"Master?" Ayumi Kaminabe was also surprised. He lowered his head and blinked, full of confusion.

"That guy will be a fierce rival of yours! ... I think, no matter what, you can find a chance to play against him."

"In my opinion, if you will win this time, then there is nothing to say and just pretend that nothing happened."

"Otherwise, you will lose! ... But if you lose now, you will still have the opportunity to play against him in the future. You can also use these opportunities to hone and improve yourself."

"If you lose in the future, maybe you won't have another chance to play chess. In short, a being with that kind of height will no longer look down on a stranger who loses."

The knightly smile on Kaminabe Ayumi's face gradually disappeared. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the man in the bull-headed mask carefully, and then smiled lowly again.

He gently raised his right hand and pressed it on his chest, like a knight in the palace taking an oath, and said:

"I'm just a close friend of Double. Since Master has given me the order, I will move forward without hesitation. The Silver Knight will never back down."

The corners of Shakyatang Rina's eyes and eyebrows slightly raised, but she didn't say much, her mood was still relaxed and freehand.

[Perhaps, I am overthinking it. 】

After all, the unborn invincible disciple of Qingtaki's sect sounds a bit fantasy and unbelievable.

It's a bit like a novel.


52 minutes, move 107!

The chess game seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes. Originally, they were attacking all the way in the morning, but the crazy and bloodthirsty Tsukiye saw Ban Liao.

just now!

Yes, it was at this time that suddenly, like a sports car that reached a speed of 200 kilometers, it suddenly ran out of gas.

In other words, the tire was punctured and deflated!

The ferocious attack suddenly stopped, and the next move, the 108th move, was difficult.


The home is gone.


The momentum is gone.

This sentence is very appropriate to describe her chess strategy.

On a moonlit night, Ban Liao raised his head, looked at Kong Yinzi with a ferocious look, bared his teeth, and snorted coldly.

No matter what, keep on attacking! !

Kong Yinzi didn't seem to be looking at her at all. It started from the first hand. Now I can only say that it is even more exaggerated!

With an absolutely arrogant attitude, he twisted the chess moves, and what's even more outrageous is!Obviously, we can quickly attack and kill Tsukiye Jianban Liao's rear. After all, there is really no defense there and it is very empty.

When Yue Ye Jian Ban Liao gave up her defense and chose to continue her offensive momentum, it actually meant that she knew in her heart that she was going to lose.

The purpose of continuing to attack is to maintain momentum and lay the foundation for victory in the third set.

However, Kong Yinzi did not do this, but chose a more insulting and even murderous method!

The well-preserved dragon horses and dragon kings retreated one after another, and surrounded the incense cart guarding the house. They invited you to enter the urn and captured the passing Chengxiang who saw Ban Liao on a moonlit night.

Flip the defensive piece to attack and kill the ace!

Finally, at the 147th move, Kong Yinzi raised his hand and landed the last move, whispering: "King's move!"

Using the opponent's son as his own, attacking the formation with no solution, killing people and killing people.

This is what Kong Yinzi is best at: the unique skill Feixiangluo! !

Chapter 45 Kaminao Ayumi invites a battle!


When the last chess piece of Kong Yinzi fell and the word "king hand" came out of his mouth...

『""'', the whole place was silent!

Those who can come to watch the shogi game must at least know a little bit about shogi.

Therefore, everyone naturally saw how ferocious Kong Yinzi's tactics were!No room left!I couldn't help but gasp, and even felt a little sorry for Tsukiye Jianban Liao opposite me...

"This is too cruel."

"Killing and killing one's heart! This is killing and killing one's heart!"

"Obviously you could have used a simple method to attack Tsukiyomizaka's castle in advance and win the game, but Naniwa Shirayuki-hime chose to capture Narika who captured Tsukiyomizaka."

"Oh my god! If it were me, Tsukiyami Saka, my mentality would collapse on the spot!"

"How outrageous! Such behavior."

"Hey~ Is it too much? I like to watch Naniwa Shirayuki-hime kill the enemy with flying incense the most. What I like to watch even more is when she uses the opponent's Narika! It's so exciting!"

"That's right! So cool!"


There are countless discussions everywhere.

On the chess table, Yue Ye saw Ban Liao's face looking extremely ugly. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly.

She glared at Kong Yinzi fiercely.

This hateful woman not only sat in a man's arms and defeated her with arrogant moves, but also ruthlessly resorted to murderous and heart-breaking tactics... Hundan! !


“In the second game of [Queen’s Defense Battle], I declare that the defending side wins with empty silver!!”

The referee cautiously stepped forward and announced.

"Empty money!"

Tsukiye saw Ban Liao slamming his fist on the floor.

