["No, I have already studied the design drawings. I will ask Fusha Painting Company to help with the production tonight. It will be completed in the evening and can be used tomorrow." Ishigami Yu's words surprised Shirogane Miyuki: " Do you actually do this?"]

["I knew it very early, last year... before I went out to be an exchange student. At that time, Xiaochen handed me the Meteor Switch, and when I was learning Jeet Kune Do there, I’m also constantly learning about switches.”]

["Then why don't you recognize us?" After hearing Ishigami Yu's words, Shirogane Miyuki was not surprised. 】

['Actually, Shirogane Miyako has been guessing who is the true body of Meteor since Ryusei appeared, and the person he guessed was naturally Ishigami Yu. After all, when Ishigami Yu came back, it was also the time when Kamen Rider Meteor first appeared. , plus Ishigami Yu always staggers with Kamen Rider Meteor. '】

["Because there are traitors in our student union." After Shirogane Yuyuki heard what Ishigami Yu said, a very shocked expression appeared on his face. 】


["Yes, this is what Xiao Ai told me. The purpose of not revealing my identity is to find out. President... I'm really sorry for not telling you." Ishigami Yu bowed to Shirogane Miyuki and apologized. 】

["No, you don't have to do this Ishigami..." Shirogane Mikami immediately helped Ishigami Yu stand up: "I will pretend that I am not clear about this matter. If you are in the dark now, then I will leave this matter to you. Already."]

["I..." After saying this, Baiyin Yuxing hesitated a little, still looking unbelievable. He took a deep breath and said: "I don't want to doubt my friends in the student union, but this matter..."]

["Leave it to me." Ishigami Yu said seriously as he looked at Shirogane Goyuki in front of him. 】

Chapter 103 Nao Hayasaka

["Leave it to me." Ishigami Yu said seriously as he looked at Shirogane Goyuki in front of him. "This was originally my purpose."]

["It's up to you." Baiyin Yuxing nodded, and did not ask any more questions. Instead, he bumped his fists with each other, then lowered his head and began to study the data. 】

[On the other side, in the infirmary of Hidenoin, Shinomiya Kaguya was scanning in an instrument with her eyes closed, but with her eyes closed, it looked more like she had fallen asleep. 】

["Love..." The instrument inside is scanning, and those outside are Hayasaka Ai and her mother Hayasaka Nao. 】

[Hasaka Ai has been clinging to her mother, and Hayasaka Nao did not push Hayasaka Ai away. Instead, she hugged her daughter with one hand and whispered: "Ai... do you want to leave?"]

["I..." After hearing Hayasaka Nao's words, Hayasaka Ai was silent for a while, holding her mother quietly with both hands, and then looked at her mother with tearful eyes: "Mom, what should I do?" 】

["As expected..." Hayasaka Nao showed a very gentle smile, then reached out to stroke Hayasaka Ai's head, and said softly: "Live according to your ideas. Mom is here..." 】

["I..." After hearing her mother's words, Hayasaka Ai's eyes seemed to have a glimmer of light, and then dimmed a lot: "But mom, you..."]

【"I am okay."】

["Aunt Nao, what's wrong?" Just when Hayasaka Nao was about to say something else, Shinomiya Kaguya woke up inside and stretched her body and said. 】

["It's not a big problem. But there is a strange energy in your body, and this energy has been consuming your body." Hayasaka Nao explained, then opened the door and let Shinomiya Kaguya come out: "As for the drive , it may take a while.”]

["Can't it be used?" Shinomiya Kaguya asked worriedly while changing into her school uniform. 】

["It can be used. But your fighting time is only three and 10 minutes every day. After the fighting is over, you need to come to me for repairs." Hayasaka Nao gave the final condition. 】

["Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, Aunt Nao." Shinomiya Kaguya nodded: "Ai...you haven't been with Aunt Nao for a long time. Today you get off work early, so just stay with her."]

[Shinomiya Kaguya went out of the room, and Hayasaka Nao and Hayasaka Ai were the only ones left in the room. 】

["..." Hayasaka Ai clenched her fists, and then buried herself in Hayasaka Nao's arms. Hayasaka Nao hugged Hayasaka Ai and sighed: "She should have discovered it, right?"]

["The eldest lady is very smart. In fact...she probably guessed it when you appeared here."]

[Just like what Hayasaka Ai said, Shinomiya Kaguya leaned outside the door and looked at the ceiling, with an expression that seemed to fully understand. 】

"Based on the previous situation, Shinomiya should have guessed it." Baiyin Yuxing held his chin with both hands, thinking about the scene in front of him and then smiled.

