"People will grow, Alaya. Xiaohui is my chosen spokesperson, and she has the qualifications." Gaia was not surprised by Mo Chen's words, and just explained this way.

"That's okay..." Mo Chen nodded, and then looked at Kadoya Shi.

"Don't look at me, the most I can do is help... After all, my journey will continue." Men Yashi saw Mo Chen looking over, raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and chuckled.伱

"I just hope that you can bring other seniors to this world at the right time and let them teach those people." But Mo Chen made such a request.

"This is easy, so let's start with Shotaro. He is the one who wants to come over the most."

After hearing Mo Chen's words, Menya Shi seemed relatively indifferent: "But Mo Chen, are you in such a hurry? You must know that everyone's strength is much stronger than you know, so you are not afraid of these knights you created. Is your mentality broken?"

"This is what I need." Mo Chen's black eyes were a little deep: "If this is the case and the mentality collapses, what will happen in the future? And the video... Although they have mastered the power of their own knights in the future, but now After all, I just watched the video, not experienced it. If I can activate the energy in their body, they can use the ultimate power."

"Okay." Men Yashi nodded and then looked at Mo Chen and said, "What about you? What are you going to do next?"

"Five years are still a bit impatient. I'm going to start assembling XIG now!"

"XIG? It is indeed a good organization." After hearing Mo Chen's words, Kado Yashi looked somewhat appreciative.

"I'm going to choose someone suitable as a 'genius'." Gaia made a move, and then turned into light and disappeared, and Kadoya Shi also made a move: "Okay, a new knight was born, I'll go see if there is one There’s no way to print some cards.”

"Haha." After hearing what Men Yashi said, Mo Chen chuckled: "Don't put others in trouble."

"I'm not such a violent knight, I'm a loving knight." Kadashi said, waving, then stepped in, and at the same time raised his hand to touch Mo Chen.

After both of them left, Mo Chen took a deep breath, and then exhaled heavily.

'Did I fail then? Sitting on the high-end computer chair, Mo Chen stretched out his hands and kneaded in front of himself to make himself more relaxed: "What will happen next may change the world, but it must be done." '

'But what about the rest? '

'After humans gain great power, even if the crisis is resolved, civil strife will still occur...' Mo Chen sighed and tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

"When the time comes...Let's talk about it."

The next morning, Mo Chen said goodbye to everyone and got in the car.

He will start to visit every country next, and as for the foot pot chicken...

This kind of place actually doesn't have much autonomy at all.

Just deal with the five gangsters. The first round... is the rabbit.

"Xiaochen will probably be very busy next time." Watching the black car leave, Kudo Yusaku shook his head. Mo Chen's plan was briefly explained to him, but this means that Mo Chen's future path will not be the same. So good to go.

But Kudo Yusaku also believes that Mo Chen can do it...

Because Mo Chen's identity is here.

Although there is a lot of content in Kamen Rider's video, it can be seen that the most basic thing in it is the existence of Mo Chen, and Mo Chen also has the most 'fans' in the world.

After all, he is the one who 'created' Kamen Rider.

"Xiao Chen will definitely succeed...for sure." Xiao Ai, on the other hand, was very specific about Mo Chen.

She originally wanted to go with Mo Chen, but Mo Chen handed some things over to her and she couldn't leave. By the way, Dr. A Li was also left to help.

In addition to XIG matters, there are many things that need to be dealt with.

"Get busy."

The sky is exceptionally clear today. Although there are some clouds, you can still see the blue sky clearly.

At noon, the video started again.

[At the beginning of the video, it was not focused on Shirogane Goyuki and the others, but an alarm clock appeared. The time was 04:30 in the morning, and then Yu Ishigami, wearing a set of light clothes, was already exercising. . 】

[He hummed and drove a wooden mannequin in front of him. His long hair was soaked with sweat, but he still concentrated on driving the wooden mannequin in front of him. 】

Chapter 95 Yu Ishigami and Yako Iino!

