[After being exposed to the transformation, Baiyin Yuxing put a hand on his chin and thought seriously. 】

【'on a stone...'】

[After thinking about it for a long time, even when Ishigami Yu appeared behind Shirogane Miyako, Shirogane Miyako didn’t even notice it until Ishigami Yu patted Shirogane Miyako on the shoulder. 】

["President, what are you thinking about?" Ishigami Yu's question made Shirogane Yuxing slightly stunned, and then he stopped and said: "It's nothing, let's go back to the student union room."]

["Oh." Ishigami nodded, not affected by what Pegasus said before. 】

[The two of them headed towards the student union room together. When entering, Yako looked at Ishigami Yu with a very disappointed look. In Yako's view, Ishigami Yu was a coward who ran away alone. 】

[Ishigami Yu looked ordinary, squatting in the corner, taking out the game console and started playing. 】

["..." Shirogane Yuxing glanced at Ishigami Yu and was silent for a while before saying: "Ishigami, switches No. 30 and 31 have never been debugged properly. Shinomiya has been busy recently. Do you want to give it a try? The previous four Didn’t Gong teach you?”]

["Oh, yes..." Shi Shangyou nodded, and did not refuse. Instead, he walked into the Jade Rabbit cabin. Seeing this, Baiyin Yuxing touched it. Sure enough, there was something wrong with the other party's. '】

['Then...who could it be? '】

[Ishigami Yu stayed alone in the Jade Rabbit Cabin and started to turn on the computer to deal with it. Not long after, Yako walked in and looked at Ishigami Yu's back. 】

["If you want me to apologize, forget it..." Before Yako could say anything, Yu Ishigami said: "Faced with a monster like that, I advise you to run away if you can."]

["..." Yazi was silent for a while and said: "I won't run away. Although I don't have the power of a knight, I will continue to stay here for my 'justice' and I want to help everyone."]

["Really..." Ishigami Yu just answered, and then continued to look at the data in front of him seriously. He needed to investigate it, and then adjust it to correspond to the current bastard's combat data and body data. status, and then complete debugging. 】

["What about you, Ishigami? Why do you want to stay?"]

[Yiko’s words made Ishigami Yu pause for a moment, and then he continued debugging: “I just wanted to repay the favor.”]

["Repay the favor?" A puzzled expression appeared on Yako's face, and she wanted to ask, but Ishigami Yu did not explain in detail, because a puzzled expression appeared on Ishigami Yu's face: "Strange? Why don't the ripples match up? ?”]

[Ishigami Yu quickly replaced the No. 31 switch: "It's not right?"]

[Ishigami Yu looked at the two switches in his hands and his eyes lit up: "That's right."]

[He put the two switches into it, and soon the ripples overlapped, but they were still a little unstable: "Sure enough, this is a pair of switches, but... is it weird? The ripples are still a little unstable? Why? ”]

[This kind of instability prevented Ishigami Yu from investigating clearly before class in the afternoon. He could only hand over the two debugged switches to Shirogane Mikado and explain the current situation. 】

["That means it's not very stable now, right?" Baiyin Yuxing put away the two switches, and then said: "I'll give it a try next time. Go to class quickly."]

[After the two separated, Ishigami Yu returned to his classroom. When he returned, class had already begun. 】

[Ishigami Yu quietly entered the classroom through the back door. This kind of thing is quite common. The student union still has a lot of work. The teachers are used to it. As long as it does not affect other students, they will not say anything to Ishigami Yu. What. 】

[But today Ishigami Yu couldn't calm down because he saw someone who shouldn't be here. 】

["Why are you here!" Ishigami Yu's voice was loud with anger and surprise, attracting the attention of everyone in the class. 】

[On the other side of the last row, I saw a young man with short hair. This young man is very handsome, with a sunny smile. Only Ishigami Yu knows how charming he is under this sunny smile. People are disgusting. 】

["Ishigami-san, don't be like this! We are also old classmates. We haven't seen each other for a long time, haven't we?" The young man said with a chuckle: "As for why I am here? Of course I am here to study."]

