"Shakyatang must also know about it."

Kamikawa Mingtaka looked at the two middle school masters and apprentices, thinking about it, and suddenly remembered that it seemed that not only Kuzuryuu Yaichi had come to the scene this morning.

There was another person at the time!

And now?

Kamikawa Mingtaka immediately found the spot where Kuzuryuu Yaichi was standing, but there was nothing around him.

"Is the legend true?"

"Is there an unparalleled and invincible disciple born under Qingtaki's sect..."

"It's him?!"

Kamikawa Mingtong was having a brainstorm, and when he looked at the bull-headed masked man on the stage again, he was shocked.

Obviously, I also remembered that legend.

Chapter 46: Kill by touching the head

The world is always full of all kinds of coincidences, and surprises always pop up around the corner without warning.

【Really? 鋥朣?

Harano Yuuto hadn't even begun to seriously think about how he could casually and smoothly invite Ayumi Kaminabe to the next game.

Don't know,

Did the other party take the initiative?


Under the mask, Yuan Ye Yu slightly raised the corners of his mouth. Naturally, he would seize this opportunity that came to his door!

"Okay, although I'm not very strong, I can't wait to compete against the legendary Silver Paladin."

Ayumi Kaminabe was originally just following his master's orders.

But now?


This guy!it turns out!He actually took the initiative to call him Silver Paladin before his sixth-dan career?

What recognition!What kind of recognition is this of his knighthood? !


Ayumi Kaminabe excitedly stepped forward to hug Harano Yu, and said excitedly: "You are worthy of being my Double best friend!"

The corners of Yuan Ye Yu's mouth twitched.

real!How embarrassing!Oh shit!

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Give me a hug, that’s a character card!He would never believe that a character of Ayumi Kaminabe's level would not get stuck!

"I'm honored too, Holy Knight of Silver. Please take care of me in the future. Let us, um! Let us eradicate the darkness together,"

Yuan Ye said these words with great embarrassment, and risked his life just to get stuck.


The two hugged each other with different thoughts.

"Ding! It has been detected that the host is in contact with the main plot character in the manga world - Ayumu Kaminabe."

"The character card [Kaminabe Ayumu] has been included!"

Yes, yes, another card!

"My dear friend Double, you are right! You are so right! In this case, it is better to choose the day than to hit the sun. Why don't we go to eradicate the darkness together now! With the help of the Master, she is the most powerful person in the world. The great witch..."

"Cough cough cough!" Harano Yu coughed hard several times, interrupting Ayumi Kaminabe's chuuniu fantasy.

"I'm sorry, I have something to do and I can't get away for the time being. Also, about the competition, let's find another time. Tomorrow, just tomorrow, how about after the [Queen's Defense War] is over?"

We really can’t blame Yuan Ye Yu for immediately turning his back on the person after taking advantage of it, really!

He now felt as if he was standing in the crowd of a hundred people, suddenly raising his right arm, shouting "Diga!!", trotting and sprinting for two steps, and yelling angrily at the friend who was playing the monster in front of him. : "Stop! Let me destroy you on behalf of the light! Stream Ray!!... Hit, hit! You can't leave, you have been killed by me with Stream Ray!"

Eh?Is it a conspiracy? Diga's ultimate move seems to be... harmful!This is not important, anyway, embarrassment is embarrassment.

In short, he admitted that he had done this as a child, and even more so.

But now my face turns red just thinking about it!The psychological burden and pressure are extremely exaggerated!

Hearing this, Kaminabe Ayumi's face was filled with regret, and he stepped back, lightly pressing his left eye with one hand, using the same middle-second gesture as Kotori Yurikka, and said: "In this case, it's a pity, and we have to wait for the next time, and we will perform it together. Judgment of light and justice.”

"Bu Meng!"

In the audience, Shakudo Rina shouted appropriately. At the same time, under the pointed witch hat, she playfully winked at Harano Yu.

"Pfft!!"... Yuanye Yu couldn't laugh or cry anymore. He couldn't stay any longer and retreated, retreated!

Even with a mask on.

After finishing the speech just now, I started to feel embarrassed and wanted to dig the three rooms and one living room with my toes.



Kong Yinzi has been standing at the door of the lounge for a long time since he came off the field.

Finally, I saw Yuan Ye taking off his minotaur mask and walking down while patting the goosebumps on his arms. The corners of his fair mouth couldn't help but rise.

"Senior Brother Yu."

"What did I say? That's right! Tsukiyomi Saka is no match for me at all."

Such words inevitably imply some deliberate showing off and seeking praise.

Even when he said these words, Kong Yinzi's pretty face still didn't seem to have much expression.

