Yuhara Yu: "Hmm??!"

ps: After reading a post posted by a certain boss, Xiao Ai’s brain has 11 chessboards, and he uses six sides steadily. In terms of the number of pure chessboards in his brain, it is higher than that of his grandfather. Exaggeration! …To a certain extent, The Dragon King’s Prison is also a fantasy novel.

Shogi novels. /cover face.

Chapter 100 Good guy!Take the "white blade" with your bare hands!

"No, no, no! You misunderstood. How can a dog's head be as smooth as your hair?" Faced with Kong Yinzi's question, Yuan Ye Yu quickly waved his hand to explain.

The evil aura between Kong Yinzi's brows became even stronger!

You really compare her with a dog!

This Senior Brother Baga~, I really want to kick him to death!

Yuano Yuya came back to his senses, thought for a moment, and changed his words again: "Should it be explained that your dog's head is softer than a dog's head?...Pfft-!"


Kong Yinzi finally couldn't bear it anymore, jumped up, and kicked someone in the face who spoke carelessly.

Fortunately, Yuan Ye Yuu had quick eyes and quick hands and reached out to catch it!

Empty hand to hand to hand?

No!This is picking up junior sister’s smelly black stocking feet with bare hands! !

Kong Yinzi was not surprised at all by this result. She knew that she had never really kicked Yuanye since she was a child.Snorting bitterly, Kong Yinzi said: "Let go!"

Yuan Ye Yu smiled, although he was always complaining and teasing his junior sister about her smelly black stocking feet.

However, the strange thing is that Kong Yinzi's little feet have always smelled good, inexplicably.

Perhaps this is also a kind of innate talent.

"Yinzi, I've come up with a better way for you to defeat the God Sacrifice Thunder. Do you want to listen?" Yuano Yuu let go and asked with a smile.

Kong Yinzi raised her plain eyebrows and said doubtfully: "The chessboard in my mind has already been formed, why should I still be afraid of her?" She is indeed my junior sister, this confidence, follow me! ... Yuan Ye Yu couldn’t laugh or cry.

It's just that Kong Yinzi's self-confidence is clearly honey, but it's not his true nature.

"You are different from her." Yuan Ye said.

Kong Yinzi was angry again, feeling that Yuanye Yu couldn't speak, so he knelt on the ground and faced Yuan Ye Yu, and pointed the folding fan held in one hand directly at Yuan Ye Yu. "Senior Brother Baga, are you saying that I am far worse than Sacrifice to the God Lei? Can't I beat that guy no matter what?" Yuanye Yuotou took the folding fan from Kong Yinzi's hand and knocked the junior sister hard with his backhand. 's head. "pain!"

Kong Yinzi suddenly hugged his head, obviously protecting his head with both hands, and still stared at him with a pair of blue eyes refusing to admit defeat. "Idiot Ginko."

"I'm telling you, just listen to me. Where do all the questions and doubts come from? Can I still hurt you?"

Yuan Ye cursed angrily and said, "Listen to me, the chessboard in your head has different attributes from the God Sacrifice Thunder."

"Her advantage lies in her ability to read farther, which gives her a super strong overall view, and she can even defeat professional chess players."

"You are different. The chessboard in your mind is chaotic and you are not dominant in interpretation, but this does not mean that you have no advantage."

"The chessboard in your head and your talents make it possible for you to fly freely in the chaotic chessboard using your talents... In other words, you have a strong adaptability, do you understand?"

Yuan Ye Yu spoke calmly, and Kong Yinzi raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't listen carefully?

The folding fan in his hand was raised, and it was about to fall again.

"I heard it! Senior Brother Baga, stop!"

Kong Yinzi's eyes were sharp and he had noticed this a long time ago. He didn't want to be hit on the head again, so he immediately retorted in frustration.

With her character!With her character, how could she be bullied like this by her senior brother?

What a shame, what a shame! What a shame! !

One day, sooner or later, she will step on Senior Brother You's cheeks and bully him back! !

If it wasn't true, if Senior Brother Yu had XP, he might not regard this as bullying, maybe he would still...

Kong Yinzi shivered unexpectedly.

Of course, complaining like this in her heart, it was not like she didn't listen to what Yuan Ye Yu said.

