"The real purpose of my coming here is to play a game with you, a young and powerful genius chess player."


"It doesn't matter if I win. If you win, whether now or in a few years, I hope you can take over as the president of the Shogi Alliance."

"It's fair to say that someone who is even more qualified than me should sit in that position."

Yueguang Shengshi's voice is very soft and his words are gentle and elegant.

But this amount of information.



I was shocked, Qi Yingshe was so awesome inside and out!

Everyone couldn't believe their ears.

What happened to Moonlight Saint this time? Did he even want to abdicate in favor of someone worthy of his position?

That position is the president of the Shogi Alliance!

Social status is extremely respected...

Even Tokyo City Ministers like Fujiwara Yuuma and top consortium presidents like Shinomiya Yanyasu have to give three cents of face.

right!It is such a respected position that Moonlight Holy World wants to give to Yuan Ye Yu...

A boy who is only 18 years old but extremely talented! !


In just a moment, Fujiwara Yuuma and Shinomiya Yan'an, who were sitting on the third floor and had no choice to go downstairs, began to breathe heavily.

A president of the shogi alliance, and a talented young A9 shogi player... This status has unintentionally climbed up like a rocket again.

The talented young A9 chess player can only impress them.

And the president of the Shogi Federation?

They need to be respected!

The corners of Matsuuchi Teppei's mouth twitched wildly, and he opened his mouth blankly. The annoyance and regret in his heart were beyond words...

At the entrance of the Kiei Club, Hinazuru Akina, who had spent a lot of connections and finally got a high-priced ticket late, heard this dialogue as soon as she walked in.

A wonderful luster flashed across her eyes for an instant, and she raised her head sluggishly, looking at the huge electronic screen in front of her.

"As expected, Master Yuanye..."


Chess room.

Harano Yuya was surprised. When it came to the position of President of the Shogi Alliance, even he couldn't calm down no matter what.

"Miss Oga."

Moonlight Holy World called out the door gently again.

A male 4.3 Miss Lu walked in, neatly dressed in a small gray women's suit and a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

After Chong Yueguang Shengshi and Yuanye Yu bowed one after another, they stood in front of the former.

"I haven't said it yet, so I must agree." Yuan Ye Yu said somewhat helplessly.

"You will definitely agree." Moonlight Holy World smiled very confidently, and then lowered his voice slightly, "I will not misjudge the person. You must have wanted to play a game of chess with me for a long time, right?"


Yuanye Yu was stunned for a moment and cursed secretly in his mind, this guy is really, really smart!

In order to verify how powerful the "invincible" system is, indeed, he really wants to try it in the next game.

As for the position of president of the Shogi Alliance.

If possible, only a fool would refuse, right?

That's it.

"bring it on."

Yuan Ye Yu closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them immediately, his eyes were shining brightly, and he said with a smile:


Chapter 332 The Peak Showdown

A dream showdown.

A truly dream showdown!

No one dared to imagine that one day, the president of the Shogi Alliance and the "Eternal Celebrity" Moonlight Seiyo would engage in an open battle with a young junior!

The kind that is exposed to everyone’s view!

But what about this kind of thing.

He just happened!

"In my impression, how many years has it been since the president took action?"

"Who knows, the last open battle was..."

"It's with me!"

"Oh yes! With you! Yu Guitou, you guy!"

"God knows what kind of strength the president has reached now. It's impossible to guess, right?"

"Celebrity? What do you think?"

As the game began, the A9 players turned their attention to the celebrity Hanyu.

Although Moonlight Holy World has never engaged in any form of open battle since the battle with Yu Guitou Yao three years ago.

But in private, a duel with the famous Hanyu is definitely inevitable!

The celebrity Hanyu smiled faintly when he heard this, and said calmly: "President, he is still the same president, and the game between me and him..."

Swish swish!

Everyone pricked up their ears.

"It's a pity that he has never defeated me." The student grinned.


"Celebrity you!!"

Sheng Shichong and others were shocked, could it be said? ? …

Celebrity Hanyu quickly added with a smile: "But I haven't beaten him...it's always been a point-to-point competition."

puff! !

Several famous A9 chess players rolled their eyes wildly.

On a horse!

Isn't your sentence going too far?

I almost thought my faith was about to collapse!

It is true that they also think that the famous Yuyu is not weak, but if they really compare it with Yueguang Shengshi... then there is definitely a big difference.

"Although I always stick to the point, I can vaguely feel the terror of that guy... the terror is that he is not human at all."

Celebrity Hanyu finally became serious, the arrogance in his eyes rarely disappeared, and he murmured to himself in a low voice.

This is the evaluation of Moonlight Holy World,

Pertinent!Very pertinent!

Because after he finished speaking, others such as Shengshi Chong and others nodded one after another, and there was no one who wanted to refute even the slightest bit!


Chess Club Hall.

There was a sea of ​​people outside Qiyingshe.

Everything is boiling!


"President Moonlight!!"

"Yuanye-kun is playing chess with President Yueguang~!"

Everyone is screaming and excited!

The incident spread to the Internet, and the news on the line had already been flooded by the peak showdown between Yuan Ye Yu and Yueguang Shengshi.

Yokohama City..

Kiyotaki Tsusuke, who was sipping tea and playing chess while thinking about a new move, was distracted by his daughter's panicked footsteps.

Raising his head, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Guixiang, didn't you say..."


"Things have changed!"

"Xiaoyou's opponent in the third set became President Moonlight!"

Qingtaki Guixiang said hastily.


Kiyotaki Tsusuke was calm, the chess piece in his hand crashed to the ground, and he immediately turned on the TV to search for the live broadcast of Shogi World.


Front plate...

Very stable!

Both sides are very stable.

The chess room was not quiet.

Ms. Oga's soft and pleasant explanation voice would often be heard, and then the Moonlight Sacred World would slowly fall into place.

This was the first time Yuhara Yu played against an invisible chess player.

Moreover, this invisible chess player is extremely tyrannical and incredibly powerful.

He tried looking for the weak spot of Moonlight Holy World on the front plate, but he couldn't find any!Absolutely not!

Not to mention the iron wall!This horse-riding thing is absolutely perfect!A method that is perfect to the extreme!

Yuanye Yu couldn't help but raise his head and glance at Moonlight Holy World a few more times, a deep shock flashed across his eyes.

Ms. Oga didn't get distracted and looked at the chessboard with all her attention, so that there wouldn't be any mistakes in her explanation.

Yueguang Shengshi seemed to sense Yuan Ye Yu's gaze, raised the corner of his mouth and smiled at him.

continue! !


"Although I haven't played against the president many times, his chess moves... are very ordinary, extremely ordinary."

Ishimitsu murmured outside.

"When ordinary reaches the extreme, it becomes less ordinary." Yu Guitou Yao smiled lightly.

Jiu Daijue interjected: "It's a matter of being ordinary to the extreme. I think the most powerful thing about the president is that he takes ordinary and makes it perfect!"

"It's flawless."

Kuruno Yoshitsune, the oldest guy among the A9 players who doesn't talk very often, also spoke up.

"Senior Kuruno, before he became famous as the president, you played against him many times, right?"

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