["Boom!" Just as Baiyin Yuxing was thinking about this, there was a light explosion in the distance, and then the hamburger set jumped out of the window and appeared in front of Baiyin Yuxing. 】

["Have the Star Disciples appeared?"]

Chapter 100: The words left to Ishigami Yu!

[Ishigami Yu was chased by the Star Disciple. He ran away into the distance, while the Pegasus Star Disciple was chasing after him. 】


【"What is that?"】

["The person being chased is...that Ishigami?"]

["Is it that guy who was attacked?"]

[Ishigami Yu originally ran away towards the no-man’s land in the distance, but what Ishigami didn’t expect was that there were actually a lot of people in the warehouse area that was originally empty. These people came here to pack things, because they had passed Exchange students from other schools are going back in a few days, and there will be a farewell party, so everyone is here to pack their things and prepare them for use. 】

[But Yu Ishigami didn’t know about this, so he ran here. 】

[After the people who were packing up here first noticed that there were many people here, Ishigami Yu didn't realize it at first. His mentality at this time was obviously a little different. 】

[In addition, at this time, the crowd nearby was talking about Ishigami Yu. This made Ishigami Yu's feet pause slightly, but he continued to escape and ran towards the front. 】

[Although this group of people saw the monster behind them, after getting scared and seeing that it was Ishigami Yu who was being chased, they all felt like they were watching the fun. 】

[Such comments are ringing in Ishigami Yu's ears, just like how those people looked at me and talked about me back then.Ishigami Yu's eyes became even more dull. 】

[I even almost fell down while running away. 】

[At this moment, an iron rod suddenly rolled on the ground. This iron rod was not thick, but it was this iron rod. Ishigami Yu stepped on it. 】

[With Ishigami Yu's skill, such an iron pole would never be stepped on, but Ishigami Yu was obviously not in good condition now, so he stepped on it directly. At the same time, Ishigami Yu also hit the ground directly, hitting his head on the ground. 】

[Such a collision shook Ishigami Yu's head. 】

[While being shaken like this, Ishigami Yu recalled another scene. 】

[It was a fist. The fist hit Ishigami Yu's face, knocking Ishigami Yu away. Then he grabbed his sleeve with one hand: "Does it hurt?"]

["...It hurts..." Through the light at home, Ishigami Yu's voice contained a hint of crying, and the screen slowly shifted to reveal a familiar figure, that is...Mo Chen. 】

[At the same time, the appearance of the entire room also appeared in front of everyone. 】

[The whole room is a bit messy and there is a lot of dust. Only the table in the middle and the bed next to it are clean. 】

[There was a wound on Ishigami Yu's palm, which was oozing blood. After his fist hit Ishigami Yu's hand, Mo Chen squatted down, took out a white bandage from his pocket, and put it on Ishigami Yu's palm. Wrapped up. 】

["I don't know what happened, but I know you are not such a person." Mo Chen's tone has recovered a lot from the previous cold demeanor, and he said while wrapping up: "But is it so fun to hurt yourself?"]

["..." Ishigami Yu did not answer. 】

["I have just become the student council president, Yu..." Mo Chen said while treating him: "Don't hurt yourself, hurting yourself will have no other effect except pain."]

["Well..." Ishigami Yu lowered his head. 】

["You have to eat too...you know?"]


["If you haven't figured it out, come to me then."]

["...I don't want to yet." Yu Ishigami replied in a low voice: "I want to write it to them."]

["Really? If you want to write it, just write it. Even if you don't want to write it to other people, you can still write it to yourself." After Mo Chen helped tie the bandage, he stood up: "I recently took over I have to deal with the company’s affairs, so I don’t have that much time...”]


[Mo Chen looked down at Yu Ishigami, who was bowing his head in front of him, sighed, and turned around to leave: "My company still has some things to deal with. Remember what I said, you have to eat, you know?"]

