The training club in Adachi City is famous, so it's normal for Senior Brother Yu to ask about it.

However, as soon as I asked, I went directly to the JS department. Isn't this a bit abnormal? !

Could it be that!

Brother Yu’s XP! ! ! ... Kuzuryuu Bayi suddenly widened his eyes in shock and looked at Yuanye dryly.

It's hard to say.

Master, senior brother, you are breaking the law!

Three years to start, five years to go, etc...

You obviously have Senior Sister Yinzi~

Yuanye Yu didn't know why, and found that Kuzuryuu Bayi was suddenly dumbfounded. He frowned, gave him a dandruff and urged: "Why are you standing there in a daze? Come on, if you don't have me, I will drag the master to find someone else for help."

Brother, do you dare to tell the master about this kind of XP? ? ...Kyuzuryuu Bayi opened his mouth wider.


A click.


"Master! Senior brother! If you wait too long, Xiaba will be dislocated! Ninth one~!!"


Chapter 49 Is this considered cutting off the beard?

Kuzuryuu Yaichi's jaw was dislocated because he opened his mouth too wide! !

Yuan Ye originally wanted to get started.

He felt that he was at the first level of [Martial Arts], and he must be strong enough to treat a dislocated jaw. He could dance and dance casually. This operation was still easy to do, right?

However, Kuzuryuoba refused to let him die. He covered his dislocated chin and hid himself in the corner, screaming.

There was no other way, so Yuano Yu had no choice but to call a doctor for him.

Unexpectedly, Kamikawa Mingchong was directly alarmed.

Not long after the doctor arrived, Kamikawa Mingtong trotted over.

"Nine-Headed Dragon King!"

"Nine-Headed Dragon King, how are you now? Is there anything else? Can you close your mouth?"

Judging from his expression, Kamikawa Mingtong is really nervous and worried, and he is not faking it at all.

Well~!Think about it too.

After all, Kuzuryuu Bayi is the current holder of the title of [Dragon King] no matter what, and what’s even more exaggerated is that he is only 16 years old now! 16 years old!

This kind of talent is extremely exaggerated, and no one dares to underestimate it.

Yes, in other words the easiest to understand: the future is limitless.

Those who can build a good relationship should naturally do it as early as possible.

Kuzuryuu Yaichi turned his head with a wry smile and bowed to Kamikawa Mingsong to express his gratitude.

did not speak!

The female doctor coughed lightly and said, "He should still need a period of rest. At least for the next few hours, he should talk as little as possible."

Yuan Ye You Leng suddenly thought of how he and Kong Yinzi had told Kuzuryuu Bayi to shut up several times today.

Well now.

It was hard to even speak.

Is this the reincarnation of cause and effect?

Yuanye You couldn't help but laugh, and whispered to Kong Yinzi.

Kong Yinzi also almost didn't stop. On her pretty expressionless face, the corners of her mouth were raised again and again, and she was only a little bit close to completing the shape of a half-moon.

"Excuse me, what should I call you?"

After confirming that Kuzuryuu Bayi was indeed fine, Kamikawa Mingtaka finally had time to come to Harano Yu.

Obviously, as one of the seven vice-presidents of the Shogi Alliance, Kamikawa Minataka is a person with a distinguished status even if he attends extremely high-end and upper-class gatherings.

However, when he greeted Harano Yuu, he was extremely respectful, his voice was too friendly, and the smile on his face was too warm.

Yuanye Yu raised his eyebrows and complained in his heart: Uncle, you are not a TXL, are you?It's scary to smile like that at a man.

"what's up?"

Kong Yinzi also frowned and looked at Shangchuan Mingchong displeasedly.

Why isn't this guy leaving?

Disturbing her and her senior brother, the third game is about to begin!Do you think you still have plenty of time?

Kamikawa Mingsong was a little embarrassed, rubbed his hands in embarrassment, smiled, and said: "I have long heard that there is an unparalleled invincible disciple under Qingtaki's sect. Today I saw that you two seem to be very familiar with each other and have a good relationship. I am curious and want to boldly come up to you and ask you if..."

"none of your business!"

Kong Yinzi interrupted Kamikawa Mingchong with an extremely cold force.

Kuzuryuu Bayi blinked several times at the side... Suck!As expected of Senior Sister Ginzi, such a strong character!

Kamikawa Mingchong was even more embarrassed. For a moment, he was in a dilemma.

Yuan Ye Yu reached out and gently pinched his forehead.

No wonder, no wonder Yinzi's popularity in the chess world is always so bad, so bad!

Obviously born with such favorable conditions, beautiful appearance, figure... well, besides being a washboard, don't she have long legs anyway?Doesn’t it look good?

However, in addition to being extremely popular among fans, in the chess world, no matter whether it is female or professional, almost no one is a friend, and they are all enemies.

Na na!Just this character, this temper, this naturally dark attribute, and the ability to say very hurtful things without any hesitation...

Where can I find friends?


