As a result, just as he climbed over the wall, a knee was pressed against his neck in the next second. Thanks to Ogino Hikari's skin color not being black, he was let go after he couldn't breathe and called his mother, and then put handcuffs on him. superior.

There is no need to say more about welcoming Ogino Hikaru's future.

On the other side, Otomo Kyoko's side, the time of the video was noon, and everyone was taking a rest, but after Otomo Kyoko's incident was exposed, she rushed out of the school and came towards Shunoin, with the purpose Well... of course there is no need to say more, for Yu Ishigami's sake.I want to apologize to Ishigami Yu.

But it is a pity that when Otomo Kyoko's family car parked at the gate of Hidenoin, a high-end black car took Yu Ishigami and just left here, and the destination... was the rabbit's house.

Chapter 109 Bai Yingui!

"Xiaoyu... doesn't he plan to see me?" Otomo Kyoko who was at the gate of Shunoin heard that she went to report, but after a while no one came back, she whispered.

"Ishigami-san has left Shunoin a few minutes ago." At this time, the door of Shunoin School opened. Otomo Kyoko looked up and found that it was Kaguya Shinomiya. She was a little surprised: "Vice President Shinomiya... .”

"Otomo-san, if you want to apologize to Ishigami-san, I don't think it's necessary." Shinomiya Kaguya said with a very gentle smile: "Ishigami-san said before leaving, if you come to him , then let me tell you...this is his own choice, don't think too much about it."

"Xiaoyu..." Yui Ishigami said this. Otomo Kyoko naturally felt more and more guilty, but she had to say these words.

"Otomo-san and Ishigami-san's words, I have finished repeating them, so let me tell you what I think about you." Shinomiya Kaguya stepped forward and said softly: "I think you are just a fool..."

"Idiot..." After hearing Shinomiya Kaguya commenting on herself, Otomo Kyoko smiled bitterly and did not refute. Indeed, she looked like a fool like this.

"However, even though you are a fool, you do have your highlights, such as your sunny smile. The reason why Ishigami didn't tell you is because he wanted to see your sunny smile." Shinomiya Kaguya The words were not long, I just said this, then turned around and went back to the school.

She would not invite Otomo Kyoko to the school.

There are a lot of things to deal with in the school now, especially after Ishigami Yu left the school, and many people came over to ask about Ishigami Yu's situation, and some wanted to apologize or something.

Anyway, if Yu Ishigami was still around, he would probably be almost the same as Nakashi.

However, after hearing that Ishigami Yu had gone to Rabbit's house, everyone turned their attention to other people in the student council room and wanted to invite them to hang out, but everyone started to get busy, who had time.

Fortunately, the 10 minutes passed quickly. Although the short story in the middle was quite interesting, today’s short story tells some embarrassing things about the man named Sawada Tsunayoshi who transformed into Kamen Rider Moon Knight. However, there are also many highlight moments, and the BGM called "Awakening" is indeed very amazing.

Sawada Tsunayoshi's previous battles didn't look easy, and he was quite strong before he gained the power of Kamen Rider.

Then everyone's attention was focused on the video that appeared next.

[The beginning of the video shows a petite figure slowly walking towards Xiuzhiyuan. 】

['Shu Zhiyuan Academy is composed of two campuses, the junior high school and the senior high school. It takes about 10 minutes to walk from the junior high school to the high school. Generally speaking, students from the junior high school will not come to where their seniors are. of high school. '】

['One is because the existence of Star Disciples has indeed affected many people, but in the junior high school, there have not been any attacks by Star Disciples. The second is because those who enter Shunoin High School either have prominent family backgrounds, Or just have good grades. '】

【'But today a certain classmate from the junior high school walked towards the high school. '】

["Dong dong dong." At this time, there was a knock on the door. Kaguya Shinomiya and Yu Ishigami, who were holding suitcase-like boxes in their hands, looked at each other and put away one of the silver switches with a big ball on it. He got up and put away the silver box. 】

["Come in..." Yu Ishigami hid in the corner, took out the game console and continued to play the game. He said he was playing the game, but there were strange ripples on the screen. He seemed to be calculating something. Something special. 】

