When Kong Yinzi said this, his eyes were filled with fighting spirit and cold killing intent.

Sacrifice God Lei showed no guilt at all, smiled and nodded: "Slap me to death or something... Ala~! I'm really looking forward to it, Sora~! Silver~! Zi~!"



Shakyatang seminar.

Tsukiyomi Ban Ryo was sitting on the edge of the bed, taking care of Shikawa Tamayo who was lying on the bed in a daze, and reading the chess records.

Suddenly a sneeze.


The door was pushed open.

Shakudo Rina slipped in from outside.

The reason why I didn’t push it is because!Behind her wheelchair, a very familiar figure suddenly appeared!

Wearing a silver-white knight's uniform, with a big sword strapped to his waist... Who else could this guy be if he wasn't Ayumu Kaminabe?

"came back?!"

Tsukiye saw Ban Liao sniffing and opening her eyes slightly.

"Hey~! My poor believer, you suddenly sneezed just now, and this witch pinched your fingers and realized, oh! Someone must be scolding you behind your back!"

Shakudo Rina's exaggerated tone was even more advanced.

Immediately afterwards, Shenguo 853 Bu Meng covered his forehead with one hand and said incomparably:

"Master, since it is your loyal believer who has suffered from the Fei Ye, this is the duty of the silver paladin. Please be sure to send me to kill Zhu Xie!"

"Hey, God-Cauldron, you are too impatient! You haven't even listened carefully to the explanation of the Master's disciples, eh?" Rina Sakyamuni complained.

"Sorry Master."

Ayumi Kaminabe performed the knighthood ceremony.

Shakado Rina continued to look at Tsukiye Miban Liao with a smile, the pointed witch hat on her head twitching.

On a moonlit night, Ban Liao was speechless and died.

But I have to say.

This Taima seems to be the Sakyamuni Rina she really knows!

He rolled his eyes, turned around, and prepared to ignore these two guys and continue reading the chess records calmly.

"My loyal believer, the magical book of future magic has guided me. It says that another battle has finally broken out on the periphery of the war of supreme evil, and it needs your and my attention." Rina Shakato said in a godly tone. said.

Yue Ye saw Ban Liao without even bothering to pick it out, and said: "Human words."

Sakyamuni Rina curled her lips and groaned dissatisfied: "Besides the Dragon King battle, Kong Yinzi and Sacrifice God Lei met again."


At this time, Tsukiye Jianban suddenly stood up from his seat.

Not only her.

Shikawa Tamayo, who had been lying in bed for the past two days with his eyes open and staring at the ceiling, suddenly sat up from the bed! .

Chapter 307: A higher evaluation than Zhen Gu Shuo Jin!

Dragon King battle scene!

Front plate suppression!

Mid game suppression!

In less than 40 minutes, the whole situation was forced into the end of the game, as if a decisive victory was being rehearsed!

Everyone was deeply surprised by the terrifying suppressive power displayed by his superb chess skills.


"so horrible!"

"The same Zhenfei Chao came at a faster pace than in the first set, making people even more caught off guard and desperate."

"There is no solution! There is simply no solution to the game. If I were to take on the role of Yamatobashi-kun, I'm afraid it wouldn't just be a matter of running around."

"There is also a complete panic and an explosive mentality. I am so suppressed that I can't breathe and even go crazy!"

"Oh my god! Why is he so strong?"

"Sandao Ka-jun is not weak! Although he is an eighth-dan, he is also A-level, and he is not an ordinary cat or dog!"

"Isn't Harano-kun really going to show his face and act like a child to kill on the chessboard?"

"So it's the same Zhenfei chariot battle method. Can Sir Ishimitsu do this?"


There were countless discussions.

Chess players are talking about it, and so are chess fans.

And what about the A-level chess players?

Also discussing!

Mitsuru Ishiki was directly stared at by Yu Guitouyao, Jiu Taijue and Zao Tatsuo, and his scalp went numb. He had no choice but to reveal:

"It can't be done, it can't be done."

"With my ability, I can completely suppress Shan Dao's attack, and I can also use a continuous rhythm to make him despair, but..."

