If it happens again...oh, two more times, resulting in four Senhinishou violations, he will be directly punished.


"Could it be that Mr. Yuanye deliberately wanted to show off?"

"Well~! After all, it's a Dragon King battle, and it would be boring to end so soon, so Yuan Ye-kun played two groups of Thousand Days Hands to create the show effect, haha!"

"Anyway, I definitely won't continue Thousand Days Hand next time..."


King's hand! ! !

In the next minute, five moves apart, Yuhara Yu hit the Thousand Days Move again.

Everyone who was talking and laughing was immediately confused.

Ah? ..

What? ? !

Only, this time.

It is different from the confusion and doubts of chess fans and other chess players.

On the third floor, several A9 chess players suddenly opened their eyes wide and stared at the chess game.


Is he actually waiting here? !Jay.

Chapter 308 The Dragon King is crowned! ! ! 【Win me?You can be in the top three! 】

Forced to change hands three times in a row!

When the mountain sword was forced to take the lead for the third time, I looked around and it was like this! ! !

"There is no place to get off."

Shan Daofejin suddenly smiled bitterly and asked helplessly, "Is your decisive blow waiting here?"

"But it doesn't seem necessary. I can't defeat you no matter what if I play slowly and slowly, and then I am forced into the late game after a decline in the middle game."

"Why resort to foul play?"

Yuan Ye Yu shrugged his shoulders, fell behind, and said lightly: "As I said before, I'm a little pressed for time, I'm in a hurry, sorry, Wang Shou!"

"I lost."

Shan Dao Cut didn't even look at it.

Since it was Yuan Ye Yu's fourth victory, there was no other possibility but to fight. He simply stood up and bowed to Yuan Ye Yu.

This Dragon King battle only lasts 45 minutes!

Even among all the Dragon King battles over the years, the record is set directly in the shortest time!

Think about it, what kind of players can compete in the Dragon King battle?

There is no doubt that he must be the pinnacle in the chess world.

Once such beings meet, it will be a war of the century. How can it end without two or three anxious hours?

But in today's Dragon King battle, Yuan Ye showed everyone what it means to crush!

Crush in the Dragon King battle! !

"I go!"

"Did you actually force 857 to change hands three times in a row to quickly end the game?"

"I'm stupid, why can he be so showy? Ordinary people playing chess obviously try their best to avoid the appearance of Qianni Move, but Mr. Yuan Ye directly forced the opponent to change his moves three times in a row, and instead let the opponent fall into his own dead end. among!"

"It's too strong! It's terrible! The total duration of the game was only less than 45 minutes... Gudu!"

"We can't stop it. We can't stop it. The rise of Yuanye-kun will definitely be unstoppable. This is a new star, no! It's a supernova!!"

"The Dragon King is crowned!!!"

"Sandao Kajun was defeated so neatly. This is already the second A-level chess player. What about the third one??"


the third? ?

There is no need to discuss too much about who the third person is. I have already stood up.

Came down from the third floor!

Almost at the same time that Yuhara Yuan ended this round of chess, a guy who was familiar to everyone in the chess world was already standing at the door.


After the game ended, Yuano Yu turned his head and looked over as if he was aware of it.

A smile appeared on Yu Guitouyao's face.

"Congratulations to Mr. Yuanye for successfully winning the title of Dragon King after succeeding to the title of General Yu. It is no small matter for a rising star."

Yuan Ye Yu also had a smile on his face. He looked at Yu Guitouyao standing at the door and said, "Senior seems to have come not only to congratulate me."

"I can't hide it from you."

Yu Guitouyao said frankly, "This year's [Throne Battle], the A9 chess players have an internal meeting to decide, I will fight! The first choice of the person facing me is undoubtedly the new Dragon King!"

As he said that, Yu Guitouyao gradually narrowed his eyes, stared at Yuan Ye Yu and said, "I wonder what Yuan Ye Yu wants?"


When Yu Guitou Yao said these words, the whole audience was once again in an uproar and shock!

"War for the throne??"

"Is this year's Imperial Throne Defender actually A-level Lord Yu Guitou?"

"Let me choke you! The third person appears now? Do you dare to pick it up, Mr. Yuanye? Do you dare to pick it up?"

"Yuanye-kun, charge the duck! What the hell! Jump three times in a row and get me to A9!"

"Stop talking sarcastically, Master Yu Guitou is a very important person! Even among A9 chess players, he is a very senior guy!"

"[Absolute Control] A9 Yu Guitou Yao! He has an advantage whether it's against Yuan Ye Yu's violent phase or the ultimate Zhen Fei Chao!"

"Then Yuanye-kun..."