["..." Yu Ishigami didn't answer, but Mo Chen stopped when he reached the door, tilted his head and looked behind Yu Ishigami and said: "Here, I'll give this to you.' My heart is as clear as a clear mirror, and everything I do is righteous.'"

["My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror... Everything I do is righteous..." Na Na muttered to herself what Mo Chen left behind. Ishigami Yu looked at the door outside. The shadow of the room was relatively heavy, and It was very bright outside the room. Ishigami Yu looked up at the door in the distance. The light outside the door seemed to attract Ishigami Yu, but at this time the door... slowly closed. 】

[He closed it himself. 】

[But the next second the door was opened again. 】

["Ishigami! What are you doing?" And a voice shouting in reality made Ishigami Yu suddenly come back to his senses. 】

[Fourze rushed over from a distance with a rocket head in hand, knocking out the Pegasus disciple who was about to attack Ishigami Yu. 】

["President?" Yu Ishigami seemed to have just come back to his senses at this time, looking at Pegasus who was fighting Fourze. 】

["You evacuate with the others first." Fourze said to Ishigami behind him, and then continued to fight with Pegasus. 】

[At this time, Pegasus shouted to Fourze while fighting: "President, why are you stopping me? This impostor is pretending to be me."]

["Really? Then tell me...what did I say to you at that time?" Fourze punched Pegasus at this time, then glanced at Pegasus who stood up, and then looked at The Pegasus in front of him asked back. 】

["..." Pegasus was silent. 】

["As expected, aren't you?" Fourze said, taking out two switches, switches 30 and 31, then inserted them into both sides of the waist driver and pulled the switch. 】

["N·(S) Magnet (North and South Magnetic Pole) on!"]

[A pair of magnets appeared on Fourze's hands. 】

["Strange?" Fourze was a little confused. According to what he said before, switch No. 30 should also be able to open a new form?Why not, just an extra pair of magnets? 】

[But Fourze didn’t think about it so much now, but waved his hand: "Humph... Ishigami told him what I told you at that time!"]

Chapter 101 うるせえバァカ! ! (It’s so noisy, idiot!!)

"It seems like Ishigami's people in Xiuzhiyuan really received a lot of ostracism." Conan shook his head and then touched his chin: "Speaking of which, I remember that it was indeed Xiaochen who had You asked me to investigate, but at that time I seemed... to handle a murder case."

"You kid, there were a lot of cases on hand at that time." Mouri Xiaowu complained, and then he thought about it: "But this guy Ishigami is very good."

"Well, according to the video, you can learn so many abilities in one year, especially Jeet Kune Do, which is very difficult to learn." Philip also agreed with this statement: "But Ishigami used to be a member of the football club Yes, there is a certain amount of physical fitness.”

"Even so, it is difficult to learn it well in such a short period of time. After all, it is Jeet Kune Do." Kyogoku Shingen, who was finally here today, scratched his head and said: "And It is difficult to defend against such an attack."

"I once met a guy who studied at Rabbit's house for three months. His Jeet Kune Do posed a great threat to me. According to what he said, he didn't study formally for long at that time. If it's true, If I have been studying for a long time, maybe my unbeaten myth will come to an end that time."

"Xiao Chen contacted me this morning and said that he was already in contact and would arrange for Shi Shang to study soon." Xiao Ai took out her cell phone, looked at the content on the phone and explained to several people.

"Then can we learn?"

"This may not work." Xiao Ai shook his head and said: "According to Xiao Chen, Kamen Rider Meteor's data is based on fast combat, so Jeet Kune Do's attack method is very suitable for Meteor. , As for you, there is only a certain form that can be learned, but if you are specialized, it is not necessary."

"That's it, I understand." After hearing Xiao Ai's explanation, everyone also understood.

Meteor's fighting style should be the most suitable for Jeet Kune Do, so Mo Chen asked Shi Shang to learn it.

