["Huh... Wow!" As the meteor swung, the Saturn in his hand threw out a sharp blade and attacked Fourze. 】

[The sharp blades attacked from all angles, which caused Fourze to dodge several times, but then he was still attacked. The flame form on his body retreated and returned to its basic form. 】

["You are really strong." Fourze struggled to get up from the ground.It looked a little painful. 】

["..." After the Saturn energy in his hand dissipated, Meteor waved his hand, and then looked at Fourze in front of him warily.It looked like he didn't want to talk to him. 】

[The Cancer above has turned into Hikari Ogino and is happily eating melon seeds. He looks like he is just watching the fun. 】

[At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya, Fujiwara Chika and Yako have already rushed over. 】

["Ryuusei, what are you doing? Aren't you a hero's partner? Why are you fighting Fourze?" And looking at the two people fighting in front of her, Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika haven't spoken yet, but Yako is a little confused. He spoke excitedly. 】

[In Yako’s opinion, Ryusei who hides his identity and helps this school is also a very powerful hero. It can be said that Yako is a big fan of Ryusei, so when he saw the situation in front of him, he seemed very excited. 】

["..." Meteor turned his head and glanced at Mizi outside. They had already walked in, but no machines appeared. In other words, only two machines were used on himself and Fourze? 】

[That’s good, there won’t be other victims. 】

[In the face of Mizi's questioning, Ryusei did not make any rebuttal or speech, and continued to make attacking gestures. 】

["Oh, the audience is here again." After Ogino Hikaru saw the visitor, he didn't look surprised. He just chuckled lightly, his eyes stayed on Kaguya for a while, and then looked away.Then he shouted to the two of them: "You only have 3 minutes left."]

["Damn it." After hearing Ogino Hikari's words, Fourze looked at Meteor in front of him, and at the same time took out the magnetic phone, holding it with both hands and preparing to separate it, but it was obvious that Meteor also knew what Fourze was like in this form. How strong, a sliding shovel went towards Fourze, then he raised his flying foot and kicked the magnetic mobile phone away, followed by a simple set of short shots. 】

[This set of bunts was so fast that Fourze was almost unable to resist. Just when Fourze reacted, Meteor's palms tightened and his fingertips pressed against Fourze's chest. 】

["This is it!" Fourze looked shocked and wanted to retreat but it was already too late. 】

["Bang!" The palm struck instantly and turned into a fist. 】

【Inch punch! 】

[Under this punch, Fourze stopped his raised fist and slowly lowered his hands. At the same time, Fourze's legs softened and he slowly knelt on the ground. The armor on his body slowly dissipated, revealing He looked down at Baiyin Yuxing, who was bruised and bruised. 】

["Cough..." Baiyin Yuxing, who was kneeling on the ground, had some signs of rolling his eyes, but obviously he had not lost his will. He coughed, and then wanted to fall forward, but at this time Meteor had a hand He supported Baiyin Yuxing's body so that Baiyin Yuxing didn't fall. 】

["President!" At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya behind was startled and wanted to rush over. 】

[But in these few moments, Ogino Hikaru directly transformed into Cancer, and with a wave of his hand, a crack was made on the ground, making it impossible for her to get close. Then Cancer looked at the two people behind him: "Oh, oh, there is only one minute left. , but now Fourze...oh, the president is still alive and well, it seems that the medicine cannot be taken out."]

["..." Shinomiya Kaguya took out the drive and the mobile phone. She threw the mobile phone to Qianhua: "Secretary Fujiwara, call the teacher quickly."]

["Okay." Fujiwara Chika also became nervous at this time, but she didn't have any fighting ability, so she could only take the phone and start making calls, and Shinomiya Kaguya also directly completed the transformation and wanted to rush over to stop it. Shooting star action. 】

["..." And Meteor looked at Baiyin Yuxing in front of him. 】

[Shirogane Yuxing, who was bruised all over, looked up at the meteor in front of him, showed a gentle smile, and nodded slightly. 】

[When Meteor saw this, he slowly and tremblingly raised his right hand, doing the same thing as Fourze who had beaten him before to cancel his transformation, and aimed his fingers at Shirogane Yuxing's chest. 】

["No. Stop..." After the transformation, Kaguya wanted to stop her, but was blocked by Cancer. She could only shout to Meteor: "...Ishigami."]

