"it is good."

Suddenly, Mashiro Shiina raised her head and nodded gently to Nanami Aoyama.

Chihiro Chihiro: E(3A;))

A, yes?

Yuan Ye's eyes also darkened slightly. He always felt that something was wrong with Mashiro today, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Could it be that my confession this morning was rejected?

Do not make jokes!

Mashiro is just a silly natural, at least for now, that's definitely the case.

Even if you are rejected, you will feel no pressure and will not think too much about anything.

After all, how can a naturally stupid girl with no emotions have feelings? She must be Mordekaiser.

Nanami Aoyama, the only one who didn't know, was even happier. With bright eyes, she grabbed Mashiro's hand and said excitedly: "Let's go! Tonight, I will cook for you myself! I will definitely satisfy Mashiro-san.r!" Shiina Mashiro didn't make a sound, just passively, being pulled out by Nanami Aoyama. "Mashiro-san, let me tell you, Sakurasou is a lot of fun!"

"Not only me, Mr. Sengoku, but also Misaki-senpai, and also! Do you know about the strange night-haired ghost 102 residents? When I first came here, I got up at night to go to the toilet and made a whimper, but I was frightened. Well..." At the beginning, I could still hear Qingshan Nanami's cheerful laughter and conversation outside, as clear as silver bells.

In a blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.

It was obvious that both of them had gone far away, even leaving Mewsen Village. "Hello!"

"Yuanye, you kid!"

Chihiro Sengoku hugged her shoulders, raised her eyebrows slightly, stared at Yuu Harano and asked: "What happened between Mashiro and me? Why did you suddenly feel that the atmosphere was not right?" Yuu Harano held the Baumkuchen in his hand. and snacks were all placed on Mashiro's desk. "how could I know."

"It's not like you don't know Mashiro's character. With her character, it's outrageous that she would behave like this today." Yuano Harano was also very irritable, and naturally he didn't speak in a good mood.

Hearing this, Qianshi Chihiro nodded slightly and murmured: "Yes, Mashiro is very simple, and she is also a three-no girl. Whether she is angry or happy, they are all emotions that do not belong to her."

"What did you do to her?" Yuan Ye Yu stared at Qianshi Qianxun with some suspicion.

Qianshi Chihiro said angrily: "What else can I do? I just came here this afternoon. I brought Nanami, who is familiar with sewing, to measure and order Mashiro's school uniforms! But when I came over, I saw that it was already two o'clock, and Mashiro was unexpectedly Still sleeping on the floor.”

"It's two o'clock and you're still sleeping?"

Yuan Ye was surprised and frowned inwardly, thinking, but when I came in the morning, I was already awake, right?

hiss! !There is definitely something fishy about this!

"Forget it, let's not think about these troublesome questions for now. As you said, Mashiro is still very innocent. Maybe he suddenly wants to visit Sakura Manor where his cousin lives."

"In that case, I'll ask you to take care of me tonight. I happen to have something to go out too." Yuano Yu said.

Forehead! !The guy in front of her was in front of her! --Shiina Mashiro's cousin said, please take care of Mashiro.

Qianshi Qianxun felt suddenly embarrassed, touched her nose, waved her hand and said: "Ming, I understand, you don't need to explain, I am her cousin, ha."

"Cousin, please don't drink anymore. Tonight, if you don't watch out for Mashiro, you get lost~" Yuano Yu said with a half-smile.

I was really underestimated in the extreme!

Qianshi Qianxun's face turned green and red, and he snorted coldly: "How is that possible!"You go and do your work. Teacher, I'm leaving too! "I went down the stairs angrily. Along the way, Qianshi Qianxun cursed unhappily: "You are looking down on others? "

"You're looking down on me, teacher?"

"It's just a wilderness, who do you think you are?"

"Teacher, I am an adult! A mature adult!"

"Bah! A mere little wilderness that can't even fill my belly is so arrogant and rude!"

Yuan Ye stood on the third floor, with a black line at one end.

Hey hey!He is not deaf. What on earth is this drunkard teacher Qianshi Qianhiro talking about?

Especially the last sentence...

As a clergyman, for you to say such shameless words without restraint is really... outrageous!

The corner of Yuanye Yu's mouth twitched a few times, and he secretly spat in his mind, why didn't you act like that at that time?

He took a breath and told himself to calm down.

He was not prepared to have anything happen with Qianshi Qianxun again in the future.

Thinking that Mashiro would be staying at Sakurasou tonight, he simply turned back and took the Baumkuchen with him, leaving only snacks in the house.

Freshly baked Baumkuchen will not taste good if kept for a long time. Instead of eating it in vain, why not take it to JS and grind it up and distribute it to those primary school students...

Xinghai (animation) editorial department. "Aww~!"

The girl with blond hair untied her twin tails and fell sleepily on the sofa.

"Being a teacher is really tiring."

"Fortunately, it's me! Sawamura? Chengcheng? Youxiao Luxu/p>

After saying that, the girl tilted her head and fell asleep, leaving only the sound of long and even breathing.

Next to her, the editor Ayano Iida's expression was extremely wonderful, as if he had seen a ghost.

Holding the phone, holding the phone...

Hands shaking?

No!Not only that!

"My brain is trembling too! My brain is trembling! ...Haga Kashiwagi Eri! What on earth have you done?!"

With a clang, the phone fell to the ground.