"It's normal to guess..." Shinomiya Kaguya didn't look surprised at all.

"Eh? Guess what? What's wrong?" Fujiwara Chika on the side didn't understand at all. Instead, she looked at everyone in front of her with a trace of doubt. Even Ishigami Yu who was sitting on the side seemed to understand.

"Am I the only one who is stupid?" Chika Fujiwara shouted in a self-defeating tone.

"That's not the case, it's just that Fujiwara-senpai, your focus is a little different. Okay, I'm almost leaving." Yu Ishigami, who was sitting on the ground writing something in a notebook, stood up.

"Let's go? Where are you going, Ishigami?" Chika Fujiwara asked curiously.

"Flower family, Xiaochen has passed away this morning. I have a flight in the afternoon and I will go to study for three months. I will be back in three months. As for the work of the student union, I will also participate, but it will be a video conference."

Yu Ishigami explained.

"Ah, that's it... Then do you want to say goodbye to Xiao Yazi? She is in a meeting at noon today." Chika Fujiwara thinks that she is more serious about feelings, and she is also relatively sensitive. (Although It is said that he only found out about his lover in the student union at the end.)

"No, our video conference can start then. Then, President, I will leave first." Ishigami Yu shook his head and put on his backpack.

"come on!"

Watching Ishigami Yu leave, Fujiwara Chika looked at Shirogane Mikayuki and Shinomiya Kaguya: "By the way, President, and Kaguya-chan, what did you see?"

"You will understand later when you look at it." Shinomiya Kaguya acted like this, which made Fujiwara Chika a little confused, but she still watched the video seriously.

["President, I heard that you were attacked?" After Shinomiya Kaguya returned to the Jade Rabbit Cabin, she saw Shirogane Goyuki and Ishigami Yu who were busy. 】

["Well, it's not a big problem. How is your health, Shinomiya?" Shirogane Yuyuki was talking to Yu Ishigami at this time. After hearing what Shinomiya Kaguya said, he stepped forward and asked with some worry. 】

["The physical problem is not serious, but I only use the drive to fight for a short three and 10 minutes every day. Everything else is fine." Shinomiya Kaguya still has a lot of things pressing in her heart, so she just answered this way. one time. 】

["By the way, there's one more thing..." Seeing Shinomiya Kaguya's current expression, Shirogane Miyuki hesitated, but finally took out the document and placed it in front of Shinomiya Kaguya and Ishigami Yu. 】

["Otomo Kyoko and Ogino Hikaru?" Looking at the documents of the two people above, Shinomiya Kaguya frowned. 】

[At that time, Iino Yako defended Ishigami to her teacher on the grounds that Ishigami had completed her studies for junior high school graduation, but could not enter a higher school without handing in a self-reflection letter. As a result, the incident was learned by the principal, who handed the matter over to the student union to collect information. . 】

[Shinomiya Kaguya was curious about this, and then the student council members deduced the truth based on fragmentary information.Shinomiya Kaguya, who found out the truth, informed the Shuchiin Academy VIPs (the successors of all the forces) about the incident. 】

[As Shinomiya Kaguya, the VIPs helped to handle everything without him having to do anything.Of course, what we are talking about here is dealing with Ogino Hikaru, and in the case of Otomo Kyoko, she transferred to the high school because her academic performance was not good enough. 】

["Sure enough..." After whispering, Shinomiya Kaguya also understood that if the only person who could bring these two people back was the Shinomiya family. 】

Chapter 104 Otomo Kyoko’s request

["..." Ishigami Yu looked at the documents above with a very indifferent expression. 】

["You have grown up. Ishigami..." After noticing Ishigami Yu's expression, Shinomiya Kaguya on the side showed a satisfied smile, while Ishigami Yu showed a smile: "After all, I also need to grow. Well! Okay...I'm going to Fusha Painting Company first."]

["Huh? What are you going to do?" Shinomiya Kaguya asked curiously.Yu Ishigami explained the matter simply. 】

["Is that so? Then I'll leave it to you, Ishigami." If Ishigami Yu took over Shinomiya Kaguya's work before, Shinomiya Kaguya might be a little unhappy, but Now Shinomiya Kaguya has the ability to fight. Originally, Shinomiya Kaguya planned to leave this matter to Fujiwara Chika, but since Ishigami Yu took over, then leave it to Ishigami Yu. 】

[After saying goodbye to everyone, Ishigami Yu walked out of the student union.He was about to go back, but just as he was passing by a certain stairway, Ishigami Yu's eyes widened slightly because he saw Ogino Hikari and Otomo Kyoko standing together above. In an instant, Ishigami Yu hid. Next to it. 】

["Hikaru... let's get back together." Otomo Kyoko obviously still has illusions about Ogino Hikari. 】

["Kyoko, I like you too, but..." Ogino Hikaru hesitated in his words at this time, but it was obviously more of a performance. Ishigami Yu knew immediately what Lian was saying:' Liar...']

