But, Yuan Ye Yu has left? "Oops!"

Yue Ye was slightly annoyed when she saw Ban Liao punching the wall next to her with great force.

She just forgot to buy it!

It is true that Yuan Ye's appearance will add buff to Sora Ginko. She has experienced this personally, and then suffered a disastrous defeat.

but!Similarly, the person sitting opposite Kong Yinzi and playing chess with Kong Yinzi now is Sacrifice God Lei!

What is the nature of Sacrifice God Lei?

I just heard the urban legend when I was a child, and I was already obsessed with Harano Yuu to the point of being unable to extricate myself from it!

"So, who will the buff be added to now?"

There was no telling the emotion on Ban Liao's raised cheeks on a moonlit night.

In short, it’s just nine words: This is really terrible (wonderful)!

ps: My mentality is broken. Is Genshin Impact so unfriendly to novices? I have been holding the rough stone for seven or eight days just for that fragrant knife, but in the end I still can’t get out after eighty draws~ I have only been in the trap for more than ten days, and suddenly I just want to quit the trap, I feel so tired. .

Chapter 94 After the buff blessing [empty silver!Invincible? ! 】

The female throne battle scene!

There is no doubt that it is Kamikawa Mingtaka who is presiding over and personally refereeing this game.

The game here started later than the [Dragon King Retention Battle], but it entered an anxious rhythm faster!

Sacrificial Thunder does not have the bluffing name of "The Archangel of Attack", but this does not mean at all that her offense is any worse than Tsukiyami Ban Liao.

It can even be said that what Yue Ye Jian Ban Liao has, she has!What Yue Ye Jian Ban Liao doesn’t have, she also has!It’s completely the puls version of Tsukiyomi Sakaru...

When he seizes an offensive opportunity, he is simply a complete lunatic and will attack and suppress him at all costs.

Are you going to defend her?Sorry, it's been tough.Because this guy's wild chess moves always have more than one direction of attack.

Instead of defending, you use the opposite idea to attack her? ...In this way, when you attack and the chess pieces are completely upgraded, you will suddenly realize: Oops!be cheated!

Yes, this is the power of Sacrifice Thunder!The current holder of the title of [Female Emperor]! ! "But Naniwa Shirayuki-hime seems to have made great progress compared to the previous two days."

"Originally, even if we didn't get crushed against God Sacrifice Thunder, we would always be at a disadvantage, but today?..." Kamikawa Mingtaka stood aside and watched the game attentively, with constant thoughts in his mind.

[Is it because something suddenly happened and had a great impact on Naniwa Shirayuki-hime that the throne battle was suddenly advanced and she suddenly became stronger? 】"ah?"

920 "I said empty money, are you crazy? If you go to a place like this, I have a hundred ways to kill you!"

"You're going to be finished!!"

During the chess game, God Sacrifice Lei suddenly began to mock unscrupulously, raising the corners of his eyes and holding a nameplate in his mouth.

[Emperor: Female Chess Player No. 49] A dazzling honor that cannot be ignored!

The sharp jagged teeth bit hard on the sign, and he laughed coldly. Kakugo finally passed through and landed in a very special position.

With a "pop" sound.

The situation that lasted for more than an hour finally changed.

Sora Ginko's defense was suddenly hollowed out. Although it hasn't reached that step yet, anyone who has some understanding of shogi can see...the next step!That's when the defense is completely lost! !

Since the game started, Kong Yinzi's expression changed for the first time, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

In the room, there were still a dozen female chess players around... Uh!

As for the professional chess players, they have all gone crazy to follow the "Dragon King Battle". In their eyes, high-end chess games played by female chess players can be watched, but to be honest, they will never be on the stage.

At this moment, these female chess players could not help but start talking in low voices.

"Although a considerable balance of power was maintained in the early stage, in the end, the throne is still the throne (acbh)."

"Although Shirayuki-hime Naniwa is ridiculously strong, she hasn't really reached the level of terror yet!"

"Phew! As expected of Lord Sacrificial God Thunder, how can Naniwa Shirayuki-hime succeed if he wants to provoke her or something?"

"At this step, we must come up with a way to break the situation. If we still can't change, tsk tsk, Naniwa Shirayuki-hime seems to be losing for sure~"

Kamikawa Mingchong squinted his eyes carefully, mentally agreeing with what these female chess players said.

There was a brief blank period in the game.

"Did you lose?"

"It seems like we are really going to lose."

"If we fight against the God Sacrifice Thunder now, is there still a big gap?... When, exactly when did we suddenly make such a trap? I didn't pay attention at all."

"How to solve it? How to solve it?... It seems that there is no solution at all, so do we really have to give up on the first set..."

In just a few moments, countless thoughts passed through my mind.

Kong Yinzi put one hand on his own silver general and did not move for a long time.

God Sacrifice Lei smiled: "Oh? Is this the end? It's so relaxing."

"Sora Ginko, thanks to me, I came all the way to Adachi District and agreed to fight you in advance..."

"In the end, it seems to be useless."

