"What is Lord Yu Guitou doing? Even I am an amateur chess player. I can see it and I can continue playing!"

"Can't you stop it? It's impossible! It's obviously a very simple way to surround the jade, but you can continue it!"

"Master Yu Guitou is not deliberately being humble, is he?"

"Treasure talent?"

There was a lot of discussion outside.

Yu Guitou Yao had nothing to hide and said with a smile: "There is no point in resisting stubbornly. Even if we continue, it will only be a hundred moves at most, and those who deserve to lose will still lose."

These words were both an expression of emotion and a passing explanation to others.

After saying that, Yu Guitou Yao added: "Besides, if we can end this game early, maybe our second game can be played earlier, how about it starts in the afternoon? I can't wait for revenge."

Harano Yuu thought for a moment, and if it was in the afternoon, it would be just in time for the sports festival to end, and it was just the closing ceremony. It didn't matter whether he went or not, so he nodded and agreed with a smile.

"of course can."

The first game of the throne war ended unexpectedly amid the incomprehension of everyone.

After the game, it was inevitable that there would be various discussions on various major platforms, and the atmosphere was very heated for a while.


"Senior Brother Yu."

After Yuan Ye Yu came out, Kong Yinzi immediately came over to say hello.

"Well done. I really let two chase three and let you make a comeback against Sacrifice God Lei. My money is really good."

Yuan Ye Yu smiled and touched Kong Ginzi's silver hair.

A slight blush appeared on Kong Yinzi's cold and pretty face, she tilted her head slightly and said, "It's a normal thing."

Even arrogant!

Yuanye Yu couldn't help but smile.

"Senior Brother Yu!"

Nine-headed Dragon Bayi also came and said excitedly: "It's so exciting, Senior Brother Yu! Five attacks directly destroyed Yu Guitou Yao's absolute control! This is too exciting!"

Yuan Ye was not surprised.

Although this dull-witted junior brother is not very smart, his talent in shogi is really impressive.

It can be seen that the reason for Yu Guitou Yao's defeat is actually normal.

........ ......

"Let's go, it's noon, let's go have a meal and take a nap. Since Yinzi has obtained the title of female emperor, I must follow closely and finally win him 3:0."

Yuanye Yu said with a smile.

Kuzuryuu Bayi's eyes were filled with admiration.

What you say is so domineering!

The opponent is the top A9 chess player, Yu Guitou Yao!

As expected of Senior Brother You.

Kong Yinzi's eyes also showed a bit of anticipation, and the corners of his fair lips raised slightly, and he nodded in agreement: "Okay!"


"Mother, let's go have lunch. There are so many people in Qiying Club now. It may not be easy to find Mr. Yuan Ye immediately."

In the lobby of the Chess Club, after watching the first game, Yukinoshita Harano turned to her mother and said.

Yukinoshita's mother nodded slightly and said helplessly: "This is the best we can do."

The two of them came here not just to watch the throne battle.

The family's survival is at stake, so how can there be time to watch the game... Although this problem has now been resolved.

but!Something went wrong again along the way!

The originally promised Matsunai Consortium suddenly withdrew, and was replaced by the even more terrifying and exaggerated Shinomiya Consortium!

Of course they were overjoyed when the Sigong Consortium took the initiative to join.

But while I was ecstatic, I was also a little scared.

I didn't have a good sleep for two full nights, so I had no choice but to come to Qiying Club and prepare to ask Yuan Ye in person.

Otherwise, I will really have trouble sleeping and eating.

After all, it is the famous Sigong Consortium! !begging.

Chapter 326 Harano’s true character appears

"Senior Brother Yu, this seems to taste good."

In a unique small private room in the Noda restaurant of Qiyingshe, Kong Yinzi mixed a piece of sour beans from his own bowl and gave it to Yuan Ye Yu.

Yuan Ye was slightly moved, and smiled and said, "I'm not a child. I have hands and feet and I can pinch them myself."

Kong Yinzi forced a smile at him.

reluctantly? !

Yuanye Yuan's heart suddenly picked up sour beans and tasted them... In an instant, a sour smell hit his nose, almost knocking out all his seven souls.


Yuan Ye squirted out in one gulp.

"Ahem!" Kong Yinzi coughed twice and quickly looked away and pretended to be innocent.

Kuzuryuu Bayi said depressedly: "Senior Brother Yu, you sprayed it all on me, even though I just changed my clothes today."

"Sorry, sorry, go and wash it quickly." Yuano Yu said embarrassedly.

