So His Highness the Dark Lord is...?

"Empty bar wow!"

"Witch" Shakudo Rina, who was sitting in a wheelchair, also raised her head and gave Yu Harano a very mature and sexy smile.


Yuan Ye nodded slightly and thought for a moment. Although there was no reason, there was a card in front of him...

No matter if he is embarrassed or not!As long as he is not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Reach out! !


Shakudo Rina blinked, a little confused, did this mean to shake hands?

However, handshakes and other gifts are probably only given out when they meet for the first time, right?

They are not.

But, it doesn't matter, getting to know such a powerful disciple of Kiyotaki... Sakyamuni Rina also stretched out her little hand and shook it with Harano Yuu.

"Ding! It has been detected that the host is in contact with the main plot character of the manga world - Shakudo Rina"

"The character card [Sakyado Rina] has been collected."

When Yuan Ye Yu heard the system prompt, he immediately felt happy and naturally had an explanation. He smiled and said:

"I forgot to say hello to you formally yesterday. It's not too late now. Nice to meet you. Famous female streamer and Ayumi Kaminabe."

"Hey! My dear friend Double, call me the Holy Knight of Silver! You still greeted me like this yesterday!" Ayumi Kaminabe interrupted anxiously.

Yuhara Yu smiled at him like a spring breeze and agreed: "Okay, Kaminabe Ayumu."

Ayumi Kaminabe: "?"

"Pfft!" Sakyamuni Rina couldn't help but covered her little mouth and snickered.

There are not many people who can control her, a chuunibyou disciple, but the Yuan Ye Yuu in front of her seems to be one of them.


"I really don't know if I am really calm or pretending to be calm. Even though the junior brothers and sisters inside are about to fall, they still have time to chat outside!"

A discordant voice broke in.

Yuu Harano, Rina Shakado and Ayumi Kaminabe looked up at the same time.

See Sakaliao on a moonlit night!

This guy didn't wear the usual yukata today, but a decent suit.

He looked a bit cool, with his arms folded, standing far away and expressing his inner emotions with a cold hum.

Another card! ! ... Yuano Yu was not annoyed by Tsukiye Miban Liao's words. Instead, his thoughts were extremely simple!Still with a smile on his face, he walked over with brisk steps, stretched out his hand and said:

"Hello, I'm sorry that Junior Sister Yinzi defeated you in that way the day before yesterday and yesterday. I actually taught her a lesson after returning home."

"But you should also know that Yinzi has a bad temper... Anyway, as her senior brother, now that I have seen it..."


Yuhara Yu's tone is very sincere, his attitude is also very sincere, and his movements and expressions are perfect. "ha??!"

Tsukiye was obviously very unhappy when he saw Ban Liao. Because of Sora Ginko, 920 was unhappy with the guys under Kiyotaki's sect.

but!But Yuhara Yu’s side? ?

After being mocked maliciously by her, not only was he not angry, but he still had a handsome smile on his face and came over to give her a sincere apology?

Seeing Ban Liao on a moonlit night, her claws suddenly became numb.

"Me, me! Why should I be angry? Winning and losing in shogi is a normal thing. Hey!! Don't think that I am so stingy!" Yue Ye saw Ban Liao at a loss, and he said randomly, Very irritated, he said to Yuan Ye Yu with a tigerish face.

However, in the end, he gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand, shook hands with Yuanyo in a friendly manner, and cursed coldly, "Humph! But you need to admit that you are indeed a very different existence."

"Pfft!" Rina of Sakyamuni stopped laughing, and now she laughed again, muttering softly, "The person who can punish an impolite social girl like Tsukiyomi Ban Liao is as helpless as a little girl, You really deserve to be this person." Also in a good mood was Harano Yu.Not for anything else, just for the voice from the bottom of my heart:

"Ding! It has been detected that the host is in contact with the main character in the manga world... Tsukiyomi Sakaru"

"The character card [Tsukiyomi Sakaru] has been collected." Now, think about the misery before.

Is it really that difficult to collect cards?

