["Virgo!" Scorpio looked a little scared after seeing Virgo and took a few steps back.Obviously he seems to know that there is something special about Virgo.Cancer, on the other hand, looks like a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. 】

["Virgo, just tell me, I have eliminated two Kamen Riders, and he still treats me like this." Cancer thinks that Scorpio is a traitor, and wants to let Uranus help kill Scorpio. look like. 】

["Idiot!" But Virgo's words were very indifferent, and even sounded a little angry. The scepter touched the ground, and some beautiful pink feathers were slightly beautiful in the sky: "If you just want to destroy If it's a Kamen Rider, then we can solve it directly. Why do you need to take action?"]

["What do you mean?" Cancer looked a little confused. 】

["We need Kamen Rider as an elimination tool." Scorpio said angrily: "I told you before, you were lying on another woman's belly at that time and didn't listen to me at all!"]

["Culling tool?"]

["If there is no Kamen Rider to screen those who cannot become the Zodiac, then the power of the stars will never be enough! How long will it take to gather the Zodiac?"]

["So the Kamen Rider is one of us?" Cancer was stunned after hearing Scorpio's words, and reacted somewhat stupidly. 】

["No, he is our enemy, but he is also our helper." Virgo touched the ground with the scepter in his hand, making both of them calm down: "Otherwise, do you think we wouldn't know that the student council president is Kamen Rider Fourze? ?”]

["But you are really brave. You knew Kamen Rider Meteor's identity and didn't tell us." At this time, the door opened, Libra also walked up, and the three of them surrounded Cancer in the middle. 】

["You were just taking private revenge because you were kicked out of Hidenoin by Ishigami Yu, right?" Virgo asked. 】

["So what? When the adult gave me this power, he said, make a wish towards the starry sky for your own desires. I am just loyal to my desires." Cancer said with a ball in his chest. Blue light. 】

["That's... Super Star's new power." Scorpio, who was behind, was a little shocked when he saw the blue light on Cancer's chest. At the same time, he said in his heart, "I worked hard for so long to get Super Star's new power, and it actually... ..']

["Okay, Cancer!" This is Libra, but he points the scepter with most of the seal in his hand on the ground: "Any adult has said this, you have gone too far!"]

["Now give you a new order!"]

["New order?" After Cancer heard what Libra said, he understood that he would not be besieged by these people. 】

["Now that we know the identity of Meteor, we only need one elimination tool, and Meteor will be dealt with directly by you. And... you are not allowed to hurt other students in this way!" Libra's scepter struck on On the ground, there was a whole echo, the echo was very loud, and it looked like Libra was really angry. 】

["Okay, okay!" Cancer shook his hand, looking nonchalant, then changed back to Ogino Hikari and walked downstairs. 】

["Sooner or later we will be killed by this guy." Scorpio punched the wall on one side in anger. 】

["Scorpio, you are also involved in this matter. Don't think that we don't know who can prepare those special poisons." Libra also looked at Scorpio at this time, which scared Scorpio and apologized quickly. 】

["You have brought out Cancer. This thing is equal to its merits and demerits." Libra snorted coldly and turned around and left: "I'll leave the rest of Virgo's affairs to you."]

["It's still the same character..." Virgo whispered something about Libra's character, and then looked at Scorpio in front of him: "Go ahead. Let's guide more students to pursue the power of the stars."]


[Everyone else left, leaving only Virgo on the rooftop. I don’t know what he thought of. Virgo sighed, and then his figure turned into a pink whirlwind, and then disappeared. 】

"Sure enough, these guys have their own agenda."

"Let me tell you! It seems that Baiyin Yuxing has not concealed his identity. If this is the case, then it is normal for the Twelve Palaces to know Baiyin Yuxing's identity."

"Yes, that means Baiyin Yuxing's attacks on those star disciples are all part of the Twelve Palaces conjecture, just to create the Twelve Palaces."

"But what is their purpose?"

"After gathering all the twelve palaces, something terrible will definitely happen."

"Right now, I'm still worried about President Shirogane. President Shirogane has passed out. But from the looks of Ishigami Yuu before, there is obviously a way to rescue Shirogane Mikado. Are there any serious side effects?"