['Shuchiin Academy Student Council Accountant, Ishigami Yu, mid-to-lower grades.The second son of a small toy manufacturer.Kamen Rider Meteor! 'The voice of the narrator sounded, once again introducing the situation of Yu Ishigami. 】

["Huh..." It was 05:30 in my mind. At this time, Ishigami Yu stopped, exhaled, then pulled a towel next to him, went to the bathroom, took off his shirt, and It doesn't feel very strong. Although it is a bit thin, the lines of the six-pack abs on the abdomen and the muscles on the arms can be seen to contain powerful strength. 】

[Wiped the sweat from his body, washed his hair briefly, and looked at his appearance in the mirror. Ishigami Yu couldn't see any expression, but in the end he took a deep breath. 】

[I changed into my school uniform and took the game console that was charging next to me, as well as headphones. However, at this time, Ishigami Yu took out a file and looked through it for a while, with an ugly expression on his face: "Are you undercover?"]

['To be honest, for Ishigami Yu, the Shunoin Student Union is a light in Shunoin, so the fact that there is a traitor in the student union is very difficult for Ishigami to accept. '】

[The narration explains why Ishigami Yu’s expression is like this. 】

[However, Ishigami Yu quickly adjusted his condition. He had been feeling sharp just now, but now he looks more decadent. With the game console in his hand and the headphones in his ears, it seems like Like a homebody. 】

[Opened the door and walked out. 】

["Ishigami, put your game console away for me." However, when he entered the school, he was stopped by Yako.Although it is said that Xiuzhiyuan does not organize others to bring game consoles or anything like that, Yako will still stop them if they hold a game console at the gate. 】

["Iino..." And Ishigami Yu was a little helpless. He was targeted by Yako almost every day, but there was no other way. He put the game console away, and then Yako called him out again, asking Ishigami Yu to put his Clothes sorted and stuff like that.Anyway, it feels like Yako is picking on her. 】

["Look, isn't that Yu Ishigami? Were you stopped again today?"]

["I heard that he provoked Iino just to attract her attention."]

["Eh...that's disgusting."]

[There were many students entering the school on the way. They were whispering when they saw such a scene. Everyone had a bad attitude towards Ishigami Yu. It seemed that something had happened before, which made everyone feel very bad about Ishigami Yu. A look of contempt. 】

[Yu Ishigami ignored their attitudes and entered the school after a few quarrels with Yako. Next to Yako, the bespectacled Daibutsu pushed up his glasses and said nothing.]

[The noon class is over. 】

[Ishigami Yu went to the cafeteria for lunch, and met Yako again during lunch. The two seemed to be strong rivals. After meeting, they bickered for a while.The two of them headed towards the student union room together. 】

[The two of them did not look at each other, but they were walking side by side. Suddenly Ishigami Yu pushed Yako away. 】

["What are you doing?" Yako was pushed to the ground. Just when he was about to ask Ishigami Yu why he did this, he saw a star disciple appearing in front of the two of them, and he just kicked him. foot. 】

[If Ishigami Yu hadn’t pushed me, I would have definitely been kicked by it. 】

["Huh... Wow!" Ishigami Yu also dodged the attack at this time. At the same time, facing the opponent's kick, he didn't seem to hesitate too much and kicked it out. At the same time, his fist also kicked out. Waving out. 】

[The kicked foot hit the attacker's standing foot, and at the same time, the fist was swung out and hit the opponent's face. 】

[The attacker was stunned by such an attack and fell to the ground with a split. 】

[At this time, the two of them could clearly see the appearance of the attack. It looked like a horse, with a mane in the shape of wings on its back, and a set of copper armor. 】

[Looking at the stars above, it looks like they should be Pegasus stars. 】

["Ishigami?" I didn't see clearly what was going on just now, but Yako also knew that it was Ishigami Yu who did it.This made her feel very shocked. 】