["Oh, what a cute little guest." The visitor is a bit petite, has long silver hair, and a pair of beautiful blue eyes. She looks a little deserted, but she is indeed a very cute and beautiful girl. 】

【'What's wrong with me?Although it is indeed cute, why am I so rude? ’ And after praising the visitor for being cute, Shinomiya Kaguya also felt a little strange. 】

["Hello, my name is Shirogane Kei, and I am the accountant of the student union in the junior high school of Shunoin Academy." The visitor introduced himself. 】

["Shirogane Kei...Shirogane Kei...Shirogane...Are you the sister of President Shirogane? They do look alike. Hurry up and sit down." Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Shirogane Kei in front of her with some surprise. , she had investigated Bai Yin Yuxing's family and knew that Bai Yin Yuxing had a younger sister, but she really didn't know what Bai Yin Gui looked like. 】

["Well, I am indeed Shirogane Yuxing's sister. I came here this time because of the upcoming school trip for the second-year junior high school and the second-year senior high school. I came to find the accountant of the high school to discuss this matter... Speaking of which, isn't my brother here?" After Shirogane Kei was pulled to the side by Shinomiya Kaguya and sat down, his expression seemed relatively calm, but looking at the little feet on his hands that were raised involuntarily, it was obvious that she In fact, I was a little nervous. 】

"As for the president, he also has to deal with matters related to the school trip for a few days, as well as the work issues of the exchange students from other schools who ended the exchange the day before yesterday." Shinomiya Kaguya explained. 】

["Is that so? I thought my brother... was in some kind of trouble?"]

["Trouble? Why is Shirogane-san..."]

【"Just call me Kei."】

【"That Xiaogui..."】


["That... Kei." For some reason, both Shinomiya Kaguya and Shirogane Kei blushed slightly when they addressed each other like this. 】

["Well, I'm here, Shinomiya-senpai..."]

["Then why, Kei, do you think President Shirogane is in trouble?" Shinomiya Kaguya, although blushing a little, quickly adjusted her mentality and asked. 】

["Because my brother is no longer working recently, and he still gets a salary every month, and the salary is also very high. We are ready to change our house, but my brother often gets injured when he comes back." Bai Yingui still looks a little bit. Said worriedly. 】

["..." After hearing Shirogane Kei's words, Shinomiya Kaguya was silent for a moment. Although the video has been played until now, there are still many things that have not been shown. After all, if the content is to appear every day If so, then the length of the video can be much longer, and only some important turning points or someone's story will be played in full. 】

[Immediately afterwards, some pictures quickly emerged in Shinomiya Kaguya's mind. They were some star disciples that had not appeared in the previous main video, and the switches used by Shirogane Yuxing were also switches with other numbers, representing He was indeed used. 】

Chapter 110 Sudden Attack!

[In addition to the most common forms before, some of the following content also explains that Baiyin Yuxing does use other switches, and there are also some content that he acted with several other knights. Obviously within this month There is no other battle within. 】

["Kyu, I promise you that your brother will be fine. I guarantee it to you in the name of the Shinomiya family... and in the name of me, Kaguya." Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Shirogane Kei in front of him with a serious expression and said. 】

["..." After hearing Shinomiya Kaguya's assurance, the worry on Shirogane Kei's face dissipated a little. 】

["By the way, Kei, is there anything you want to do when you come to the high school? You can leave it to me." Shinomiya Kaguya said with a smile. 】

["As for the school trip for the second-year junior high school students and the second-year high school students, let's discuss it with the high school accountant. There are also some accounting documents that need to be discussed with the high school accountant." Bai Yingui explained again . 】

["I am the accountant of the high school department." Hearing that Shirogane Keiya wanted to find him, Ishigami Yu stood up while squatting aside. 】

["So..." Shirogane Kei saw a person squatting in the corner, and stood up nervously, but Ishigami Yu stopped his hand and started chatting with Shirogane Kei. 】

[On the other side, Shirogane Miyuki and Fujiwara Chika are coming out of a classroom. Neither of them looks very good-looking. 】

["President, do you really want Ogino Hikaru to be so arrogant? Now he actually dares to contact the student union to talk about rebuilding the performance club." Fujiwara Chika said in a low voice, a little annoyed. 】

["There is no way, we don't have any reason to let Ogino Hikaru drop out of school." But at this time, Shirogane Miyuki shook his head and said: "The teacher also has candidates from the Zodiac, and now we can only stick to it. This way. But don’t worry, there are machines watching him all the time.”]