Iida Ayano couldn't help but hug her head, her eyes were still bloodshot, and she screamed...

Chapter 104 Master, I have a very troublesome matter to discuss with you.

JS research.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon when Yuan Ye Yu came to this place.

There is no fixed time for commuting to and from school in the seminar, it is all voluntary.

If you like to leave early, leave early, if you like to leave late, leave late. Of course, no matter what, he will not guarantee your accommodation.

It's too late, people are about to be kicked out.

When Yuano Yu came here, by coincidence, he ran into the soy sauce Gongmiwan Wanchi.

Today, Mikami Wanchi was actually wearing a light green floral yukata, looking very formal.

When Yuan Ye Yu walked over, she didn't pay attention until Yu Yuan Ye came over...


"Senior Brother Yuanye?!"

Gong Yuhan Wanzhi let out a low cry, slightly surprised, and his beautiful eyebrows slightly raised.

"What are you looking at, so lost in thought?" Yuan Ye Yu asked curiously.

Gomiwanchi pointed to the room directly opposite and said, "The teacher is playing chess with President Kazuya."


It refers to the seventh section of Jiayue Dacheng.

Yuhara Yu looked across the room and saw himself, the real owner, a middle-aged man in his 40s, maybe 50 at most.

"A bit, you're bullying someone, aren't you?" Yuan Ye Yu touched the tip of his nose.

Gong Mihan Wanzhi smiled and said: "Senior Brother Yuan Ye, although the master is younger, he and President Jiu Jiu are also the ones who have maintained a good condition in recent years. They are now at least six levels of strength."

"is it?"

Harano Yu took a closer look at Ichiro Kuda, and then thought about his master, Kiyotaki Tsusuke.

Forehead! !

Take a look at others.

He is over 70 years old, and his strength has only dropped from [-]th dan to [-]th dan at most. Where is his master Kiyotaki Tsusuke?

Ninth-dan, now over 50 years old, can I have seventh-dan? ...Tsk~!

"The tutor is too useless."

Yuan Ye sighed, and then said rather strangely, "Speaking of Gohan, why do you keep calling me Senior Brother Yuan Ye?"


Gohan Wanchi tapped his chin gently with his index finger and looked at Yuhara Yu, seeming to really think about it carefully.



"You just subconsciously called it this because you were used to it, and then it seemed very comfortable to you?"


Sudden nervousness, Gohan Wanzhi looked at Yuano Yuu worriedly and said, "You don't mind very much, do you?"

"Of course, as you wish."

Yuanye Yu shrugged, but had a weird look on his face, thinking that it would be better for (acbh) Gohan Wanzhi not to call him Senior Brother Yuanye in front of Kong Ginzi.

otherwise! !

Inevitably, Kong Yinzi would invite him to a fight again, and then he would be tortured and killed in a zero-state manner that was inhumane.

Really miserable!

"Wow~! It smells so good!"

Gongfan Wan Zhiqiong's nose suddenly moved, following the smell, his eyes looked straight at Yuano Yu's hand.Yuan Ye gently raised the cake box in his hand and asked with a smile: "Would you like to eat a piece?" Wan Zhi blinked and coughed reservedly: "If it is possible, I will be disrespectful. "

Good guy, she is indeed a young lady from a wealthy family. She is so cultured that she can even say that she is greedy. The most others can say is, "Damn, I'm hungry, can you give me something to eat?" "Well, I can only give you one-third, and I have to share the rest with... Oh, by the way! I almost forgot about business, I came here to take Ai home." Yuan Ye Yu patted his forehead and The Baumkuchen was quickly cut and given to Mihan Wanchi, and he waved goodbye.

"Uh! Uh! Okay, goodbye Senior Brother Yuan Ye~!" Wan Zhi was eating with great joy, and his eyes were filled with sparkle.This cake is so delicious~ "Senior Brother Yuanye is a good person."

He couldn't help but reveal a faint smile of obsession on his face, and then he sighed very seriously:

"So, Brother Yuanye, you must not let me down! He is such an outstanding man, but you must, must give it to me..."

"Being with the Nine-Headed Dragon King forever."


"What do men and women count for?"

"Only between men can eternal love occur! Long live homosexuality!!"

Caught off guard, the smile on his face became even stronger, and it seemed that there was still a picture in his mind, which made Mikami Wanchi excited.

After parting ways with Mikami Wanchi, Yuhara Yu saw Ai Hinazuru, who was leaning against a wall with his head lowered.

At such a young age, he seems to have great worries and is melancholy about something.

Yuan Ye found it funny and shouted: "Love!"


"Master, master~!"

Chu Heai came back from her thoughts, turned her head, and shouted in surprise.

He opened his hands and pounced.

"Master~! Why are you here so early today?" Hinaku Ai rubbed his cheek against Yuan Ye Yu, obviously very happy. "What are you thinking about? Shouldn't you be playing chess with your friends at this time?" Yuan Ye asked back without answering, gently rubbing the primary school student's head.

"Ah? Well..." Chu Heai sighed and whispered: "Master~ I may have a very troublesome matter to discuss with you."


Yuanye Yu raised his eyebrows and said with interest: "Let me tell you what troublesome things you have. If the troublesome things happen to you, they may be nothing more than trivial matters to the master."


Chuhe Ai was a little disbelieving, raising her little face with a little baby fat to remain suspicious.Yuan Ye Yu nodded: "Of course, just say it, the master is very powerful."


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