["Ah... so scary." After launching the attack, Ishigami Yu realized that he could not reveal his strength, so after a pause, he immediately let out a surprised shout and ran away into the distance. . 】

["Huh?" Iino Yako was also stunned for a moment when she saw Ishigami Yu running away. Apparently she didn't expect that Ishigami Yu would actually leave her and run away alone? 】

伡【However, Iino Yako was not surprised for long, and quickly took out something in her backpack, but soon discovered that the target of the Pegasus star disciple was not herself, and saw the one-word horse falling on the ground. The Pegasus star disciple jumped up and chased towards the place where Ishigami Yu escaped. 】

["???" There was confusion on his face. Yazi, who had just taken out an ice cream-like device from his backpack, was confused. However, he soon understood and took out a device with the number 32 on it. The switch was inserted into the ice cream. 】

【"Freeze (ice machine) on!"】

[Then Iino Yako immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Shirogane Mikayuki's number: "President, a star disciple attacked us, Ishigami escaped, and the star disciple is tracking him."]

[On this side, Ishigami Yu ran away around the corner and found that the Pegasus disciples were also chasing after him, so Ishigami Yu immediately took out the meteor driver from his backpack.Place it on the driver on your waist and push the switch on it at the same time. 】

【"Meteor, Ready?"】


["Thump, thump, thump..." After the transformation was over, Meteor didn't hesitate and punched directly.The Pegasus star disciple who just caught up with him hit him on the face on the ground. 】

["Your fate is up to me." The finger of his thumb crossed the nose of the visor, and Meteor looked at the Pegasus disciple who fell to the ground. 】

["Kamen Rider Meteor?" The Pegasus disciple who came looked at the meteor with a bit of surprise in his tone. Apparently he didn't know why Liu suddenly appeared here. 】

["Huh... Wow!" But Meteor didn't give him a chance to be surprised, and directly waved his fists one after another. 】

Chapter 9 The identity of Pegasus?

["Huh... Wow!" Meteor's attack seemed very powerful, and the opponent's Pegasus disciple was indeed stunned at first, but soon, the strange thing was... he actually imitated the attack in front of him. Meteor also used Jeet Kune Do. 】

["Huh?" Meteor was also a little surprised, but then he still waved his fist. The Pegasus in front of him also had the same attack, but it was still different. The opponent just learned his appearance, but he didn't have his own attack. force. 】

["The universe is coming!" Just as Meteor and the Pegasus disciples were fighting, the Bastard Knight also flew over, and a knight directly kicked the Pegasus disciples in the air, sending him flying away. 】

["Liu Xing, are you okay?" Qi Qi landed next to the Pegasus disciple and looked at Mei Xing and asked. 】

["Yeah." The relationship between Meteor and Bastard Qi is not very good. 】

[The two had a lot of experience fighting side by side before, but they didn't actually communicate much, because Meteor seemed relatively silent and didn't communicate much with Qi Qi. 】

["Is there another one?" The Pegasus disciple gritted his teeth, and then looked at the Bastard Qi without knowing what he was thinking: "President, help me!"]

["Huh?" After hearing the words of the Pegasus star disciple, Qi Qi's movement stopped. At this time, Meteor also stopped his attack, because the opponent's voice came out...his own voice. 】

["Ishigami?" Baiyin Yuxing, who was riding on the horse, also looked at the Pegasus star disciple in front of him in surprise: "How did you..."]

["When I woke up in the morning, I found that I was controlled by someone. The person I was in school today was a fake. There is no way for me to change back." The Pegasus star disciple shouted to Baiyin Yuxing. 】

["So you want to attack Ishigami?" Shirogane Yuxing also received the information that Pegasus attacked Ishigami Yu. 】

["That's right, and this guy protected the fake, so the president, help me." Pegasus' words made Bastard hesitate and looked at Meteor. 】

["You guy..." Meteor was naturally very angry at this time, waved his hand, and then rushed forward again. 】

[Baqi didn’t know what to do for a while. Looking at the battle between the two in front of him, he immediately contacted each other: "Sigong, how should we deal with this?"]