["But, President, is there really no problem with this?" Chika Fujiwara was still a little worried: "In such a situation, isn't everyone in danger?"]

["It can only be prevented." And Baiyin Yuxing also found it very difficult, because he didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing more appropriately.He is also making plans now, preparing to deal with Ogino Hikari first, because Ogino Hikari is too dangerous. 】

["Otherwise, I'll let my father..." Chika Fujiwara thought for a while and said, but before she finished speaking, Shirogane Miyuki shook his head: "No, Secretary Fujiwara, you are more at home now." Special, don’t interfere in this kind of thing, otherwise it will be very troublesome.”]

['Chika Fujiwara was born into a political family. Her great-grandfather was the former prime minister, and her uncle is the current provincial minister. She has a very outstanding pedigree.His mother is a diplomat and his father is also a well-known politician. 'At this time, the narrator also spoke up, introducing the identity of Chika Fujiwara for the first time. 】

[But this introduction shocked everyone in reality, because no one thought that Fujiwara Chika actually had such an explosive identity. 】

["But, what should we do about this?" Fujiwara Chika looked a little angry. Seeing such a scene, Shirogane Miyuki closed his eyes for a while and said: "Speaking of which, Secretary Fujiwara, what will be the study trip in the next few days?" Do you know that a teacher is following you?"]

["According to the information I know now, there are three people: the principal, Vice Principal Adolfo Pescarolo, and Hayasaka school doctor."]

["..." After thinking for a long time, Shirogane Miyuki opened his eyes and said, "We have to find a way to take Ogino Hikaru away."]

["But President, study tours are only for us sophomores in high school, and he is only a freshman in high school. And I am also worried now. We are all going on a study tour. What will happen if a star disciple appears in the school?" Fujiwara Qianhua also said with some worry: "It would be great if we knew the identity of Meteor, he could help us."]

["..." Baiyin Yuxing sighed and said no more. Next, he had to go back to the student union room to discuss this issue. The school trip lasted a week. Although it was said that the school should not have a big problem, once it happened again, What should I do if I miss some of the zodiac signs?Can Ishigami solve it alone?This made Baiyin Yuxing a little worried. 】

[Having just returned to the student union room, Shirogane Miyuki just opened the door and saw Shirogane Kei and Ishigami Yu sitting together and chatting about some documents, while Shinomiya Kaguya was making tea. Before Shirogane could wait, As Miyuki asked in surprise, he heard Chika Fujiwara on the side say in surprise: "Xiao Kei?"]

["Fujiwara-san!" Xiao Kei also looked very lively.But when she said the word sister, Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes became a little scary. 】

【"Good morning killing method!"】

["Good morning killing method rebounds."]

[Xiao Kei, who originally looked a little serious, suddenly hugged Fujiwara Chika with both hands, looking very intimate. 】

["Secretary Fujiwara, are you familiar with Xiao Kei?" Shinomiya Kaguya's tone contained a hint of murderous intent, but no one except Yu Ishigami heard it. Chika Fujiwara hugged Xiao Kei and smiled: " Because Xiaogui and Moeha are friends, Xiaogui often comes to my house to play, and we are very familiar with each other, just like sisters."]

["Secretary Fujiwara, okay, there must be something wrong with Xiao Kei. Let Xiao Kei go first." I don't know why Shirogane Miyuki also felt a trace of murderous intent, so he coughed slightly and said to Fujiwara Chika.Then he looked at Xiaogui: "Xiaogui, what are you doing here?"]