["Huh..." Suddenly the sounds in the screen disappeared, leaving only the sound of breathing. Following Kaguya's words, everyone else showed shocked expressions, especially Yako. 】

["Huh..." The breathing sound was very slow, and then the screen appeared on Meteor's fist. 】



[During the breathing, there was also the sound of instruments checking the beating of the heart. 】

["Huh... Wow!" The palm of his hand turned into a fist.In an instant, it hit Baiyin Yuxing's heart. 】

["Beep~~~" The breathing sound disappeared, and at the same time the beeping sound continued! 】

【Kamen Rider Fourze·Shirogane Goyuki...Death! 】

Chapter 11 The seriously injured Yu Ishigami




Various question marks flashed across the barrage quickly.

"Shirogane Yuxing...is dead?"

"Isn't it? It's not Christmas either?"

"Is this...isn't this right?"

"Damn, why is this happening?"

There were a lot of discussions on the Internet, but there was some silence in the Xiuzhiyuan student union. Everyone focused on Shirogane Yuxing.

Fortunately, Ishigami Yu is not here and Ishigami Yu went to the airport. Otherwise, Shinomiya Kaguya's almost murderous expression would probably be on Ishigami Yu at this time.

But even so, Ishigami Yu felt a thrill all over his body, but he didn't have any big fluctuations, because Ishigami Yu could see that he definitely had some plan with Shirogane Miyuki in the video,

Of course, Ishigami Yu is not the only one who is like this. After comforting Kaguya Shinomiya, Shirogane Miyuki chuckled: "Although I said I don't know what my plans are, obviously I am not someone who gives up my life so easily."

"What do you mean?" Fujiwara Chika was about to cry at this time, and she immediately asked curiously when she saw this.

"Look carefully at the previous battle between Ishigami and I. Although we fought fiercely, my little actions before I died showed that we must have had our own plan."

After hearing Shirogane Miyuki's words, Shinomiya Kaguya thought for a moment and his eyes lit up slightly: "By the way, after cardiac arrest, the golden rescue period is within 10 minutes. If you come back within this time, the problem Not big either.”

"That's right. But...it's actually only 6 minutes. If the heart is moved again within 6 minutes, it will be saved." Gen Baiyin Yuxing supported his chin with both hands: "And 6 Although it is possible to save the patient within 4 minutes, there will be serious sequelae."

"But even this is too dangerous." Although Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief, she also said angrily at this time.

"On the contrary, I think Ishigami made the right decision." At this time, Shirogane Yuyuki actually admired Ishigami Yu: "Although the electric form also has the ability to cause cardiopulmonary arrest, it is obvious that I am not very good at controlling it. "

"President! After you gain the power of the Kamen Rider, please practice more." Hearing this, Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief, and then said seriously to Shirogane Goyuki.

"...Oh!" Baiyin Yuxing nodded to show that he understood, then looked at the picture in front of him and said: "Okay, keep reading, I am not a man who will die so easily!"


["Huh..." After taking a deep breath, before Meteor said anything, the armor on his body suddenly released his transformation. This time everyone could see clearly that under Meteor's armor Yu Ishigami also had some bruises on his face. 】

["Ishigami..." Yako and Fujiwara Chika were both very shocked. Although Kaguya had called each other's name before, saying it was Ishigami Yu, but when everyone saw the meteor below after the voice change was removed, It was really Ishigami Yu. The two of them were almost speechless in shock. 】

["Hahaha, that's right." Cancer blocked Kaguya's attack with crab claws. Seeing such a scene, he laughed and said: "It's a really beautiful performance, then go ahead and detoxify them. .”]

[After the words fell, Cancer waved his hand and knocked Kaguya back for a certain distance, then lowered his head, and a bunch of bubbles appeared around his mouth. 】

[When Kaguya kicked the bubble, the figure of Cancer in the bubble had disappeared. 】

["Ishigami!" At this time, Kaguya turned to look at Ishigami Yu, gasping angrily, and then directly kicked Ishigami with the rocket head in her palm. 】

[At this time, Ishigami squatted down and took out the green-glowing instrument from Shirogane Mikoyuki's chest. When he took off the instrument from Shirogane Mikoyuki's chest, the instrument on Ishigami Yu's body also fell off. 】

["..." Just when Ishigami Yu was about to stand up and get the antidote, Kaguya's foot kicked Ishigami Yu's right shoulder, knocking Ishigami Yu to the ground. 】

["You!" Fortunately, Kaguya did not lose her complete mind at this time, her fists were clenched. 】

