"I want to play shogi!!!"

It was at that moment that Sacrifice God Lei completely changed!

She began to desperately win at shogi. As long as she could win, she could do anything.

Even if he is unscrupulous, using harsh words or with a smile to destroy an opponent's soul.


As long as you win, what's wrong?

After all, you can only keep winning, keep winning, and keep winning.

In the future, we will have more opportunities to follow Him and follow our faith...

"S-Master Yuanye!"

"It's Harano-sama! He, he, he showed up! Did he show up to watch my shogi game?"

"It's him! It's really him!!!"

Sacrifice to God Lei's vertical pupils kept shrinking, emitting an extremely bright and obsessed light, his fists were clenched tightly, and he was almost drooling!

Yuanye Yu also noticed the exaggerated expression of Sacrifice God Lei, and suddenly felt a chill on his back, and a wave of aversion to the cold arose spontaneously.

Sacrifice to God Thunder!This guy, after thinking about his face for a few seconds, he remembered!

It is indeed one of the representative characters in the anime "The Dragon King's Job", but the specific related character is...

[Well, the pseudo-six-level old Two-dimensional had to suddenly surrender under the wear and tear of ten years of memory! 】

The corner of Yuan Ye Yu's mouth twitched and he didn't think about it, but instinctively and subconsciously, he tried his best to avoid this guy's fanatical and exaggerated gaze.

"Master Yuanye?!" How could Sacrifice God Lei be so willing? He hurriedly pursued and even got off his seat...

"Player Sacrifice to God Thunder, please return to your seat immediately and continue playing, otherwise you will be declared a loser in this game."

Kamikawa Mingchong finally spoke up.


Sacrificial God Lei turned his head in dissatisfaction and glared at Kamikawa Mingchong fiercely, and asked word by word, "Are you talking to me?"

Kamikawa Mingchong's expression froze, and he cursed this bastard several times in his mind!A guy with an extremely bad personality! !

Among female chess players, there is probably no one worse than her, right?... Although Sora Ginko also has a bad personality, she has a venomous tongue at best.

As for Sacrifice God Lei, he had no doubt that this guy would really hit someone and even throw a chair over him!

Didn’t you see that the female chess players behind them all looked frightened and were secretly retreating?

But what does he represent?

Shogi Alliance! !

"Cough cough!"

Kamikawa Mingchong gritted his teeth, frowned, and said solemnly: "Sacrifice to God Lei, the first warning! After two consecutive warnings..."

"Wu Lu Sai ~ Baga...!!"

Sacrifice God Lei cursed and kicked... without kicking him down, because she suddenly remembered that the person she admired was still there.

"No! Don't leave a bad impression on Mr. Yuanye!"

Under Shang Chuan's unfailing expression, Sacrifice God Lei restrained himself, sat back with a smile, and bowed and apologized like a skilled lady:

"Well~ How could I be such a bad guy? I'm sorry, Vice President Kamikawa, I just lost my temper, Sumi Marseille."

Kamikawa Mingchong scolded this guy ten thousand times in his heart, I believe you are a ghost! !

Yue Ye Jian Ban Liao, who had just entered the door, saw the end of this scene, couldn't help but hugged her forehead and whispered: "Sure enough!"

0… ask for flowers…

"What's true? What happened to that guy? You must know something, right? Is it related to me?" Yuano Yu's voice sounded from behind.

On a moonlit night, Ban Liao looked back, scratched his hair, smiled, and asked, "Do you really want to listen?"

"Nonsense!" Yuan Ye Yu's face darkened.

It seems that it has reached the point where he doesn't want to hear it, right?

This guy Sacrifice God Lei obviously has a big connection with him! ...If he had been kept in the dark and didn't know anything.

That's too bad! !

With such a saw-toothed girl with serious character flaws staring behind her at all times with her glowing eyes... Ha!Hahaha~!Yueye saw Ban Liao pouting, waving, and said with a smile: "Then come closer."

On the chess table!

Kong Yinzi's brows also frowned slightly.

She was not a fool, of course she saw the sudden riot of God Sacrifice Thunder, it seemed that it was because she saw Yuano Yu!

But why? ?She frowned in confusion... Bang!

"Hey, hey~! Kong Yinzi, since you have reached that point just now, it's not a bad idea for me to let you win."

"But I'm sorry, something unexpected happened. I regretted it... No matter what, you can't win today, you can only lose!" After Sacrifice Lei dropped a piece, he grinned and revealed A very intimidating smile.

Kong Yinzi snorted expressionlessly: "You are self-righteous, winning or losing is not something you can control." Just now, she had a magical move, and even though she was in trouble, she still saved most of the situation.

especially!Five more moves!Five more moves!The fifth move is Jiejie [King's Move].

In short, she will definitely win this game of chess! "Hey~!"

"Let me think about it!"

"Eh?! Did you set the trap here? I'll go here and you go there, and prepare to kill me with your proud Feixiangluo on the fifth move?" Sacrifice God Lei tilted his head. He tapped his fingers on the chessboard, grinning and saying something that seemed very strange.

but!That’s it!

The expression on Kong Yinzi's cold little face suddenly froze, and even his heart was filled with shock!

Judgment, interpretation? !

ps: Sacrificial Thunder, who can kill professional chess players with explosive skills, is undoubtedly the most talented among female chess players, but she will not become one of the female protagonists, no, 100% not!Several.

Chapter 96: 12-hand interpretation, instant interrogation!