"No, after the Inch Fist hit Shirogane Mikado's heart to a sudden stop, if I fired another Inch Fist and then performed rapid cardiopulmonary resuscitation, I would not have become a vegetative state. But at that time, Ishigami Yu's right hand was injured by Kaguya. The person who was kicked probably had a broken bone, and it was impossible to control the strength under such circumstances.”

"The inch punch is a punch that can directly break down the entire wall. If you don't control it well, your heart will be blown out if you use too much force. Obviously Ishigami Yu controls it very well, but Ishigami Yu who was injured after being kicked couldn't control it. My own strength?"

"In this case, wouldn't it be that the reason for this is..."

Chapter 119 What!Varudo! (the world)

"Is it...me?" Shinomiya Kaguya naturally saw the speeches on the Internet. Those who explained the inch fist had their own signatures on the back. They were boxing masters from the Rabbit family.

In other words, the culprit who caused the president to grow into a vegetative state in the video is actually himself. After he gave Ishigami that kick, did Ishigami become unable to use his own power?

"It's not your fault." Baiyin Yuxing shook his head very calmly and said: "This is because I didn't predict it well in the video. It's my fault. I didn't tell you about it. It's my fault." .”


"Don't worry, I will definitely wake up in the video." Baiyin Yuxing chuckled.

"I see. No wonder those Zodiacs didn't find the president. Do they need the president to deal with it?" At this time, Fujiwara Chika finally understood the content of the subsequent dialogue between the Zodiacs and suddenly realized it.

However, Shinomiya Kaguya and Shirogane Miyako both looked relatively calm, which surprised Fujiwara Chika: "President, did you already know?"

"Probably." This is not a boast of the two of them. They had already considered this issue. After seeing the Pegasus turning into a Cancer in the previous video, the two of them suddenly realized it.

But since you choose Fourze as the elimination tool, you have to be careful. Fourze is not that simple.

This is something that both Shirogane Yuyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya have recognized.

"Am I so stupid?" Chika Fujiwara was shot down.

"Is he actually going to continue to look for Xiao Gui?" At this time, Baiyin Yuxing became a little angry when he looked at the content on the screen.

[The scene continues. After night falls, there is a ward with the words Shirogane Kei on the door. Ogino Hikaru snaps his fingers and pushes open the door. He looks at the dark ward in front of him and chuckles: "President... If the news that your sister is dead comes to your ears, will you wake up from a vegetative state?"]

"Xiaogui, look, I gave up that guy on Ishigami first for your brother... huh? Is he dead?" He chuckled to himself and walked towards the ward. 】

[The ward where Shirogane Kei is located was specially arranged by Shinomiya Kaguya. It is a high-end ward. However, after walking through a curtain, Ogino Hikaru found that the bed was empty. 】

["Ho... Are you the reason why my daughter and son are hospitalized?" At this time, a deep voice sounded from the window of the hospital, and Ogino Hikari jumped: "Are they still here?"]

[The window was opened, the wind blew in, and the curtains were blown open. At the same time, a hand was placed on the switch on the side to turn on the light. 】

[Under the illumination of the light, the figure leaning against the window appeared in front of Ogino Hikaru. He had short blond hair and a pair of blue eyes that looked a bit fierce.He was wearing a black suit with a cheekbone.The whole person is very imposing. 】

["Your daughter and son. Oh..." Ogino Hikaru looked at the man a little surprised at first, and then he knew after looking at the man's hair: "You are the father of President Shirogane and junior Kei!" 】

["Yes, my name is Baiyin Dio!" The person who came was indeed Baiyin Yuxing's father, Baiyin Dio. 】

["It just so happens that it's a pity to let the lovely Xiao Kei die like this. In that case, uncle...if you die in front of President Shirogane, will he wake up?" Ogino Hikari took out the switch and turned into a Cancer. 】

["Ho... Really? Sure enough, you were the one who attacked my lovely daughter and my unlovable son?" Silver Dior saw Ogino Hikari who had turned into a Cancer, and stopped leaning on the wall. Instead, he stood up, his eyes became a little scary, and he slowly walked towards Cancer. 】

["You're not afraid of me, but are you walking towards me?" Cancer looked at Silver Dior walking over and made a disdainful voice: "It's just right, as long as you bring your head..."]

