
Kieisha, Takanan Street, Adachi-ku.

It was exactly 10:30 in the morning. Under the spotlight, a serious-looking middle-aged man in a yukata stood on the stage and said:

"Sora, Minna-san~ I am one of the seven responsible vice-presidents of the Shogi Association, and I am also appointed by Chairman Moonlight to be the referee for the third period of Naniwa Shirayuki-hime's [Queen's Defense Battle], and the seventh-dan Kamikawa name worship!"

Chapter 36 The fame of the Silver Paladin and the female Master!

"Vice President Kamikawa."

"Is it really Vice President Kamikawa who came to preside over it in person?"

"That's inevitable! After all, this is the [Queen's Defense Tournament], and even the Shogi Alliance cannot afford to neglect it."

"Vice President Kamikawa is the one who specializes in managing women's competitions in the league. Don't underestimate him just because he is a seventh-dan player. Among professional seventh-dan players, he is simply the pinnacle!"

Countless people had already gathered in Qiying Club, whispering after hearing Kamikawa Mingtaka's speech.

There are quite a few men, but more of them are actually women.

Most of them have the same professional title: [Female Chess Player]!

Female chess players, this rating may not be very high, but at least they are much better than amateur chess players.

Even in the award meeting, one must become at least a first-level member to be eligible to enter the selection of female chess players.

Of course, if you want to become a true professional chess player, you must be rewarded with at least level [-]~

To put it simply, most of them will not be recognized by professional chess players as real chess players before the reward reaches level [-]. In their eyes, those with rewards below level [-] are just for fun. It is the turn of the official battle. , out of politeness, you may call it one sentence, one paragraph, or two paragraphs.

Only by reaching the sixth level of the reward club can one be qualified to truly enter the ranks of professional chess players. The strength at this time will be called the third level of professional...

But throughout ancient and modern times, it seems that no woman can truly become a professional chess player.

Therefore, as a woman, it is already an extremely dazzling honor to be a female shogi player in shogi.

"Tsk tsk!"

"It turns out it's Kamikawa. Hey, hey, hey, hey~ He's a seventh-dan professional man, but he still likes to rush to host the title match of female chess players. Hey! I said, you are really too much!"

There are countless cameras filming this place among the dense crowd, but this does not seem to hinder it at all...


A guy with short crimson hair, wearing a silver knight's uniform, a knight's holy sword hanging sideways on his waist, and golden contact lenses was talking nonsense.

He walked out of the separated crowd, lightly pressed his left eye with one hand, and said with great accuracy:

"If possible, I really want to represent the Master, take out my holy silver sword, represent the sky, lead the earth, release the endless power of the knights of justice, and kill you!"

After saying this, the young man did not let go of his hand, but looked provocatively towards the stage.

Kamikawa Mingchong's expression changed.

Before Mirai could speak, the female chess players around him, as well as the chess fans standing outside the chess club watching this grand match on the electronic screen, all cheered.

"Ah!! It's Ayumu Kaminabe!"

"Silver Holy Knight, Ayumu!!"

"Oh my god, Bu Meng is so handsome! He is a top representative who is both handsome and capable of playing!"

"Lord Aumeng, please give me your autograph! I really like you!"

The words Kamikawa Mingchong was about to scold were swallowed back, very helplessly.

If he were more popular, he would really be out of reach of that damn boy with chuunibyou.

If you compare your strength...bastard!

Although he is said to be an invincible fighter at the seventh level, Ayumi Kaminabe is simply a BT!

Although he is only a professional chess player, it is not uncommon for him to lose at his hands.

The reason why it has not been graded to [-]th dan seems to be because it is rumored that Kaminabe Ayumu always perfunctory the employment notary of the Shogi Alliance and said, I have to go home to sell tofu, how can I have time to grade it?Definitely next time, definitely next time.

Kamikawa Mingtong was having a headache over this guy, and he was confused and confused in every possible way, not knowing what to do...

"Ala Ala~"

"God-Cauldron, Holy Knight of Silver, why don't you wait and become your master?"

"There are many crimes and injustices ahead, but I saw them with you as a master. Even if you want to eradicate them on behalf of the sky and the earth, you still have to wait for the master to come with you!"

"How can the silver paladin completely defeat the demon without the help of the invincible witch?"

"God-Cauldron, you are reckless."

A seductive voice sounded.

The crowd had no choice but to separate again.

What came out was a woman wearing a black witch robe, a dark cloak, a witch hat, and walking with a magic stick.

As for the appearance of Ayumu Kaminabe, all the female shogi players present admired and admired him.

The appearance of this woman...

Whoa! !

Tremendous stress!

Just looking at it, it was as if the whole body was trapped in a situation of absolute suppression.

It was extremely difficult to breathe.

