Only Teppei Matsuuchi is missing! !


"Where's the business card? Didn't I remember that I put it in this pocket yesterday?"

Yuan Ye Yu frowned slightly.

Yukinoshita's mother suddenly understood and said with a wry smile: "It must have been picked up by Haruno. I saw it this morning."

"Yano?" Yuhara Yu immediately thought that it might have fallen into Yukinoshita's house last night.

"I'll call her now and ask her."

The solution to the family crisis was clear, Yukinoshita's mother said impatiently.

Yuan Ye Yu shrugged.

After Yukinoshita's mother called Haruno and explained the matter, she received a text message from Haruno on her phone not long after.


Yukinoshita's mother was relieved, breathed a sigh of relief, and with a rare smile on her face, she handed the phone to Harano Yu.

Harano Yu simply took Yukinoshita's mother's cell phone and made a call.

Because it was a private call, unless it was a very important or valued person, Matsuchi Teppei would not give it to anyone, so he answered the call quickly.

"Hello? Who are you?" came Teppei Matsuuchi's voice.

Yuano Yu smiled and said: "President Matsuchi, we just met yesterday, have you forgotten me today?"

"Oh! Is that you?"


"Haha! I am extremely honored! I never expected that the most dazzling genius in the chess world, Mr. Yuan Ye, would take the initiative to contact me."

"Ha ha!"

I can hear Teppei Matsuuchi's voice, I'm really happy!

Yukinoshita's mother couldn't help but smile bitterly when she heard the other party's completely different attitude when chatting with Harano Yu.

This is status!

So here we go again, although there was a bit of ridicule in what Yuano Yu said just now.

But why not?

If we really talk about social status, how can the Yukinoshita family be worthy of such a talented young man who is very likely to have a bright future in the shogi world?

Harano Yu and Matsuuchi Teppei exchanged polite words. The other party was also an old man, and he quickly said with a smile:

"Yuanye-kun, when you call this time, you must have something you want to tell me specifically. You might as well just say it."

"I admire and respect you very much. If there is anything I can do to help you, I will definitely help you. I just hope that when you invite Mr. Yuan Ye to chat, drink tea and play chess in the future, Mr. Yuan Ye will never refuse me. "

"Of course, it's absolutely fine." Yuhara Yu nodded and said with a smile, "In that case, I won't hide it from you. It's a matter for the Yukinoshita family."

"Under the snow?"

Matsuuchi Teppei was stunned and asked in surprise, "Is Harano-kun actually related to that family?"

"That's right." Yuhara Yu glanced at Yukinoshita's mother in front of her and nodded lightly.

Matsuuchi Teppei smiled bitterly: "This is really a big blow to the Dragon King Temple. One family no longer knows the other family. The original report my assistant gave me was that the Yukinoshita family has become extremely corrupt and has no value in saving and cooperating at all. , I was also planning to give up, but now it seems... I can’t do it anymore, haha!”

Yuan Ye smiled and said: "I don't know much about these, but in short, I hope President Matsuchi can give me some face."

"Of course! I will arrange someone today... No! I will go in person to talk to the Yukinoshita family about this cooperation, haha!"

Matsuuchi Teppei agreed wholeheartedly, paused for a moment, felt a little regretful, and sighed:

"It's a pity that I have a very important project to discuss today. Otherwise, I would have gone to watch Yuanye-kun's coronation of the title of Dragon King no matter what!"

Yuan Ye You Wan'er: "It's just a title of Dragon King. There will be more opportunities in the future..."

Matsuuchi Teppei heard the meaning of these words and said in surprise: "Yano-kun is indeed not a thing in the pond! Haha!"

"Okay, it's getting late. There will be a competition later. I'll leave it to Matsouchi, president, thank you." Yuano Yu said.

"Hey~! No trouble, no trouble, it's a piece of cake! Goodbye, bye!" Matsuuchi Teppei chuckled and hung up the phone.

Yukinoshita's mother had expected that if Harano Yu took action, this matter would become very simple.

But I never expected it to be so simple!

Teppei Matsuuchi gives face like this! !

"It seems that the influence of top shogi players in front of real bureaucrats and aristocratic conglomerates has been underestimated."

Yukinoshita's mother sighed helplessly in her heart.

"Mrs. Yukinoshita, this is done. You can go home and wait for the news."

Harano Yu returned the phone to Yukinoshita's mother.

"Harano-kun, actually, about Harano..." Yukinoshita's mother hesitated for a moment, finally exhaled, shook her head, and said nothing.

Her own daughter can see 4.3 very clearly.

She didn't know what was going on between Yukino and Yuanyo, but Yangno seemed to be really attracted to Yuanyo!

Yukinoshita Yono is a very outstanding girl in her own right, with top-notch conditions in all aspects. Now that she is single, she just has not been able to find a better boy.

The so-called excellence must be at least better than Yangno herself, right? ...Obviously, Yuan Ye has met the standard.

but!It's too late.

Although she wanted to give a subtle reminder, after thinking about it, it was really inappropriate, so she had no choice but to say thank you and leave.