Yuan Ye Yu smiled, casually hung the mask on his waist, reached out and rubbed Kong Ginzi's short silver hair and said, "Yes, Ginzi, you are very strong."

Kong Yinzi was immediately so happy that he couldn't express it in words, and felt extremely sweet in his heart.

He was killed by being touched on the head!

Hey, happy!

"But Ginko, I think there are still some areas that are not enough." Yuano Yu suddenly became serious.


Kong Yinzi raised his head sweetly.

The next moment!

Yuan Ye Yu, who was at least half a head taller than her, lowered his head and kissed her.

Strong and decisive!

This is what Sora Ginko has wanted to do for a long time, but Kiyotaki Tsusuke has not let Harano Yu go out of the mountain, and there are too few opportunities for the two to meet.

This is what Yuan Ye Yu wanted to do recently.

Because, the money is really too much!

Sitting in his arms, he played with Tsukiyomi Sakaru with a proud attitude for a full hour and 1 minutes.

Even if he can try his best to be in the state of immersing himself in the chess game without any distractions.

but!Do you know what nature is?

The beautiful junior sister passing on the handkerchief and so on~

If it weren’t for the Qiying Club here!

If it weren’t for the people coming and going here!Absolutely not, just like that, so simple! !


"Nine-Headed Dragon King!"

On the side of the Qiyingsha rest area, Kamikawa Naotaka saw Kuzuryuu Yaichi who was about to go to the defender's lounge, and immediately said hello and stopped him.


"Chairman Kamikawa."

Kuzuryuu Bayi immediately bowed politely and asked curiously: "Is something wrong?"

Kamikawa Mingtong also hurriedly returned the bow to Kuzuryu Bayi, followed closely, and said with a wry smile: "You should be going to see Queen Kongyinzi and your senior brother, right?"

"Well, yes, is there something unexpected that needs me to convey?" Kuzuryuu Bayi nodded without any thought.

Kamikawa Mingchong was immediately calmed down!

The eyeballs are bulging.

The whole person's expression was like being struck by lightning, and it was so exciting in an instant.

【Senior Brother】

Really riding a horse? ! !

Chapter 47 [Excellent Acting] Eight of the Stones

To be honest, the real purpose of Kamikawa Mingtong's call to stop Kuzuryu Bayi is not to trick Kuzuryu Bayi.

It's just that the Shogi Alliance just came to report... let them play more normally.

[Queen’s Defense Battle] is a very high-end shogi match. No matter what, it’s too much to have Sora Ginko sitting on a bull-headed masked man to play chess!Disgraceful to gentlemen!

As long as the man in the bull-headed mask doesn't prompt or make any extra moves, this is indeed not a violation of the rules.

However, it is not morally recommended!

Moreover, there were suddenly hundreds of complaint letters and thousands of anonymous reports in the alliance... We could only immediately notify Kamikawa Mingtaka of the changes.

Naturally, Kamikawa Mingsong got the news, and he called Kuzuryu Bayi at this moment just to talk about this matter.

As for clichés!

He just had an idea, faced with the simpler Kuzuryuu Bayi's whim, he deliberately added a trap in the question...

who knows!who knows! !

The king is coming! ! !

Kamikawa Mingtong's expression froze, showing an exaggerated shock, and there was no movement for a while.

"Chairman Kamikawa!"

"Chairman Kamikawa?!"

"Ah! President Kamikawa, if nothing happens, I will leave first."

Kuzuryuu Bayi looked confused and shouted several more words. After Kamikawa Mingtong didn't respond, he scratched the back of his head and turned away with a speechless expression.

Kamikawa Mingchong continued to stand there blankly like a petrified sculpture.

"The urban legend in shogi is true!"Really really really! 》

"There really is an invincible great disciple under Kiyotaki's sect!" ! 》

"Ala Ala~"

"Hi~! President Kamikawa, with such a surprised expression, he must have learned some terrible inside story, just now?"

A woman wearing a pointed witch hat, a purple-black robe, and a cape slowly came over in a wheelchair. She was graceful and said hello with a smile.

Kamikawa Mingtong gradually came back to his senses, and when he looked at Sakyado Rina, the bitter smile on his face became thicker and thicker.

Sakyamuni Rina narrowed her eyes and sighed: "I didn't expect that you would be the third one to know. I thought this matter would continue to be hidden for a long time."

Shangchuan Mingchong was startled and said helplessly: "Sakya Hall, you guys have known this for a long time."

"Ara ala~ Are you looking down on people so much? Why do you have such a tone?" Shakyadou Rina covered her mouth and chuckled.

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