"Okay, don't leave without waiting for me." Kuzuryuo Baichi reminded him again and again, for fear that he would be abandoned.

"how come?"

Yuan Ye gave him a roll of his eyes, then turned around with a straight face and looked at someone who was suppressing a smile: "Silver!"

Kuzuryuu Bayi immediately accelerated his pace to leave.


Although I kind of want to see the scene of Senior Brother Yu’s domestic violence against Senior Sister Ginko!However, he firmly believes that if he sees even a little bit today, he may not have a tomorrow!

Click! !

He hurried out the door.


Kong Yinzi suddenly stood up and moved away from Yuanye Yu. His back hit the corner, and he folded his arms to prove his innocence:

"I just saw this thing was weird. I didn't know it was so unpalatable at first!"

Yuan Ye Yu asked with a half-smile but not a smile: "It's weird, so why don't you give it to senior brother?"


Kong Yinzi's blue eyes blinked, but when he thought of Yuan Ye Yu's squirting just now, he couldn't help but burst out in joy.

She can't stand it anymore!

Yuano Yuu had a huge head, looked at the girl with a beautiful smile, let out a breath, rolled his eyes and said: "Forget it, come over quickly and continue eating."

"I'm stuffed."

The empty silver remains in place.

"I won't beat you. Who do you think I am? Do you have violent tendencies?"

Yuan Ye Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Kong Yinzi thought about it and sat back down again.

After a while, he stood up again, sat in Yuan Ye Yu's arms, put his arms around his neck and said, "Senior Brother Yu, do you want me to pick up some food for you? Just take it as an apology."

This is good!

Yuanye Yu was naturally rude, and immediately pointed with his fingers, while Kong Yinzi picked up the dishes and delivered them to Yuanye Yu's mouth one by one like a little maid.

The atmosphere is very unpleasant.

However, not long after, Yuan Ye took a breath of cold air and chased people away: "Go back to your seat, let's go."

Kong Yinzi's lips were the same, and his blue eyes had a mischievous color, and he asked with a smile: "Senior Brother You is..."

"Shut up!"

"Have a meal!"

Yuan Ye Youlao blushed and stuffed a chicken drumstick directly into Kong Yinzi's mouth, preventing her from saying anything.

Kong Yinzi groaned. Although he was full, it didn't matter if he had one more chicken drumstick. So while eating, he looked at Yuanye Yu with his eyes wide.

Yuan Ye Yu's scalp immediately went numb.

"You wait!"

He glared at Kong Yinzi.

Kong Yinzi was about to answer...dong dong dong!

There was a knock on the door of the box.

Yuan Ye Yu and Kong Yinzi raised their heads in confusion at the same time.

If it was Kuzuryu Yaichi, he shouldn't be knocking on the door, right?

So, would it be? ? !

"I'll open the door."

Kong Yinzi wrinkled his beautiful eyebrows and looked unkind.

It's so annoying to disturb her and Senior Brother Yu's happy time of eating alone. It should be Nishiuchi! !

Harano Yu picked up the miso soup and took a sip.

The door creaked open.


The miso soup almost gushed out.

The beautiful sister Sahma looked very dashing in a gray simple ladies' suit, black stockings, high heels, and short hair.

Yukinoshita Harano? !

No matter what the reason for the sudden appearance of the other party was, Harano Yu immediately winked at Yukinoshita Harano.

Yukinoshita Yono really didn't understand too much. He realized it in a second, with a smile on his face that seemed to understand, and he looked at Sora Ginko.

"who are you?"

Kong Yinzi frowned and asked unhappily.

Yangno is undoubtedly very beautiful.

At this time, it would be difficult to come over to find Senior Brother You without making people suspicious!

Yukinoshita Harano's acting skills were perfect, and she nodded her head politely and said hello:

"Hello, I just saw the Nine-Headed Dragon King, so I specifically asked him about the location of Yuanye-kun."

"Hiss!!" Yuan Ye Yu's eyes twitched, this woman, did this on purpose?Cause trouble for him? ?

"Mainly because of the cooperation with the Shinomiya family and the Matsunai Consortium, there have been some problems... Well, I am the acting person in charge, and I have been helping Harano-kun sort out these problems these days."

"Right now, we are encountering some urgent matters that require Harano-kun to make decisions personally, or to have a phone call with the Shinomiya Consortium and the Matsunai Consortium..."

Yukinoshita Yangno followed closely and said with a gentle smile...

No matter the expression, eyes or tone, there is no problem at all!You can’t say it’s acting, it’s just like the real thing.

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