["..." Ishigami Yu's fists were clenched, and the angry expression on his face was very obvious. At the same time, the muscles under his clothes were tense, and he looked as if he would punch the opponent in the next second. 】

['This man's name is Ogino Hikaru... He is the man who changed everything for me. 'At this time, Ishigami Yu's voice sounded, and he was a little angry. 'If possible, I really want to punch him directly right now. '】

["Ishigami is in class now, hurry up and get back to your seat." The teacher was not too busy about this situation and yelled loudly. 】

[Hearing the teacher's voice, the bulging muscles in Ishigami Yu's body suddenly relaxed a lot. He buried his eyes in his hair and sat back in his chair, which was the last corner by the window. position, he set his sights outside. 】

['I thought I had seen through everything... about my fate with the president, but... it turns out that I am still very immature now. 'Looking at the window outside, Ishigami Yu's eyes were a little distracted. 】

[At the same time, along with Ishigami Yu's words, the scene slowly changed to a somewhat illusory scene, which is the past. 】

【Everything starts with a piece of eraser. 】

[At that time, Yu Ishigami still had short hair. Although he looked gloomy, he had a strong sense of justice. He was once a member of the football club. Later, he quit the club because he felt that he was not suitable for playing football. As a result, he lost his goals and friends in the club. 】

[Ishigami Yu is a marginalized person in the class. Because of his gloomy appearance, he has no friends at all. It was not until a classmate named Otomo Kyoko helped Ishigami pick up the eraser that the two met. 】

[In Ishigami Yu’s heart, she is a kind and good person.Later, after learning that she was dating Ogino Hikaru, a popular figure in the class, he also blessed her from the bottom of his heart, because she was so kind to a gloomy person like him, and when he was happy, he would naturally bless her. 】

Chapter 98 The disgusting Ogino Hikaru!

"What? It sounds so nice, but in the end..." Kyoko Otomo, who was watching the video, said angrily when she saw Yu Ishigami's memories appearing on the screen.

She remembered clearly that if it weren't for Ishigami Yu, she and her boyfriend would not have broken up.

But Kyoko Otomo hates Ishigami Yu, but it doesn't matter how much she hates her.

She just wanted to scold Yu Ishigami, or at least scold Yu Ishigami. If Yu Ishigami was still willing to apologize, then she would still be willing to be friends with Yu Ishigami.

Of course, in addition to Otomo Kyoko's thoughts, there are also many other people in the school who are very dissatisfied with Ishigami Yu who are also talking about it.

"Hmph, as expected, this guy's true appearance is about to be exposed."

"Choosing such a person to become a Kamen Rider is indeed a wrong choice."

"This disgusting guy should lose his Kamen Rider power as soon as possible."

"Ogino Hikaru, there is a junior in the junior high school that I am very optimistic about."

"Ishigami, are you okay?" Chika Fujiwara looked at Yu Ishigami with some concern about the school forum. Yu Ishigami's eyes were a little straight at this time. Although he was mentally prepared, his past was directly exposed. , which also made him a little dazed.

In addition, Iino Yako was also watching the video seriously at this time.

Of course she knew about this incident in junior high school.

Because she also went to the teacher to question the matter back then, but she didn't know the follow-up because the subsequent handling was handled by the student union.

So she just believed in Ishigami Yu, but she was not very clear about what happened back then. Now she was also watching the video content in front of her seriously.

Shirogane Yuyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya looked at each other, and they both nodded.

Both of them felt that it was most appropriate for this matter to be announced.

For the follow-up arrangements, Shirogane Yuxing asked Fusha Painting Company, Mo Chen and the others, and Shinomiya Kaguya is now almost in charge of the Shinomiya family, so Shinomiya Kaguya also arranged for backup.

["But, that day...everything changed." Until one day when Yu Ishigami, who was hugging himself inside to play a game console, accidentally discovered Ogino Hikari's strange behavior, Yu Ishigami became a little worried, because for Otomo Kyoko, A good person was worried that she would be harmed, so Yu Ishigami hired a private detective to investigate him. 】

[The results of this investigation soon appeared. 】

[Ogino Hikaru is a scumbag at all. Not only does he cheat on someone, but he even engages in some shady intermediary transactions, and may even force or introduce minors to consummate sexual intercourse. 】

[Although Yu Ishigami was very shocked, for the sake of Otomo Kyoko's reputation, he privately found Ogino Hikari and told him the truth about his investigation. He originally hoped that Ogino Hikaru would stop there. 】

[Unexpectedly, Ogino Hikaru had a corresponding plan in mind. First, he showed him Otomo Kyoko's nude pictures and body to seduce him, and said that he hoped to use Otomo Kyoko as a code to achieve reconciliation with him. 】

