"What? You don't mean to say that there will be wind, fire, thunder, lightning, and water, right?"

"It's not impossible, is it?"

"This is the power of the universe. How can there be such a simple thing? I think it is thunder in the end..."

"You guys, really...but don't any of you discuss those strange demon gods?"

"...What is that? Don't you know about it upstairs?"

"what do you know?"

"Taotaros and the others have opened a live broadcast on another platform and are watching the video live. Many people are watching there."

"Good guy, really good guy, matryoshka doll, right?"

"I'll go take a look too."

That's right, Taotaros and the others actually opened a live broadcast and were having fun, and they didn't mind their abilities being exposed, so they briefly explained some of their basic abilities.

Had a great time.

Seeing this, Conan and the others also smiled helplessly. The thoughts of the strange demon gods are really special, but there is no way. How can I say this kind of thing...

As long as they are happy.

As for the follow-up, let's wait until Mo Chen wakes up before talking about anything else.

The video continues, and the next scene in the video returns to modern time.

[In modern time, the battle between the three knights continues. 】

["Uh... Wow!" Jeet Kune Do's attack method is fast, accurate and ruthless.And even though there were so many people around, it was very simple for Meteor. He shouted, as long as the fist hit, they were all knocked away, and the main body left behind could Instead of this group of Stardust soldiers, the target of the meteor is Scorpio. 】

["You guy, I will let you completely die here today." Scorpio looked very angry at this time, but Meteor was a little confused, because he and Scorpio did have a grudge, but Scorpio seemed to be in a very angry mood today. Unhappy, why? 】

[Is Scorpio unhappy at this time?Of course he is very unhappy, but what makes Scorpio unhappy is that the candidate he selected as the next star disciple, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, was actually beaten by Virgo. 】

[This incident made Scorpio so angry that he even went to the gentleman to ask for direct comment, but the gentleman obviously trusted Virgo more. 】

[And after becoming an Aquarius, Kasumigaoka Shiyu is still unwilling to join his side, which naturally makes Scorpio feel very unhappy. 】

Chapter 89 Kamen Rider...Kaguya?

[Scorpio’s original idea was to get close to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, comfort her as a teacher, and make her trust him. To put it simply, when his mind is weak, he would conquer the opponent and then give her the Star Disciple switch. After she becomes a star disciple, she will trust herself. 】

[But with Virgo interfering like this, everything failed. 】

[By the way, this trick of Scorpio has been used by many people. In Xiu Zhiyuan School, or Xiu Zhiyuan is also a school after all, such things can still happen easily, and it depends on the identity of the teacher. Scorpio has indeed found many people for these things, but he has not yet given the star disciple switch.Because it's not yet time. 】

[Although Scorpio was very unhappy fighting Meteor, and even vented his unhappiness on Meteor, Meteor was very strong.Even with the intervention of the Stardust Soldiers, they did not cause any damage to Meteor at all. 】

["Super Star New!" Scorpio's atmosphere directly changed into a giant scorpion form, and he wanted to attack the meteor, but obviously he thought too much. It did have some effect on the meteor before, but now it has some effect on the meteor. There is no use anymore. 】

[Because Meteor quickly approached Scorpio with a sliding shovel, and then quickly hit Scorpio's feet in the form of a scorpion with his fist. 】

["Huh... Wow!" An inch of force penetrated into Scorpio's foot, causing Scorpio to fall to the ground unable to parry. 】

[However, Scorpio had many feet and stood up quickly, and then continued to attack Meteor. For a while, the two were in a stalemate. Scorpio could not completely solve Meteor, and although Meteor's attack could hit Scorpio, Scorpio's recovery The speed is very fast, which means that the next step is either to see Scorpio unable to recover, or the meteor is too tired to attack. 】

[On the other side, Danqi is facing Libra. 】

["Jet Kune Do? I must ask him to spar with me next time." Kyogoku, who was riding a horse, looked at the attack launched by Meteor with some envy. 】

[He was originally a martial arts fanatic. There are indeed many masters in the country, but apart from special abilities, his fighting ability is top-notch. He has no enemies at all, but the strength shown by the meteor in front of him is also very strong. , which made him very itchy and wanted to compete with the shooting star in front of him. 】

[However, Kyogoku Zhen naturally knew what he was doing now, so he directed his desire to find someone to fight with the Stardust Soldiers and Libras who were besieging him in front of him and launched an attack. 】