【Interpretation! ! 】

This kind of chess skill is not uncommon among professional chess players, even common, but it is often rare among female chess players.

It can only be seen in a few high-end games.

However, even if they are seen, there are only one, two or three hands, which are used to ambush the opponent and lay traps in advance.

Perhaps this is the talent of women. They are naturally weaker than men in these aspects.

Even after great efforts have been made.

but!Compared with the duels between female players, how exciting and high-end are the duels between male professional chess players?

Not to mention the top eight levels, any move in the game is likely to have hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of interpretations before the move is made.

Even the most ordinary fourth- and fifth-level chess players can reach a limit of one hundred moves.

Of course, in the confrontation between professional chess players, the more exciting thing may be far more than [interpretation].More advanced [brain drills] and so on...

Every time you make a move, a star-studded chessboard will appear in your mind, and countless chess records will pass by one by one, creating a very magical...powerful move that will be called "the hand of God" in front of the eyes of a layman!

At this point, the one who is the most powerful, the most exaggerated, and even reaches the ultimate state of transformation is undoubtedly the existence called [Moonlight Holy World].

The current president of the Shogi Alliance, the holder of the title of [Eternal Celebrity], the undefeated Moonlight Saint.

Who would have thought that a guy with so many honors would be blind! (The previous book did not pay special attention to this aspect, so it was careless.) When playing chess with others, Moonlight Sacred World often needs to play chess through oral instructions and use Miss Oga's hands to assist in playing chess.

And in the Moonlight Holy World where no one can be seen, one can only rely on [brain practice] when playing chess!

"If this person was still in his heyday... No, no one can imagine how terrifying the president was in his heyday. He seems to be a born shogi monster!" This is what countless high-level professional chess players in the chess world have said about Moonlight. Holy World, the most sincere evaluation.Even ninth-dan is no exception...

Well!Therefore, [interpretation] and [mental practice] are the real attractions of a truly advanced shogi game.

Then again.

Female chess player?!

There are very few people who can achieve this, and whoever can do it, they are all talented and decisive people!

Interpretation! ! !

Directly pre-reading all the five chess moves Kong Yinzi made... It was obviously because he saw his senior brother's sudden move, and it was obvious that this killer move was very hidden!

But!But! !

Kong Yinzi's expression changed countless times in an instant, and his lips were pursed tightly.

"It seems to have been guessed." Kamikawa Mingchong squinted his eyes and spoke in a low voice.

The female chess players closest to him all immediately widened their eyes.

It was clear that I was still scared and fearful just now, and I was secretly cursing in my heart whether this guy with serious character flaws, Sacrifice God Lei, could be okay and not break the rules casually.

At this moment, what is revealed in the eyes is shock and envy...

"It really can be done."

"As expected, he is the holder of the throne."

"How can Naniwa Shirayuki-hime be able to fight against such a powerful thunderbolt? It seems that this battle for the throne is meaningless, right?"

"Hey! That's pretty much what happened. You can't blame anyone else if you want to blame it, right?"

"Urban legends or something, after all, you are the one who has to show off...hey?! But I'm curious, are urban legends really true?"

"That guy who defeated the sixth-dan professional at such a young age. He pinched his waist and introduced himself as the senior brother of Kiyotaki's sect... Hiss!! This guy!!"

Shang Shang was clicking his tongue and talking in Yuanye Yu's ear non-stop. Seeing Ban Liao on a moonlit night, his voice suddenly stopped.

Also suddenly, he narrowed his eyes and stared at Sacrifice God Lei and Kong Yinzi... Of course, the most important thing was the chessboard! !


On a moonlit night, Ban Liao looked very ugly and cursed.

Yuhara Yu was actually distracted to listen to Tsukiyomi Saka's story and got a general idea.

Of course, along the way, we also saw a duel on the chessboard.

"This is probably not the limit. Ginzi's game of chess will be extremely difficult." Yuan Ye said softly.

Seeing Ban Liao on a moonlit night, she didn't bother to ask, "Hey! Did you hear what I just said?"... He raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't it the limit?"

"can not tell."

Yuan Ye Yu shook his head.

Right now, what he wants to do most right now is definitely to go up and touch the God of Thunder.

It's not a dirty verb here, it's just that I want to explode the card of God Sacrifice Thunder.

Let's see what is written on this guy's card, about talent?character?These are the limits?

No one can help it. Just because they watch an anime, no one will rush to read the novel behind it and analyze it extremely thoroughly!

Besides, even if Harano Yuzhen did this at that time, it would take ten years!My memory has long been blurred, and the only thing I can remember is probably just about the same as now..

I knew in my heart that this guy was probably a very powerful and talented being.

Tsukiye curled his lips when he saw Ban Liao and muttered: "Aren't you the invincible guy in the legend? Why can't you even see the limits of this bastard Sacrifice God Thunder? Baga!"

"Do you think I'm a god? Miss Tsukiyami Saka?" Yuano Yu rolled her eyes with a half-smile.

All the options, including the ultimate move, were judged in advance. At this moment, the most painful thing is undoubtedly the empty silver!

There was still disbelief in her blue eyes, but something was also running rapidly in her brain.

There is only one way to change the chess path!

so!What to interpret! !

Her gaze, inadvertently, glanced at Yuan Ye Yu again... Senior Brother Yu was present!Be present!

so!How can it be possible that you are the only one who can do interpretation?

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