder. 】

["It's effective?" Basu Qi was a little surprised, but then he understood: "I almost forgot, since it is liquidized, high temperature is enough."]

[Thinking of this, Baqi took out a switch. The number on the switch is No. 20! 】

["Then let me try this."]

【"Fire On! (Flame·Start...)"】

["With this blazing feeling, endless fire power surged out of my body!" After pressing the button of the flame switch, the long stick on his right hand disappeared, and a red round stick appeared. It looked like a rifle, and then a flame emerged from the rifle, and then the flame swept across, directly wrapping the entire body of the bastard knight in it. 】

[In the flames, the red bastard slowly appeared in front of everyone.The overall color is flame red, and it looks very passionate. 】

["Oh, junior...very good." Looking at the flame mode of the Bastard, Dragon Talos clapped happily. 】

"Thank you, senior, but let's go now." Bastard took a deep breath and said to Dragon Talos next to him. 】

["Yes, yes, come on, come on..." Longtalos nodded. The current holy spear mode is a long-range warrior.With the advantage of shooting weapons, it has maximum attack range.The movement speed is stronger than the other three forms, and the fighting style is more casual and bouncing. 】

[As for Qi Qi, the super flame gun in his hand also burst into flames. The "Super Flame Gun" can be manipulated and absorb heat energy. It has two attack modes, which can be converted by stretching the weapon. The flame mode shoots flame bombs and the fire extinguishing mode shoots fire bombs. 】

【"Fire bomb!"】

[Both of them are long-range attacks, which makes the Jellyfish Demon God unable to attack, and they are retreating steadily. 】

"This is the new form of the Bastard, the flame form...it was the electric form before. Will there be flowing water form and strong wind form next, right?"

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