If it hadn't been for the calm look on Tianhei's face that day, saying in the tone of a Sanwu girl, "Although I know that there is a pastry shop in front of the apartment, and Yuu didn't buy it for me just because he was afraid of being too far away, but I wouldn't be angry, I would just Pretend you don’t know..." This

He might not even notice these words to this day.

Yuan Ye shook his head slightly, a little dumbfounded, and waited for the green light on the sidewalk across the road to turn on.

Walk? ! ……etc!

Suicun Bakery?

the name! ! !

At first glance, it seems quite ordinary and quite shabby.

But with his old Two-dimensional intuition, which was 278 experience points short of level 6 at Station B, after reading it for the third time, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

I always feel that this name is vague in my impression, and it sounds strangely familiar.

I can’t remember exactly.

but!Go in and take a look, and after reading it...


Yuan Ye opened the door of Suicun Bakery out of curiosity.

"Take off your clothes~ Suicun Bakery."

A gentle welcome sounded.

Immediately following, a lady with short chestnut hair and a gray-green apron came out with a smile...

Chapter 102 There is also Kasan who performed, please, please

In Yuano Yu's eyes, the lady in front of him not only looks good, but also...has a good figure?

Oh shit!This doesn't seem to be the point.

He didn't recognize the lady in front of him. It seemed that she was probably the proprietress of Suicun Bakery.Shrugging, Yuan Ye calmed down and said with a smile: "Two fresh pieces of Baumkuchen, please. Thank you."

"Eh~? Baumkuchen? Okay, I just made a batch freshly made. Guest, you came at the right time." The proprietress of Suicun Bakery said with a smile, turned around and brought a piece to Yuan Yeyu Plate of freshly baked Baumkuchen.

Whether it's the skin, the layered textures, the soft cuts, or the waves of cream on top, they all look extremely appetizing. "No wonder Mashiro loves to eat."

Yuan Ye thought to himself, then pointed to the two pieces in the middle and said, "Please take these two pieces, thank you."

"Okay, please wait for the guests."

The landlady agreed with a gentle voice, quickly put on her gloves, and helped Yuan Ye pack it carefully.

Then came the weigh-in.

Two pieces of New Year's 02 wheel cake are about the size of an adult's fist.Price: 2000 yuan is very expensive!

Fortunately, Yuanye is not short of money. Compared with the one billion that Qingtaki Guixiang paid him before, 2000 yuan can only be said to be like a drop of money.

With his worth, even if Mashiro can eat it again.

It doesn't matter, I can afford it.

only! !

Still somewhat unwilling to do so.

After Yuan Ye Yu finished paying the bill, he pretended to be casual and still asked: "Madam boss, may I ask what your last name is...?"

"Takasaka, follow your husband, it's Takasaka." The proprietress of Suicun Bakery replied with a smile, very kindly.


I thought over and over again in my mind, but couldn't find the answer. The old Two-dimensional retreated... "Okay, goodbye. I live in the Shangpu Apartment opposite. Maybe I will come here often in the future."

Yuan Ye Yu couldn't stay for long, so he said goodbye and turned around to leave with the proprietress's smile in agreement.


It wasn't long before Yuan Ye Yu left.

"Kasan! Where are the new pairs of high boots I bought last week? It's very urgent! There will be a super!! super important performance soon."

"Kasan! Kasan, help me look for it!"

The beautiful orange-haired girl ran down from the second floor in slippers. She was wearing sky blue pajamas, her hair was a little messy, and her tone was super urgent.

"Honoka, when are you going to calm down for a while, calm down and find it yourself?" The gentle landlady suddenly became a little serious.

"But I'm really anxious, Kasan! Oh, please, please, help me quickly!" The girl lay on the handrail of the stairs with her hands clasped together and stamped her feet anxiously.The landlady had no choice but to rub the center of her brow and said, "Look at the shoe box at the bottom of the shoe rack on the second floor. You just put the precious ones in it last night."

"Ah? Really?"


The girl hurried upstairs again, but within 10 minutes, she appeared again, still furious.

But, the appearance has changed drastically!

Wearing a well-tailored red and white uniform coat, a white three-quarter pleated skirt, her slender and fair skin is very attractive, paired with a pair of black high boots... In one word: Sa! "Kasan~! Xiaoniao and the others are still waiting for me, so they need to go out in a hurry!"

"That's right, I won't be back for lunch. Kasan, you and Yukiho can handle it on your own, byebye~!"

The girl trotted down in a hurry. When she passed by the Baumkuchen counter, she picked up a piece, put it in her mouth and ran out. "Honoka Takasaka!!!"

The landlady’s eyebrows were twitching, and she reminded her loudly for an unknown number of times:

"As a girl, you need to be gentle! Tranquil! Be polite! Stop being so fussy, or you won't be able to get married, you idiot!"


"Oh yeah~!"

In response to the boss's wife, the girl waved her hand hastily without even looking back.

In the blink of an eye, there was no one left on the street.

"This child~" the landlady said with a look of helplessness, "it would be better to get married early and let her future husband worry about it."

Meowsen Village.