["Ishigami told him, what was it I told you at that time!"]

[After hearing Shirogane Miyuki’s words, a glimmer of light appeared in Ishigami Yu’s slightly dull eyes at this time. 】

['After that door was closed by me, it was opened again. As Ishigami Yu's inner monologue sounded, the scene of Mo Chen leaving before appeared on the street, and the door behind Ishigami Yu opened again with his back to the door. 】

["Ogino is not a very bad person. Although he has some small thoughts, as long as you write it down and reflect on it, he will forgive you." This is after the incident happened, after a month of self-reflection at home, he replied What the teacher said when I arrived at school. 】

["Forgive me..." After Ishigami Yu heard such words, the unstable fluctuations in his heart completely went crazy. 】

[After returning home, Ishigami Yu did not go back to school, but took a break from school for a long, long time. His hair changed from short to long. 】

['I want to write the truth to you, write to you...write to you...' Yu Ishigami, who just started writing the truth, never wrote it until his hair covered his sight. . 】

[The tip of the pen even scratched his palm, and blood oozed out slightly, dripping on the white paper. Then his fist swung out and hit Yu Ishigami on the cheek. 】

[It’s Mo Chen here...]

[It turns out that Ishigami Yu even wanted to harm himself before, but was stopped by Mo Chen. 】

[After Mo Chen left, the door opened again and the person who came in was Bai Yin Yuxing. 】

['He told me all the things I had never told anyone else, all my secrets. '】

["...In short, in order to protect Otomo Kyoko, you kept everything and said nothing. Then Ogino Hikaru soon broke up with Otomo Kyoko, and soon transferred to another school. After all, he had to face It is normal for a person who has investigated everything about himself and then stayed at home alone for several months without saying a word to study."]

["Why are you..." Yu Ishigami was a little scared and wanted to take a few steps back, but was unable to do so. At this time, Shirogane Yuxing took a few steps forward, as if directly bringing the sunshine from outside into this gloomy room. Inside. 】

["Why do you know?" At this time, Baiyin Yuxing walked up to Baiyin Yuxing with a confident smile, tilted his head and smiled: "That's because these are what we know from our investigation."]

["..." Ishigami Yu felt like crying. 】

["Although I think there is a better way to handle it, the result is very good... But! This is not the letter of repentance you want to write." Baiyin Yuxing placed the document in his hand on the small table . 】

[Then he looked at Yu Ishigami in front of him and said with some enthusiasm: "This is the letter of repentance you want to write now..."]

[The oil-based pen scratched the paper placed on the table, then picked up the paper and placed it in front of Ishigami Yu. There was a short message written on it, 'うるせえバァカ! ! (It’s so noisy, idiot! (Wulu Sai, Baga!)']

[Because of the oil-based pen on the desktop, it was printed directly on the desktop through the entire paper bundle. 】

["'うるせえバァカ!! (It's so noisy, idiot! (Murusai, Haga!)'" Ishigami Yu's eyes seemed to have light. He sat on the ground, then stood up, and looked at Fourze and Pegasus in front of us.】

["That's right! This is the Ishigami I know!" Fourze looked at Ishigami Yu who stood up and smiled. 】

["President. I'm really sorry for hiding this matter from you...but I still hope you can help me hide it." Ishigami Yu stood up and took out the meteor driver, and then looked at the Pegasus in front of him. There is Fourze. 】

["?" Fourze tilted his head in surprise, and then noticed the blue driver in Yu Ishigami's hand. His eyes widened under the mask: "Ishigami, could it be said that you..."]

["This is the power I got to protect everyone." Putting the meteor driver on his waist, Ishigami Yu pushed the switch on the driver. 】

【"Meteor, Ready?"】

["..." He took a deep breath, opened his hands, and then crossed the driver on his waist. Ishigami Yu's tone was very firm: "henshin!"]

Chapter 102 Failed magnetic switch?