No, as long as you shamelessly attack A, you can kill two in a row in less than a few minutes.

【Real cowhide! ! ].

Chapter 93 Double-opening [Dragon King Battle] and [Female Throne Battle]

There are only a few acquaintances outside.

Those who are not familiar with them are unlikely to reveal cards... It's not that Yuhara Yu looks down on those people.

But he has confidence in his animation literacy.

The old Two-dimensional.

Back then, we were only 278 experience points short of Level 6 at Station B. Let me ask who else is there?

Oh, in fact, ten years have passed, and some of them may be forgotten, but even if they are forgotten, it is really not possible for him to take a look at them. If he takes a second look, he will most likely be able to remember them again.

Besides, it's already two o'clock in the afternoon, and I don't know what the situation is inside.Yue Ye saw Ban Liao and said: Your junior brothers and sisters are about to fall completely... Are they reliable?

It's hard to say, but this guy has a lot of opinions about Kong Yinzi. After all, the way Kong Yinzi defeated her was really a bit, well! ...humiliating people?

It’s natural to have some subjective emotions.

Yuhara Yu thought in his mind, even though he entered the door together with Rina Sakyamuni and others, he didn't say another word on the way.

Until, the first scene of the game!

The first thing that comes into view is a huge display screen! ...Left [Mountain Sword Cut Off] vs right [Nine-Headed Dragon Bayi]!

The game lasted 1 hour and 47 minutes, and the two sides had exchanged 279 moves. The situation was very clear, and Kuzuryuu Bayi was already at a disadvantage! "hiss!!"

"The endless power of darkness is eroding the situation. It's dark! It's dark! My dear friend, there are many crises!" Ayumi Kaminabe was the first to take a breath of cold air. He said very neutral words, but his expression and eyes were highlighted. Very dignified.

Obviously, he was thinking rapidly at the moment, racking his brains to think of ways to break the situation.

Yuan Ye Yu's face was not very surprised.

The emergence of this situation seems to be only reasonable.

It's just that he didn't expect that Kuzuryuu Bayi would take this step (betting the title of [Dragon King] in advance to invite all mountains to be defeated with a sword).

The hint from that day was that he actually wanted Kuzuryuu Bayi to find another way and not be too obsessed with learning Zhenfeijie.

You can add two more little things to your original strategy and make the strategy change unexpectedly, which will make it difficult for the opponent to react.

It is not completely impossible to win the two-sword style with Xiang Gua.

But after thinking about it again, he finally realized that his suggestion seemed to be biased.

Although the suggestion is good, can it be implemented? ...This is a big problem!

He would find it easy to do so because the shogi profession has already reached the full achievement [Unparalleled in the World].

Kuzuryuu Bayi is different. He can still only rely on his original talents, continuous efforts and self-study...

"Have you figured out a way to break the situation?[?"

Harano Yu tilted his head and looked at Ayumi Kaminabe, who kept mumbling plausibly and speaking some middle-level language.

Shen Guo Aumeng frowned deeply and said: "Maybe, maybe, it is also a way to upgrade the incense car in advance..."

"But the horns are still at home after all the swords have been cut by the mountain. The horns are completely opened. Go all the way up diagonally to the end. Silver will go up and open Bafanggui. Xiangche will be forced into a dead end immediately." Yuanye interrupted.

Kaminabe Ayumi was stunned, and then quickly put forward his second opinion: "What if we focus on defense during Keima Crossing, and the infantry Crossing will be the main offensive force?"

"The passing flying dragon can return to defense. There is no need to use Bafang Gui. You only need the fragrant car to capture and kill one, and kill them all step by step to clear the field." Yuanye said.

Kaminabe Ayumi's eyebrows furrowed further, and he said, "If that doesn't work, just surround your hands, focus on defense, and wait for the opportunity..."

"There is no opportunity. Instead, there are murderous intentions everywhere." Yuanye Yu whispered.

Kaminabe Ayumi's face completely collapsed, and he complained in frustration: "Hey, my dear friend Double, why do you always help Shandao kill this guy and talk! I'm so angry! Really!"

