Therefore, one favor allowed him to exchange tens of billions from the Shinomiya family's business, which was almost a profit without losing money.

But now it seems...

What a loss! !

Matsunai Teppei gritted his teeth and glanced in the direction of Shinomiya Yanan.

Shinomiya Yanan smiled and nodded at him, as if to express his gratitude.

Matsuuchi Teppei's face suddenly turned dark.

However, facing the powerful Shinomiya family... I dare to be angry but dare not speak out!What can be done?


Among the A9 chess players, Yu Guitouyao was dubbed the "Absolute Controller".

Needless to say.

All aspects are telling others that Yu Guitou Yao's defense in shogi is probably unsolvable!

After the real game, Harano Yuya personally experienced what "absolute control" is.

The front layout is really not offensive at all.

The first game ends and enters the middle game.

The big picture unfolded.

Haojia『"'',?;,[-] set up the formation.

The cave bear siege, the Yagura siege, the Mino siege, the Yanki siege, and the Funagi siege are all different methods of circling the jade.

Ordinary chess players are almost only good at one kind. If they insist on two seems they can't be connected?

But in the hands of Gui Tou Yao, these methods of enclosing jade seemed to suddenly become vivid.

Without anyone noticing, the formation will change, and it will evolve into another way of encircling jade without anyone noticing.

It gives people a numbing feeling of déjà vu!

Because of this, absolutely! ...The last second your eyes lit up and you were slightly surprised!I finally found your loophole.

next second.

damn it!He changed formations!The loophole is gone!

Reorganize your attack!

As a result, they reorganized their layout once again, and when they were surprised to find the opponent's defense loopholes, they attacked happily again, but...the opponent changed their formation again.

So it goes, a crazy cycle.

Yuanye Yu also encountered a wall in Guitou Yao's hands three times. He raised his eyebrows and finally understood this guy's chess strategy.

"Senior Yu Guitou is indeed very tough."

Yuan Ye gave such an evaluation.

"Haha~ Is that all? Boy, don't underestimate the enemy! I'm not that easy to defeat!" Yu Guitouyao replied with a smile.

Yuanye Yu responded calmly: "But my three consecutive jumps are the springboard for promotion. Today, I should not be inappropriate for Senior Guitou, no matter how solid you are."

"It's a good thing to be confident, but you have to be careful. It turns into arrogance. I often did this when I was your age, and what I encountered later was a severe beating." Yu Guitouyao smiled lightly.

Yuan Ye did not answer this time, but was paying attention to the chess game.

[Unparalleled] level shogi skills, his proficiency in this field has reached its peak!

If you really calm down and take it seriously, it won’t work for anyone.

Otherwise, how can it be called unparalleled in the world?

Unparalleled, that is, invincible!

It's just that Yu Guitou Yao is good at surrounding himself into an iron bastard, so it's a bit difficult to attack.

But, it's just a little bit.

"One change of formation leaves a paving point. With three more changes of formation, he can completely use these to open up the gap, leaving him no time and opportunity to make up for it. Then he can break through it and win it in one fell swoop."

Yuan Ye thought to himself, and once again changed his formation to organize the attack.

The speed of the moves in your hand seems to have obviously accelerated?

The smile on Yu Guitouyao's face became stronger and stronger.

Iron-headed boy?

He loves playing against such chess masters the most!

Just, very interesting.

You can completely manipulate the other party into applause, not to mention how exciting and happy you are!


In the lobby of Qiying Club.

At this moment, the battle for the throne has attracted countless professional chess players, Duan!

Without exception, they are all paying attention to the current game at this moment.

Seeing Yu Yuano constantly organizing attacks and failing, he immediately made a comeback and attacked again. If he failed again, then he would attack again...

Many high-level chess players shook their heads.

"I once watched Mr. Yu Guitou's game. In his hands, almost all his opponents died like Mr. Yuan Ye."

"You can't do this, Iron-headed boy, Yuanye-kun! You have to think of another way. Master Yu Guitou can't win by attacking alone!"

"Yuanye-kun, in this game, you are too young. Don't show your inexperience too clearly."

"With three consecutive jumps, is there really no hope? I also want to see the youngest A9 chess player in the history of chess. Damn it!!"

"A hard-won opportunity, Mr. Yuanye..."


The third floor of Qiying Club.

Zao Tatsuo shook his head slightly and sighed: "This kid is too young. How does he think I lost to that old guy Yu Guitou? Haven't I always been too obsessed with attacking?"