["Is it because of Ishigami Yu?" Otomo Kyoko also understood the meaning after hearing Ogino Hikari's words. To put it simply, isn't it because of Ishigami Yu?There was quite a fuss at that time. 】

["..." Even though Ogino Hikaru didn't say anything at this time, Otomo Kyoko understood it without saying it. She almost said in a pleading tone: "I will let him apologize to you... Then we will How about being together?"]

[When Ishigami Yu heard this, he sighed slightly, clenched his fists, then turned around and left here. 】

"This Otomo Kyoko... is even more troublesome." Seeing such a scene, Mao Lilan and others who were in class shook their heads.

"In the eyes of Otomo Kyoko, Ogino Hikaru is still a very gentle boyfriend." Next to her, Sonoko was circling her fingers in her hair. She didn't really want to watch these plots.

Because before she met her boyfriend, Kyogoku Makoto, she was often photographed by such scumbags.

But fortunately, I was not defrauded of money or sex.

And the bad ones were all solved by Conan or Mo Chen, until he met Kyogoku Makoto.

She knew the feeling of being deceived, but if this continued, Otomo Kyoko would be in trouble.

"Xiaochen and Conan said before that people's emotions will affect the switch of those star disciples. Now I guess that the one named Ogino Hikari is the Pegasus star disciple, and this Otomo Kyoko may become the same star disciple." Sonoko The words made everyone think about it, and it seemed that there was indeed such a possibility.

"She is indeed the queen of reasoning."

"Don't call me that name." After hearing the classmate next to him praising himself like this, Yuanzi retorted helplessly.

She used to shout this title very proudly, but after seeing what Conan did in the video, she also went to see Conan and found out from Conan that all her speculations at the time were from him. Conan reasoned after he fainted from anesthesia.

So she was very unhappy with this title.

After hearing Yuanzi's rebuttal, Xiaolan next to her sneered.There is no way that Conan did not do this well.

For this reason, Conan was hit on the head so many times by Sonoko.

[The next morning, when Yu Ishigami arrived at the shoe-changing area of ​​Shunoin Academy with a silver box in his hand, there was someone waiting for him before Yu Ishigami could change into his shoes. 】

["Ishigami...I have something to tell you."]

["If you want me to apologize, Otomo-kun, please don't say anything." Facing Otomo Kyoko standing in front of him, Ishigami Yu's expression was still very calm: "I ran away yesterday...that At that time, I didn't think that much at all, I just thought about the big friend in front of me who called me a "weird person". '】

['But now I seem to have looked away and can face the girl in front of me directly...']

[Looking at Otomo Kyoko who kept talking in front of him, Ishigami Yu took a deep breath: "It's really... so noisy to death, idiot!"]

["???" Otomo Kyoko was still talking to Ishigami Yu about the various benefits of Ogino Hikari. Suddenly, after hearing Ishigami Yu's words, a look of surprise appeared on her face. 】

[She has never seen Ishigami Yu treat her so badly.This stunned her. 】

["If you want me to apologize, don't say it. That matter... I will not apologize. I still have work in the student union, so goodbye." Ishigami Yu walked past Otomo Kyoko. 】

[Otomo Kyoko was obviously still surprised that Ishigami Yu actually talked to her like this just now. Her friends came to the side of the novel and asked Ishigami Yu: "Really, why is his attitude so bad?"]

["That's right, it's just Yu Ishigami. Kyoko, are you okay?"]

["I..." Otomo Kyoko felt something was wrong. It wasn't that she liked Ishigami Yu or anything, but she felt that she really didn't know her 'friend' very well]

[As for Ishigami Yu, he met Yako just after walking a few steps. Judging from Yako's appearance, it was obvious that she was coming here, apparently because of Ishigami Yu's affairs. 】

""Is the box in your hand, Ishigami, some kind of game console?" Yako saw Yu Ishigami walking over with no change in expression, and asked, looking at the box in Shirogane Mikado's hand. 】

["This is what the president wants." Ishigami Yu's attitude towards Yako has not changed much. However, when Yako was 'abandoned' by Ishigami yesterday, she felt that something was wrong. She was unwilling to doubt Ishigami. Yu is such a person, and obviously she still prefers to believe that Ishigami Yu knows that the star disciple is going to attack her. 】

["What does the president want?" Yazi was not here yesterday, so she didn't know about switches 30 and 31, but she also knew that since it was something the president wanted, it meant it was very important. : "I'll go to the student union with you."]