Sakyado Rina also cast a suspicious look at Harano Yu, yes!why?

Seeing Ban Liao thoughtfully on a moonlit night.

Even if the irrelevant team blows the Nine-headed Dragon Bayi to the sky now, it is just a poor man's self-comfort.

This is not necessary.

Therefore, Yuan Ye shook his head slightly and answered the question incorrectly: "There is a certain truth to the two-sword style's restraint tactics. In the next game, Bayi will most likely use the Zhenfei Chao, which he is not very good at and has not practiced well."


Shakudo Rina let out a light sigh, but received no response from Harano Yu.

Yuhara Yu even left here directly and went to the scene of the female stream [battle to retain the throne] at the mark.

Sakyamuni Rina touched her snow-white chin and muttered: "Ara ala ~ I suddenly feel that he is so annoying again. His words are always unclear, but somehow they seem to make sense, but God- Cauldron, Tsukiyomi Saka, you

Are we going to continue watching here, or are we going to follow that annoying guy?"

and did not respond.

Shakado Rina raised her head inexplicably, only to see that Ayumu Kaminabe was completely entranced, staring at the situation with golden colored contact lenses.

Because, Kuzuryuu Bayi used the third method he just mentioned...trying to surround Yushou and wait for the opportunity.

Can!Shan Daofe laughed out loud!

The [murderous intent] mentioned by Yuhara Yu is gradually coming true! !

There was no other way, Shakado Rina turned back to look at Tsukiyomi Ban Liao...Eh?eh eh eh

What about people?!

His face suddenly turned dark!

Now, it seemed like she had no choice even if she wanted to follow Yuan Ye to see the [Emperor Battle].

I can’t get through it!No matter how much you think about it, you can’t get through it, right?

Rocking the rocking chair by yourself will be really tiring!She is obviously just an ordinary little female chess player...

Before the main match of professional chess players, the game played by female chess players will inevitably be treated in a biased manner.

like now.

With the [Dragon King's Throne War] in front, it is true that the [Female Throne Battle] is also very dazzling.

But not enough!Far from enough.

The former will be arranged to perform live broadcasts in the largest venues and exhibition halls, with huge crowds of people, but the latter can only be arranged in the auxiliary venues, with very few people.

If he hadn't been convinced that this was the Kiei Club, Harano Yuu almost mistakenly thought that he was back in the bad place of the Service Department.

Of course, this may be an exaggeration... Because most of the female chess players who really don't understand high-end games and don't have the full ambition to hit a higher status stick to this side.

It's just that the viewing area in the first venue was so impressive that it looked desolate.

Yuan Ye was very low-key and walked in very lightly without attracting any attention.

Looking up at the live broadcast on the huge floating screen, the game between the two sides, eh?It turned out that empty money had the upper hand?

Yuan Ye Yu raised his eyes.

If I remember correctly, God Sacrifice Thunder is a slightly stronger existence than Tsukiyomi Ban Liao, right?

Back then, he would have lost a game against Tsukiyomi Ban Liao, but now he was facing the Sacrificial God Thunder? ? ...Is this the potential of empty money? ! ""snort! "

"If you don't go in, why are you hanging out here?"

"Kong Yinzi, that Baga woman, will immediately add buffs when she sees you. She is countless times more powerful!" From behind, another cold snort came from Yue Ye Jian Ban Liao.

Yuanye Yu turned around and smiled at her, and said jokingly: "Really? Even though you call her a Baga woman, you still made a friendly suggestion to her victory?" Yueye saw Ban Liao blush, and suddenly Feeling a little bit exposed, he was furious and embarrassed: "Mom! Mom, I am not..."

"Yes, yes, I know, I know it all, but since Ms. Tsukiyami Saka said so, then I would rather obey her orders and go in to add buffs to the silver." Yuhara Yu didn't mean to wait for her to finish her explanation, and smiled. He waved his hand and left.

Until Yue Ye saw Ban Liao regaining his composure, his eyes suddenly widened and he suddenly raised his head to look ahead.

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