"Yeah. Brother, he is just an idiot." Although he said this, Shirogane Keina's proud expression could not be hidden from others.

Also, although Bai Yingui is very proud now, Bai Yinkyu still feels that his brother's not telling him anything is a bit too much.

We are all a family, why don't you tell yourself these things?

It's fine if they haven't met him before, but in the video, the attack happened right now. Under such circumstances, he still didn't tell him. Of course, Bai Yin Guiyi also knew that Bai Yin Yuxing was worried about him, but he still couldn't help it. Somewhat angry.

"Idiot brother..."

"It may not be easy to handle next." On the other side, Bai Yin Yuxing looked at the picture. After Bai Yin Gui knew these things, he rubbed his eyebrows with a headache: "According to the previous situation, next Xiaogui will definitely be involved in the incident."

Indeed, according to the previous plot, there will be some situations for the characters who appear in this way.

Especially since Xiao Kei is still his sister, and that Cancer is the disgusting Ogino Hikaru, who knows what he will do.

Baiyin Yuxing was a little nervous now.

["Principal Ishigami..." Walking on the way to the junior high school, Shirogane Kei seemed to be in a bad mood and looked at Yu Ishigami next to him. Although Yu Ishigami's right arm was injured, Yu Ishigami didn't seem to be. He didn't feel any pain, but followed Bai Yingui and didn't talk to Bai Yinkyu.However, Shirogane Kei still opened his mouth to ask Ishigami Yu about his brother. 】

["Let the president talk to you about this kind of thing, but Shirogane-senpai, the president is...very powerful." Ishigami Yu just said this, without too much explanation. He could only do this kind of thing. It can be left to Baiyin Yuxing alone to handle it. 】

["Brother, is he really safe?" Bai Yingui knew that his brother would explain to him, but he was worried about Baiyin Yuxing's safety. 】

["President, he will be fine, I promise you." He gave a thumbs up, and then smiled at Bai Yingui. 】

["Oh, I didn't expect that besides Otomo-san, Ishigami-san actually knows a lot of girls, and they all look cute." Just when Ishigami Yu gave a thumbs up to Shirogane Kei, a voice said The sudden appearance made Yu Ishigami tense up, and his muscles suddenly bulged to protect Shirogane Kei behind him. 】

["Ogino Hikaru!" Ishigami Yu is adjusting his mentality. 】

["Hey, are you going to hit me again?" At this time, Ogino Hikaru raised his hands with a smile on his face: "Look, I am a good student now. Even if you are a member of the student union, if you are casual It doesn’t seem possible to attack me.”]

["..." His fists were clenched, but Yu Ishigami also knew at this time that he couldn't take action casually. This guy had been tracked and investigated by him before, and he would definitely cause trouble now. 】

["Oh, by the way... Ishigami-san, I have helped you hide your identity. Don't worry... After all, we were classmates before. I will help you keep it a secret. Oh, by the way... This I think I've seen this little sister somewhere before." Ogino Hikaru smiled and raised his hand, looking gentle as he lowered his head and pointed at Shirogane Kei behind Ishigami Yu. 】

["Ogino Hikaru...don't think I won't do anything." Yu Ishigami's tone was very low.The tone was full of threats. 】

["Yes, yes, I know you will do it. But Ishigami... I heard that you dropped out of school on your own at that time, and it seems that President Shirogane brought you out in the end."]

["The president is much stronger than you." If Ogino Hikaru in front of him attacks Shirogane Miyako, Ishigami Yu feels that Ogino Hikaru will not be Shirogane Miyako's opponent. 】

["Yes, the president is really strong, but...bong!" Ogino Hikaru smiled and spread his hands slightly, and then the explosion took effect to explain his situation. 】

[Indeed, the current Twelve Palaces cannot be solved, not because of how strong the Twelve Palaces are. Although the Twelve Palaces are also very strong, the strength of Shirogane Miyako and Ishigami Yu is also constantly increasing. . 】

[So the Twelve Palaces are actually no longer opponents of Baiyin Yuxing and the others, but the problem is that after the opponent's body explodes, it will be an energy explosion that will destroy a city. 】

["Okay, I'm just a little surprised that Ishigami-san you actually found such a young child, so I'm just curious. Then I won't disturb you anymore." Ogino Hikari chuckled as if he was taunting: " I have a date with Kyoko later. Goodbye..."]

