Shiina Mashiro raised her head curiously, her eyes were very beautiful and innocent.

"You... forget it, just do whatever you want. It's just one afternoon anyway. Let the drunkard teacher take care of it then."

Harano Yuu wanted to remind him, but after thinking about Shiina Mashiro's natural stupidity and frighteningly weak ability to take care of himself...

give up!

No need, no need, just an afternoon.

Shiina Mashiro's character card has been obtained, and he really doesn't need to worry about so much anymore.

As for the messed up room, it's just the price of getting the character card.

Anyway, he has a classmate named Xiao Ai, whose housework skills are so terrible that it only takes a matter of minutes to clean up afterward.

After thinking about this, Yuhara Yu simply let Shiina Mashiro have free rein, closed the door for her, turned around and went downstairs.


First floor living room.

Chuhe Ai was lying on the sofa, sulking and muttering in a low voice:

"Baga baga baga."

"Master, why would you bring such a hateful humanoid pet home? That humanoid pet thinks it's familiar with you... What a shame! Baga Baga!"

"Unforgivable, huh!"

Yuan Ye Yu passed by Hinako Ai's side. He couldn't help laughing when he heard it, but he pretended not to hear anything and asked: "Ai, has your uncle Yinzi been here this morning?"


Chuhe was so excited that he suddenly jumped up from the sofa, his pretty baby-fat face flushed.

"Master, master~!"

The primary school student shouted cautiously, and observed Yuan Ye Yu's face seriously and fearfully.

I'm afraid that if Yuan Ye Yu misunderstands that she was scolding him just now... Hey, he won't be kicked out of the house, right?

Yuanye Yu bent down, made himself a new pot of tea, and repeated: "I said, did Yinzi come this morning?"


Chuhe shook his head excitedly.

"do not have it?"

Yuanye Yu paused slightly while making tea and looked up at the clock hanging on the wall.

11 points.

The morning was about to pass like this, but Kong Yinzi didn't come to his house?

This is not reasonable!

Growing up as childhood sweethearts, and having some knowledge of Kong Yinzi... He firmly believed that Kong Yinzi would never let go of any opportunity to get along with him.

Even if you want to practice shogi and learn the knowledge on the chess records, you will definitely come to him to learn.

As for being angry because of what you said yesterday, it is absolutely impossible!Even if Kong Yinzi is angry, he should come to retaliate.

For example, waiting for an opportunity to hit his senior brother on the forehead with his folding fan.

"Where did you go?"

Yuan Ye was slightly confused, so he simply sat on the sofa and took out his cell phone to send a message to Kong Ginzi.

[Yu Yuano] (LINE): Ginzi, where were you this morning?Want to come over for lunch?

...No one replied! !

Yuan Ye Yu raised his eyes.

never mind!No matter what, it’s not like you can’t get money, so what’s the point?

Just as I was thinking this, my phone rang.

Caller: Kuzuryuu Bayi!

"Senior Brother Yu!"

Maybe it's because yesterday's parting seemed a bit unpleasant.

The voice that Kuzuryuu Bayi used to make this call was still very cautious, for fear that he would make Yuano Yu unhappy again if he was not careful.

Sometimes you are too evil-minded, and sometimes you are just too stubborn, this stupid junior brother! ... Yuanye Yu rolled his eyes and took a sip of tea.

Tsk!It still smells like my own green tea, but of course it’s also expensive.

"What's going on?" Yuan Ye asked.

Kuzuryuu Bayi was completely embarrassed and hesitantly said with guilt: "Senior Brother Yu, I really didn't mean not to go to Senior Sister Ginko's [Queen's Defense] to watch the match. It was because I was too late to study the chess records last night, so I just talent……"

"What did you say?" With a clang, Yuan Ye pressed the tea cup onto the coffee table with some force.

Kuzuryuu Yaichi hurriedly explained: "I'm really sorry! There was such a big thing, so I shouldn't have studied the chess records last night..."

"Stop talking nonsense, it's none of my business what you say. I'm asking about the money. Does she have a competition today?" Yuano Yu said angrily.

Kuzuryuu Bayi felt inexplicably heartbroken and resentful, but he still nodded repeatedly and said:

"Yes, Senior Sister Ginzi's third phase of [Queen's Defense War] started today..."

After a pause, Kuzuryuo Bayi was suddenly surprised: "Don't you know, Senior Brother You? You didn't go either?!"

Yuan Ye Yu: (?Xun

[Damn, I really don’t know! 】

Chapter 38 "Qi Yingshe"! 【Frequent visitors】

Gaonan Street Chess Club!

[Queen’s Defense Battle] officially kicked off at 10:50.

Qiying Club clearly has a super hall covering an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters, both inside and outside.