Putting aside the noise of discussion around him, the smile on Yuano Yu's face did not diminish, and he even nodded without any hesitation:

"Okay, I'm just worried about which one of you A9 should I pick for the next game. I won't look down on anyone without a title, and I won't look at anyone with a bad title. You're here just in time. I'm the emperor, but I'm disrespectful."

Good guy!

Arrogant!As arrogant as ever!

It really hasn’t changed at all from the time when I fought against Ikimitsu!

Many people smacked their lips.

Yu Guitouyao did not show the slightest annoyance at being offended. On the contrary, the smile on his face became stronger. He nodded to Yuanye Yu and said something meaningful:

"If you can beat me, you should be ranked among the top three in the neon chess world, but if you want to beat me?... But it's not that simple!"

After that, Yu Guitou Yao left with a smile.

The surroundings inevitably aroused discussion again.

You can beat me in Neon Chess. What does it mean that you can be ranked in the top three? ...of course it is definitely not Yu Guitou's boast, describing his chess skills as being in the top three.

In the final analysis, Harano Yuu combines all aspects of his attributes and combat power. As an offensive chess player, Harano Yuu's strength has been fully demonstrated.

So, with such a powerful offensive ability, if you can still break Yu Guitou Yao's absolute defense...

Ouch~! !

This power is unquestionable.

Everyone wants to understand this and seems to almost understand what Yu Guitou Yao means.

However, everyone knows that the top three Neon rankings are Chairman Gekko, celebrity Hanyu and Kuruno Yoshitsune.

Top three!It means kicking out one of them and joining in... The top two positions cannot be shaken by Yu Guitou Yao.

Kuruno Yoshitsune..

This is an old scholar!

Although he is the oldest player in A9, he is also the one who has read the most chess records. Because of this, he is really strong among hundreds of players!

But Yu Guitou Yao said with such certainty that if he wins, he will be among the top three and kick out Kuruno Yoshitsune...

As everyone discussed, their eyes became brighter and brighter.

Yu Guitouyao vs. Yuanye Yuqi was even a little impatient to watch the next battle for the throne.

Of course, before that... Sakarizumi finally found a chance to speak, walked forward with a smile, and said:

"In the third round of the Dragon King battle, Yuanye-kun wins!"

"3:0, I announce that from today onwards, Mr. Yuanye will be officially crowned with the title of Dragon King! The new king will take over!!"

Aww~! ! !

Some words are fine if left unsaid, but once they are said, they are destined to shock the whole audience... For example, at this moment, the new king is crowned! !

No matter whether inside or outside the Qiying Club, everyone had no time to discuss anything else. They all celebrated the coronation of the new king as if they were on a high.

The new Dragon King!A new king is crowned!This is the ultimate event! !


The Shinomiya family in Adachi-ku.

In Sigong Yan'an's study, he sat indifferently behind his desk, quietly watching the celebration of the grand event on the TV.

Opposite him, on the sofa, Matsuuchi Teppei was also watching the celebration on the TV with a huge smile on his face.

Watching the TV, he couldn't help but think over and over with excitement: "When I was on the phone with Mr. Yuanye just now, there shouldn't be any mistakes in my words, right? There shouldn't be anything? There should be..."

"Chairman Matsuchi."

With a snap, the mobile phone that was spinning in Shinigong Yanan's hand was suddenly placed on the table, making a crisp sound.

Matsuuchi Teppei quickly came to his senses and looked at Shinomiya Yanan with a smile: "President Shinomiya, please speak."

"Let's do this. I'll make a concession. I'll open 28. I only want 2. Everything else remains the same. However, the matter that Yuan Ye-kun asked you to help me will be traded to our Shinomiya family."

Sigong Yanan said calmly.


Matsunai Zhe suddenly stood up from the sofa and looked at Shinomiya Yanan in surprise.

A big business worth tens of billions, and this is what his Sigong Yan'an is doing? ….

Chapter 310 I just want to find a son-in-law


Shinomiya Yanan held his chin in his hands and stared at Matsuuchi Teppei with a very oppressive look and asked.

Matsuuchi Teppei pursed his lips slightly and squinted his eyes: "Is Chairman Shinomiya serious?"

"of course."

Sigong Yan'an smiled and said calmly, "Just think of selling our Sigong family to save face. I want to find a son-in-law for my daughter."

Looking for a son-in-law!

Matsuuchi Teppei weighed it again and again in his mind.

He and Sigong Yanan are both businessmen, whether they sell face or not... In short, they must not let themselves suffer in terms of interests.

"Once this business is completed, it will be a great improvement and help to the Songuchi family. Compared with it, Yuano-kun's favor..."

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