"Yo~! Good evening."

"After today, we will be on the same level."

"Haha! It's incredible. One day, a young A20 chess player, not even 9 years old, will appear in the chess world!"

Seeing Yu Yuanano arriving hand in hand with Sora Ginko, several A9 players greeted him warmly.

The celebrity Hanyu frowned slightly and said, "Why doesn't that guy Yu Guitou show up yet?"

When the celebrity mentioned it like this, Ishimitsu and the others also laughed, teased and complained.

"Isn't the old guy afraid of losing?"

"Haha! Yu Guitou, why are you so cowardly? It's embarrassing!"

"What is this called? Fear without fighting! This shows how powerful Yuanye-kun is."

Shinoka Dazhi grinned broadly and winked at Yueguang Shengshi and said:

"President, why don't we simply disqualify that guy Yu Guitou from the competition and declare him a failure in the third round? I can't wait to see Yuanye's A9 promotion ceremony."

Yueguang Shengshi narrowed his eyes and smiled, looking very plain.

Yuanye Yu shrugged, smiled at everyone, and said: "I went in first. Senior Yu Guitou was probably delayed for some reason. After all, if junior sister hadn't been here, I would have almost overslept just now."

Speaking of Kong Yinzi, Kong Yinzi touched the opponent's head before leaving, which shocked countless people present, including those who knew Queen Kong in front of the screen.

The Sky Queen, who had always been as cold as an iceberg, suddenly turned red after being killed by having her head touched!

"Oh my God!"


"Sky Queen Kawaii~!"

"I love Shirayuki-sama Naniwa so much! But! But she already has a wife, so I'm so angry!!"

"Yuanye-kun, draw your sword! I want to fight with you!"


Countless otakus among the chess fans started cheering.


The next moment, something happened in front of the chess room that shocked everyone!

After Yuan Ye finished touching his head and showed off his affection, he entered the chess room and took his seat. This was a very common and even extremely ordinary thing.

No matter what.

Follow Yuhara Yu's entrance.

another person!

An absolutely incredible one!

An unimaginable existence!

he! !

Moonlight Holy World!

President of the Shogi Federation!

The undefeated A9 chess player is "eternally famous".

He actually followed closely behind!


"President, what are you doing?"

"President Moonlight!"

Including the A9 chess players who were chatting and laughing outside just now, their faces also changed.

In high-level professional chess games, one rule is that no one else is allowed to enter the scene except the two players and the referee of the game.

This is very different from the more relaxed regulations for female chess players. It seems very strict and cannot be discussed.


As the president of the guild, Yueguang Shengshi must know this rule and be very familiar with it.

but! ! …

"Oh! Relax, relax, probably, President Moonlight suddenly found it interesting and wants to be the referee of this game himself."

Zao Tatsuo said with a smile.


As soon as he said this, he was refuted by someone.

All of a sudden.

The A9 chess players, as well as the countless professional chess players present, including the cameras, all moved back.

Aimed at that person.

Yu Guitou Yao looked helpless.

He sighed softly and said helplessly: "The president is not here for the referee. In other words, what kind of competition can the president personally serve as the referee?"

"Yu Guitou? You're finally here." Sheng Shichong rolled his eyes.

"I thought you were really scared, but you got stuck... No! I'm five minutes late. What's the crime?" Jiu Daijue scolded with a smile.

Zao Tatsuo complained: "What nonsense did you talk about just now? Why are you refuting me? If he were not a referee, would the president still be ready to play a game with Harano-kun?"

Yu Guitou Yao showed an expression that looked like a smile but not a smile.

Countless people who looked at him and saw Yu Guitou Yao's expression on the screen opened their mouths.

at this time.

From the other side, a familiar and gentle voice came: "Yuanye-kun, in the third round, I will play against you."

The people at the scene suddenly turned their heads, with horror on their faces.

The camera also turned around.

Exposed on the big screen, in the chess room, Moonlight Holy World seemed to have already taken his seat. He sat directly opposite Yuanye Yu! !begging.