Kong Yinzi glanced at her expressionlessly, but had no intention of speaking.

Her pretty face was still cold and cold.

The female slut [Naniwa Shirayuki-hime] was originally a very unpopular being among her colleagues in the chess world.

She is not afraid of seeing Ban Liao one more month later.

Besides, Yue Ye had ridiculed her before seeing Ban Liao, so he just treated her like a tooth for a tooth! ...Although the method is a bit vicious.

"Senior Brother Yu, let's go."

Kong Yinzi stood up and patted the hem of his hand-dressed skirt... Was the hem of the skirt a bit too hot?

She was startled, and her earlobes couldn't help but turn red. She immediately turned around and left the scene subconsciously speeding up her steps.

Tsukiyomi Ban Liao's eyes full of anger turned to Yuanye again.

Yuan Ye Yu spread his hands towards her.

Na na!What are you doing?Even if you want to ship goods again, you can't target me, right?

We are obviously just an ordinary, unremarkable and simple man in a bull-headed mask!

"Hi Hi!"

"Oni-chan on the stage~"

Below, Shakudo Rina suddenly spoke up. She was obviously an "old CN" in her 30s, but she used the word Oni-chan to call Harano Yuu.

The key is, when you say it, it doesn't matter the tone, vocabulary or other emotions.

Strangely sound.

Yuhara Yu stood up and turned around to look at the chuuni witch under the stage.

Sakyamuni Rina's eyes immediately dropped. After noticing that there was nothing strange at all, she was disappointed for a moment.

【It’s time to drive the car again】

Dirty thoughts fade away.

Shakadou Rina waved with a smile and said hello: "Hi, I am the representative of the supreme light. Although she was given dark eyes, she never gave up pursuing the light."

Next to him, Kaminabe Ayumu naturally obliged and followed the master and introduced himself: "Double's best friend, I am the Holy Knight of Supreme Silver! Pursuing justice will be my lifelong pursuit and criterion, and I will be named: Kaminabe Ayumen!"

The two introduced themselves, one to the other, and one to the other. Listening to it made people want to dig out three rooms and one living room on the floor with their toes.


Many people are still surprised.

"Shakyatang and Shenguo actually took the initiative to greet the Minotaur. What does this mean?"

"Do they know this tauren?"

"Nutau Mask, could it be said that he has an extraordinary identity? Is he a big boss or something?"


Yuan Ye Yu is also thinking.

What's going on?

After all, why did Shakudo Rina and Kaminabe Ayumu suddenly greet him?

He is just an ordinary, very inconspicuous calf head! ... Could it be that you want to use this to find out your identity?

Letting themselves die is probably not their main purpose. After all, they are not familiar with each other, but maybe they want to eat something?Taking advantage of the mysterious tauren boyfriend's money?

"Anyway, there's no need to introduce yourself."

Yuanye Yu touched his chin and murmured to himself. After thinking about it, he smiled and nodded at them: "Hello, I have long admired my name."

"Eh~~What!" Shakado Rina hissed sadly, tilted her head and looked at Kaminabe Ayume.

Ayumi Kaminabe understands this very well.

The silver paladin, who was dressed in white and even his cloak was white, stepped forward and performed a very gentlemanly knighthood.

"My dear friend Double, if you can, please play a game with me."

Whoa! ! !

Suddenly, the scene was once again plunged into an uproar.

Varied!What? !

Ayumu Kaminabe is the most unfathomable person in the profession and cannot be described as a sixth-dan.

He he he!He actually initiated a challenge to a guy who didn't even dare to show his face and was suspected to be the love interest of Kong Yinzi, the double crowned queen in the chess world?

"how can that be?"


"Even the great professional eighth-dan players often refuse invitations to play games. What's going on today? It's obvious that the other party is an unknown guy."

"Could it be that Kaminabe also likes Naniwa Shirayuki-hime? This wave, this wave is drawing a sword for love??"

Fortunately, the live broadcast was shut down early.

The amazing events here have not spread too widely... Of course!Only within this room, it is enough to surprise countless people.

Even Kamikawa Mingtaka, one of the vice-presidents of the alliance, also frowned deeply.

He definitely didn't believe that Kaminabe Ayumi drew his sword for love. In this guy's heart, he only had Chuuni.

so! !

Although some of the things said are quite heartbreaking, they are indeed true.

Even if he is invincible at the seventh level of Mingchu Kamikawa and is one of the seven vice-presidents of the alliance, if he takes the initiative to challenge Ayumi Kaminabe, even the sixth level of this profession may not agree.

[Of course, for the sake of reputation or something, he would never make such a stupid attempt. 】

However, today, Ayumi Kaminabe took the initiative to invite a little-known tauren who even had no face.

"It's tricky!"

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