["Don't worry, President, Kaguya-chan is adjusting her physical condition in the infirmary, leave it to me. President, please use the radar to see the fluctuations released by the two people first." But what came from the other side was Chika Fujiwara's figure. 】

["Secretary Fujiwara?" Shirogane Miyuki was a little shocked. 】

【"hurry up."】

[According to Chika Fujiwara, Shirogane Miyako quickly adjusted the radar. The reality of the two people in the radar was somewhat different. The star disciples had black and red fluctuations, while the meteors were blue and white stars. light. 】

["Damn it..." Pegasus saw that Bastard Qi had no intention of helping him, so he jumped up and ran away into the distance. 】

["Wait a minute." Baiyin Yuxing raised his hand to stop Pegasus from escaping, but Pegasus was very fast, which surprised Baiyin Yuxing. At this time, Baiyin Yuxing looked at Meteor. 】

[Meteor did not say anything to Baiyin Yuxing, but glanced at Baiyin Yuxing, then jumped up and disappeared. 】

"The other party actually knows my identity?" At this time, in the student union room, Ishigami Yu was a little surprised and said: "It stands to reason that no one should know my identity, right?"

"No..." Baiyin Yuxing supported his chin with both hands at this time, looked at the scene in front of him and shook his head: "He doesn't know your identity."

"Well, if he knew your identity, he wouldn't have attacked so directly, and he wouldn't have been so surprised when the meteor appeared just now." Shinomiya Kaguya also agreed with Shirogane Miyuki's speculation.

"That is to say, the other party knew about Ishigami from the beginning, and then targeted Ishigami, right?" Iino Yako asked curiously, and then focused on Ishigami Yu: "Have you offended anyone?"

Perhaps it's because Ishigami appeared in the video, and Ishigami is also a Kamen Rider, so Iino Yako's attitude towards Yu Ishigami is still okay, at least not so targeted, and she is still more concerned about him.

She was also the first to notice that Yu Ishigami's body had become much stronger and he had also been exercising recently.

"Who have I offended?" Yu Ishigami thought for a moment and shook his head: "If we talk about people who have objections to me, everyone in the school has people who have objections to me, but what you need to know now is that the other person's There should be very few people who know that the president is a Kamen Rider."

"Not necessarily..." At this time, Fujiwara Chika thought for a moment and raised a possibility: "Could it be someone who knew that the president was a Kamen Rider and was jealous of Ishigami Yu?"


"Yes, joining the student union is something that makes people very jealous, especially Ishigami. His previous affairs have resulted in his poor ratings, and he is favored by the president, so many people are jealous of him. "

"No, there is another possibility." At this time, Ishigami Yu said with a worried expression: "If we look at the previous stories of Kamen Riders, everyone has their own story, and it is very likely that the next one will be It’s my story.”

"As for the person who made me change, then there was only that incident..."

After hearing what Ishigami Yu said, everyone fell silent. Only Iino Yako looked at everyone with some doubts. Apparently she hadn't thought about what was going on.

"Ishigami, if the video of this matter is revealed, it might be a good thing." Shirogane Yuyuki said after being silent for a while, then looked at Ishigami Yu and said: "I have said it before, there is a better way to handle it. , and this matter is also relatively important to her."

"I know..." Yu Ishigami had considered this matter before, nodded and then said: "It's just that I feel that all the things I did before were in vain."

"It won't be in vain." Shinomiya Kaguya chuckled: "This matter must be handled well. It is important to you and her, isn't it?"

"??" Only Iino Yako looked confused.

"But do they really want to bring that person back?" At this time, Shirogane Yuxing glanced at Shinomiya Kaguya, but then he understood,

The mastermind behind the scenes now is a member of the Shinomiya family. Isn't this kind of thing very simple?

Chapter 97 Yu Ishigami’s past!

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