["Senomiya-senpai, go and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the president." Ishigami Yu struggled to get up from the ground. Then Ishigami Yu dragged his injured arm towards the stage. The jar of antidote was still there. over there. 】

[Pressing the instrument on top of the antidote, green liquid fell from it, directly turning the blue potion into green. Ishigami Yu looked up, jumped up on his feet, saved a girl, and then dripped Gave some to her. 】

[The effect of this antidote is very good, and the strange black line poisoning effect on that person disappeared.Upon seeing this, Ishigami Yu immediately gave Shirogane Kei the antidote, and the remaining antidote was given to others. 】

["President... wake up quickly." On this side, Kaguya is performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Shirogane Goyuki.Kaguya was already crying, and she didn't dare to use cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the transformed state. After all, in the transformed state, her power became much stronger. 】

["Let me do it." At this time, Ishigami Yu came over, but Ishigami Yu was obviously not in a good condition at this time. There was cold sweat on his forehead, and his right hand was hanging down strangely. 】

["Ishigami, what are you going to do?" At this moment, Yako rushed up and grabbed Ishigami Yu's sleeve with one hand. Ishigami Yu frowned slightly, and more cold sweat oozed from his forehead.Yu Ishigami shook his head: "I can save the president."]

["!!!" After hearing Ishigami Yu's words, everyone looked at each other. Yako also let go of Ishigami Yu's sleeves, and Ishigami Yu walked to the side of Shirogane Mikado and half-knelt down while raising his right hand. His fingers were pointed at Baiyin Yuxing in front of him. 】

["Huh... Wow!" Another inch punch, but after this one, Ishigami Yu, who was kneeling next to Shirogane Yuxing, softened, and then slowly fell forward. 】

[Among the people surrounding her, Yako quickly stretched out her hand to support Ishigami Yu.But the force with which Yu Ishigami fell was obviously not something a little girl could hold back, and his clothes were torn apart. 】

[Ishigami Yu has many bruises on his body, and the most serious one is on the right shoulder that was just kicked by Kaguya. It can be said that it is almost bloody. 】

Chapter 117: Baiyin Yuxing turned into a vegetative state?

["President, there is actually no need to learn Jeet Kune Do from me." His fist stopped in front of Shirogane Yuxing. Ishigami Yu shook his head and said: "Jet Kune Do is not suitable for everyone, and I have just learned it. How long will it take to be considered a newcomer?"]

["I just want to learn a few more moves." Bai Yin Yuxing looked at the fist in front of his forehead, smiled a little tiredly, and then lay down on the ground. 】

[This time period was not long ago, and the two trained at night. 】

["President, you are already very strong." Even though he said this, Ishigami Yu's current state is obviously that of just after warming up. 】

["Still not as strong as you, but Ishigami, you have become so strong in just the past few months? Could it be that like in the novel, did you practice some magical internal skills at Rabbit's house?" Shirogane Miyuki, who was lying on the ground, smiled. asked Ishigami Yu looking at him. 】

["Perhaps I really have internal strength, but I didn't study. I just exercised every day and soaked some herbs. And I didn't train from there. After the matter of the star disciples is resolved, I have to go back. Continue to study." Yu Ishigami looked at his fists: "Although I did practice to help you, the president, at the beginning, when I was practicing martial arts, I felt that I liked this feeling."]

["Speaking of which, I heard that there are other things that can stop breathing, or make the heart beat faster. Is this true?" Shirogane Miyuki asked Ishigami Yu like a curious baby. 】

["President, you actually read Rabbit's novels?" Ishigami Yu looked a little helpless and shook his head: "But there are similar skills. What I practice is Jeet Kune Do, which is the most suitable for Kamen Rider. Meteor's fighting ability. At the same time, he also learned the inch punch. It can blow a person's heart out in an instant, or make the fight stop suddenly."]

["Wow, it's really a killer move!" Baiyin Yuxing stuck out his tongue after hearing this. 】

["The true Kung Fu of the Rabbit family was originally a killing technique, but it is not used in today's society, so except for some real masters, there are too few people who know it." Ishigami Yu explained with a smile. 】

["That's it... after I graduate and come back from Stanford, it looks like I'm going to go to Rabbit's house too."]

