"Huh!" Yuan Ye Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This guy didn't troll him.


Otherwise, Yinzi's jealous temper is not something to be ignored.

Even a young crane love, a primary school student, can make her feel very unhappy and hug her waist for a long time.

As expected, Sora Ginko was not suspicious. At Harano Yu's stage, it was normal for him to come into contact with entities of the level of the Shinomiya Consortium.

However, he turned around and glared at Yuanye with a slight dissatisfaction.

Even if you manage finances and partnerships, why would you want to find such a beautiful woman?idiot!

Harano Yu smiled sheepishly at her, and after thinking for a moment, he realized that he still couldn't go out and talk to Yukinoshita Harano alone.

Empty silver will kill people! !

Just ask directly.

"What's the matter?" Harano Yu looked at Yukinoshita Harano.

Yukinoshita Harano smiled and glanced at Sora Ginko, and then looked at Harano Yu. She organized her thoughts very quickly and said in a simple way:

"Originally, the cooperation with the Matsuuchi Consortium was almost finalized, but just a few days ago, the Shinomiya Consortium suddenly intervened."

"The Matsunai Consortium has all withdrawn, and its cooperation partner has been changed to the even larger Shinomiya Consortium. Although I am ecstatic, I am also a little frightened. Did you do this, Mr. Harano?"

Yuanye Yuanyi understood what Yukinoshita Yangno meant and narrowed her eyes.

Partners, changed? !

Did the Matsunai Foundation withdraw and become the Shinnomiya Foundation?

4.3 "I understand. You go down first. Then I will call you on your company's platform to communicate with you."

Yuan Ye Yu said this.

Yukinoshita Yono nodded knowingly and left.

The phone number of the company platform?Pooh! ...Isn’t it because they didn’t dare to let the cold air queen next to them know that the two of them had actually added a private email address a long time ago!

"Senior Brother You, what kind of cooperation is this?"

After Yukinoshita Yono left, Sora Ginko asked.

"It's easy even if it's simple, and it's complicated even if it's complicated. Do you want to listen?"

Harano Yuu played with his phone while sending a message to Yangno, and asked with a smile.

Kong Yinzi immediately lost interest, shook his head and said, "I won't listen!"


Time passed quickly, and it was afternoon in the blink of an eye.

The throne battle in the second set also came as expected.

What's interesting is that before the game started, the A9 chess players sitting tall on the third floor actually walked down one after another! .

Chapter 327: The 49-minute "Absolute Control" that broke the chess world record

"Hey~! Master Ishiki!"

"Zaou Tatsuya is here!"

"There is also Mr. Jiu Taikaku!"

The A9 players appeared and surprised everyone one after another.

Even more amazing.

Except for Sheishi Mitsuru and several others, the two who followed calmly behind them were even more terrifying than the other.

Celebrities Hanyu and President Moonlight also came downstairs!

Next up are Fujiwara Yuuma, Shinomiya Yanasu and the others... A9s have all gone downstairs, and it's boring for them to stay upstairs. They can't understand.

"Yuanye-kun, I'm looking forward to your more powerful killing moves, but don't let that guy Yu Guitou have the opportunity to shoot again."

After Ishimitsu arrived, he teased with a smile.

At this time, Yuan Ye Yuzheng put one arm around Sora Ginko's small waist. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "Why do you think so highly of me, Senior Ishiki?"

"That's not true. It's okay if he doesn't think highly of you. After all, he was crushed by your boy in three rounds. If he doesn't think highly of you, doesn't it prove that he is the ultimate waste?"

Yu Guitouyao hugged his shoulders and interrupted dissatisfiedly.

Ishimitsu rolled his eyes and didn't bother to argue with him.

Because the last one, President Moonlight smiled and said: "12 Okay, it's time to start."


Yu Guitou Yao bowed to Moonlight Holy World, turned around with a smile and entered the house.

Yuhara Yu shrugged, let go of Sora Ginko's waist and prepared to go in, but Hanyu, the celebrity, suddenly said calmly:

"When I played against Gui Tou Yao, he was the most transcendent player. I beat him to the point of defeat in 62 minutes!"

Yuan Ye Yu raised an eyebrow.

Yueguang Shengshi also seemed to be very interested and said: "I am 57 minutes."

Other A9 players, such as Mitsuru Iishi and Kaku Hato, not to mention Tatsuo Zao, simply turned their heads and pretended not to hear.