[Xiaogui explained the purpose of his visit, and Baiyin Yuxing was not very surprised: "I understand, then Ishigami will..."]

["Boom!" Suddenly there was an explosion in the distance, which made several people's expressions become serious. Upon seeing this, Shinomiya Kaguya immediately ran outside the window. As soon as he opened the window, Ishigami Yu and Shirogane Yu Xing and Yu Xing moved together almost instantly.However, Ishigami Yu was faster, and then pushed Shinomiya Kaguya away, and then Ishigami Yu also dodged sideways. 】

【But it's still too late. 】

["Tear..." It looked like a sharp blade was swung by, and a bloody trace of a wound appeared on Ishigami Yu's left hand.If Ishigami Yu had moved slower just now, Shinomiya Kaguya would definitely be injured. 】

["Ishigami!" Seeing this scene, Shirogane Yuxing slid a shovel over, took off his coat at the same time, covered Ishigami Yu's wound, and then looked up and looked outside. 】

[Cancer stood on the building opposite, his injured pliers moving. When he saw Baiyin Yuxing looking over, he still waved to Baiyin Yuxing. 】

["That guy!" Baiyin Yuxing became angry instantly. 】

Chapter 111 Switch No. 40

["That guy!" Baiyin Yuxing became angry instantly, turned to look at the others, and immediately took out the drive, but Cancer opposite him suddenly released his transformation, and then looked at it with a strange smile Looking at Baiyin Yuxing here. 】

[When Baiyin Yuxing saw this, he also put away his drive in anger and clenched his fists. 】

["President..." Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Shirogane Miyako, and Shirogane Miyako looked at Ishigami Yu: "Ishigami, you go to the infirmary first. Shinomiya, you are here to protect Xiao Kei and Fujiwara secretary."】

["Wait, brother, what are you going to do?" When he saw Baiyin Yuxing preparing to run out, Bai Yingui on the side recovered from the panic, looked at Baiyin Yuxing who was about to go out, and immediately went up Worriedly, he pulled Baiyin Yuxing's arm. 】

["It's okay, Xiaogui, brother has to do what he should do." Baiyin Yuxing reached out and rubbed Baiyin Kei's head, then pushed the door and drove out, while Ishigami Yu looked at his shoulder. Although the wound was stained with blood, it was not deep, and the worried Fujiwara Chika had already picked up the medical bag in the student union room. 】

["No need to go to the infirmary, the wound is not deep. He is just provoking." Ishigami Yu exposed his arm. Although it was still bleeding, the wound was not deep. At this time, Chika Fujiwara took out a bandage and put it on Ishigami. There are bandages and potions. 】

[And Baiyin Yuxing came back here about 10 minutes later. 】

["President, how are you?" Several people looked at Baiyin Yuxing, and Baiyin Yuxing had a very gloomy expression: "He is rehearsing with people from the performance department. I didn't find a chance."]

["Do you want him to be so arrogant?" Chika Fujiwara was also a little angry at this time. 】

["..." Shirogane Yuxing looked at Ishigami Yu: "Ishigami, are you okay?"]

"It's okay. The wound is not serious. You can move." Ishigami Yu twisted his arm, but the blood under the bandage did not seep out.Seeing this, Bai Yin Yuxing said: "On that stone, please send Xiaogui back."]

["Why, brother, what did you just do? Why do you want me to leave?" But Xiaogui refused to leave at this time.Loudly questioned Baiyin Yuxing in front of him. 】

['Shirogane Kei is very arrogant and brother-controlling towards his brother, Shirogane Goyuki. Because he is in the rebellious stage, resists Shirogane Goyuki's over-protection and is afraid of being regarded as a brother-controller, he deliberately pretends to be very cold and always speaks harshly to his brother. Although they are in love with each other, they actually care about their brother's life very much but are too embarrassed to communicate, which leads to a vicious cycle of communication. '】

['And now after encountering such a thing, Bai Yingui will naturally no longer be arrogant, but is very worried and questioning, she wants to know what her brother is doing. '】

["Xiaogui, you can't understand this matter yet. Please, Ishigami." Shirogane Yuxing looked at Ishigami Yu, and Ishigami Yu also nodded. 】