["Principal Ishigami?" After Ogino Hikaru left, Ishigami Yu relaxed the bulging muscles in his body. Behind him, Shirogane Kei had been silent just now, but now she was a little curious. She looked at Ishigami. excellent. 】

["Senior Baiyin, please remember my words. If anyone in the high school department, whether a teacher or a student, wants to give you something strange to use, you must not use it. Also, please don't elaborate on this man. If you encounter Do you know that this man will come to us as soon as possible?"]

["...Okay." Although Bai Yingui agreed like this, but...]

[In the afternoon, not long after school, Baiyin Yuxing had a headache looking at the big switch in his hand. This switch was the switch numbered 40.But now he doesn't know how to use it.He tried it with no response at all.And this switch is different from the ordinary switch. Obviously it can be opened and then pressed. There are other switches that are about three or four times as big. 】

["Dingling bell..." Baiyin Yuxing had just put away the switch and was about to look at it later when his cell phone suddenly rang. 】

["Xiao Gui?" Looking at the caller above, Bai Yin Yuxing felt a little dizzy. 】

Chapter 113 Ogino Hikaru’s plan.

["Xiao Gui?" Looking at the caller above, Bai Yin Yuxing felt a little dizzy.But he also knew that this matter must be explained clearly to Xiaogui, otherwise it would be more troublesome. 】

["President, you still need to explain it to sister Xiaogui." Kaguya Shinomiya, who was helping Shirogane Goyuki serve tea, said, "After all, you are a family."]

["Well, I also want to explain it to my father and Xiaogui when I go back, and they will understand me." Baiyin Yuxing also nodded, and then answered the phone, but...]


["Hey, President... I really didn't expect that your sister is so beautiful, and she is also studying in our Xiuzhiyuan. In this way, we are classmates." The voice on the other side of the phone was from a man sound. 】

[And the picture changed slightly, and it appeared in a very familiar place, the Great Hall. 】

[Ogino Hikaru sat aside with Shirogane Kei's cell phone, while behind him Shirogane Kei fell to the ground unconscious, with this weird black line on his cheek. 】

["Ogino Hikaru!" After hearing this voice, Shirogane Yuyuki felt bad and said with gritted teeth. 】

["Oh, President, don't be so excited. Don't worry. Of course your sister is fine now, but if you don't come within 10 minutes, maybe I will call you uncle."]

["Where are you!" After hearing this, Baiyin Yuxing was even more angry and worried. 】

【"General Hall."】

[The phone hung up, and Baiyin Yuxing stood up without hesitation. 】

["I'll go with you." Shinomiya Kaguya and Ishigami Yu said together. Seeing this, Shirogane Yuyuki did not stop his steps: "Shinomiya, you wait here, I and Ishigami will go."]

["Okay then." Shinomiya Kaguya actually had some guesses, and didn't say why Yu Ishigami, who had no fighting ability, could go, so Shinomiya Kaguya immediately ran to the Jade Rabbit Cabin to prepare to assist the two. 】

[After leaving the student union room, Shirogane Miyako and Ishigami Yu looked at each other. The two did not take the right path. They directly opened the window next to them and jumped down. 】

["President, Ishigami?" Just at this time, Yako and Qianhua walked over from the side. Seeing such a scene, they were shocked at first, and immediately ran over to take a look, and saw that they both landed safely on the ground. After that, they looked at each other and understood that something had happened, that's why the two of them were so anxious. 】

[The two immediately ran into the academy room. 】

["Please Ishigami." Xiu Zhiyuan is very big. If you just run over like this, 10 minutes will be enough, but now there are students everywhere, and it is impossible for Shirogane Yuxing to transform and fly over like this.Ishigami Yu also understood this and went directly towards the bushes nearby. Seeing this, Shirogane Mikami shouted to Ishigami. 】

"Understood." Yu Ishigami ran into the forest, looked around and took out the drive when no one was around, and then completed the transformation. 】

[Then it turned into a blue ball of light and flew towards the distance, which is the location of the Great Hall. 】

[It quickly broke through the window and landed on the ground, but when Meteor broke through the window and entered, a strange green instrument was attached to the armor, and then Kamen Rider Meteor stood up half-kneeling. Looking at Ogino Hikari in front of him. 】

["Ishigami-san...Oh, I forgot, you still need to hide your identity. Now I should call you Kamen Rider Ryusei..." Ogino Hikaru said with a smile. 】

["..." Yu Ishigami, also known as Kamen Rider Ryusei, first set his sights on Shirogane Kei and found that Shirogane Kei's clothes were intact, but there were strange black lines on his face, so Ryusei immediately asked: " What did you do to Xiaogui?"]

