
Kong Yinzi did not turn around to look at Yuanye Yu, but her pretty face quickly turned like a red persimmon and she cursed in a low voice. "Okay, sorry, it's mine."

Yuanye Yu scratched his head.

So what can he do? He might as well forget that there is a fundamental difference between Junior Sister Ginzi and the original Qianshi Qianxun.

If the same method and duration were used on the former...na!This will lead to the current situation.

Even if he wanted to quarrel, it would be difficult to stand up and increase his momentum. It hurt, so he could only sit and read the chess records and rest.

"Would you like me to go to the pharmacy and give it to you..."

"Need not!"

Kong Yinzi quickly shook his head and refused. Not wanting to lose anyone, he pointed at the chess record and said, "Senior Brother You, let's discuss the chess record and help me distract myself."

"it is good."

Yuan Ye Yu touched Kong Ginzi's head distressedly, and after agreeing, the brother and sister started chatting about chess records.

Chess records are mysterious and unpredictable, and with Harano Yu's current accuracy, whenever you look at a chess record, you will always inadvertently see something new and novel.

Therefore, the discussion between the two of them passed by inadvertently for several hours.

Kong Yinzi fell asleep lying on his lap at some point. Her short silver hair was pretty and sassy, ​​and her fair little face was too delicate and pretty.

Yuan Ye only noticed it after explaining a footwork. He couldn't help but be stunned. He bent down and picked up the empty silver and returned to the master bedroom.



Oh oh!

It wasn't long before he came out again.

Of course it's not because he is a gentleman. He is obviously like that, but he shamelessly emphasizes that he wants to sleep separately.

I just thought of Mashiro Shiina.

Yuhara Yu tapped his forehead all the way up the stairs, and when he opened Mashiro's bedroom door, he saw that she was sleeping with the little white cat again.

The picture is still very quiet and beautiful. Mashiro Shiina is lying on the ground, with a panda toy next to her and a kitten next to her, with their heads facing each other.

"time to eat?"

He also noticed the snack chips on the table next to him.

Eat for sure.

It's just that they are eating snacks.

Yuhara Yu walked over, covered Mashiro with a thin quilt, squatted in front and looked at the girl's peaceful sleeping face, and was in a daze for a while.

He felt more and more that he felt sorry for himself, and he said some things before, but when he became busy, he easily forgot about this guy.

For food, clothing, housing and transportation, she had to rely on herself without warning, especially tonight, because she forgot, Mashiro could only eat potato chips as snacks.

"How about I take you shopping tomorrow if I have a chance?" Yuan Ye asked softly, wanting to make up for it.


Shiina Mashiro turned around and continued to sleep, seemingly vaguely agreeing.

"Idiot." Yuanye Yu smiled, said no more, turned around and went out quietly.

Go to bed, you will be busy tomorrow!

Let’s not talk about the ultimate boss battle with Yukino. There is also a [Jade General Battle] at noon, so it is necessary to keep up the energy.

next day!

Shangpu apartment building area, Tujian family.

It had been a whole day since Tsuchima Dahei saw his sister looking lost and stupid.

That was it yesterday.

It’s even scarier when you wake up in the morning!Mi Toma was actually sitting in front of the window, looking out the window like a real little hamster in a daze.

My mother!Why did the always lively and cute Xiaomi become like this?

Tsuchima Dahei asked yesterday and didn't find out anything. He originally gave up. But if Xiaomi is still like this today, then something is really wrong. "Xiao Mi! Xiao Mi!"

"Hey~!! Xiaomi, brother has to go to work. Also, I ordered a super delicious mackerel burger for you for breakfast."

Chapter 180 Tsuchima Mi: Hey?!

Hey hey!Still silent!

Even after hearing words like mackerel burger, there was still no action or other expression.

A lonely shadow on the cold river, an old friend in the rivers and lakes, why should we have known each other before?

The back of the orange dumpling looks sad and lonely.

What does it mean to have a heart filled with despair continues to be played out.

Tsuchima Dahei was really at a loss, so he could only walk over and squat down next to Tsuchima Mi, and asked: "Xiao Mi, what happened? Tell me, and my brother may be able to help." Tsuchima Mi was finally moved. , slowly turned his head over, but was startled by Dahei Tsuchima.

At this moment, Tujian Buried was crying profusely, his expression was so sad and pitiful.She whimpered and said, "Onii-chan, Xiaomi's moral integrity is gone."


Tsuchima Dahei was shocked. He was originally squatting, but fell backwards to the ground.

Soon, he grabbed the floor and knelt down again, asking anxiously: "Who? Who is it? Who is it?!"