["He is really a hot-blooded boy. You will be excited when you see the photo." The photo on the phone was considered to be 'coded' by a light, but according to Ogino Hikari's words, it is obvious that the content inside, You can probably guess what it is without saying anything. 】

["Oh, by the way... If you want, you can..." Ogino Hikaru said a few words in Ishigami Yu's ear. 】

[The content of these sentences was not spoken directly, but everyone saw it. Ishigami Yu's expression changed. Ishigami Yu's eyes, which had always looked very weak, changed and became very fierce, like a wild beast. . 】

[The fist is waved out. 】

['From where, I don't know. I just know that I want to beat the face of this hypocritical guy in front of me blue. 'Following Ishigami Yu's inner narration, Ogino Hikari's face was black and blue after being beaten. 】

[At this time, many people rushed over, and Ishigami Yu was pulled away.]

["Have you calmed down? Even if you like Otomo Kyoko, she is still my girlfriend. I will not break up with him." This sentence almost detonated everyone, including Otomo who came over. Kyoko. 】

[Yes, Ogino Hikaru was beaten violently by the furious Ishigami until others arrived.And this simple sentence made Ishigami Yu understand that he was threatening Ishigami to stop on the grounds of Otomo Kyoko's reputation and personal safety. 】

[At the same time, he used his eloquence, acting skills as the director of the drama department, and public impression to make everyone, including Otomo Kyoko, think that Ishigami just liked Otomo Kyoko and beat him to get Ogino to break up with her. 】

[Subsequently, he was isolated by students of the same year, including Otomo Kyoko, and was suspended from school for a month.When Ishigami was about to suspend school and leave school, he refused Yako's inquiry. At the same time, Yako, who felt that she was excluded by Ishigami, failed to continue questioning, causing the relationship between the two to deteriorate. 】

[As I said before, although he looks gloomy, he has a strong sense of justice. He has helped many girls such as Iino Yako and Daibutsu Xiaobo in various ways, and he is still grateful to them. Although Iino does not know who it is, he is very grateful to that person, and Ishigami Yu has indeed done a lot of things. 】

[For example, send flowers to Iino Yako to let her maintain her original intention, and at the same time remove the note that was posted behind Iino Yako. 】

[The memories stop here for now. 】

[After class, Ishigami Yu didn't even look at Ogino Hikari, and walked out of the classroom. At the same time, he raised his head slightly and looked at everyone in front of him. At this time, his sight appeared in Ishigami Yu's sight. Ishigami Yu looked at everyone, They are all faceless people. 】

【Because Ishigami Yu...closed his eyes. 】

"Why is this like this? What did I do?" When Ogino Hikaru appeared on the stairs calling someone on the stairs, something felt wrong. Now after discovering that the video content was completely exposed, Otomo Kyoko has completely I burst into tears.

Others in the class looked at Otomo Kyoko with some surprise, contempt or worry.

Fortunately, this is a country where people don't care about having their first time. On the contrary, sometimes they feel that people who don't have their first time in high school will be looked down upon. So although there is some contempt, it doesn't matter. Not that serious.But ostracism... is probably inevitable.

But at this time, Otomo Kyoko had no time to pay attention to the eyes of others. She could not hold back her tears and squatted on the ground crying. Some of her friends who were playing well with her looked at each other, and several of them had already He knelt down to comfort Otomo Kyoko.

Chapter 99 Yu Ishigami opened his eyes!

Otomo Kyoko's regrets are of no use.

Because now it seems that the two of them are completely different people from different worlds.

The original discussion about Yu Ishigami on the Internet suddenly disappeared.

They suddenly didn't know what to say.

It suddenly became quiet.

However, someone in the student union room was very surprised and looked at Yu Ishigami next to him.

That is Iino Yako.

She never knew who was the person who protected and encouraged her in junior high school.But I didn’t expect it to be Yu Ishigami?

This gave Iino Yako an unacceptable feeling, which made her mood very complicated.

She actually had a good relationship with Ishigami Yu at first. After all, Ishigami Yu was a good and helpful person before, but after what happened, she also became suspicious of Ishigami Yu.

Looking back now, although she felt that Yu Ishigami was not such a person at the time, she did have a bad guess about Yu Ishigami and did not reach out to help Yu Ishigami. This made her feel that she had no justice in her heart. There was a paradox that made her feel uncomfortable.

Fujiwara Chika showed a proud smile. Although it is not good to say this now, it is the credit of a group of people in their student union that Ishigami Yu became what he is now.