Chapter 331 As I sit here, you are already the undisputed A9 chess player...


"President, what are you doing??!"

Ishimitsu and others were all shocked.

Even the celebrity Hanyu, who usually had a calm expression, showed obvious changes in his eyes, looking slightly stunned.

Not to mention, the other chess players and fans who heard the words of Moonlight Holy World!

In their eyes, other people love whatever they want, do whatever they want, and if they want to compete, then compete, only Moonlight Holy World!

He is different.

he!is God!The god of shogi! !

But today, this god personally told them that he would end up playing chess with Yuan Ye!this!this? ?

"Isn't it possible? How can this be done?"

"President Moonlight is a god-like existence. No matter how powerful Mr. Yuan Ye is, is it still too much to compete with the president all at once?"

"Mr. Celebrity is still here!"

"And Lord Kuruno Yoshitsune!"

“It’s too inappropriate for the president to end his career in person!”

"This is absolutely not allowed, even if Mr. Yuanye is strong enough, but, but..."

Everyone was in uproar.

But what's interesting is that most of them are questioning whether Absolute Wilder Yu is not qualified to be the opponent of Moonlight Holy World.

But no one mentioned it.

This time the battle for the throne is obviously between Yu Gui Tou Yao and Yuan Ye Yu, but now, Moonlight Holy World has forced Yu Gui Tou Yao out of the competition. Is it proper etiquette?

No one else had thought of this, all because the character of Moonlight Holy World was so legendary.

Yuhara Yu is different.

After quietly staring at the Moonlight Holy World in front of him for a while, he asked doubtfully: "President Moonlight, is it appropriate?"

"Suitable." Yueguang Shengshi smiled slightly and said, "Your strength is strong enough. Please Yuanye-kun, please don't belittle yourself."

"No, I mean, is it appropriate for you to rush out and fight in Senior Guitou's throne battle?" Yuanye Yu said speechlessly.

The smile on Yueguang Shengshi's face froze.

Yu Guitouyao, who was standing outside, laughed dumbly and said: "What a good guy, it's him as expected."

Sheng Shichong and the others were also happy.

If it were anyone else, Guild Moonlight would personally take action to play a game with him, I am afraid he would feel lucky and grateful.

He is fine.

Instead, he questioned the rationality of Moonlight Holy World.


Yueguang Shengshi also sighed in confusion, and then said: "I am the president of the Shogi Alliance, and I also made all the rules of the Shogi Alliance."

Yuhara Yu: "So?"

"Even if it is unreasonable, as long as I come forward, it will be forced to become reasonable." Moonlight Holy World said.

Yuan Ye You smiled: "It sounds a bit barbaric."

Glancing outside.

Shocked!In the ears of everyone else, there was no reaction at all after hearing such a tyrannical and tyrannical sentence.

From everyone's expressions, all that can be seen is recognition!

"Is this the influence of the Moonlight Holy World?"

Yuan Ye realized for the first time that he seemed to have underestimated the exaggerated influence of the narrow-eyed man in front of him.

"Furthermore, in this third set, I have another purpose for coming forward, Yuan Ye-kun."

Yueguang Shengshi said with a smile.

Yuan Ye Youle said: "You can't suddenly feel that the promise you made to me with three consecutive victories to be promoted to A9 chess player is a bit too childish. You want to go back on your promise and come here to snipe me?"

"of course not."

Yueguang Shengshi seemed to have a bit of helplessness on his face, and then said, "This game actually has nothing to do with winning or losing. From now on, you have been recognized by the Shogi Alliance as a legitimate A9 chess player. This is indisputable. .”

Yuanye Yu was stunned for a moment.

Outside, countless professional chess players, chess fans, and even A9 chess player Ishimitsu showed their shocked faces again.



"The youngest A9 chess player in history, he, he..."

Thinking about it later, it seems reasonable.

The first two games have proven it.

No matter how Yu Guitouyao fought, it was nothing under Yuan Ye Yu's hands, and there was no chance of victory at all.

That being the case.

Moonlight Holy World seemed to have no objection when he said such a sentence.

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