[Compared to Ryusei's fast attack of boxing and kicking, which uses speed and a certain amount of force, Kyogoku's attack method is a karate method, with the body squatting in a horse stance and changing into a lunge at any time. , the fist is swung with full force.At the same time, there is also grabbing and beating. 】

[Although this attack method is not as fast as Meteor's attack method, it is obviously more powerful. 】

[Facing Libra with a weird yellow seal on it, Kyogoku Shin also had his own attack method, which made Libra retreat steadily.Soon he wanted to retreat directly, and countless Stardust soldiers surrounded him with a wave of his hands, but he himself seemed to want to escape and retreated a certain distance. 】

[Now there is only one person facing a group of soldiers, and that is Shinomiya Kaguya. 】

["Speaking of which, what is the name of my knight?" Shinomiya Kaguya imitated Shirogane Yuxing and summoned the rocket head, knocking several Stardust Soldiers away at once, and then landed on the ground, looking at it curiously Glancing behind him, Miyano Shiho, who was leaning next to him and covering his heart, asked. : "And teacher, are you okay?"]

["It's okay, it's just the effect of the medicine..." The reason why Miyano Shiho covered his heart was because his medicine was about to expire. 】

["Kamen Rider Nadeshiko...Of course you can also call me Kamen Rider Kaguya. After all, I haven't named this power yet..." Miyano Shiho said and was about to squat down.Recover yourself. 】

["It's not appropriate to keep this thing with you, so leave it to me." Shinomiya Kaguya, who was fighting the Stardust Soldiers, looked at Miyano Shiho with some worry, and then prepared to move towards Miyano Shiho. But at this time Virgo slowly walked over. 】

["Don't worry about me, you first... cough cough." Miyano Shiho glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was kneeling on the ground with blank eyes, and focused on the star apprentice switch in Kasumigaoka Shiyu's hand.But my speech was somewhat basic and I coughed several times. 】

[Then under everyone’s astonished gaze, Miyano Shiho’s body began to shrink, and the clothes on his body also shrank with Miyano Shiho’s body, and he soon changed back to Xiao Ai’s appearance. 】

['Is this the power of APTX489? 'Virgo looked at Miyano Shiho who had shrunk into a child and sighed in his heart. 】

["You are not allowed to come close." Upon seeing this, Shinigong Kaguya immediately stood in front of Xiao Ai, because some Stardust Soldiers were already heading this way. 】

[However, Shinomiya Kaguya has just started to transform into a Kamen Rider after all, so her strength is still a bit weak. She is already very strong when facing four or five Stardust Soldiers, let alone facing Virgo. 】

[Just when Virgo was about to approach Kasumigaoka Shiyu, suddenly a figure was faster than Virgo, grabbed the star disciple switch in Kasumigaoka Shiyu's hand, and then flew away. 】

[Another figure appeared in front of Shinomiya Kaguya, and with three consecutive roundhouse kicks, the Stardust Soldier was knocked away. 】

["Haibara, I'm sorry for being late..." The person who kicked the Stardust soldiers away with the continuous roundhouse kicks was naturally Kudo Shinichi, and the mechanical bat holding the Zodiac Star Disciple switch in his mouth was Kivat Flying, he threw the switch into the hands of the boy named Sawada Tsunayoshi who ran over. 】

["Is this the Twelve Star Disciples switch?" Sawada Tsunayoshi looked at the switch in front of him, then raised his head and looked in front of him. 】

["Sawada... get ready. Although I don't know what happened, but now is not the time for small talk." Kudo Shinichi stepped back a short distance, and then carefully observed Xiao Ai, and found that Xiao Ai's current The situation was fine, but after feeling a little tired, I stood up immediately with the driver already installed on my waist. 】

【"Okay! Kivat!"】

Chapter 90 Knights gather together!