["If I didn't come over, how could I hit you with my fist!" Baiyin Dio interrupted Cancer, but what he said made Cancer laugh: "Hahaha, Uncle Baiyin, you want to use a joke Come to cause harm to me? Then you succeeded, this joke is indeed very..."]

["Bang!" Cancer held his belly and laughed, but before he could finish his words, he felt as if he had been punched. 】

["What?" Cancer felt the pain on his face and suddenly stopped and froze, but Baiyin Dior didn't give him the chance to cross his arms and said very coldly: "You actually dare to do something to my lovely children, you Be prepared to wake up already!"]

["Ola Ola Ola!" In the picture, Cancer was being beaten in a very strange way, looking very painful. 】

[Then the screen dimmed slightly, and it looked like it had appeared after changing a filter.In beating Cancer's presence. 】

[With a sound of golden armor and skin, a very strong-looking being floated behind Silver Dio, and his fists struck the Cancer in front of him continuously and quickly. 】

["Damn it, what the hell is this!" Cancer was beaten in unbearable pain, and cracks appeared on the arms of the large pliers that could block the meteor's fist before. Cancer's voice was trembling in pain. 】

["Really? You can't see that? It's a pity..." Silver Dior looked at the Cancer in front of him indifferently: "This is my 'substitute'"]

["Substitute?" Cancer has never heard of it. 】

["The dying person doesn't need to know so much. Since you dare to attack my Dio's children, you must have already made up your mind." Silver Dio snorted coldly. 】

["...Damn it." Looking at Dio slowly walking towards him, Cancer swallowed with fear and wanted to run away. 】

["Want to escape??" Seeing the foam spitting out of Cancer's mouth, Dio snorted and waved his hand: "What! Varudo! (the world)"]

【Click! 】

[Suddenly a strange sound sounded and time stopped. 】

["My substitute is more than just a hard-fisted person. Although it only lasts for three seconds, it's...enough! Euler! Euler! Euler!"]

Chapter 120 Stand Messenger?

["Eula! Euler! Euler!" The fists repeatedly hit Cancer's body, directly breaking one of Cancer's claws. 】

[However, the time limit for stopping time is only three seconds. 】

["Ah!" Wailing in pain, Cancer covered his severed arm with strange green blood, and when the time stopped, he had already started to use foam to prepare to escape. 】

[So after wailing, there was only a small patch of green blood left on the ground, and a pool of foam that turned into water. 】

["Hmph..." Baiyin Dior looked at the disappearing figure, but did not pursue it. Instead, he slowly walked back into the ward, stood outside the window of the ward, and looked at the full moon outside: 'Four Gong Huangguang...if you really dare to do something to my children...']

[While Silver Dior was talking to himself.At the airport, a plane slowly fell from the sky. It was obviously a private plane, and a man walked out of it. He had short black hair. He was not handsome, but had a sense of unruliness. He was wearing a black kimono and holding a hand. A small fan,]

["Lord Huang Guang, we are now..."]

["Go to school, let's go see Father." He took out a red and black Twelve Star Disciples switch from the kimono's arms. The man named Shinigong Huangguang stroked his fingers on the Twelve Star Disciples switch. I don't know what I'm thinking. 】


Now the entire Xiuzhiyuan student union room was quiet.

Everyone focused on Baiyin Yuxing.

And Baiyin Yuxing is now in a state of confusion: "Dad...is he actually that strong?"

"That ability called a substitute can actually stop time. President, your father is so strong." Shinomiya Kaguya also widened his eyes. The Kamen Rider had always used armor in previous battles, and Silver Dio's words... He relied on the powerful being behind him to break Cancer's arm.

You must know that before others fought against that thing, they would leave the sound of metal collision.

"I don't know either. It seems to be the ability that dad has gained in the past few years." Baiyin Yuxing covered his forehead helplessly, but now he breathed a sigh of relief.

