
Qianshi Qianxun sat on the chair, stretched out, and narrowed his happy eyes.

"Hoho~! If I don't drink seven or eight cans of beer when I go home today, I will really be sorry to the teacher for all my hard work this day."

muttering to himself.

Just thinking about it makes Qianshi Qianxun's eyes light up with happiness!



"Simi Masai! Teacher Senshi!"

A voice from the same office suddenly sounded.

Qianshi Qianxun immediately became serious, tapped her toes, turned slightly, turned around and leaned on the table with her arms, and asked with a smile: "Teacher Ozawa, what's wrong?"

"Teacher Qianshi, tomorrow is the weekend, so just now Teacher Takahashi suggested that we go out for a party together tonight. What do you think? Do you want to come together?" Teacher Ozawa's round face was full of excitement.

reunion? ...Qianshi Qianxun subconsciously wanted to refuse immediately!Are you kidding? After get off work, who will play the role of a good teacher with you?

I want to drink!drink wine! !

Drinking! !

"Teacher Qianshi, please, please! You are the best. As the backbone of the art office, if you don't support me, the party will be meaningless."

"You must, you must agree!"

Teacher Ozawa clasped his hands together, put his forehead on his fingertips, and prayed again and again.

Qianshi Qianxun had to swallow the words he was about to blurt out again.

Very annoying!

Very depressed!

However, this is what people say! !

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, then why shouldn't I go?"

Qianshi Qianxun smiled, picked up her bag, and said, "Let's go, let's go, let's have a nice dinner together tonight!"

"Hi! Teacher Qianshi is the best!" Teacher Ozawa raised his hands happily.

Other teachers in the office also cheered excitedly: "I will never come back before 12 o'clock! I won't come back until I'm drunk!"

Qianshi Qianxun smiled tactfully and waved his hand: "It's too exaggerated to say you won't return until you're drunk. I'm not very good at drinking."

As he said this, his heart suddenly jumped.


Why did you suddenly remember Mashiro?

It seems that this morning, she just promised Harano Yu to go to Miyamori Village early to pick up Mashiro after work in the evening.

But now it seems! !


Qianshi Qianxun felt withdrawn, but all the colleagues in the office screamed with excitement.

There's nothing she can do about it!she!All she could do was: "Ouch! Let's go for today's party!"

Pray silently in my heart:

——Yuan Ye-san, really, really, I can only work harder on you!I will definitely repay you well someday! !

Really! !

Please believe the teacher~


It's obviously afternoon.

A girl with long straight silver hair, black eyes, white skin, wearing a white dress and holding a black rabbit doll in her arms welcomed us into Shangpu Apartment.

She hugged the rabbit doll tightly in her arms, raised her head, and squinted her eyes for a while to look at the huge Shangpu apartment.

"The fifth place."

Kasuga Noqiong murmured softly, then lowered his head, found the suitcase, pulled the lever and walked towards Ueura Apartment.

Feng suddenly increased his power on his own initiative.


The top pocket of the suitcase was not zipped tightly, so it was blown open by the wind, and an A4 paper with colorful paintings inside was blown away.

Kasugano Qiong didn't hear or see it. She was just worried, lowered her head, and walked forward step by step, pulling the suitcase.

"Hey hello!"

"Are you the new resident of Ueura Apartment? Hi, hi! My name is Misaki Ueizusa...Eh? Eh?!"

Misaki Uekusa returned to Sakurasou very early, and when she came out to observe the growth of the bamboo she planted in the yard, she discovered the Kasuga Nodoka.

Based on her character, there is no doubt about it. She immediately waved her hands high and said hello to this very beautiful girl!


The hello was called.

However, the other party, as if he didn't hear or notice her at all, lowered his head and entered the high-rise apartment opposite Sakurasou without saying a word.


Misaki Kamikusa withdrew her hand that was stuck in mid-air, bit her index finger, and said with some distress, "The new neighbor seems to be very indifferent. Speaking of which, the wilderness next door is better."

Misaki Ueizusa turned her head and glanced in the direction of Mewsen Village, but it seemed that she had no excuse to disturb others.

Simply speaking, I want to play with you, are you more fun? …No, no, no, let’s talk about it again, let’s talk about it again.

Misaki Uekusa scratched her head and stopped thinking. She continued to lower her head and study bamboo seriously.

but!But!Another time I failed to put all my emotions and thoughts into it!

Because she saw a familiar figure of a small dumpling suddenly and cautiously walked out from the door of Miaomori Village...

Chapter 51 Look and look, look and look

"Hi Hi!"

Misaki Kamikusa blinked a few times, and immediately regained her high spirits and waved hello.