[Kamen Rider Ace and Kamen Rider Kiva (Moon Rider) appeared on the battlefield. 】

["Kiva?" Looking at the new person who appeared in front of him, Virgo whispered in surprise, then stepped back a distance, and then waved, and a group of Stardust Soldiers appeared. 】

[These Stardust Soldiers directly blocked all the knights, making it impossible for all the knights to fight the three Zodiacs. 】

["Retreat!" Virgo said to Libra and Scorpio who were about to rush forward. 】

["Why?" Libra looked dissatisfied, but did not refute. Instead, Scorpio, who had transformed into a super star, asked loudly and angrily. 】

["With these knights here, it's almost impossible to recapture the Aquarius Disciple Switch. It's better to retreat first." The scepter in Virgo's hand tapped on the ground. 】

["But..." Scorpio's feet were trembling a little after being hit by Meteor just now, and the atmosphere was not good. He didn't feel that his Super Star was no match for Meteor in his new state. 】

["You have failed once, Scorpio...or...do you prefer to stay in the Dark Nebula?" Scorpio was startled by Virgo's words, and then his body began to shrink and exited the new Super Star. Form: "I'll go with you."]

["Knights, you are very strong... I think it won't be that simple next time." Before leaving, Scorpio did not forget to put down his harsh words, and then the three of them quickly disappeared among the floating feathers. 】

["Did you run away?" If several knights were not restrained by the Stardust Soldiers, they would definitely have blocked them. 】

"Oh my god, the knights are so interactive!"

"I love watching content like this."

"But in this case, the switch of the Twelve Star Disciples has also been received here. Maybe there is a way to research a way to deal with the Twelve Star Disciples?"

"Who will study it?"

"Isn't Mo Chen resurrected?"

"But will Mo Chen help?"

"According to the data, if it is something that can help the future of mankind, he probably won't refuse."

"I won't refuse." Looking at the discussion on the Internet, Xiao Ai said firmly: "Xiao Chen's goal is to save the world, which is equivalent to the most important goal in the program is to achieve his own goal. Research on ten If the two-star disciple switches on and off, his final goal will be faster, so I can leave it to Xiaochen to study."

"It seems that if we can restrict the actions of the inhumane Xiao Chen in the video, and then let Xiao Chen research weapons and other things according to this idea." After hearing Xiao Ai's words, Conan's eyes lit up and he said.

"There is indeed such a possibility, but there is still one thing that must be guarded against." Kudo Yusaku on the other side frowned slightly and shook his head: "The unique point of technology, if Data Xiaochen finds out that he is just being If you take advantage of it, will you stop helping, or pretend to help, and then let yourself out?"

"This is indeed possible, but... these things are obviously not what we have to worry about now." Philip looked at the book in his hand and replied: "Now it seems that there is no need for Mo Chen to lose What humanity, he will help us next."

"Yes." After hearing Phillip's words, everyone looked at Mo Chen, who was lying asleep, and finally nodded together.

It was revealed in the video that Mo Chen began to lose his humanity at the beginning because of Gaia's memory.Or maybe it's the relationship between Gaia's Well, but now Mo Chen doesn't have to worry about this problem at all.

The Well of Gaia is located in Mo Chen's basement laboratory, and it is blocked by special railings, making it impossible for Mo Chen to jump in.

So everyone is more at ease now, and the production of Gaia memory, especially the extreme memory, Mo Chen also said before when he left that the extreme memory is a bit difficult, but there is still a way, and he will find a way when he comes back.

'It's great that you are still alive, Mo Chen. 'This is the sigh issued by many people.And the battle continues.

["Kaguya Flying Knight Kick" Shinomiya Kaguya, Shinomiya Kaguya, who transformed into Kamen Rider Kaguya (Nadeshiko), jumped up, then relied on the rocket head on her right hand to fly into the air, and then In mid-air, he quickly kicked the Stardust Soldiers in front of him with his small feet. 】

[Although it doesn’t seem very powerful, after a series of kicks, the battle is over...]

[The cute one leg fell on the ground, his right hand was raised, and his left hand made a cute gesture and then chuckled: "It's okay."]