After Xiao Gui was attacked before, Baiyin Yuxing was worried about what would happen if his family members were also attacked, especially his father.

Now it seems that there is no need to worry, my father may be stronger than me.

"But President...your father and my eldest brother..." Shinomiya Kaguya asked hesitantly after being surprised because of the name Shirogane Dio said in the end.

The yellow light of the four palaces.

This name, and the man coming back after getting off the plane, were clearly his eldest brother.

Is there any intersection between these two people?

"I really don't know about this." Baiyin Yuxing shook his head. He actually didn't know much about his father.Especially things from the past.

Seeing this, Baiyin Yuxing didn't speculate too much, but took out his mobile phone and dialed his father's number.But it was during the call.

This is normal, he appears in the video and is so powerful.There must have been a lot of people contacting him.

It didn't take long for Baiyin Dior's call to come back.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just that your mother has some connections with their family, and the factory our family opened back then was bankrupted by Sigong Huangguang." Baiyin Dior's tone was very calm, and it seemed that this matter had already happened. Opened up.

"Is this so?" Shinomiya Kaguya was secretly surprised.

To be able to be targeted by Shinomiya Huangguang and cause the factory to close down, either the silver Dior factory had very cutting-edge and powerful new technologies, or it had a certain market, otherwise the Shinomiya family, one of the four major chaebols, would not be in vain. Targeting a factory for no reason.

"By the way, dad, that thing is called a substitute."

"Oh, you said The World. Well, I just awakened the ability, and the time-stop ability only lasts for one second. Okay, I won't talk anymore... Fusha Painting Company has also sent people here."

"Wait a minute, Dad!" Baiyin Yuxing heard this and wanted to say something to Baiyin Dio, but Baiyin Dio hung up the phone directly.This made Baiyin Yuxing feel helpless: "Okay, I'll ask President Mo Chen in the group later."

"Let's continue watching the video now." Shinomiya Kaguya also made up his mind and prepared to go back and investigate the names of all the factories that Shinomiya Huangguang targeted back then, so as to better understand why Shinomiya Huangguang To target Silver Dior.


[The scene moved away from the hospital and the airport, and finally stayed in the Xiuzhiyuan Student Union Room. Eirili opened the cabinet door with a large backpack on her back and went directly into the Jade Rabbit Cabin. 】

["Senomiya-senpai, I have brought the dinner. Let's take a rest and eat." Eirili opened her backpack and took out a pile of food.on the desktop. 】

[At this time, the screen showed the current situation inside the Jade Rabbit Cabin. 】

[There are three hospital beds, and each one has a hanging bottle hanging on his body. The one in the middle is Shirogane Goyuki, next to him is Ishigami Yu who is bandaged, and on the other side is Shirogane Kei. 】

["Thank you, Sawamura-san." Shinomiya Kaguya's face turned a little pale. She held Shirogane Mikayuki's hand with both hands. Her eyes were red and she looked like she had been crying for a long time. 】

["Eat first." Yinglili didn't actually know what happened recently. After all, she had been taking care of Kasumigaoka Shiyu. 】

["Yes." Although she agreed, Shinomiya Kaguya still didn't take action. Seeing this, Eiri also sighed and asked: "Um...what did Ms. Haibara say?"]

["Teacher, she didn't reply to me." After hearing Eiriri's question, Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes lit up slightly, but then dimmed again. She took out her mobile phone and looked at it for a while before shaking her head. 】

[Now in the Jade Rabbit cabin, apart from these injured people, there is Shinomiya Kaguya, and no one else is there. 】

["Wow..." At this moment, the door opened. Shinomiya Kaguya and Eiri turned to look over, and saw Haibara Ai and a blond middle-aged man walking in, and this middle-aged man It's the silver Dior who defeated Cancer before. 】

["Teacher!" After seeing Haibara Ai, Shinomiya Kaguya stood up immediately as if she had seen her savior. "Please save the president!"]

["Kaguya. I probably understand what happened." Haibara nodded and then looked at the three people in front of him. 】

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