However, after feeling proud, he also looked at Yu Ishigami next to him with some worry.

Ishigami Yu's eyes were slightly dull at this time. Seeing Iino Yako, he wanted to go up and say something to Ishigami Yu. However, at this time, Iino Yako was stopped by Shinomiya Kaguya. Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head at Iino Yako. , and at this time, Shirogane Miyuki walked up to Ishigami Yu, reached out and patted Ishigami Yu on the shoulder: "Ishigami... do you remember what you said when we first met?"

"..." Ishigami Yu felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw that just like in the video, Ishigami Yu's eyes could not see other people, but at this time, he heard Shirogane Miyuki's words. After that, Ishigami Yu was stunned.

"It's so noisy, idiot! (Murusai, Baga!)" After whispering something wise, Ishigami Yu remembered those things, and finally showed a smile: "Yeah... I really am. ..think too much."

"Yes, that's it. Say this to those boring people. Just keep reading, learn more, and then work together to save the world."

"Yes." The scene in front of Ishigami Yu's eyes became much clearer, he showed a smile, and clenched fists with Shirogane Miyuki.

[After walking out of the school, Ishigami Yu walked towards the student union room, and then suddenly froze, because he met another person, the only person who looked like him in his sight. 】

【"on a stone!"】

["Otomo..." After whispering the name of the yellow-haired girl in front of him, Ishigami Yu's expression became a little frightened. Before the angry girl in front of him could speak, Ishigami Yu turned around and opened the window next to him. 】

[This is the third floor, and Ishigami Yu jumped out without any hesitation and jumped out of the window. 】

["Ishigami!" The yellow-haired girl, Otomo Kyoko, was originally very angry, but after seeing Ishigami Yu jump out of the window, she also showed a surprised expression, and then immediately ran outside the window to see the situation, but she When he looked out, he didn't find Yu Ishigami. 】

[As for Ishigami Yu, he jumped down, then half-knelt on the ground, and immediately ran out into the small forest on one side. However, after running out for a short period of time, Ishigami Yu stopped. I came down, panting, holding on to the trees, not knowing what I was thinking. 】

["Why are you here?" At this moment, a voice sounded from behind Ishigami Yu. Ishigami Yu's state was obviously not right at this time. After hearing the voice behind him, Ishigami Yu subconsciously turned his head and punched directly. Waving out. 】

[However, this punch was directly used by the person who came to use the palm of his hand.Ishigami Yu didn't mean to stop, he waved his fists continuously, and Jeet Kune Do was used directly. At this time, the opponent also faced Ishigami Yu several times in a row. 】

["Why are you here?" The person who blocked Yu Ishigami's attack was the silver-haired Curacao. She frowned and looked at Yu Ishigami in front of her. 】

[Ishigami Yu just ended his attack at this time and looked up, but in Ishigami Yu's eyes, even Curacao was a faceless person, so Ishigami Yu's expression was very indifferent or simply expressionless: " It’s nothing, just something.”]

["Is that so?" Curacao felt that the state of Yu Ishigami in front of him was not right, but the performance of Yu Ishigami before was very good, and with the strength of Yu Ishigami, it was okay, so Curacao Although he was a little worried, he didn't pay too much attention to it, but whispered: "By the way, Ishigami, many people have been recruited into Xiuzhiyuan recently."]

["I know." Ishigami Yu just replied. Seeing such a scene, Curacao frowned slightly, but some of the words he wanted to say stopped and were not spoken. 】

[On the other side, inside the student union room.Baiyin Yuxing is looking through some documents, and the contents of these documents are some new documents. 】

["At this time, recruiting so many students? What is their purpose?" Baiyin Yuxing frowned slightly. These students were all in the junior high school before and had not successfully entered higher education, but they all have some special characteristics. Students, for example, students who study well or are strong in a certain aspect. 】

["Ogino Hikaru?" Suddenly he found a document containing Ogino Hikari's information, and Shirogane Miyuki's brows furrowed even more. 】

["He's back? And... he's in the same class as Ishigami?"]

[After thinking for a moment, Shirogane Miyuki took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Shinomiya Kaguya, then propped his chin with both hands: "Ishigami... Do you really have no problem?"]

[In Shirogane Yuxing’s mind, the image of seeing Yu Ishigami appeared in his mind. 】

[He has long hair and looks very decadent. He is sitting alone in a corner, as if he has been abandoned by everything. 】

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