Kong Yinzi's pretty face darkened.

Although there is not much hostility towards Kiyotaki Katsura, I still have more of a view towards Kiyotaki Katsura as a sister.

but!She is a woman!Woman!She is also a beautiful, mature and sexy woman!

It is inevitable that I will feel sour.

Yuan Ye Yu did not dare to look at the jealous junior sister, and asked strangely: "Sister Guixiang, why did you use the master's mobile phone to make a call?"

"Hey~ it's a long story, Xiaoyou. Actually, I am under house arrest by Oh Taosang..."

867 “Ahem!”

There was a sound of forced coughing.

Kiyotaki Katsura's solo performance ends immediately.

"It's nothing, Nuo. Oh, Taosang wants to talk to you, but he is too shy to hit you directly, so let Nathan be the one to set the stage."

Kiyotaki Katsura didn't blush. After saying this with a smile, she seemed to hand the phone to Kiyotaki Tsusuke.

Yuan Ye Yu couldn't help but laugh.

The jealous Kong Yinzi also slightly curved his mouth.

"Mind your manners."

Yuhara Yu suddenly pressed the receiver of the mobile phone with his thumb, gave Kong Ginzi a lesson, and pulled up the short skirt that had been lifted up at some point.

Kong Yinzi took a look and immediately turned his head away, his earlobes secretly turning red.


Kiyotaki Tsusuke's voice came at this time.

"Master, tell me." Yuan Ye Yu said with a smile in his voice.

"Ahem! Be serious!" Kiyotaki Tsusuke reminded.

Yuanye Yu joked with a smile: "Hey, is it because Master Guixiang just exposed it that you are blushing and ashamed?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

On the other end of the phone, there was another strong cough.

It seemed to be mixed in, faintly, with Kiyotaki Tsusuke scolding his daughter, turning his elbows outwards, and of course Kiyotaki Katsura's giggling voice.

"Speak the truth."

The old man was helpless, sighed, and said: "First of all, congratulations on reaching the true pinnacle of the chess world. You defeated the A9 chess player three times in a row, including Shan Daofa, Sheng Shi, and Yu Guitou... This is something I have never achieved even as a master. Too high!"

Yuan Ye Yu said amusingly: "Senior Yu Guitou has not been defeated by me yet. Master is a little anxious when he says this."

"Isn't it a matter of time?" Kiyotaki Tsusuke said in a tone of "I don't understand you yet."

Yuan Ye Yu shrugged his shoulders and laughed: "If you insist on saying that, fine, it's just for tonight."

"Ha ha!"

The old man laughed, very cheerfully, and said with emotion, "I can't even imagine that things that were out of my reach before were actually accomplished by my apprentice! In this chess world, your legend, Xiaoyou, will eventually be left everywhere. , and I can also follow suit and gain glory again, and become more famous in the chess world!"

For Kiyotaki Tsusuke, the most frustrating thing is that he was a late bloomer. When he broke into A9, he was already 49 years old.

At his peak, he only lasted less than 2 years. At the age of 51, he fell from the A level and became a B+ chess player.

The A9 chess player has unlimited fame, but Kiyotaki Tsusuke only has this name and has been famous for two years.

Moreover, when he became an A9 chess player, except that his rank was one step higher than Shan Daofejin, he was a professional ninth-dan player, but his other treatment was similar to Shan Daofejin.

They are all the best among A9 chess players!

"Master, I won't embarrass you." Kong Yinzi couldn't help but said softly, although he said it expressionlessly.

"Huh? Yinzi is here too?"

After Kiyotaki Tsusuke heard this, he seemed surprised for a moment, but it was only for a moment. He quickly smiled and shook his head: "You two..."

Without further speaking, Kiyotaki Tsusuke brought the topic back.

"Xiao You, you have won three consecutive victories this time, starting from Sheng Shi, defeating Shan Daofa all the way, and now Yu Guitou."

“The route is wonderful.”

"Forcibly attacking Shengshi, slashing with two mountain swords, and absolutely controlling Yu Guitou... Defeating all three of them almost means that you are already among the top three in the chess world."

Kiyotaki Tsusuke chuckled and asked, "Guess who your next opponent will be?"

"Do you dare to fight with me, Kuruno Yoshitsune?" Harano Yu narrowed his eyes. Naturally, he had heard of this veteran in the chess world.

"I'm afraid not."

Kiyotaki Tsusuke shook his head with a smile and murmured, "Even if he doesn't want to preserve his last few years at the top and wants to go out to fight, celebrities and President Moonlight will not agree!"

"Then what else is there to guess? Celebrity, President Moonlight, choose one of the two." Yuan Ye Yu smiled lightly.

Kiyotaki Tsusuke nodded slightly: "Yes, that's why I called you because I wanted to tell you some of my thoughts and feelings when I played against celebrities."

master!No need!I am actually invincible!Not like you! ! ... Yuan Ye Yu resisted the urge to complain in his heart and still had to listen to it.