"Will you lose? Hasn't this game only been played for half an hour?" Fujiwara Yuma asked curiously.

Ishimitsu smiled and explained: "Although it has only been down for half an hour, Yuan Yejun's whole idea is already very clear. If we continue with this idea, not only will it not pose any threat to Guitou Yao, but it will also It makes him excited, and the lower he goes, the happier he gets!”

"Celebrity, what do you think? Last time you were very optimistic about Yuan Ye Yu. Today, I'm afraid he really has to make a mistake at the hands of Yu Guitou!" Jiu Dai looked outside at the celebrity.

The eyes of other people also looked subconsciously.

Everyone thought that the famous Hanyu would definitely show some disappointment and helplessness at this time, but not only did he not, he even acted uncharacteristically!

Laugh out loud!

"Heh, heh~"

Jiu Daijue: "?"

Ishimitsu: "??"

Zao Tatsuo: "???"

WTF? ? ! .

Chapter 325: Yu Guitou Yao surrendered in the first game

On the third floor, Mitsuru Iishi and Tatsuo Zao looked at the celebrity Hanyu with horrified expressions.

This guy, who had always kept his temper to himself, was actually smiling very happily at this moment, and even clapped lightly.

Except for Moonlight Saint, the other A9 chess players looked puzzled, let alone Shinomiya Yan'an and Fujiwara Yuma.

They looked at each other, confused.


Until Moonlight Holy World said something like this, which was even more inexplicable.

Celebrity Hanyu's smile faded, he squinted his eyes and stared at the chessboard carefully.

Zao Tatsuo and others also looked at it again.

scare! !

I thought that they had completely seen through Yuano Yu's chess strategy, and that he would definitely fall into the rhythm of Ghost~Tou Yao in the next crazy attack.

Clinker, I was just surprised for a while by the strange expression of the celebrity Hanyu. At most, a few minutes passed, but 6-7 hands interacted...

and many more!

67 hands? !

In just 5 minutes, the two of them had interacted 67 times?

But, all in all, these are not the point.

The point is.

Yuhara Yu organized the sixth attack.

This time, it was Yu Guitou Yao's turn to stop. He thought about it again and again, but unexpectedly, he still didn't make a move.

right!This is what surprised them!

The first 67 moves took only 5 minutes.

Now, Yu Guitou Yao has spent more than 2 minutes just thinking about it.

"Obviously there is an angle around Yu, what is Yu Guitou waiting for?"

"No, the angle in our eyes is exactly in the eyes of this guy Guitou. It may not be an angle, it may even be a trap!"

"Having played so many games with this guy Yu Guitou Yao, based on my understanding of him... it can't be that way??"

"The Absolute Control has been broken! The method of surrounding jade can no longer be switched seamlessly. Even if it can still be made up for now, it is nothing more than making up for it at best!"

Zao Tatsuo, Isaishi Mitsuru, Shinokawa Taishi and Hato Taikaku looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes!

The famous Hanyu tilted his head and glanced at Moonlight Holy World.

Moonlight Holy World could not see anything, but as if he was feeling something, he turned his head in the direction of the celebrity.

"Haha~" Celebrity Hanyu chuckled and murmured softly, "I'm really looking forward to the day when I can fight against this guy."

"Invincible." Yueguang Shengshi was thinking about these two words in his heart.

Will it remain undefeated?

he!Moonlight Holy World, the owner of the title of "Eternal Celebrity"! !


The first scene of the game.

Yu Guitouyao didn't just think about it for a simple 2 minutes. He stopped for 5 minutes and racked his brains. Finally, he looked dejected.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is obviously just the middle game, and it must be a long time before the end of the chess game.

Yu Guitou Yao didn't hesitate at all.

He threw the chess piece in his hand into the chess box, smiled simply, and said, "It's really no small matter. I fell into your trap unintentionally. I lost."

"Senior Yu Guitou is so complimentary."

Yuan Ye Yu smiled, stood up and bowed.

Yu Guitou Yao also stood up and returned the gift.

【really! ! 】

In the eyes of the A9 chess players on the third floor, this kind of action can only mean: they guessed it right!

But the A9 chess players only dare to think this way, while other low-level chess players in the lobby of Qiying Club and even the fanatical chess fans outside Qiying Club don't understand.

"Why did you throw in the towel in the middle of the game?"

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