It's not that this woman is even stronger than Ayumu Kaminabe, but because no matter how strong Ayumu Kaminabe is, she is also a professional chess player, so her influence on them is not that big.

But this woman in front of me is different...

【Sakyado Rina】! !

The holder of the title of "Female Celebrity" for 20 years, the eternal position of the four major female chess champions, and even once achieved the exclusive title of female chess, and is called the "Eternal Queen".

In addition, she is also the president of the Female Goss Players Association. To a certain extent, she is also the leader of female shogi players. She is equivalent to the leader of the Shogi Alliance in disguise (of course, in fact, it is not on the same level at all).

as well as!The most BT-worthy deeds are that Shenbei Ayumen, the most powerful chuunibyou in the chess world, was trained by her! !


Kaminabe Ayumi immediately pressed his chest with one hand, knelt down on one knee, and said apologetically: "I was too rash. I'm really sorry. Please forgive your rashness, the most loyal Holy Knight of Silver."

"It's just like tape, it's just that you seem to be causing trouble to others~"

Shakudo Rina smiled and said to Kamikawa Naitaka who was hosting the competition on the stage, "I'm sorry, the stupid God-Cauldron always thinks that it is reasonable for me to host similar competitions. Of course, I don't think so."

"So, please continue, Vice President Kamikawa, I will keep an eye on the stupid God-Cauldron."

"Master, are you really going to do this? I still insist on my idea." Ayumi Kaminabe said in a knightly manner.

"Roadless race~! I came here today to observe a love-and-kill competition between our enemies and foreign enemies. God-Cauldron, bring me your wheelchair and set it up!" Rina Shakato waved her hand. Order.

"Yes! Master! I am willing to serve you." Ayumi Kaminao bowed and saluted, turned around and left.

The surrounding women, professional chess players, and chess fans watching the match all rolled their eyes wildly.

Although Kaminabe Ayumu is really handsome and strong, Shakudo Rina is also really stressful.

However, the chuunibyou, the master and the disciple, share the same origin, which is really hard to describe.

Kamikawa Mingtaka wiped the sweat from his forehead and secretly cursed his bad luck. It felt so uncomfortable to be bullied but not be able to retaliate!

But I am also fortunate that the next [Queen’s Defense War] can finally continue and proceed smoothly.

He cleared his throat and shouted again:

"Then, both parties are invited to enter."

"The one who defends the title of [Queen] will be rewarded with three empty coins."

"The [Queen] title is attacking, and the current holder of the [Female Jade General] title is: Tsukiyomi Ban Liao!!"


ps: Bu Meng is here.

Chapter 37 [Big] Empty Silver Game

Chuhe Ai's mentality collapsed.

Especially after witnessing with his own eyes, Harano Yu finally arranged for Shiina Mashiro to live on the third floor.

After Shiina Mashiro stepped into the bedroom she had just cleaned...


A small group stood at the entrance of the stairs on the third floor. Chu Heai was so wronged that he yelled angrily.

Although Shiina Mashiro looked confused when she yelled at her, she didn't seem to realize that the elementary school student was calling her a fool or a fool~

Yuanye Yu narrowed his eyes.

Not so good.

Things developed somewhat unexpectedly quickly.

It’s true that Kong Yinzi is a yandere, but one thing that has to be mentioned is that Hinaku loves this elementary school student, too!

To sum up his experience of watching anime, it was almost as if the blackening button was completely turned on the moment Hinaku Ai shouted "Big".

so! !

Why so fast?

Yuanye Yubai was puzzled and a little annoyed.

"The yandere is actually by my side?" 》

"Are all the yanderes around me?" 》

Harmful!How to put it, no matter what, no matter how yandere love is, it will always be much better than Ginzi's little dark room after it turns dark.

So what?After being blackened by this elementary school student, he jumped on him and hit him with his head?

broken!If you think about it carefully, it seems quite dangerous!Because if he is not careful, he will be attacked too much by the black people, which may also trigger the switch that he pressed to death.

"Three years of death penalty or something... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

Harano Yu calmed down and stopped thinking about it. He glanced at Shiina Mashiro's room...


what? ?

This was just a short period of time, just briefly thinking about the problem of a certain primary school student going dark.

This bedroom has become! ! …

Yuanye's head was very big.

Front bedroom.

Just a few minutes ago, it was obviously very neat and bright.

But now?

It's a mess!

The sheets are messed up, the desk is messed up, the floor is messed up... There are scattered clothes in various styles everywhere.

Where do the clothes come from?

nonsense! !

Shiina Mashiro was kneeling in the middle of the pile of clothes, and continued to take out one item after another from the suitcase.

Keep on causing chaos!It seems that in her world, there is no chaos, only more chaos.


Yuan Ye Yu shouted.


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