"Well~ It's actually quite right. How many people in this world do you think can be my opponent?"



God Sacrifice Lei said, and suddenly slapped the table. He was obviously smiling, but his expression was exaggerated by the jagged teeth, but it turned out to be very scary.

Kamikawa Mingchong pursed his lips, and was about to speak to ask God Sacrifice Lei to restrain himself... even though he knew this guy was born with such a temper.


The door was pushed open.

The sudden appearance of a person made him swallow the words he had obviously spoken.

That one! ! ... Kamikawa Mingchong was shocked and couldn't understand.

How could such a being come here if he didn't go to watch the more exciting [Dragon King Battle] ahead?

He was just forced by work, otherwise, he would have gone to the first venue anyway.

Several female chess players who were whispering raised their heads in confusion, and the expressions on their faces suddenly froze! !

Pushing open the door, a guy with a tall figure and handsome appearance was seen... But, this alone was not enough to surprise them...

This guy!This guy! !


"Why is he here?"

"As expected! As expected! Came here..."

"Is it for Naniwa Shirayuki-hime?"


A group of female chess players were dumbfounded, and suddenly felt sour in their hearts.

I'm so jealous of empty money.

The direction of the door is facing away from Sacrifice God Lei and facing Kong Yinzi.

Harano Yu pushed open the door and walked in. In addition to Kamikawa Mingtaka and the female chess players, Sora Ginko also saw it!


Only half a word came out of his mouth, and Kong Yinzi's blue pupils suddenly shrank.

Why did Senior Brother You come here? …

No!one way or another!No matter why!

Now that Senior Brother You has come to this place, he cannot let him see the embarrassing side of his hasty defeat!

Give up? No!Can't give up!

absolute! !

In the eyes of Senior Brother Yu, she must be an incomparable junior sister who is extremely proud and will always stand on the shoulders of any other opponent, forever!forever!so! ! ! …

"Where should we go to solve the current dilemma and in one fell swoop... we found it!"

After brainstorming.

Suddenly, Kong Yinzi's eyes lit up. He tapped the folding fan in his left hand on the table and made a crisp sound. He grabbed the horn with his right hand and rushed into the killing array!

This kind of operation seems more like giving away one's own horns.

At the same time, the dead game that was originally suppressed and about to empty the defense has become slightly tougher again because of the passing of this offensive piece?


『.!.』 Sacrifice God Lei grinned and raised his eyebrows.

It is true that she can still continue with her previous ideas and try to hollow out the defense of silver or something.

However, if you put a corner table in front of you to serve food for no reason, wouldn't you be an idiot if you don't eat it?

kill! ! !

Sacrifice God Lei smiled and took the empty chess piece without any psychological pressure.

The corners of Kong Yinzi's mouth raised slightly, and without thinking, they fell down in the blink of an eye.

Sacrifice God Lei frowned, and wanted to go back and continue the train of thought, but suddenly found that all the intersections seemed to be blocked?

You were fine when you came, but you can’t go back?!

Two good moves in a row really stumped her. Only then did she realize that Kong Yinzi seemed to have been raising his chin slightly, as if to show off or something.But the person showing off is not her, but the person behind her...

"Ah~?!" God Sacrifice Lei raised his eyebrows, tilted his body with an unhappy expression, and slowly turned his head.

Everywhere you look is like a lightning strike! !

ps: This picture doesn’t quite echo the expression of looking back, but I really can’t find any other one, uh, yes.

Chapter 95 [Shocking Waves] Judgment!Interpretation?? !

Eight years ago, in a small mountain village in Iwate Prefecture.

Sacrificial God Lei was ridiculed again in school because of his teeth. After crying, he hid in a dark hut.

No matter how much my parents persuade me, I refuse to go out.

I feel extremely closed-minded and inferior.

It was at this time that one of my father's friends, who was well-known in the chess world, came here.During the discussion, the friend was boastful and excited about...

"Hey! You must not have imagined that, my God, there is a very powerful disciple under that guy Qingtaki!"

"Oh my god! You haven't seen how terrifying his chess skills are! He is so young, but his chess skills are so powerful that even I feel fear and panic!"

"You know what! I'm just a kid!... I was traveling with that guy Yamazaki! He's a professional sixth-dan! ~ Do you know what's the sixth-dan?"

"But even a guy like this is still being raped by a child under ten years old..."

"Hey~! We asked him what his name was, and he looked easy-going and calm, not at all what a child should look like. He introduced himself neither humble nor arrogantly: Qingtaki's sect, senior brother-!!" in his gushing words. , full of admiration!Eyes full of fear!

I feel extremely proud of the talent of that child, the senior brother of Qingtaki's sect!

Even though he didn't actually know the child very well.

The autistic Sacrifice Lei was dumbfounded at that time. He hid behind the door, leaving only a small crack in the door, looking outside through the faint light.

His face, eyes, and heart were all full of admiration and admiration.

Really, is there really such a person?

Although he is very young, he will be praised and worshiped by countless people, and even regarded as a belief.

Does such a person really exist?

That being the case! !

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