Yuan Ye came back with a lot of snacks, including two pieces of fresh Baumkuchen.

When I got home, I saw on the table... Hmm? Why are the remaining Baumkuchen still there from this morning?

No, did you specifically send a message to Mashiro and tell her that you had left Baumkuchen for her for breakfast?

Yuan Ye Yu narrowed his eyes in confusion.

Simply, they carried their things and went to the third floor together, knocking on Mashiro's door.


[Obviously all unreasonable things will happen in the comic world, but if you think about it carefully, you will feel that it is very normal! 】

[Typical Case [-]: The anti-gravity skirt can prevent another girl from being exposed no matter how she is blown by the wind, beaten by the rain, or jumps up and down. 】

[Typical case [-]: Opening the door like a leader...] There is no doubt about it.

I suddenly mentioned this point precisely because after Yuan Ye opened the door, he saw it.

Unbelievable, I won the prize!

Chihiro Sengoku was holding a student uniform from the Middle School Affiliated to Ming Art University and comparing it with Mashiro.

Nanami Aoyama is also squatting aside as a consultant with a smile on his face.

Note: The true white here...is "true white"! !

The corner of Yuhara Yu's mouth twitched slightly. At this time, in the presence of two outsiders, Chihiro Sengoku and Nanami Aoyama, it was obvious that they were about to suffer... "Ah? What's wrong with you, Harano-san?... Baga!"

"Get out, you bastard wilderness boy!" Whoosh! !The two stuffed toys came one behind the other, and were smashed by Nanami Aoyama and Chihiro Sengoku, whose expressions had been frozen for only three seconds, with a tacit understanding.

"Damn!" Yuanye Yuanye closed the door early with quick eyes and quick hands.

The two snapping sounds were particularly alarming, and the 930 could hear it. Even if it was a stuffed toy, the force of being hit was not that small.With his back pressed against the door panel, Yuan Ye Yu stared at the ceiling with a black head, and couldn't help but complain in a low voice:

"The Emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is, Mashiro won't say anything, Aoyama Nanami and Drunkard Teacher, you two are so anxious!" That's right!If it weren't for these two outsiders being present! ! ! ... Yuan Ye thought for a moment, but still didn’t leave.

You're already here, let's wait for the people inside to come out first.

By the way, if you go out from now on, your home will be locked.

The reason why it was not locked yesterday was because Chihiro Sengoku had something to say to Mashiro, and there was a certain probability that he would take Mashiro back to Sakurasou.

What now?He doesn't intend to let Mashiro go back. In that case, lock what should be locked.

Otherwise, Qianshi Qianxun, an alcoholic teacher, would almost treat Miaomori Village as if it were her own home, walking in and out at will.

Not polite, really!

Do you know that you broke into a private house?

And this time he even brought an accomplice with him! ! ...dong dong!

There was a knock on the door from behind.

"Say." Yuanye Yu rolled his eyes and said.

"Ah..." Nanami Aoyama opened the door a crack and stuck her head out to look at Yuhara Yu cautiously.

Perhaps it was because the scene just now inspired a strange innate sense of justice. The anger in his eyes was still there, but his tone was full of embarrassment: "Yuan Ye, you can come in now."

Chapter 103 Zhenbai?Something is very wrong! !


Yuan Ye Yu pushed the door open again and entered.

The sight before him made his eyes light up.

The campus uniforms of the High School Affiliated to Mingyi University are still very nice.

Dark blue overall tone.

Being worn by Mashiro... Well, I can only say that, although it is a little ordinary, it is by no means extraordinary!

Besides, Harano Yuu also witnessed it with his own eyes and knew that Mashiro was the real deal. Naturally, even if he saw how mediocre the school uniform was, he wouldn't complain too much.

"Everyone who understands understands"

"Knowing It in My Heart"

"It looks great. Mashiro suits this school uniform so well."

Yuan Ye praised sincerely.

Shiina Mashiro raised his head and glanced at Harano Yu, pursed his lips, lowered his head again, and didn't even reply.


Both Yuhara Yu and Qianshi Qianhiro were obviously surprised.

Nanami Aoyama is different. She has no idea how much Mashiro relies on Yu Harano, who is called the "owner".

Besides, Mashiro Shiina’s personality seems to have been like this since they met, right?

Normal normal~

and so!

After the embarrassment faded, she hummed slightly contentedly: "Of course, I measured this school uniform with my own hands. There is absolutely no possibility of even a slight error in the size."

"As expected of Aoyama-san."

Yuan Ye smiled, and just as Aoyama Nanami wanted, those who deserved praise were praised.

The smile on Aoyama Nanami's face became even bigger.

"Hey, Mashiro-san, since you are going to study at the High School Affiliated to Akira University tomorrow, why not go to Sakurasou tonight to have some fun and have dinner on the way?"

"There are many classmates living there in Sakurasou, so it's good to get to know them in advance."

"Gui! Teacher Qianshi?"

Nanami Aoyama asked Shiina Mashiro for her opinion, while also looking at Chihiro Sengoku to ask.

Qianshi Qianxun complained in her heart: I'm lucky if I can promise you. You don't know what Mashiro is...

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