After a series of words, it was nothing more than Kiyotaki Tsusuke saying that celebrities are so strong, really so strong, so powerful.

"As for President Moonlight."

Kiyotaki Tsusuke smiled bitterly and sighed: "It has never played chess before, and it is unfathomable. It may have opened up a new path of its own on this road."


The old man also didn't follow martial ethics. After he finished speaking, he didn't let Sister Guixiang come over to chat for a few words. He just hung up the phone when he said it.

However, what the old man just said, opening up a new path of his own, what does this mean?

Yuan Ye Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

In Kiyotaki Tsusuke's feeling, although celebrities are very powerful, their categories still belong to people, and they have a chance to defeat them, although it is slim.

But the evaluation of Moonlight Holy World... can be described in three words as "inhuman"?

If this is the case, can a mere "invincible" shogi master really defeat him?

For the first time, Yuanye Yu felt a little unconfident in his heart.

"Senior Brother Yu."

Kong Yinzi tugged on Yuan Ye Yu’s collar.


When Yuanye Yu came back to his senses, he found that Kong Yinzi was already kneeling and sitting aside. He patted his legs seriously and said, "Let's rest for a while. There are still more than two hours before the game."

"Knee pillow?" Yuan Ye Yu asked with a raised eyebrow.


Kong Yinzi nodded slightly.

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

Yuan Ye You smiled and lay down comfortably.

Kong Yinzi suddenly lowered his head and said something in his ear: "There are only ordinary knee pillows here. When I go home, there will be a white stocking maid's knee pillow."

Yuano Yu's eyes that had just been closed suddenly opened, looking at the empty silver above him, he couldn't help but laugh.

His junior sister is really good at it! .

Chapter 330 The end of the eternal celebrity!

Probably because Kong Ginzi's knee pillow was so comfortable, Yuan Ye fell asleep without realizing it and even had a dream.

The dream was just about his life after he was in his 30s.

Married to Kong Yinzi and had a daughter.

Hinazuru Ashina would ask him online from time to time, and then the two of them would secretly go out and hang out in the woods.

Yukinoshita Yukino opened a bookstore, and Harano Yu became a frequent visitor there, reading books almost every day.

However, one day, people from the Shogi Alliance came, and the seven vice-presidents all appeared. Following behind Moonlight Seiji was the famous Hanyu.

Seeing him reading in the corner of the bookstore, the corners of Yueguang Shengshi's squinting lips suddenly reached to his ears at an incredible angle.

"You are defeated!"

Yuanye Yu was caught off guard and was extremely shocked.

Ah. Ah? !


"Senior Brother You, Senior Brother You, wake up."

"The third set is about to begin, wake up."

Kong Yinzi's voice reached his ears, and his whole body was shaken. Yuan Ye Yu finally slowly opened his eyes.

"Huh~! You finally woke up. Why are you sweating so much all of a sudden? Moreover, you didn't wake up after calling me for a long time. I was scared to death."

When Kong Yinzi saw Yuan Ye Yu finally waking up, he breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest gently.

Yuan Ye Yu blinked twice and asked: "Silver?"

Kong Yinzi lowered his head suspiciously and stared at Yuan Ye Yu: "What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I had a strange dream."

Yuan Ye touched the tip of his nose, and it was true that there was hot sweat on the tip of his nose. When he tried his forehead again, he was sweating too.

"The first half was pretty good, but the second half..."


He wiped the sweat from his face on Kong Yinzi's pantyhose, then stood up and stretched.

Look to time.


There are only 5 minutes left before the start of the third set.

"Let's go."

Yuan Ye turned around and smiled, "After beating your senior brother in the last game, I will be a strong A9 chess player from now on."

Kong Yinzi looked down at his pantyhose with a headache, then raised his head and gave Yuan Ye Yu a death gaze... but the latter didn't notice it at all.

This is no way.

"Let's go."

Kong Yinzi nodded slightly depressedly and followed Yuanye Yu.

At first, he just followed behind, but as he walked, Kong Yinzi stepped forward without hesitation and grabbed one of Yuano Yu's hands.

Yuanye Yu smiled and held Kong Yinzi's little hand tightly.


I originally thought that they would set off at 7:55. Even if they were in Qiyingshe, they would arrive at [-]:[-].

Get stuck!

It's late enough.

Unexpectedly, when we arrived at the chess room, someone was even later!

Even now, Yu Guitouyao still hasn't appeared.

Even several other A9s have arrived.

Mitsuru Iseki, Tatsuo Zao, Kaku Hato, Kuruno Yoshitsune, Taishi Shinokawa, and even famous people and Gekko Seisei.

Except for Shan Daofejin, who lost to Harano Yuu and has already been in seclusion and concentrating on training, this is almost the most complete set of all A9 chess players.

But it happened that it was Yu Guitou Yao who was delayed in the future.

"Mr. Yuanye."

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