["Well, leave it to me." This time, it was Purtalus who possessed Den King.Then Purtalus saw this and put the long pole on his shoulder: "Although jellyfish are not considered fish in the formal sense, but... you also come and try to hook me."]

["Purtalus...?" Bastigo had heard of the other party's identity before, and looked at Purtalus in surprise. 】

["That's right, junior...my holy pole is very strong. After I lock them, you can burn him with flames." Putaros's movements were very graceful, and he faced Baiyin Yuxing on the side chuckled. 】

["Understood. Leave the rest to me." Baqi nodded, then took a few steps back. 】

[Putaros swung the holy pole in his hand, and then a fishing line of energy appeared on the holy pole. The fishing line was thrown away, and then hooked the jellyfish demon god in the distance. 】

["Such a move is useless to me." The Jellyfish Demon God said helplessly as he looked at the fishing rope that was thrown to him. 】

[He was actually speechless and relieved at the same time.In the situation just now. 】

[Dragon Talos’s gun attack actually has some effect on the Jellyfish Demon God.Although the effect is not good, it is still effective. If the attack continues like this, a lot of water in the body of the jellyfish will be consumed, and by then the ability to speak with water will disappear. 】

[And the most effective thing for me is the flame form of the Bastard Cavalry. If his movement speed were not too slow, I would probably be in real trouble. 】

[Just when the Jellyfish Demon God was thinking this way, he suddenly felt a gravitational pull in his body. He just wanted to turn into water to avoid it, but he found that the water he turned into was actually pulled away. 】

["We're finally here!" Upon seeing this, Bastigo directly raised the musket in his hand, and then sprayed out fierce flames. 】

[At this time, the flames directly hit the body of the Jellyfish Demon God. The water-formed Jellyfish Demon God was directly knocked back to its prototype and fell to the ground. 】

["We're here." Potaros picked a gun flower directly from his holy pole, and then threw it towards the Jellyfish Demon God. 】

[The holy rod hit the body of the Jellyfish Demon God, and then turned into a pool of energy to form a hexagonal energy lever. 】

["Fire On! (Flame!)" On this side, the squatting knight also took out the flame switch and inserted it into the super flame gun in his hand. 】

Chapter 92 The new school doctor

["Full Charge!" Purtalus jumped high and kicked directly towards the jellyfish demon god with a knight kick. In an instant, the jellyfish demon god exploded during such a knight kick, but after the explosion ended , the jellyfish demon god suddenly turned into a huge monster in the flames. 】

["Is this the giant death beast?" Basu Qi was a little surprised when he looked at the huge jellyfish monster in front of him. 】

['The Giant Death Beast is the image of the contractor who went berserk and turned into a huge monster when the strange demon god was defeated. 'This sentence is what Yoshii Akihisa explained to Shirogane Mikoto before, but the purpose of Shirogane Mikoto's use of the flame switch just now is here. 】

["But it's useless! Rider Bakunetsu Shoot!"]

[The super flame gun in his hand pulled the trigger, and violent flames spurted out from the muzzle, directly hitting the jellyfish giant death beast. 】


[Another explosion ended, this time no trace of the Jellyfish Demon God was left. 】

["Huh..." After exhaling, Basi Qi looked at Potaros next to him. 】

["What are we going to do next?"]

["No need to do anything." Potaros looked at the scene in front of him, then turned around and prepared to go back to the tram: "Time will be repaired automatically, so don't worry."]

["But..." Shirogane Miyuki glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was crying not far away with some worry. He wanted to persuade him, but in the end he sighed, released his transformation and followed Purtalus' pace. . 】

[Back in modern times, everyone looked at the repaired buildings in the distance and breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that the problem has been completely solved."]

["..." Meteor saw such a scene.The figure turned into a blue figure and disappeared. 】

["Let's spar together next time." Kyogoku, who had already released his transformation, looked at Ryusei who was leaving and shouted. He didn't know if Ryusei heard it. 】

["Shiyu!" Yinglili and the others also came over and looked at Shiyu who was unconscious.Yinglili ran over worriedly. 】

[Just when everything was restored, Shiyu fell into a coma. 】

["Beep beep..." The tram traveled through time and arrived in front of everyone.Akihisa Yoshii and Miyuki Shirogane jumped off the motorcycle, and then looked at the knights in front of them and smiled. 】


["Yeah, it's over..."]

[The knights looked at each other, then smiled at each other. 】

[Kasumigaoka Shiyu was sent to the infirmary.And I met an unexpected person in the infirmary. 】

["Aunt Hayasaka?" Looking at the people in the infirmary, Kaguya was a little surprised. 】

["Mom?" Hayasaka Ai was also a little surprised when she saw the person coming. She was wearing a pink hat and looked like a very gentle girl.And Hayasaka Ai's tone suddenly became much softer.Somewhat like coquettishness. 】

["Xiao Kaguya, long time no see. It's not peaceful here recently, so I came to be a medical teacher."]

["Nao Hayasaka! A cadre of the Shinomiya Foundation, the mother of Ai Hayasaka." The narration explained the identity and status of this person. 】

["By the way, Xiao Kaguya, I heard that you haven't been in good health lately. I'll check you out later."]