Chapter 105 Recording!

[The reason why Yako said she wanted to go with Ishigami Yu was because of the Pegasus disciple who attacked yesterday, and she was worried that Ishigami would be attacked at the same time. 】

[Ishigami Yu did not refuse, and the two of them walked side by side in the direction of the student union. However, not long after they walked out, they met Chika Fujiwara, who was running over in a hurry. 】

["Fujiwara-senpai?" Both of them looked at the hurried Fujiwara Chika in surprise, while Fujiwara Chika blinked sharply at the two of them. 】

[Ishigami Yu and Fujiwara Chika looked at each other, both of them had surprise in their eyes. Although Fujiwara Chika was a little off-kilter, she would never joke about something about a star disciple, and most of the time What cannot be said is that Chika Fujiwara's actions at this time indicated that she had discovered something serious. 】

[The three of them quickly returned to the student union room. At this time, Shirogane Miyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya were already dealing with things. They had to deal with the incident before class. After all, it was an aristocratic school like Shunoin.There are too many things going on. 】

["I just learned something from my friend." Chika Fujiwara explained the matter to everyone at this time. 】

[Chika Fujiwara has a friend. She and Hikaru Ogino are classmates, and Hikaru Ogino actually targets her. Although not many people know about Yu Ishigami back then, unfortunately Chika Fujiwara’s A classmate is one. 】

[However, she was thinking of reporting the situation of Admiral Ogino Hikari to the school newspaper to let everyone take a warning, so she pretended that she didn't know and put a bug on Ogino Hikari's body when they were separated. 】

["Finally, she handed the recording to me. She herself took a long vacation, but the content was..." Chika Fujiwara placed a small card in her hand in front of everyone. 】

[Ishigami Yu took out the computer and started playing. Everyone listened attentively. 】

["Ogino Hikari... We didn't give you the switch just to get you revenge." When this voice came to mind, everyone looked at each other in surprise, because everyone was familiar with this voice, it was the one who came before. Teacher, too: Hagiwara Hiiragi. 】

【"But uncle..."】

["Just call me teacher here, or call me Scorpio-sama." Hagiwara Hiiragi's tone suddenly became louder, making Ogino Hikaru jump in fright: "Yes, teacher..."]

["Teacher, you know, I almost died at that time, it was Ishigami Yu, I must solve it!"]

["Ishigami Yu and Miss Shinomiya Kaguya are both members of the student council... Don't forget this. We can give you a switch, and we can also take back this power... Hmm? This noise What is it?....a bug?"]

[The sound of a bug being broken follows. 】

["Erica is from the newspaper department. After she discovered that the bugging device was broken last night, she went abroad overnight."]

[After hearing what Fujiwara Chika said, everyone looked at each other, and then thought for a moment: "Is Hagiwara Hiiragi actually a Scorpio? Now at least we have got a pretty good piece of information."]

["If Pegasus is Ogino Hikaru, then it will be easier..." Yu Ishigami placed the silver box in his hand in front of Shirogane Miyako, and then opened it.Inside is a cylinder-like place.On the head are the 30 and 32 switches. 】

["President, these are the north and south magnetic pole phones."]

["You are thinking of using your own body to seduce, right?" Shirogane Miyuki pressed the silver box with one hand, closed the box, and looked at Yu Ishigami in front of him with a serious expression. 】

["Well, I still have something against him." Ishigami nodded, while Fujiwara Chika on the side asked curiously: "Didn't the evidence at that time be destroyed by him?"]

["But he doesn't know if I still have a copy in my hand. If he knows about this, what will he do?"]

["Either use money to buy it. Or..." Shinomiya Kaguya directly stated the simplest guess at the moment, looking at Yu Ishigami in front of him, and then Shirogane Miyuki took over the words: "Or , kill you."]

["No, it would be too dangerous for Ishigami." After hearing this, Yako immediately shook her head to express her disagreement, while Ishigami Yu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I believe I will grow your strength."]

["No." How could Yako agree to such a thing? This was almost like using Ishigami Yu as bait. 】

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