These two BT! !

There was also a lot of noise outside.

"62 minutes! 57 minutes! Are celebrities and Moonlight so scary?"

"Obviously Master Yu Guitou is also an A9 chess player, and he is even called the Absolute Controller! But celebrities and presidents..."

"The two of them are truly complete supermodel chess players!"

"Isn't it too exaggerated? I can't even imagine it."


"But what does it mean to suddenly say such words to Yuanye-kun??"

"Do they think Yuanye-kun can also challenge Master Guitou within the time limit that is equal to the two of them?"



Yuhara Yu, the protagonist at the center of the incident, just pursed his lips, smiled casually at the two of them, and entered the room.

The outside world once again caused a lot of noise.

Many people even began to automatically analyze Yuan Ye Yu's smile just now, and it had several more meanings!

"Senior Brother Yu will not be weaker than them!"

Sora Ginko is probably the only one who believes, or even firmly believes, that Yuu Harano can surpass Moonlight Seiyo and the famous Hanyu.

There was a burning luster in her blue eyes, and her little hands on the edge of her skirt were gently clenched into fists.

As for the others.

It’s almost impossible to even think about it, okay? ?


"Yang Nai."

Chess Club Hall.

Yukinoshita's mother noticed the picture of Harano Yuu hugging Sora Ginko's waist in front of the game room on the big screen, and she couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Oka-san?" Yukinoshita Yono pretended not to understand anything and tilted her head to look.

Yukinoshita's mother asked: "Between that girl with silver hair and wearing hand clothes and Harano-kun..."

"Eh? Is there any?"

Yukinoshita Harano pretended to look again, but at this time, Harano Yuu had already turned around and entered the chess room!

"Where is it?" Yukinoshita Harano also had room to continue pretending not to understand anything, and her acting skills exploded.

Yukinoshita's mother's frown deepened.

But after thinking about it again and again in my heart, I couldn't help but sigh softly, with a bit of helplessness on my face.

"Forget it, it is indeed unrealistic to expect a mere Yukinoshita family to dominate such a chess genius."

"I just hope he can be nicer to Yukino."

With an innocent and confused expression on her face, Yukinoshita Yono pursed her lips slightly, then turned her back and looked deeply at Yuhara Yu on the big screen.

"Let's go, Harno."

Yukinoshita's mother said.

"Hmm? Now?"

"There is no need to stay. Although I can tolerate it, I will feel aggrieved for Yukino after all."

"Oh, okay, let's go then."

The mother and daughter left Qi Yingshe quietly.


Chess room, battle for throne!

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but in short, the first set of the second game passed extremely quickly.

Yuhara Yu's chess playing speed is also surprisingly fast.

It seems like there is some kind of racing going on,

This caused many people in the surrounding area to secretly speculate in their hearts: "Does Harano-kun really have the ambition to compete with the extremely powerful Moonlight President and celebrity Hanyu?"

The smiles on the faces of Moonlight Holy World gradually became fuller.

However, Yu Guitou Yao was a little unhappy.

"Boy, don't underestimate me!"

Yu Guitouyao spat.

"I have never been underestimated. I have always given 100% of my strength to cope with every game."

Yuan Ye Yu replied with a smile, but the speed of playing chess did not slow down at all, and it was still as if he was racing.

Yu Guitouyao thought that Yuanye Yu at this speed would have made a mistake...but he didn't!

He also felt that in the second set, he would learn from the lesson of losing the first set, and that he would be able to use defense more easily to find a winning angle in this set... But, still not!

It was even raining, and suddenly, half an hour passed.

It seems that I have been completely immersed in the world and rhythm of Yu Harano's shogi before.

Suddenly looking back.


Cold sweat broke out all over my back.

In the chess game, if you are caught off guard, there will be many mistakes and loopholes. The absolute defense is actually silent. If you are caught off guard, you will not be able to maintain it?


"That guy Yu Guitou..."

"The old turtle's shell is surprisingly brittle today."

Even Sheng Shichong and the others were secretly surprised.

Celebrity Hanyu murmured: "Forcibly speeding up, Yu Guitou Yao brought his own rhythm... To be honest, it was Yu Guitou Yao who deserved it. He didn't pay attention to this. He is obviously a powerful A9 chess player."

Moonlight Holy World said: "41 minutes."

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