And he was indeed fine, he just fainted. Apart from that, his glasses were broken, and he had an extra panda eye by the way?

"Little buried?"

Tsuchima Dahei saw the vague Xiao Mi next to him again, and became angry again. He said angrily: "Xiao Mi, don't cry, brother will go find Meow now...!"

"Go find Meow?!" Yuan Ye Yu looked confused.

Tsuchima couldn't stop crying, but he was so embarrassed that he quickly covered Tsuchama Dahei's mouth and interrupted: "Onii-chan, Onii-chan, you misunderstood, I was just talking about the way I looked in a hamster cloak. You just saw it, stop talking nonsense."


"Ah, ah?!" Tsuchima Dahei immediately shut down.

"That's how it is. Who knew that Onii-chan, you would rush out suddenly and cause a lot of trouble to others..." Tsuchima muttered.


It's over! It's over!

This is awkward.

Tsuchima Dahei was silent for a long time, and then he stood up silently. First he awkwardly nodded and bowed to thank Harano Yu, and then walked back, muttering in a low voice:

"What should I do now? What should I do now? Just now I tried to attack someone from behind. It must be difficult to restore my image now, right?"


"That's it?"

Yuan Ye was extremely confused when watching it, always feeling that he had missed some important plot.

Tsuchima smiled coquettishly and said, "Onii-chan is probably too embarrassed to be ashamed of himself. I will definitely come back and apologize again later."

"There's no need to apologize or anything like that. I fought back, and I was wrong." Yuano Yuya felt embarrassed.

I took a card from someone, but ended up breaking my glasses and giving them panda eyes.

Tsuchima said sternly: "No! Harano-senpai, you are just passively counterattacking. Onii-chan has gone too far this time!"

"Let's not talk about this for now." Yuanye Yu waved his hand and asked, "So, what is the reason that made your brother suddenly become so reckless?"


Tsuchima was suddenly extremely embarrassed. He didn't know how to answer. He thought and thought and thought. He might as well...

With her little hands behind her back, she bent slightly, raised her delicate chin towards Yuanye You, blinked her innocent big eyes, and showed a pure and lovely smile:


Yuan Ye Yu: "???"

Chapter 181 Wait, I will find a boyfriend within three days! !

The neighbor's sister finally managed to get past the challenge with a cute trick, and then left.

Because, because...

The prescription of Tsuchima Dahei's glasses is a bit high.

I was walking awkwardly with my thoughts on my mind, and suddenly bumped into a stone pier.

Good guy, it’s even more embarrassing!Directly stage a large-scale human social death scene!

Tsuchima Dahei lamented in his heart: I'm afraid today must be his unlucky day, right?

Fortunately, Tsuchima ran over in time to help him show the way... I still have spare glasses at home, which is the luckiest thing.

Yuan Ye looked at the pair of siblings, shook his head slightly, and suddenly felt that something was not right.

I just took the card of Tsuchima Dahei, but what about the card that my sister Tsuchima buried?

A matter of shaking hands.

How come!Not taking action?

When I think about this, I can't help but think of the scene where Doma raised her smart white chin and said "Hey" in a cute way.

Oh my god, it’s so cute!

slip away.

Yuhara Yu first went to the Suicun Pastry House across the street to buy Baumkuchen, then went straight to the third floor after returning home.

We haven’t spoken to each other for several days, right? Even when she went home yesterday, Mashiro mostly just communicated with cats.

He only complained about "Baga".

Harano Yuu carried the Baumkuchen upstairs, opened the door, and saw Shiina Mashiro lying in a pile of clothes, curled up and sleeping as innocently as a cat.

"Mashiro, wake up."

Yuanye Yu yelled, then picked up the little white cat by its neck and threw it out.

Hey~!It’s true that you don’t have a wink!

Do you want to be a light bulb?




The little white cat was thrown outside, meowing frantically, and seemed very angry.

Yuan Ye didn't care about this guy, and was thinking about having this little white cat sterilized tomorrow.

Well, lest this guy reaches that stage and recruit a lot of little tom cats into the house... This idea is a little too much!

Still a person?

Harano Yu touched the tip of his nose, squatted in front of Shiina Mashiro, stretched out his hand to pinch his face, and called out: "Hey! Wake up, it's time to get up Mashiro." It worked this time.

Shiina Mashiro slowly opened her eyes, her big eyes were hazy, and she blinked several times before she could see clearly, in front of her was Harano Yu. "Yu."

Shiina Mashiro said subconsciously. "Would you like breakfast?"

"Baumaki, freshly baked."

Yuhara Yu picked up the Baumkuchen that he had prepared early in the morning.

Shiina Mashiro's eyes lit up, and she was obviously very moved, but soon she lowered her head again.

Yuan Ye Yu frowned.

What's going on?Why do you look like you're still angry with him?

isn't it?

It's been so long, really...

Yuan Ye pondered for a long time and couldn't figure it out, but when he saw that Shiina Mashiro's shirt buttons were all loose, none of them were buttoned.When I sat up, I inevitably spread out, and then...

(Damn! It smells like an extreme violation!) "Phew!"

Breathing lightly, Harano Yuu didn't go too far, but still held Shiina Mashiro's face and kissed him hard. "Then I'll go first, you can eat by yourself, byebye~"

Damn it, I didn’t have time to think about why Mashiro was angry. Because of his guilty conscience and fear of being looked at by the other party with such innocent and pure eyes, he ran away in the wilderness! "Yu."