[The screen shifted from here, and then appeared in a cafe. Yoshii Akihisa, Sawada Tsunayoshi, and Shinichi were sitting together. There was a cup of milk tea in front of Yoshii Akihisa, and in front of Sawada Tsunayoshi with a cup of coffee.In front of Shinichi is a cup of tea. 】

"Sure enough, the purpose of this group of Star Disciples is very strange." Shinichi took a sip of tea and savored the aroma of the tea. He said, "According to the investigation by my friends at the Metropolitan Police Department, there were three places that were damaged. One is Kyoto, one is Osaka, and one is Kanagawa."]

["Is there anything special in these places?" Putting his hands on the table and taking a sip of coffee, Sawada Tsunayoshi also frowned slightly: "The Vongola forces on my side have not investigated anything. thing."】

["I learned one thing from the miko of the earth, that is, there are a total of five locations. In ancient times, there were special altars that could get closer to the power of the starry sky." Shinichi nodded as he spoke. desktop. 】

["Kyoto, Osaka, Kanagawa... Hidenoin?" Sawada Tsunayoshi frowned slightly, his eyes became clearer, and his temperament seemed a little different. 】

["Yes, when Xiuzhiyuan was built, there were also these special altars, but it's not clear where they are."]

["Just ask the miko named Daichi to find her. She should know about it, right?" Yoshii Akihisa, who had always looked a little bored, said: "She should be able to do this kind of thing, right? I heard Momotaros say After that, the people chosen by the earth have very special abilities."]

["I don't recommend doing this." At this time, the voices of Sawada Tsunayoshi, Shinichi, and Xiao Ai sounded from behind several people, and then several men in black came in and said something to the shop owner. All the guests They were all invited out, and there were only three people left in the huge coffee shop plus Xiao Ai who had just come over. 】

[Xiao Ai nodded to a few people, then put the purple game console in his hand aside. Inside was Mo Chen. Mo Chen was sitting on a chair and reading books. At this time, he put away the books with a wave of his hand. , and then looked at the people in front of him. 】

"There are only five locations that can be known now, and three of them have been destroyed. They only have two choices. It is safer to stay in Xiuzhiyuan, which is also more convenient to deal with." Xiao Ai explained. 】

["But what about the safety issue?" Yoshii Akihisa asked worriedly. 】

["Inside the school, we have arranged for many people to enter. Although they are not good at fighting, they can still cover the students' retreat. This is why there were few people watching during the previous battles."]

"By the way, Miss Haihara, I said there were five before. Where is the other one?" Sawada Tsunayoshi asked thoughtfully. 】


["Isn't this the place where Shunoin will arrange a school trip next?" Sawada Tsunayoshi asked in surprise: "But at that time we also stopped the life of exchange students. Do you want me to transfer to another school?"]

["I think we still have to believe in President Shirogane and the others." Yoshii Akihisa was more opposed: "He has great potential, and he also has good partners beside him, doesn't he?"]

Chapter 93 Kivat III

["He has great potential, and he also has good partners around him, doesn't he?"]

["That's true," everyone looked at each other and nodded. 】

["Okay, what we have to do now is another thing, Xiaochen... please explain the data and intelligence you collected." Xiao Ai clapped his hands, and someone brought a cup of hot milk, and then looked Towards Mo Chen. 】

["Simply put, in order to deal with the disaster five years from now, we must gather together, and we need more force."]

["What do you want to do?" Everyone's expressions became slightly serious. 】

["I have only two purposes now. One is to deal with the disaster five years from now, and the other is to allow mankind to live smoothly and happily after the disaster five years from now. So something must be done." ”]

["..." The picture slowly appeared in the instrument, Mo Chen's face, and Mo Chen's expressionless face looked like a machine.Following the somewhat silent BGM, the screen stopped here. 】

The video ends here.

However, there are a lot of discussions on the Internet, especially about a new fact that has emerged today, that is, the existence of Kiva.

As a result, Sawada Tsunayoshi's identity was quickly discovered.

"Before, was he an ordinary student? No...should it be said that ordinary students are not even considered? Before the third year of junior high school, he was just a very useless student. When he was in the third year of junior high school, he went to Italy. After returning from Italy, your personality is still the same gentle, but your learning ability has improved a lot?"

"What I'm more curious about is, what is Vongola?"

"I know this. Vongola means clam (Vongola) in our Italian language. The Vongola family was founded in Sicily, Italy. It is a first-class mafia organization with assets, scale, power and prestige. It is the core organization in the mafia alliance. It has 10 leaders since its establishment. (IP: Italy)"

"Vongola was originally a self-police group to protect residents. The founder was Giotto. It was established in Sicily, Italy. It is a first-class mafia organization with assets, scale, power and prestige. It is the core of the mafia alliance in which it is located. Organization. And there are many affiliated mafia, but I heard that the mysterious tenth-generation leader actually disbanded Vongola not long ago, but it seems to have created a new Vongola family (ID: Itali)."