[The scene comes back to consciousness from the memories, Ishigami Yu and Shirogane Miyako are sent to the hospital. 】

[At the same time, the students who were poisoned were also sent to the hospital. 】

["What happened?" In the hospital, Eiri, who was talking to Kasumigaoka Shiu, noticed that several ambulances suddenly arrived, and even saw Shinomiya Kaguya.This made Eiriri and Kasumigaoka Shiyu look at each other.Are you ready to go over and see what's going on? 】

"Eiriri, look at this." Kasumigaoka Shiyu seemed to have recovered a lot, but her face was still a little pale. She took out her phone and swiped it.Then I saw a picture, Kasumigaoka Shiyu gave her mobile phone to Eiri. 】

["Is this?" In the screen, there is a battle between Kamen Rider Fourze and Meteor.The source of the video is from Xiuzhiyuan's discussion network. 】

["Why are they fighting?" Yinglili doesn't know, because Yinglili hasn't gone back to school for a long time, or it has been a long time since she went to the student union. Yinglili will come over to take care of Shiyu as soon as school is over.She only learned about recent events during class. 】

["Is this?" The battle scene was very fast, and there were no other sounds, but soon they saw the situation behind them, and both of them showed shocked expressions. 】

[In the picture, Meteor beat Fourze out of his transformation and turned back into Shirogane Yuxing. Then Baiyin Yuxing knelt on the ground. Meteor punched Fourze. The heartbeat meter next to him, which represented Fourze, lost its fluctuation. At the same time, Meteor also touched Transformed...revealing the figure of the person below. 】

["Ishigami?" Eiri didn't expect that Kamen Rider Ryusei was actually Ishigami Yu. 】

[The two of them immediately ran over and saw Kaguya and the others at the door of the emergency room. Neither of them asked any questions.Just stay here, and Kaguya's hands are constantly shaking. 】

[Chika Fujiwara on the side quietly explained the situation to the two of them. 】

["Is this really the case?" Yinglili and Shiyu looked at each other. 】

["Ding!" The lights above during the operation dimmed, and the doctor came out: "Miss Kaguya, the bones on Ishigami-kun's shoulder were shattered, and his body was seriously injured, but fortunately his life is not a serious problem. ”]

["What about the president?" Yako was slightly relieved after hearing this, but Shinomiya Kaguya immediately asked. 】

["Bai Yinjun's words mean that his life is out of danger, but...Although emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation was performed during the cardiac arrest,..." The doctor said this, hesitating, and finally sighed: "What did he do? I don’t know when I will wake up.”]

[After hearing that Shirogane Miyuki’s life safety was no longer in question, Shinomiya Kaguya was slightly relieved, but after hearing the doctor’s words, she suddenly became nervous: “What do you mean?”]

["That is to say...Shirogin-san may...become a vegetative state."]

[A few people looked at each other. 】

[The screen moved to the other side. Inside the school, Ogino Hikaru, who was holding a mobile phone in his hand, showed a happy smile: "In this case, you won't be able to get up at all, Ishigami-kun..."]

["Ogino!" Just when Ogino Hikaru was happy, someone suddenly called out to Ogino Hikari. 】

["Teacher Hagiwara." Ogino Hikari greeted Hagiwara Hiiragi with a smile, but Hagiwara Hiiragi took Ogino Hikari to the roof of the school. As soon as he closed the door, he slapped Ogino Hikari. on the face. 】

["Why?" Ogino Hikaru, who was slapped, showed an expression of 'even my father has never slapped me', and then became a little angry: "Although you are my uncle, I am also very One of the two palaces, we are on the same level, you have no right to hit me!"]

["If I were not your uncle's, I would kill you directly!" At this time, Hagiwara Hiiragi had an angry expression on his face: "Do you know how much trouble you have caused?"]

["What trouble? Isn't it just that the identities of the two guys were exposed?" Ogino Hikaru looked very unhappy.Seeing Ogino Hikaru's expression, Hagiwara Hiiragi was extremely angry: "But the trouble you caused is too big!"]

Chapter 118 The role of knights!

["But the trouble you caused is too big!" Hagiwara Hiiragi saw Ogino Hikaru's disdainful look, and was so angry that he slapped Ogino Hikaru. 】

[Ogino Hikaru couldn't bear it anymore. He took out the switch and pressed it, turning into a Cancer: "Don't think that because you are my uncle and my senior, I don't dare to do anything to you."]

["You guy!" Hagiwara Hiiragi was so angry that he took out the switch and turned into a Scorpio, and the two people faced each other.It looked like they were about to take action in the next second, but soon a pink whirlwind swept through and blew the two of them back a certain distance. 】

["Enough!" The figure of Virgo came from a distance, the staff in his hand touched the ground, and made a sonorous sound. 】

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