Mashiro Shiina blinked a few more times, subconsciously touched her cheek, and looked at the Baumkuchen, wanting to eat it.

But before that, she picked up her phone and thought about it for a long time before opening it to send a message to editor Ayano.

[Shiina Mashiro (LINE)]: Just now, he, he, kissed.

[Editor Ayano (LINE)]: Huh?Eh, eh? Really?Really?Ahhhh!is that true?Oh my God!It finally works!Well done!

[Editor Ayano (LINE)]: Listen to me, you can continue to listen to me, but you have to continue to be like now, coldly ignoring him.The hard-to-get game is over, here’s what to do next!Hehe~

[Editor Ayano (LINE)]: You!You need to have more contact with him from time to time, such as shopping, eating, and then drinking the same drink or eating the same fried chicken burger or something. Hehe, this is called indirect... Ahem, well~ I’ve told you too much and you can’t I don’t understand. Anyway, this is the next step. Just remember it and come back to me next time you get kissed.

Shiina Mashiro frowned slightly, looking at these very difficult to understand words.

But anyway, she understood something.

Just drink the same drink as Yuu, and go shopping.

Shiina Mashiro thought for a moment, what else? ...Um, I can’t understand the others, eat eat eat!

She had wanted to eat it for a long time.

The Baumkuchen was so fragrant, Shiina Mashiro's eyes lit up as she picked it up and ate it.

However, as she was eating, when she thought of what happened just now, she couldn't help but froze slightly, pressed her chest gently, and murmured with no expression on her pretty face: "It was obviously done according to Ayano's method, but here just now It moved a bit, as if, as if..."

"Hey! Eri Kashiwagi, that's enough, Eri Kashiwagi, Eri Kashiwagi...Eiri!!!" Xinghai (Animation) Editorial Department 0..

When Iida Ayano was extremely angry, she finally angrily shouted out the real name of the blond girl lying on the sofa with her legs dangling from side to side!At this time, the girl with blond hair and twin tails finally turned around to look and muttered dissatisfied: "Ayano, what are you doing? Why did you suddenly call me by your real name?"

"What kind of trouble are you going to make?"

"What kind of child have you taught me to be now?"

Iida Ayano was really angry to say such a thing. She had always been very optimistic about Mashiro.However, Eiri used her phone, her name, and her name to provide alternative assistance to Mashiro once, twice, three or four times... She had a premonition that soon, very soon, her painter Mashiro would become a sq painter, outrageous?¨襥? ΤTi? Aren’t I teaching her to fall in love?”

"You teach?" Iida Ayano asked.

"Otherwise? She is just a blank piece of paper, but what about me? Hum!"

Ying Lili raised her head and wanted to proudly show off her brilliant achievements in the comic circle.Unexpectedly, Ayano Iida asked directly: "Have you ever been in love?" Oh! !

The smile on Ying Lili's face froze.

Iida Ayano held her shoulders, condescendingly, and continued to ask in a cold voice: "In other words, have you ever had a boy you liked?" Eiri's eyes darkened.

Iida Ayano calmly said the third sentence: "Ah~! It turns out that the famous Eri Kashiwagi is actually just a piece of blank paper. He writes the first pen at the beginning and the rest is all made up." Bang! !

Eiriri was so irritated that she jumped up, slammed the table hard, and glared at Ayano Iida angrily and said:

"I just don't bother to look for it, but that's what you said. Wait! In three days, I'll find it for you! A single old woman!!" After saying that, Yinglili broke her guard. left.

However, Ayano Iida, who originally had a triumphant smile on her face, her expression froze inexplicably, and she cursed secretly: "I am not an old woman that no one wants!"

Chapter 182 Another [Emperor] comes?

After Harano Yu came down from upstairs, he was ready to continue taking the remaining cakes for breakfast.

Although the taste is not bad.

But, there is something about a certain elementary school student who talks like farting...

Until he heard the clanking noise in the kitchen, his eyebrows raised at the corner of his eyes, yo ho?


Since Chuhe loves to make breakfast, he will definitely not eat cake again. No matter how delicious the latter is, there is still a gap between it and cooked food.

Yuan Ye walked to the door of the kitchen and took a look, and saw a small little crane, wearing a small sky blue apron, standing on a small bench and operating skillfully.

The small body and the huge kitchen knife form a strong contrast.

The huge slippers worn on her little feet were completely inconsistent with her body size, and they looked silly and cute.

However, Yuan Ye was not interested in this. He only glanced at it for a few times and then withdrew his gaze.

Compared to that, it’s Mrs. Ashina’s…eh?Pooh!Where did you want to go?This is not a question of comparison, but it is proved at once: He!Yuhara Yu is not a weird guy with xP!

02Look!Isn't it wrong that these little feet in front of you are not interesting at all?Ashina's jio was an accident, and so was Kongyin's, and... hmm? Fuck!Any more?

Yuanye suddenly wanted to break his defense, and stood in silence at the door of the kitchen, holding on to the wall, for a long time.


Hinaku Ai only saw Yuano Yu after finishing breakfast. Her eyes lit up and she immediately jumped down from the bench and said hello excitedly.

"Oh ha yo~!"

"Good morning, little love." Yuanye You nodded tiredly.

Chuhe Ai blinked, raised his cute little face with a little baby fat and asked: "Master, I feel that you look very tired. Do you want Ai to give you a shoulder squeeze?"

Yuan Ye Yu shook his head: "No need."

However, as Hinaku loved to say, he thought he could go to Wakura Hot Spring Village tonight.

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