[However, although he said it was okay, the next second, Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't stand on his feet. His body weakened and he immediately canceled the transformation. He half-knelt on the ground, covered in cold sweat. At the same time, the picture looked like It was constantly shaking, as if...sudden physical weakness. 】

["Dong dong dong..." The rapid heartbeat sounded, which made Shinomiya Kaguya cover her body, not her heart: 'What's wrong with me?The physical discomfort is so strong...is it related to the driver? '】

['No...this discomfort has become stronger and stronger recently. It seems like...there seems to be something wrong inside the body.Damn it...what happened? '】

[The battle on Shinomiya Kaguya’s side is over.The battle on the other two sides is also over. 】

["Huh... Wow!" Meteor didn't even use any moves, but simply defeated all the Stardust soldiers with his fists. Then he looked at Danqi aside, and Danqi was also at this time. Several consecutive shoulder throws eliminated all the Stardust soldiers around him. 】

["You are very strong. Let's compare with each other next time we have the opportunity." After solving the problem, Danqi set his sights on Meteor. 】

["I'll have a chance next time." Meteor didn't resist the battle with Danqi, but he was thinking about a question: 'My recent strength seems to have reached a bottleneck, and it seems that the switch is about to be activated. But...can I pass the special training? '】

["Knight Kick!" The Kamen Rider's strength and attack strength on this side are also very strong. He first eliminated the two Stardust Soldiers in front of him with a punch, and then drove the memory and inserted it into the Ultimate Drive. Then depression sets in. 】

[The right foot with purple light kicked directly into the ground, and the sweeping light directly exploded all the Stardust soldiers. 】


Chapter 91 The affected future!

[Amid the explosion, all the Stardust Soldiers turned into stars and disappeared, and then Kamen Rider Ace fell from the sky and shook his arm. 】

["Wake Up!" On this side, Kiva, took out a whistle and inserted it into Kivat's mouth on his waist, and then the entire sky turned black in an instant. 】

[Yes, this space actually turned into night, and under such circumstances, a full moon appeared in the sky, and then Kiva's right foot was raised high towards the left.Then the chains of the upper armor were directly released, forming the shape of a bat. 】

[Kiva then bent her body slightly, then lowered her body, then jumped up into the air. 】

[The full moon in the sky also turned into a waning moon, and then Kiva in the sky directly attacked the Stardust Soldiers below with a knight kick. 】

[The entire ground cracked open, and a bat-like Kiva logo appeared. Then the Stardust Soldiers on it directly shattered, ending the opponent's battle. 】

["The battle is over!" Kiva landed on the ground and nodded looking at the situation in front of him. 】

["Yes, it's over..." Everyone gathered around, followed by the knights, but then the building in the distance suddenly began to shake.Then he was stunned...]

[In such a time, the building over there was directly reduced to ashes. 】

["What happened?" Everyone looked surprised.Xiao Ai had almost recovered at this time and saw such a scene. She took out the instrument that held Mo Chen and showed him the scene outside, "Xiao Chen, what's going on?"]

["Time has been changed." Mo Chen still looked normal. He glanced at the building that was reduced to ashes and said directly: "Changing the past is very serious. There will be serious changes. , now it seems that something serious happened there.”]

["Xiaochen..." Looking at Mo Chen on the instrument, Kudo Shinichi, the ace, was a little surprised.But then he asked: "By the way, what happened in the past?"]

["It's not clear yet, but Shirogane Miyuki and Yoshii Akihisa passed by." Xiao Ai straightened her white robe and pressed a button on the back. Although Xiao Ai's clothes would indeed shrink, If the white robe wants to shrink, it must be close to the button, which is about the same distance as Conan's telescopic belt. 】

["Really? If it's them, leave it to them." Shinichi nodded when he heard this. He still appreciated the two people's fighting power.And I also believe that the other party will handle it well. 】

[The screen shifts to the past time, that is, last Christmas. 】

["Damn it, even though our two attacks were effective, the opponent doesn't want to fight us at all." The flame form of the Bastard Cavalry is very powerful, and it can also restrain the jellyfish demon in front of him, but the jellyfish demon god I don't want to fight myself at all. 】

["Really, you don't want to fight me at all." Longtalos was also a little helpless. His shooting ability was very strong, but there was nothing he could do if the other party didn't fight him. 】

["Xiaolong, leave the next step to me." At this time, a blue light group appeared next to Dragon Talos and said to him. 】

["Senior Potaros, then leave it to me." Dragontalos nodded, and then turned into a ball of light and disappeared. At the same time, the blue figure was injected into the body of the King of Lightning. 】

[Dian-O pressed the blue switch above, and then...the Knight Pass was swept away. 】

【"Rod Form! (Holy Rod Mode)"】

[The mask that appeared this time was blue, and it looked like there were some traces of a turtle. At the same time, the weapon in his hand also turned into a long pole, which looked like a fishing rod. And the one that appeared this time seemed to be very elegant. look like. 】

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