"Ai-chan! Ai-chan?!"

"This way, this way! Look this way!"

(* ^ ▽ ^ *)

Young He loved it and turned a deaf ear to it. After going out, he first locked the door of Miaomori Manor, and then, with his little head lowered and full of thoughts, he thought all the way.

"Master hasn't come back all afternoon."

"Could it be that you hate Ai? I heard Ai complain about that self-righteous blond expressionless woman this morning. Did you misunderstand me?"

"Is there any extra trouble that delayed you on the road?"

"But Ai doesn't have Master's phone number..."


"Don't worry! Even if you're not at home, Ai will definitely cook a super sumptuous dinner and wait for you when you come back!"

"The three floors of Miaomori Manor have been cleaned by love! Now, all we have to do is use the ample time to go out to buy groceries and show off our skills!"

"No matter what, after seeing this, Master will definitely be happy and forgive Ai, right?"

Chuhe was very thoughtful, and at the same time, he kept a tight grip on the money in his hand.

She ran away from home and didn't have any preparation funds, only a little pocket money.

It wasn't much, just over 100 million. After Ashina gave it to her every day, she grabbed it without leaving the house, watching Mr. Itagi and Mr. Hiraki playing shogi to kill time.

Well~!In fact, there are more at home!However, just one hundred banknotes with a face value of 1 yuan is already a lot.

The small schoolbag was packed to the brim.

Chuhe Ai was thinking like this, walking with his head down, and then he hit a wall with a bang!

He looked up inexplicably.

Misaki Kamiigusa was holding her waist, standing in front of her, looking very aggrieved, pouting her little mouth and saying:

"Ai-chan, why did you ignore me when you said hello just now? Apparently there was a newcomer who disliked and ignored me inexplicably just now."

"Ai-chan, you are too?!"

Misaki Kamiigusa's eyes were wide open, and she looked so aggrieved and pitiful... Although, she was obviously much older than Hinazurui.

She is a relative adult!

Hinazuru Ai blinked her eyes and called out tentatively: "Misaki Onessan?"

"Yeah~! Hee hee! Okay, okay! That's it! Ouch (two sounds)~!!!" Misaki Kamikusa immediately raised her hands with satisfaction.

Hinazuru Ai tapped his lower lip with his index finger, but he still didn't understand the way of thinking of Misaki Uyegusa, an unconventional carbon-based creature.

He turned around and continued walking.

"Bamboo, bamboo."

"Bamboo, bamboo, bamboo, hehe~"

Because Misaki Kamikusa was happy, she trotted all the way to Sakurasou's yard, and took advantage of her good mood to observe the bamboos.


Nanami Aoyama was disturbed by the movement outside. He went out and asked curiously: "Have you been observing the bamboos?"

"Hey! Today's bamboo is particularly beautiful and makes you feel good, Xiao Qihai."

Misaki Uyegusa waved with a smile, but for a moment when she was caught off guard, the smile on her face froze.

She quickly turned her head and looked at the entrance of Shangpu Apartment.



The figure of Chuhe Ai has long disappeared.

Ueizusa Misaki stood up with a bang, and was stunned for a long time. Then she immediately turned around and asked hesitantly: "Little Nanami, ah, if you let a child of about eight or nine years old go out alone, nothing big should happen." question?"

"Eh?!" Nanami Aoyama didn't understand.

Misaki Ueizusa scratched her head and said, "I saw Ai-chan going out alone just now. She seemed worried. I originally wanted to ask her where she was going. Who knows, who knows..."

Who would have known that Chuhe would love to look up at her little face with a bit of baby fat and blink her big eyes like black gems.

Then I shouted "Miss Misaki" in that crisp and cute voice, and then I became happy? !

so!Forgot to ask? ?

The corners of Nanami Aoyama's lips also stiffened, and she immediately followed Misaki Uegusa's gaze and looked over.

The entrance to Shangpu Apartment is empty and bright, with a bit of the gloomy glow of dusk.

"Misaki-senpai! You are too careless!"

"Love is still a child!"

"Besides, the last time I became a disciple of Harano-san, wasn't it because he ran away from home or got lost? It's a lesson learned from the past!"

No one no one!No more shadows to be seen! ... Nanami Aoyama suddenly became anxious about this. She walked around the door, slapped her forehead suddenly, and immediately dug into her pockets.

"Anyway, let's call Mr. Yuanye first and ask if Mr. Yuano knows about this matter."

"Please, please, I'm really sorry! Really, really!" Misaki Kamikusa put her hands together and kept apologizing, realizing her mistake.

right!Maybe it’s not the point for primary school students to go out alone!

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