["Oh, you're in a hurry...Okay, let me tell you, this is the poison of Scorpio." His fingers crossed Shirogane Kei's cheek, and Ogino Hikaru took out a blue one from his arms. The glass tube has a strange instrument on it to seal it: "And this is the antidote."]

["Antidote." After hearing that Bai Yingui was poisoned, Meteor was indeed a little worried, but his eyes were quickly attracted by the antidote. However, Meteor also knew that the other party would never give it back to him so easily, so Looking at Ogino Hikari in front of him: "How can you leave it to me?"]

["Actually, this poison... is not the first time I have used it, but it is poison after all~ I still need to adjust the amount of the potion, so the president's little sister can only be my test subject. "As Ogino Hikari waved his hand, there were some red cloths hanging behind them, and under the red cloths, there were more than a dozen girls hanging. 】

[There are some who are unconscious and some who are awake. Without exception, their hands are tied and hung in the air, and their mouths and eyes are covered with cloth. 】

["Otomo...Dabutu..." Ryusei also quickly saw several familiar voices among them, including Yako's previous friends: Daibuto and Otomo Kyoko. 】

["What did you do to them?"]

["Ryuusei-san, did you really not listen to what I said before?" Ogino Hikaru chuckled and said: "I told you, this is a drug that Scorpio helped make. Don't worry, they are fine for the time being. Are they still alive? Dropped. But...it won’t be certain after half an hour. By the way...because of the poison, their ears can’t hear anything."]

["What conditions are needed to give me the antidote?" Meteor was adjusting the power in his body, preparing for a surprise attack to snatch the thing away. 】

["Oh, by the way...the antidote. In fact, I haven't finished what I just said. The antidote is actually not finished yet." Ogino Hikaru said with a smile. 】

["The antidote only needs one last thing, and that thing is..."]

["Xiao Kei!" At this time, Shirogane Mikado also opened the door of the auditorium and rushed in. However, as soon as he rushed in, just like Yu Ishigami came in before, a ball of light fell on Shirogane Mikaru. On his body, it landed directly on Baiyin Yuxing's chest and heart.It looks like an instrument and is green. 】

["The thing is right above their hearts." Ogino Hikaru pointed to their hearts: "Okay, let's start fighting."]

["What are you talking about?" Baiyin Yuxing rushed over while trying to remove the thing on his heart, but soon discovered that the device was lit up, and there were also instruments on the Meteor Armor. It also lit up. 】

Chapter 114 Killing each other

["There is an antidote in the device on your chest." Ogino Hikaru pointed his finger at the two of them and chuckled: "It's just a semi-finished product. What is needed is that you fight hard, and you must fight with all your strength, until... ..Only if one of the parties has a cardiac arrest. Then the semi-finished product can be completed."]

[After hearing Ogino Hikari’s words, Shirogane Mikoto looked at Ryusei, and Ryusei also looked at Shirogane Mikouki. 】

["Of course, you don't have to believe it. But you only have twenty minutes. After the time is up, the girl from Shirogane Elementary School who I used as a test subject may not be able to wake up." Ogino Hikaru smiled and took out a The paper fan fanned the breeze and smiled. 】

["Before that, I will kill you first." At this time, Meteor directly attacked Ogino Hikaru, but Ogino Hikari took a few steps back, took out the switch in his hand and pressed the button. 】

["Duang!" Meteor's fist hit Cancer's claws, and the sound was like hitting an iron plate. 】

["You can fight me, but let me tell you... the medicine can only be produced after strenuous exercise and cardiac arrest. You may die by then..." Cancer faced Meteor's attack was quite easy, he stepped back a distance and chuckled. 】

["Shinomiya, is this true?" Shirogane Yuxing took out his magnetic phone and contacted Shinomiya Kaguya.It is almost impossible for an ordinary mobile phone to make a call to the Yutu cabin, but if it is a magnetic pole mobile phone, it can get through, otherwise you will have to use a radar switch. 】

["President, the armor on you and Meteor does have the energy of a bunch of stars, but there are definitely other ways. Just wait for me to arrive soon." Although Shinomiya Kaguya said so, Shirogane But Yu Xing could hear the panic in Shinomiya Kaguya's tone. 】

['It looks like it's true...that's the case. Baiyin Yuxing took out the drive and pressed the button on the drive on his waist. 】

["3!" The screen shifted to the fighting meteors and the constellation Cancer. 】

["2!" Then it stayed on the unconscious Bai Yingui on the ground. 】

["1!" The last picture stayed on Baiyin Yuxing. 】

["henshin!" As Bai Yin Yuxing pushed the driver on his waist, steam surged, and then directly from the steam, Fourze charged out, with a rocket head on his right hand and attacked the two of them, the rocket head directly towards ...The meteor rushed over. 】

["President...?" Although Meteor did not react, the martial arts practitioner's habit still allowed him to block Fourze's fist attack with both hands, while his voice was filled with surprise. 】

["It seems that the president is a sensible person." Cancer looked at Meteor who launched the attack and chuckled.Then he took a few steps back: "Well, come on, I'm looking forward to two...one of them saving everyone."]