"The new Vongola family, that is to say, Sawada Tsunayoshi is just now, right? Has he actually become the leader of such a big family? Isn't this too terrifying?"

"It's really amazing, even more powerful than Mo Chen. Although Mo Chen also took over the company, there is still an adoptive father and mother there. Although it is amazing, I didn't expect Sawada Tsunayoshi to be more powerful than Mo Chen. Be awesome."

"Hurry and go and see if the new Vongola family in Italy declares the authenticity of this matter?"

The discussion on the Internet has not ended yet. Many people have received such information, and all of a sudden everyone poured into the live broadcast room.

Because it was a mafia live broadcast, it was not so formal, but seemed relatively simple.

And I only said three things. First of all, Sawada Tsunayoshi is indeed the new Vongola No. 1 head, but I hope everyone will not disturb him because he still has to complete his studies.

The second thing, regarding Kivat, is that the existence of Kivat was indeed found in Vongola. Now it has been sent to the Foot Pot Chicken, and will be handed over to Mo Chen for processing.

The third thing is to briefly explain the significance of the existence of the new Vongola. Others are relatively indifferent to this kind of thing. After all, people from all over the world are watching, and the profit-seeking mafia and people from other countries Is there any big relationship?

Sawada Tsunayoshi also briefly accepted interviews with reporters on Mo Chen's side. These reporters also wanted to interview other people, but they were quickly kicked out by Officer Megure and the others. By the way, Officer Megure also just rushed out. Just come over and have a chat with Sawada Tsunayoshi.

After all, this kind of thing is still very troublesome. Now their department has almost become a matter of helping Kamen Riders. Recently, the people above have considered transferring people from their third class and directly setting up a special class.

After nightfall, Mo Chen woke up in confusion.

After having a simple dinner with everyone, a luxury car stopped at the door.

As soon as the door opened, Kivat, a mechanical bat, flew in and landed in front of everyone: "Hey... Hello everyone, I am Kivat III."

"Kivat III?" Looking at the little mechanical bat flying in the sky, Mo Chen swallowed the piece of steak in his mouth and looked at the little guy in front of him with a slightly interesting look: " hello."

"Hello, hello..." Kivat smiled and greeted Mo Chen, then landed on Sawada Tsunayoshi's shoulder.

The next questions were not asked by Mo Chen, but were left to Kudo Yusaku and Conan.

Kivat did not hide it, but explained it directly.

Hundreds of years ago, there appeared in this world a kind of monster that survived by absorbing human life energy, the vampire ghost. They ran rampant in the darkness of the world,

The knights who then dealt with these vampire ghosts were Kamen Rider Kiva.

"But it wasn't me at that time, but my predecessor, Kivat I. He and Giotto worked together to eliminate those vampire ghosts, and they were almost wiped out. Kivat II also appeared decades ago, But I don’t know where that senior has gone, and this time it’s my turn to wake up.”

"Apart from them, Kiva actually has several partners." Li Baoen, who was sitting on a small sofa, took a sip of milk, then looked at Sawada Tsunayoshi in front of him and said, "Is there anyone else here at the Foot Pot Chicken?" The monsters summoned and wielded by Kamen Rider Kiva."

"Your next task is to find him back and then become stronger."

"That's right." Kiva also nodded, agreeing with Li Baoen's words.

"If you need anything, just talk to us." Conan thought about the other person's words, but still looked at each other with Phillip, and then they looked at each other and nodded.Conan said to Sawada Tsunayoshi.

"Then I'll bother you then."

Chapter 94 Kado Yaji: I am a loving knight

Late at night.

After Mo Chen said goodbye to everyone, he went back to the basement of his home.

Because of Mo Chen's return tonight, everyone had a lot of questions. We had dinner together and then talked about a lot of things, such as the 20 knights from another world, their identities and personalities.

But what made Conan a little shocked was that one of the two people in Kamen Rider W from another world was also named Philip, and the other was also a detective, and a tough guy detective at that.

And the other party also said that he would come over for a while to look for Conan and see what the other person with the power of Kamen Rider W is like.

As for other things, everyone also asked a lot about them.

Finally, after having a midnight snack, Mo Chen and Xiao Ai chatted about something.

The current situation is that Xiao Ai has a good impression of Mo Chen and even likes him, but Mo Chen has no such thoughts at all.

To put it in that sentence, if the world is uncertain, how can we call home?

After sending Xiao Ai back to his room, Mo Chen went back to the basement.

After walking down, there were already two people waiting here.

"Have you finished chatting?" Kado Yashi, who was eating a crepe in his hand, looked at Mo Chen in front of him and raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." Mo Chen nodded, then looked at Gaia next to him: "How is the progress now?"

"King Shi, there are still some other things that are difficult to deal with. Everything else is pretty much done." Gaia still used the image of Xiao Ai, shrugging and looking very cute.

Mo Chen nodded, then walked to his computer, turned it on and said, "There won't be that much time left, Gaia, I need your help."

"Don't worry, I have Xiaohui ready."

"Is there really no problem in leaving it to Xiao Hui?" After hearing Gaia's words, Mo Chen said in surprise: "I can trust Xiao Hui's ability, but she..."

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