She has strong adaptability and so on... She seems to have a precise attitude and understanding of how to play the second set.

Raising his head again, Yuano Yu was looking down at his cell phone and replying to some message.

Kong Yinzi was confused: "Senior Brother You, what are you doing? Is it the transfer procedures?"

Only then did I remember that Harano Yuu had to go through the transfer procedures today, and it was unreasonable to suddenly appear in Qiying Club.

I don’t know if the formalities of transferring to another school will be delayed.

Yuan Ye lowered his head and said calmly: "Well, that's about it. I may have to go to school to handle some key materials tonight."

0 sticks


The message on the phone is...

Ping Jiajing: Hello!Yuanye, there is a very exciting fight in the gym tonight, it is martial arts!Pure martial arts!If you want to see it, just reply to me, and I will send one to you when the time comes. /wink/wink

It's not for Hiratsuka Shizuka, it's just to quickly raise his [Martial Arts] level to the highest level. Harano Yuu is also obligated to do this!

After all, the rise in martial arts realm means that one has a stronger sense of security in this world!

There was nothing to say, Yuan Ye simply replied: Okay, time, place, where to meet? Before and after dinner?

"So troublesome?"

Kong Yinzi gently waved the folding fan in his hand and said "Indomitable", but he couldn't help but spat:

"The management staff of Sobu High School are all a bunch of bastards, right? Brainless idiots! The work efficiency is so low, they are not as good as Nisuchi~!" After a short while of posting with the senior brother, they were about to say goodbye again. The key is that it seems Yuhara Yu can’t see the game at night!

Yuan Ye was present when Mingming lost, allowing Yuan Ye to see her embarrassed posture.Now he was about to win but... there was a ding-dong sound.

Hiratsuka Shizu sent a message.

"Well~ It's about six o'clock in the evening. Let's meet at the school gate. Hey! Don't keep the teacher and me waiting for you! You hate being late for a date." Date?! !

Pay attention to your wording. Hey, you deliberately want the old cow to eat young grass, right?

The corners of Yuan Ye Yu's mouth twitched slightly, and he replied with the word "Okay". He raised his head but remained calm, and He Kong Yinzi complained helplessly: "Actually, even if there is no transfer procedure, it would be difficult for me to watch the game at night."

"That guy Sacrifice God Lei..."


It's hard to say.

However, lying without a blushing face or a beating heart is very powerful and awesome!

Kong Yinzi also understood, and furrowed his beautiful brows again, but ignited a strong fighting spirit, and snorted coldly in a low voice: "No matter what, she will not succeed in her purpose, she will only lose, that's all!" Several.

Chapter 101: Don’t pretend that you can’t see your junior brother just after comforting your junior sister.

After Yuan Ye Yu appeased Kong Qian, he didn't keep any more.

The time agreed upon by the Heping family was six o'clock in the evening, and now it is four o'clock in the afternoon... There are two hours in between.

He had to go to JS Research to pick up the elementary school student Ai Hinazuru, and at the same time he had to go home to prepare dinner for Mashiro.

If you delay any longer, it will be too late.

Yuan Ye thought to himself that when he went out, Kong Yinzi had devoted himself wholeheartedly to the chessboard again and was practicing chess simulation on his own.

Anyway, even if I look at Senior Brother Yu more now, I still won't be able to post it later... Instead of doing that, it's better to hurry up and simulate the chessboard in my head.

The first time I really used this thing, Kong Yinzi felt a complete sense of novelty.

Yuan Ye turned around and took one last look. After confirming that the ruthless junior sister had no intention of looking at him anymore, he rolled his eyes.

Let's go, let's go.

With a click, the door was pushed open, and Yuanye Yu saw Kuzuryuu Yaichi squatting on the ground next to the door, with a slightly embarrassed expression.After Harano Yu glanced at it, Kuzuryuu Bayi seemed to have no intention of raising his head. After thinking for a moment, he raised his feet and was about to leave... "Hey! Senior Brother Yu! You have obviously seen it. Don't pretend to be like this. Leave."

"This is too much!"

"Is the gap between junior brother and junior sister that big? As a junior brother, I will lose more in this game!" Kuzuryuu Yayi had actually discovered Yuhara Yuu long ago. He could tell it by looking at his shoes. Sit back and wait for someone to take the initiative to comfort you.