Yuhara Yu pulled Sora Ginko behind him, and said to Kamikawa Mingtaka with a bit of headache and helplessness:

"I'm sorry, Yin Zi is not in a good mood this afternoon. After all, he was just sanctioned by the alliance and his behavior was banned, so his words were a bit too vicious."

Kamikawa Mingchong's face was stiff, but he waved his hands and shook his head: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

"Yu Yuanye, the only name is Yu." Yuan Ye Yu took the initiative to report his name.

"Yuanye, Yuu?"

Hearing this, Kamikawa Mingchong thought about it carefully, and then nodded gratefully, "In that case, Harano-kun, I won't bother you any more, and I'll see you later."


Yuhara Yu nodded, watched Kamikawa Mingtaka leave, closed the door, turned around speechlessly, pressed "";!7?;" again, and took two breaths of cold air with his forehead:


"Originally, after this guy came, it was an excellent opportunity. He could directly arrange for Ai to enter the JS department of the training club."

"A dignified vice-president of the Shogi Alliance, no matter how weak he is, he should still have some connections and privileges."

"Looking at it now? It's over. The primary school student will continue to stay at home...if her mother comes to visit her in the future, she won't be nitpicking me because of this, right?"

Kong Yinzi blinked a few times.

deliver!Hinata loves to go to seminars? ...Hey, this is good news!

But wait!

like! !

Kong Yinzi held his chin with one hand, narrowed his beautiful eyes, and after careful consideration, he was extremely sure.

This matter was messed up by myself!

Because Shangchuan Mingchong was stuck in a sentence just now and refused to come to the stage, Senior Brother You was too embarrassed to continue to ask for help.

Suddenly, Kong Yinzi opened her beautiful eyes wide and looked at Yuan Ye Yu, OK!So sorry!

His face was dark, [so upset]! !


Kuzuryuu Bayi, whose mouth was dislocated, asked in a low voice with difficulty.

Yuan Ye shrugged and suddenly felt in the mood to explain again, so he casually talked about Hinata's love of apprenticeship... Oh, that's right!Speaking of this, does he cut off the beard of the Nine-Headed Dragon Bayi?

Originally, he was going to become the King of Loli, but now it was changed that he was going to become Loli... Bah!He has become nothing. For personal safety, this kind of thought should not be allowed!

Kuzuryuu Bayi blinked wildly, what...ha?Have you misunderstood Senior Brother You?

It turns out that it wasn’t because of XP that I specifically inquired about the JS department of the seminar?

In this case, as long as senior brother does not break the law, it does not matter whether it is three years or five years... Kuzuryuu Bayi immediately shouted: "Senior Brother Yu!"

Yuan Ye Yu looked back.

Kuzuryuu Yaichi pressed his chin hard again, with a bitter look on his face, but he immediately took out his cell phone and wrote a series of numbers on it without any delay.

And, an additional line:

[Senior Brother Yu, do you still remember the Wanchi I mentioned to you when I came here?This is her contact information. Her master, Jiayue Dacheng [-]th Dan, has a very good relationship with the training association and President Jiu...]

[Last time, Miyoshi Wanzhi said she owed me a favor. If you go and say hello to her, she will definitely help! 】

Chapter 50 The black rabbit doll in Shangpu Apartment

For the imperial rice and all the wisdom!

That tyrannical cave bear gang?

Of course Yuhara Yu remembered it, blinked, and took the note from Kuzuryuu Bayi's hand.

Kong Yinzi also saw it.

After staring at the name Gomi Manchi for a long time, he suddenly realized it. He held his chin with one hand and murmured: "This guy seems to be the [Yamashiro Sakura] who lost to me last time."

Yuan Ye You had a strange premonition in his heart, and he asked somewhat unbearably: "Yinzi, how did you win against her last time?"

"Although she is a smelly and hard rock! But she is still too good. After getting angry, she raped Xiang/Xiang Che. It took her four hours to clear out all the chess pieces she used to defend. Then she used Feixiangluo to take it easily. Got off." Kong Yinzi said calmly.

Good guy!Or a humiliating killing?

The essential!And humiliated the other party for four hours? !


"Bayi, you said she owed you a favor, couldn't it be because you were the only one there when Ginzi played chess with her, and then you promised to keep this matter a secret and not tell it, right?" Yuan Ye said in a dumbfounded voice.

Kuzuryuu Bayi looked shocked and his eyes widened.

Yuan Ye quickly reminded: "Be careful, your mouth was dislocated just because of the shock. What if your eyeballs are dislocated again now?"

Kuzuryuu looked stunned, quickly retracted his expression, and typed another line on his phone.

——Senior brother, what you said is absolutely correct, but at that time, besides me, there was also the master of Miyoshi Wanchi, and we were the four of us witnessing the friendly match.

Yuan Ye Yu: "..."

Turning around, Yuan Ye Yu said to Kong Yinzi: "As expected of you."


Kong Yinzi doesn't know why, praise, praise?

The corners of the mouth subconsciously want to turn up...


High School Affiliated to Ming Art University.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, it was finally time for Qianshi Chihiro to get off work after working all day!

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