[Under Fourze’s comments, Kamen Rider Meteor appears here. 】

["Ishi...Meteor...you?" Shirogane Miyuki in Fourze's eyes widened, but in addition to surprise, he also had some understanding, "Sure enough, it's you, Ishigami Yu,"]

["President..." After the transformation, Kamen Rider Meteor glanced at Fourze in front of him, then nodded and turned his attention to the Pegasus star disciple in front of him: "Okay, Pegasus ...Your fate is decided by me!”]

["Come on!" Fourze smiled when he saw this scene. The current situation is not bad. I will ask about the details later. 】

["Yes," Shi Shangyu nodded, and then rushed forward. 】

["Huh... wow!" The genuine Jeet Kune Do is much worse than the imitation of Pegasus. Seeing Meteor's battle, Fourze showed a smile, and then rushed forward: "I'll come too. ”]

[The attacks of the two men could be said to have beaten Pegasus back step by step, but an accident happened when Fourze used the magnet on his arm. 】


[The magnet was activated, and the students who were accidentally injured at first were the students who were running away. After these students discovered that Ishigami Yu had fallen, they started to run away. They ran away faster until Fourze came over, so they didn't notice it. Yu Ishigami's transformation. 】

[However, when they started to look at the hiding place, they found two knights beating up the Pegasus disciples. They had not been peeping for long. After Fourze activated his ability, all the surrounding iron objects were sucked in. There were even a few girls with metal necklaces around their necks who were pulled over. 】

["What?" Fourze was also startled at this time, because his hands suddenly came together and could not be separated. 】

[The meteor who was dealing with the Pegasus on the side originally wanted to continue attacking, but when he saw this scene, he first tilted his head to avoid the flying iron block, and then quickly grabbed it, but was also pulled down to Fourze's side. 】

[Fortunately, Fourze's suction power is only in his hands, and Fourze's armor is thick enough, so there is no harm to Fourze itself. At this time, Meteor's accelerating fist turns into a hand knife and directly pulls the target. The necklaces on the girls who came over were cut off, and they were supported and stabilized. 】

[And Pegasus also encountered some troubles. Behind his place is a small parking lot, which is the teacher's parking lot.There was a car parked over there, and this vehicle was also sucked over. 】

[The Pegasus was directly knocked away. 】

[Meteor has no time to pay attention to Pegasus. Fourze will be injured if the car hits him, so Meteor supports the car with both hands and shouts: "President, release the form."]

["I can't move my hands now." At this time, Fourze also wanted to do this, but his hands were stuck together and he couldn't move at all. 】

["..." Meteor took a deep breath when he saw this, and let go of the car with both hands. At the same time, his body did a backflip towards the back, half-kneeling in front of Fourze, and pushed the driver around Fourze's waist with both hands. Zi released Fourze's transformation. 】

[Without the magnetic center, all metal movement stops. 】

[Meteor was relieved when he saw this, but at this time, Pegasus had disappeared. 】

["President!" At this time, other people from the student union also rushed over, especially Hayasaka Ai, who drove over in a powered robot. 】

["Don't expose my identity." Meteor whispered to Baiyin Yuxing, and then suddenly turned into a blue ball of light and disappeared. 】

["I'm fine." Baiyin Yuxing nodded slightly, then looked at the other people running over and spread their hands to show that he was fine, and then opened his hands. The two switches in his hands were the switches he just used. . 】

['What happened to these two switches? '】

["There is no problem with the switch." When only Shirogane Miyako and Ishigami Yu were left in the cabin, Ishigami Yu sat on the chair, turned around and looked at Shirogane Miyako behind him and said: "These two switches It's a pair of switches. I just studied Fourze's armor form, which requires a special link method."]

["But Shinomiya needs to take care of his body recently. If he wants to make instruments, should he go to Fusa Painting Company?" After hearing Ishigami Yu's words, Shirogane Miyuki scratched his head helplessly. 】

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