Who knows?Who knew?!

Yuan Ye Yu actually had the attitude of planning to just walk away. He immediately broke his guard and became anxious.Yuhara Yu was caught in action, he stopped helplessly, looked back at Kuzuryuu Bayi and rolled his eyes:

"You're an idiot. You're seeking death yourself, and why do you want others to comfort you? Don't think you interpreted what I said that day as an invitation to fight and a title in advance."

Kuzuryuu Bayi scratched his head and said troubledly: "But I really don't know what to do. I have been losing for half a year and my mood is almost completely broken. I feel that the title of [Dragon King] may also be a negative..."

"However, I was also wrong."

Yuan Ye raised his hand to interrupt Kuzuryu Bayi's words, shrugged, and said: "Continue to study the Zhenfei Chao. With your talent, if you study for a while, you will definitely successfully defeat Shan Dao Cut."

"Ah?" Kuzuryuu Bayi was dumbfounded. Didn't Yuan Ye Yu disapprove of his practice at first?

But now...? !

"Because I suddenly realized that what I said that day was too targeted, and the conditions for implementation were too harsh."

"Indeed, it is a faster way to achieve invincibility."

"But it's not suitable for you...Besides, even if you don't take that path and continue to study the flying car, with your talent, it will only be a waste of time. If you want to win, it will be a matter of time..." Yuanyue Yuanyue said, Damn, that doesn’t taste right!Suddenly I feel a little ashamed!

This~! !

Could it be that this wave of Nine-headed Dragon Bayi's initiative to kill people was really (mainly*n) stimulated by what he said that day?

That's too bad!

After all, according to the regular plot of the anime, Kuzuryuu Bayi repaired his speed car based on the relationship. After a period of time, he defeated Shan Daofe and defended his title of [Dragon King].

It's different now.

Fighting in advance or something, the title of [Dragon King] of Kuzuryu Bayi can only be a gift.


No, no, the more I think about it, the worse it gets. I have to run away before this kid reacts!

"Ahem! Bayi, senior brother, I want to apologize to you, but there are urgent matters now, so I can't stay long. See you later!"


Yuhara Yuu waved his hand to Kuzuryuu Yaichi, who was stunned, a little dazed, and temporarily as dumb as a piece of wood, quickened his pace, and slipped away. "Eh? King Nine-Headed Dragon, are you here too? Are you here specifically to see Queen Kong and Lord Yuan Ye?"

"Haha, they are in this lounge...Although you lost the first set, don't take it too seriously. Play steadily and keep working hard."

As soon as Harano Yu left, Kamikawa Mingtaka happened to pass by while walking with his hands behind his back. He saw Kuzuryuu Yaichi with a defeated face, as if he couldn't bear the blow of failure, and he felt unbearable in his heart.He patted Kuzuryuu Bayi's shoulder and tried his best to comfort him. At the same time, he secretly sighed in his heart:

--The two disciples of Kiyotaki's sect really overturned their car and fell into a ditch today, but also, especially Kuzuryuu Yaichi, who gave him the confidence to go to the mountain and slash his face with a sword and kill him?

Kuzu Ryuuha kept looking at Kamikawa Mingtaka and didn't reply, but there was a sentence that kept echoing in his ears! "I was tricked by my senior brother!" "I was tricked by my senior brother!" 》

"I was tricked by my senior brother while riding a horse!" 》*N! ! !

Think about it 0..

Yuhara Yu finally ranked first in order to buy dinner for Mashiro and send it back.

Otherwise, after picking up Chuhe Ai, the elementary school student, and having dinner together or something like that, if he is not careful, Ai will be so mad at Zhen Hei that he will explode.

As for Mashiro's dinner.

It's easier said than done.

Wakaname Mashiro only loves Baumkuchen. Of course, if there is no Baumkuchen, eating some other snacks will make her happy.

Foodie!Foodies have always been very picky about their food, especially when it comes to food that is labeled "snacks."

Harano Yu first bought a large bag of potato chips and chocolate at a nearby supermarket along the road.Secondly,

Pastry shop! !

Yuhara Yu returned to Shangura Apartment and stood at the door of the apartment, looking at the pastry shop across the road from a distance.

The name is: Suicun Bakery


There was such a big cake shop right across the street, but he had never noticed it.

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