"Nya, Nya Morisou..." Tsuchima pointed pitifully at the luxury apartment area opposite. "I'm going to find him!!"

Tsuchima Dahei was furious, even though he was a good-natured programmer who liked to work overtime.

However, my sister's moral integrity is gone.Can this be tolerated?It was as if the scales were being pulled out, and a crazy little universe erupted directly.Before going out, my parents always told me to take good care of my sister.

But now? Now...! !With a bang, the door was slammed shut!

Well!He ran away early and disappeared!

She didn't know whether a person could penetrate a 10m thick steel plate when angry.

But she knew that Tsuchima Dahei had never run so fast before. "It's broken, it's broken, it's broken!" Tsuchima also panicked.

My brother has always been steady, but today it seems that he is not so steady and doesn't know how to fight, right? "Baga, you shouldn't have talked nonsense just now, and Onii-chan is too ungrateful!"

Tsuchima was so anxious that he had to change his clothes as quickly as possible, and trotted out in his slippers.

Meowsen Village.

Yuan Ye Yu just watched Kong Yinzi leave.

After all, I still feel sorry for my junior sister.

It was like that yesterday, even her beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned when she was sleeping, and her whole body was curled up like a shrimp. This morning, Yuan Ye Yuu no longer continued to be gentle.

Na na, why rush!

I remember that the maid outfit that junior sister wore last time is still here.

Why are you anxious? I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Just another day.

A faint smile appeared on Yuan Ye Yu's lips, and he was about to turn around and go back... "Asshole!!"

"Give me death!!"

An extremely angry shout came from behind, and immediately after, Yuan Ye Yu noticed a fist wind.

The force is not strong, but it does seem to be aimed at him?

grass!No martial ethics, sneak attack from behind!

Yuan Ye's eyes darkened, regardless of Sanqi 21, [Martial Arts] top achievements are no joke, a backhand grab, plus a punch in the face and a kick in the body... "Pa!"

Well, Tsuchima Dahei, who was in extreme anger, did not break through the limits of human beings after all.

He was still kicked out by Yuan Ye Yu. "Onii-chan!"

In the distance, Tsuchima's frightened voice came.

In fact, there is no need to bury it in the earth.

Yuan Ye Yu was shocked even earlier!

The moment he caught the sneak attacker, a reminder appeared in his mind...

"Ding! It has been detected that the host is in contact with the main plot character of the manga world - Dojian Dahei."

"The character card [Tsuchima Dahei] has been collected!"


"Why is it him?"

"This guy actually has violent moments when he gets angry and hits people?!"

Yuan Ye was really dumbfounded. He slapped his forehead hard several times and quickly turned around to look.

Fortunately, I had saved some energy just now, so I can hit [-]% at most, but even if it is [-]%, Dahei Toma is an old programmer...

"Onii-chan, are you okay?"

Tsuchima was frightened. As soon as he turned the corner and ran over, he saw his extremely angry brother taking off.

Then it landed in an arc.

The posture is very handsome? Bah!It is clear that there is nothing but embarrassment!

She squatted in front of Tojian Dahei. Because the former didn't respond, she didn't dare to move casually. She could only clench her little hands in panic, almost shedding tears.


"Feel sorry."

"I didn't know it was you."

Yuan Ye Yu came over from behind and apologized depressedly.

Although he was only passively defensive, he had to guard against those sultry plots in urban novels. If they happened once, they would be really annoying for several days.

Fortunately, no.

Tsuchima looked back, her eyes still filled with tears, but she forced a smile and said:

"No, it's none of your business, Harano-senpai. It's all Onii-chan who was too reckless. He only listened to half of what others were saying and ran out in anger. Onii-chan and I should be the ones to apologize..."

Yuan Ye Yu blinked twice, squatted down and said, "Let me try?"

Tsuchima opened his eyes wide.

"Don't worry, I didn't use too much force just now. Your brother may have just fainted due to a sudden blow to his sexual area."

"If you want to make him wake up quickly, there are only two ways: pinch him or pour a bucket of cold on him."


As Harano Yuu spoke, he reached out and pinched Tsuchima Dahei.

In no time.

Suddenly, Tsuchima Dahei opened his eyes.

After fainting once, Doma Dahei regained his sanity and squeezed his eyes a few times.

Because his glasses were broken, he couldn't see Yu Yuan Ye clearly. He only knew that Yu Yuan Ye seemed to have saved him.

"A-Arigado." Dojian Dahei scratched his head and subconsciously thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

Yeah!This is his true character.

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