["You guy." Facing Cancer, Meteor obviously couldn't maintain his calm state of mind, but the fist he swung at this time was blocked by Fourze. 】

["The meteor is just right, let's fight..." Fourze said, aiming his fist at the meteor in front of him: "Speaking of which, neither of us has ever fought before, so let's fight."]

["President..." Looking at Fourze who hit his heart with his fist, Meteor seemed to understand something and came out with the starting position of Jeet Kune Do: "Then come on... Huh..." 】

"Damn it, this Ogino Hikaru is so disgusting."

"He actually used the president's sister as a threat."

"There should be a way to solve it. It seems that the president and Yu Ishigami have already thought of a way to deal with it."

"According to the previous routine, there is definitely a way. It may be delaying time. After all, there are others who can help."

"He's still helping. All the other knights have left. After all, they are just exchange students. The only one who can help now is Shinomiya Kaguya."

"But although Miss Kaguya can also transform, her strength seems to be much lower than the other two. It will be very troublesome to go forward."

"..." Looking at the scene of the two people fighting, Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly felt something was wrong.Shinomiya Kaguya, who was on the side, quickly noticed the worried expression of Shinomiya Kaguya on the side, and explained: "Don't worry, Shinomiya, I'm not that weak, and Ishigami and I definitely have our own ways. .”

"But..." What Shinomiya Kaguya felt was wrong at this time was the previous prophecy, which said that Fourze would be killed by a blue figure. At that time, he thought it was the Compass, but now it seems that it is not It's a shooting star.

"Don't worry, Shinomiya-senpai, I will never do anything to the president, and looking at my transformation method in it, I should rely on Miss Haihara's method. If that is the case, in Shinomiya-senpai's video You are also smart, you can contact Miss Haiyuan and ask Miss Haiyuan to cancel my transformation."

Yu Ishigami also directly pointed out that Fourze has a way to win absolutely.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

Shinomiya Kaguya was relieved when she heard this, but she still looked at the scene in front of her with some worry. She still felt a little uneasy. This feeling can only be said to be a woman's intuition.

In fact, not only Shinomiya Kaguya, but even Shirogane Kei also feels this way.

In addition, another person also felt a bad premonition.

"This feeling..." Baiyin Yuxing's father, Baiyin Dior, who was staying at home, felt a strange burning sensation in his body. Originally, although he was not too old, but because the company closed down when he was young, his children With two children, he was also very tired, which caused a lot of physical deficits, but the burning feeling in his body now made his whole body recover a lot.

And he is constantly improving his physical fitness.

Then a ball of golden light slowly emerged from behind Silver Dior.It formed a figure that only he could see.

at the same time...

"Is it really good to awaken his ability now?"

"He is an adult, and his memory has not been restored. A period of exercise is also necessary. Speaking of strength other than being a knight? How did it come about?"

"I have to ask you. It was you who gave it to him..."

"Me? Actually...my memory has not been restored to this day."

Chapter 115 Kamen Rider Fourze·Death!

[The battle between Meteor and Fourze begins. 】

[The two were instantly evenly matched, but Meteor was obviously stronger. Although Fourze appeared much earlier than Meteor, Fourze's combat ability was honed in various battles. It stands to reason that It's a practical one. 】

[But Meteor is not an ordinary academic. Although he did study Jeet Kune Do systematically, he also fought many times and has strong practical ability. 】

[Seeing this, Fourze had no choice but to use other forms. 】

[In the electric form, Meteor's attack method is directly aimed at Fourze's joints.This made Fourze's electric attacks useless. Even the attack of using the long stick to throw the crescent electric shock was evaded by Meteor in a strange way. 】

[In the form of flames, Meteor relied on the seats in the auditorium and the fire extinguisher nearby, but beat Fourze back steadily. 】

["Saturn Lever" Meteor pressed his fingers on the Meteor Galaxy, and then a sphere of Saturn with an energy wheel appeared in his hand. 】

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