However, the endless stream of chess fans still blocked the outside of Shogi Eisha.

Countless chess fans, even standing outside the Chess Club, could not hide their excitement. They held up their support signs and shouted:

"Naniwa Shirayuki-hime, YYDS!!"

"I will always support Naniwa Shirayuki-hime! The most beautiful [Queen], ah!!!"

"Miss Naniwa Shirayuki-hime, please continue to keep the title of queen, it will always be yours!"

"Ahem, am I the only one who really likes Miss Tsukiyomi Ban Liao?"

"Hey? It's because of the teeth..."

"Bah! How is that possible! Because of Tsukiyomi Saka's chess style! Her chess style! Her offense is so cool!!"


"Hey~! Kong Yinzi, this time I let you walk in with an expressionless face, and then go back crying, how about it?"

On the main playing field, the two sides of the chessboard were separated. On a moonlit night, Ban Liao bared his teeth and showed a smile that could scare children and make men cry.

Well!All of this naturally comes from the fact that her teeth are sharp, and each one looks like an inverted thorn.

Kong Yinzi raised his head and glanced at Yue Ye Jian Ban Liao without any emotion, and said:

"Let's get started. It's just a pointless struggle. I really don't know what guys like you think."

"Just daydreaming all day."

There is no emotional ups and downs in the whole process, but these words are often the most hurtful!

Yueyeye saw Ban Liao and was immediately irritated. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and said, "Kong Yinzi, are you insulting me?"

Kong Yinzi glanced at her, thought for a moment, and said, "No, it's not an insult."

Seeing Ban Liao on a moonlit night, he was startled.

Um?Bai Xueji, the venomous woman in the chess world, has a sudden soft attitude today...

"I'm humiliating you severely and laughing at your overestimation of your abilities." Kong Yinzi added.


Seeing Ban Liao in the moonlight, she suddenly became furious and sneered: "Let's wait until you win."

"Um, please, can we start?" The referee finally found the opportunity to speak.

"Let's get started. Finish early. I have to go back to find Senior Brother Yu."

Kong Yinzi nodded slightly, as if he still didn't care about the current game and was saying these innocuous words.

Yue Ye saw Ban Liao's eyes darken, but immediately, she bared her teeth and gave him a stern smile.

【Game Start】! !

In the stands, some female chess players and professional chess players have already gone out, but among the group of people who can stay to watch the game from a close distance, the middle two master-disciple group is definitely indispensable.

Shakudo Rina was sitting in a wheelchair, rubbing her chin, and said, "Hey, God-Cauldron, did you see that these two little cuties seem to be very high-spirited and fierce?"

Kaminabe Ayumi stood straight on the left side of Shakya Hall like a knight, holding his sword with one hand, and replied: "Even so, they will never be Master's opponents, Master can rest assured."

"Hehe! Alas, God-Cauldron, if you say that, I will be embarrassed as a teacher."

Sakyamuni Rina covered her mouth and snickered. Although she said this, there was no trace of humility or worry in her tone.

On the bench.

Kong Yinzi and Yueyeye Jianban Liao suddenly turned their heads and glanced here.

"Hey hello~!"

Sakyamuni smiled and waved.

"Cough cough!"

"Miss Shakyatang, if possible, I hope you will not disturb the progress of the game, thank you."

Kamikawa Mingchong had already suffered a loss once, and this time he became very polite when he spoke.

"Hi hi, Sumi Marsain."

Shakudo Rina, who was dressed as a witch, turned around and apologized, suddenly very obedient.

Tsukiyomi Ban Liao snorted: "He is really a damned guy who is just as annoying as you."

Kong Yinzi is expressionless and playing chess!

The two sides have contacts with each other.

To be honest, although Kong Yinzi has an extra title compared to Yue Ye, there is not much difference in real strength.

It is true that Kong Yinzi is very arrogant. From what he said, it seems that he doesn't take Yue Yejian Ban Liao into consideration at all.

but!After the actual confrontation, it was still extremely difficult!

Tsukiyomi Ban Liao has a very resounding name in the chess world as "The Archangel of Attack"!

As her name suggests, she is a real thug.

When the game really begins, they will only attack crazily, attack with all their strength, and attack to death!

In her eyes, the Dragon King must be there, the Dragon Horse must be there, Cheng Xiang, Cheng Yin, Cheng Gui, all of these can also be there...

Yes, in Tsukiye Jian Ban Liao's chess game, there is no such thing as defense. He will just act like a thug, killing, killing, killing!


Kong Yinzi's fair forehead was the first to secrete a small drop of sweat, although it was not visible.

But, this is proof enough!

Facing Tsukiyami Saka, she felt a deep pressure. This pressure was far more than before!


"Archangel of Attack."

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