"A matter of time."

Mitsuru Iki hit the nail on the head and touched on a crucial point.


He can defeat the mountain swordsman with full confidence, but he will never be as fast and stable as Yuhara Yuu.

"Let's put it that way."

Ishimitsu stood on the third floor, holding on to the railing, looking down calmly, and said: "The middle set ended in the 40th minute~"

"If we look at it solely from the perspective of the familiarity and strength of Zhenfei Chao's combat method."

"Next, if Mr. Yuanye can finish the mountain sword attack within half an hour, it can be said to be brilliant!"

"If you can finish the mountain sword attack within 20 minutes, and the total time is controlled within one hour, you will be unparalleled in the world!"

"And if Mr. Yuanye can finish the battle within 10 minutes and the total duration within 50 minutes..."

After a pause, Sheng Shichong narrowed his eyes and spat out four words: "Shock the past and brighten the present!"

With his identity and vision as the leader of the Kanto Chessmen and the undoubted leader of the Zhenfei Che Party, he gave such an evaluation.

Jiu Daijue and Zao Tatsuo were all shocked.

Shock the past and shine the present!

What a terrible review.

In other words, he is definitely at the forefront of the history of Zhenfei!Even thinking about it again, isn't it just saying that he is the best in history?

"What if the end of the session ends within 5 minutes?"

A somewhat thick and sturdy voice sounded.

Sheng Shichong and Jiudaijue looked over in surprise.

It turned out to be a famous antique in A9.

Kuruno Yoshitsune.

Ishimitsu smiled and said: "I don't think this is possible at all. The mountain sword attack at the end is not weak, but Yuan Yejun is fully sure..."

"It's not impossible. Even though I've read all the Neon chess records and chess history, I've never dared to make any rash assertions, especially that young boy named Yuan Ye."

"He's surprised me so much since he showed up."

Kuruno Yoshitsune squinted, looked at the chess game in front of him, and smiled: "I always feel that he will do something unexpected."

Shengshi smiled and said: "Since the seniors have said so, I will boldly give an evaluation."


"Any comments?"

"Speak quickly!"

Yu Guitouyao and the others asked expectantly.

Mitsuru Ishiki shrugged his shoulders and said in a joking tone: "Unprecedented, invincible in history! Even if I pursue him for hundreds of years, I'm afraid I won't meet an opponent who can truly defeat him."

"Pfft!" Zao Tatsuo burst out laughing and cursed angrily, "Did you do this on purpose?"

"It's just intentional."

Mitsuru Ishiki nodded dumbfounded, looked at Kuruno Yoshitsune and said, "You have to cater to your seniors, although I think this is nonsense."

Kuruno Yoshitsune was speechless. Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Look! It's appeared."

A strange thing appears! !

Sheng Shichong and others looked at it one after another.

Suddenly, open your eyes!

"Is he going to play that trick again?"

"Do you win by drawing a Sennhinute foul?"

"But this time, no matter how I look at it, I can't figure out what kind of winning method is behind..."

"What if I force Shan Dao to take the first step? Why can't I see it?"

The confusion from a group of A9 chess players...


on the chessboard.

Even though Shan Daofe told the truth, he also raised his vigilance to the highest level.

He didn't forget that Yuu Harano used a move called Sennikato to foul Mitsuru Iki and change his hand first.

But looking at it now, I can't even think of what will happen if I change my mind and go first...

I can only continue to enter the rhythm of Yuan Ye Yu.

".?King Hand!"

"King's hand!"*2

"King's hand!"*3

Referee Saka Rizumito came forward to announce the change of hand.

The mountain knife was used to take the next step first, and when walking, it was extremely cautious.

But the next moment, nothing happened.

If you have to say it, yes!

1 minutes later!

Yuhara Yu hit the Thousand Days Hand again.

Three steps to change your mind!

The mountain knife slashed his brows to death.

The chess players watching the game outside also frowned, and even the A9 chess players upstairs didn't understand it at all.

What are you doing?

Changing hands in two rounds is equivalent to letting the mountain sword kill all the pieces in both hands, and also getting the name of a foul in vain.

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