Lian [Xiao Kei glanced at the side, wanting to find someone else to speak for him, but Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head slightly at Xiao Kei. Xiao Kei looked at Fujiwara Chika, but Fujiwara Chika, who had always been able to help him, He also shook his head at himself,]

[Xiaogui is not an idiot, nor is she the kind of person who makes trouble without reason. She knows that she is not going to ask what she wants to know today, but it’s okay. I’ll ask clearly when I get home tonight. If it doesn’t work, I’ll wait a few days. When I went on a study trip, I asked for clarification. 】

[After watching Ishigami Yu leave with Xiaogui, Shirogane Miyuki sat on the chair, stretched out his hand and pulled his sleeves, and then his eyes became a little scary: "We must find a way, otherwise, We are in danger.”]

["If it doesn't work, we have to give up this place in the student union." Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at the cabinet next to him with some nostalgia and said to the two of them. 】

["?" Baiyin Yuxing glanced at Shinomiya Kaguya in surprise: "Sinomiya, are you sure? This is the Jade Rabbit Cabin..."]

["Compared to the Jade Rabbit Cabin, everyone's safety is the most important. If that doesn't work, just destroy the entrance." At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya shook his head and said with a serious expression. 】

["Destroy this place?" Baiyin Yuxing thought for a moment and said, "By the way, Si Gong, you haven't said yet how the entrance to the Jade Rabbit Cabin was formed?"]

["Here..." Shinomiya Kaguya hesitated for a moment when he saw this, but did not hide it, but simply explained it. 】

[A few months ago, when Ishigami Yu had just gone to be an exchange student, Shinomiya Kaguya had just become a disciple of Haibara Ai. The reason why she became a disciple of Haibara Ai was because Haibara Ai took over Mo Chen's work. , and it was Mo Chen who was investigating and studying the star disciples at that time. 】

[Other than Mo Chen and the mastermind behind the origins of the Star Disciple Switch and Astronomical Switch, other people probably don’t know, but Haihara Ai also accepted Mo Chen’s research after taking over. 】

["The source of everything is the switch from a core switch."]

["The origin of the core switch is not clear, but it is known that it was obtained from the moon, and it contains powerful energy. At that time, Fushahui Offensive, where Mo Chen was located, was also one of the investors and had been studying it for a while. Forty switches for combat were obtained from it, as well as some other auxiliary switches, including the switch that opens the door to the Jade Rabbit Cabin."]

["There are only two switches like this. One is here, and the teacher didn't tell me about the other one."]

["That is to say, if this entrance is destroyed, is there another one that can be used?" Shirogane Yuyuki understood why Shinomiya Kaguya said that this entrance was destroyed. 】

["Well, the entrance switch should still be on the teacher's side. Of course, this is also the most extreme situation." Shinomiya Kaguya explained. 】

["I am the student union president of Shunoin. I don't want to abdicate if it is not necessary. Now we have to resolve the matter of Ogino Hikaru first. How is the switch No. 40 of Shinomiya?" Shirogane Miyuki pinched his chin. He thought: "Although I have a solution now, if I can use switch No. 40, my winning rate will be much higher."]

["Switch No. 40 is too messy." Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head and said: "The other switches are almost debugged, but it is switch No. 40. No matter how I and Ishigami debug it, the ripples are very messy. Shinomiya Kaguya said and took out the No. 40 switch with the big switch on it. 】


Chapter 112: My wife is pregnant, so I stopped updating yesterday!

"Brother, that idiot!" Bai Yingui pouted in anger as his mentality was exposed in the video, but he looked a little cute.

The fact that her brother was a Kamen Rider actually made her very proud.

However, his mentality was exposed in the video, which made Bai Eunkyu very unhappy.

"Xiao Gui, your brother is really awesome." In fact, everyone knew that Bai Yin Gui's brother was Bai Yin Yuxing before and they were all surprised. However, some students still thought that they might just have the same name. This time in the picture The appearance of Bai Yingui confirmed the identity of the two people.

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