Yuan Ye didn't think much, put his hands in his pockets, and continued walking forward calmly.

The third battle of the Dragon King.

There’s nothing wrong with it [Final Act]

coming! ! .

Chapter 306 The Dragon King’s Battle Ends! [Kong Yinzi: I want to slap you to death! 】

"The last one, the last one!"

"Oh my god! I'm so excited! Although I thought Yuanye-kun would be very strong, but if he is so strong...hiss!!"

"Sadao Kajun is powerless in his hands. The most exaggerated situation is the last game."

"Xiangguan fights with the two-sword style, a peerless counterattack! 30 moves to kill in an instant, so cool!"

"I didn't understand it at all at the time. I thought Mr. Yuanye was really going to lose, haha."

"Not only did you not understand, I heard that just last night, a research group was set up on the shogi forum, mainly to analyze the second game between Harano-kun and Yamatobaki-kun!"

"Hey~! By the way, do any of you still remember the conditions that Vice-President Saka Rizumi said at that time?"

"What are the conditions for Yuan Ye-kun to be promoted to A9?"

"Of course I will never forget that I defeated three A-level chess players in a row! I will be promoted to A9 by then. I still wanted to laugh at that time...fuck!!"

"You won't let him really fight, right?"

"Three consecutive jumps, directly crossing the chasm from borrowing no name to reach the top of A9?"

"This is a bit too scary..."

"If 12 is real! Such a genius will definitely leave his name in chess history!!!"


When Yuan Ye arrived, the viewing hall was already overcrowded.

More professional chess players came today, the number was even more exaggerated than yesterday. A group of people were in high spirits and discussing with great excitement.

There is only one focus of the topic, Yuan Ye Yu! !

"Mr. Yuanye."

Shan Daofe sat inside the house and waited as early as possible. When he saw Yuan Ye Yu arriving, he gave him a slight nod.

"You are so free and easy, you are obviously almost losing."

Yuan Ye Yu walked in with a smile.

Shan Daofejin smiled and said: "Since I challenge you, it means that I never thought about winning."

"You're still awesome."

Yuanye Yu shrugged and sat across from Shan Daofejin.

Shan Daofejin asked with burning eyes: "Yuan Yejun, can I see you again..."

"No, I refuse. It was because I was too busy yesterday. I am very busy today and need to resolve the battle as soon as possible. I'm sorry." Yuanye said.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Shan Daofejin's eyes, but he didn't force it. He smiled and said, "It's a pity, but if Mr. Yuanye wants to underestimate me, I'm afraid he is careless and won't let you win so easily."

"is it?"

Yuanye Yu raised the corner of his mouth.

Saka Rizumi, who had been waiting nearby, clicked his tongue and exclaimed: "Why do these two people suddenly start to have a strong sexual desire?"

He couldn't laugh or cry, coughed twice, stepped forward and announced: "Are you two ready?"

Yuanye Yu and Shan Daofejin all signaled.

Sakarizumi said immediately: "The third set of the Dragon King battle begins!!!"


Chess Club VIP entrance.

Kong Yinzi rushed over, he hadn't even found a place to put down the chess records in his hand, and he was walking very fast.

However, just as she walked into Qi Ying Club, at the corner in front, a figure suddenly paused, turned around, and stared at her with a half-smile.

Kong Yinzi was also startled.


"Who is this?"

"My defeated general? He finally dared to show his face?!"

The person in front covered his mouth with one hand, widened his eyes with an exaggerated expression, and suddenly began to mock.

Kong Yinzi also had to stop, frowned and said: "Sacrifice to the God of Thunder."

Apart from this guy, there is no one else with such a bad temperament, full of thorns!

"What are you doing here?" Kong Yinzi asked with a frown.

Sacrificial God Lei chuckled and said: "Ara~! I came here, of course, because I want to admire Lord Yuanye's invincible and brave figure on the chess field, Lord Yuanye's confident and charming smile when he plays chess, Lord Yuanye's crowning The nobility and distinction of the Dragon King title, and..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Kong Yinzi shouted coldly and stopped the god-sacrifice Lei's infatuated talk to himself. His eyes were cold and his face was cold. He clenched his fists, bit his teeth lightly, and said word by word:

"I have long disliked you. Since we happened to meet each other today, otherwise, we should end the last unfinished battle completely!"

"Hey~!" God Sacrifice Lei grinned, showing his sharp teeth, half-smiling, "Do you want to die?"

Kong Yinzi said with an indifferent expression on his face: "I hate you very much, in every aspect, personality, and person."

Sacrifice God Lei raised his eyebrows in a funny way, and said ferociously: "Aren't you the same as me? You like to drive people to death as much as I do? That guy Tsukiyami Saka?"


Kong Yinzi said indifferently.

God Sacrifice Lei just showed a hint of surprise.

Kong Yinzi added coldly: "I will use my superb chess skills to beat my opponent to the point of doubting his life, because this is the respect that the game should have. No matter who it is, you should go all out and leave no room for anything!"

Sacrifice God Lei: "Hey~!"

"But I won't attack my opponent off the chessboard like you. In that way, I really want to be slapped to death!"

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